The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 72

Tang Nuan looked at Ye Shuyan’s darkened face and suddenly realized, “My elder sister and Assistant Wen? The two of them?” Is something going on between them?

And responsible? Responsible for what? She remembered that they were at odds with each other, could it be that her sister had hit Assistant Wen?

Ye Shuyan: …

In a sense, she seemed to know Tang Yue quite well; it turns out she did hit him.

“Is it that he wants to take responsibility for my sister? Not the other way around?” Tang Nuan asked Shen Jinhua.

As far as she knew, Tang Yue was a black belt in Taekwondo and had reached the fourth degree in Judo. Although she didn’t enjoy fighting, she preferred to resolve issues legally, but she often took on cases that others were afraid to handle, inevitably facing some unscrupulous opponents. Thus, Tang Yue never relaxed her skills in this area.

And Assistant Wen…

Tang Nuan glanced at Ye Shuyan.

Ye Shuyan diplomatically remarked, “Assistant Wen has always loved studying, but his athletic skills are average.”

Hearing Tang Nuan’s question, Shen Jinhua seemed a bit uncertain. “Your sister hasn’t mentioned anything about having a relationship with us yet.”

“Well, when Assistant Wen called earlier, I heard that your sister seemed to be there as well. They should be on the twelfth floor. Why don’t you go downstairs and see what’s going on?”

The twelfth floor had been renovated last month, but perhaps because Tang Nuan had recently reunited with them, the Tang family hadn’t rushed to move in as quickly as described in books. Instead, they planned to move next week after choosing an auspicious date.

However, since this location is closer to Tang Yue’s office, Tang Yue had been staying here recently when working late, as the basic daily necessities were already in place.

Hearing Shen Jinhua’s words, Tang Nuan immediately agreed. She was very curious about what was going on between her elder sister and Assistant Wen.

After hanging up the phone, she opened Tang Yue’s chat window, intending to send a message to say hello, but Ye Shuyan stopped her. “If you ask them in advance, they’ll definitely cover it up. It’s better to go down directly, you might see the truth.”

Tang Nuan gave him a sideways glance. “I have a feeling you’re not entirely well-intentioned.” Then she realized, “You’re worried that Assistant Wen might become my sister’s husband, aren’t you?”

Ye Shuyan naturally denied it. “I just think their situation is a bit strange. They had a bad relationship before, but now they’re both on the twelfth floor. Aren’t you curious?”

Naturally, she was curious. So, Tang Nuan put down her phone, took the key card for the twelfth floor, and invited Ye Shuyan to go downstairs with her.

Ye Shuyan burst into laughter and tried to take her hand, but Tang Nuan teased him by pulling her hand away. He decided to wrap her tightly in his arms instead. Tang Nuan started to struggle, and the two of them playfully fought their way to the twelfth floor.

As the elevator doors opened, they could hear faint sounds of arguing. When Tang Nuan got out of the elevator, she noticed that the security door to the house was ajar, indicating that the occupants must have rushed in.

Tang Yue’s voice came from inside, sounding unusually exasperated. “…Did you really think I said you have no capability was wrong? Why are you involving my mom in our issues?”

“Wrong!” A man’s angry voice retorted. “This actually proves my ability to resolve issues efficiently. Since you refuse to be reasonable, I had no choice but to involve the reasonable Madam Shen.”

So, it was Assistant Wen. Tang Nuan was a bit surprised. Assistant Wen, usually as cool and composed as Ye Shuyan, was actually losing his temper.

Of course, Tang Yue was no better. She retorted angrily, “Are you a child? If you can’t win a fight, you go and tell the teacher?”

Assistant Wen replied, “I said it’s my problem-solving ability!”

“Ability my foot, you’re just incapable, totally incapable! You’re far from it!”

Tang Nuan: ……

Tang Yue’s arguing skills seemed quite immature, which was surprising for a lawyer.

Just as Tang Nuan finished critiquing their childish behavior, she heard something surprisingly mature.

Assistant Wen, clearly agitated, raised his voice. “No ability?! Who was it that cried and begged me last night?”

What the heck!?

Tang Nuan’s eyes widened in shock. What had she just heard? She turned to look at Ye Shuyan, who also looked equally stunned. What had happened between them? Wen Xingchuan had just been beaten two days ago, and now this… Was this efficiency really too high?

Then Tang Yue’s voice came loudly, “What happened last night? Nothing happened last night! I slept like a log until morning!”

“Tang Yue, are you sure you want to play dumb with me?” Assistant Wen seemed infuriated. “Since you can’t remember, let me help you recall…”

Then there were sounds of a table being bumped and some muffled grunts, both male and female. The commotion sounded quite intense. Tang Nuan felt a bit embarrassed and quickly tried to pull Ye Shuyan away, but Ye Shuyan suddenly coughed and said, “Nuan Nuan, it seems your sister is at home.”

The noise immediately ceased. Tang Nuan stared at him and whispered angrily, “What are you doing?!”

Ye Shuyan responded seriously but quietly, “It’s not good to watch them fight.”

It was clearly not a normal fight. Tang Nuan felt like he was deliberately disrupting the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, Tang Nuan didn’t have time to say more before Tang Yue opened the door. She was still in her work outfit, clearly just back from work, and her expression was as gentle as ever, showing no signs of any unusual disturbance.

“Nuan Nuan?” Tang Yue asked. “What are you doing here?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Assistant Wen appeared behind her. “Miss Tang.”

Tang Nuan noticed that Tang Yue was stepping towards Assistant Wen in high heels, while Assistant Wen seemed to have anticipated this and nimbly avoided her.

Tang Nuan pretended not to see and acted surprised, “Assistant Wen, what are you doing here?”

Before Assistant Wen could speak, Tang Yue smiled and said, “He came to consult me about some private legal matters. Come on in.”

Assistant Wen glanced at Tang Yue without saying anything, tacitly agreeing with her explanation. His gaze then fell on Ye Shuyan, who was also somewhat surprised. “President Ye?”

Ye Shuyan lifted Tang Nuan’s hand to show him. “I came with Nuan Nuan to visit her sister.”

Assistant Wen: ……

Having a status is so amazing!

Tang Nuan glared at Tang Yue again in frustration.

However, Tang Yue didn’t see her glare at all and focused on chatting with Tang Nuan. There wasn’t really much to talk about, so Tang Nuan used the excuse of having just talked to Shen Jinhua and thought she should come down to check.

But Tang Yue was quite enthusiastic about the conversation, keeping Tang Nuan engaged continuously.

As a result, because Tang Nuan and Ye Shuyan were present, Assistant Wen had no choice but to excuse himself and leave.

After Assistant Wen left, Tang Nuan noticed that Tang Yue looked quite tired, so she urged her to rest and dragged Ye Shuyan upstairs.

Once they were back home, Tang Nuan glared at Ye Shuyan. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

If they hadn’t interfered, Tang Yue might have resolved things today. They were like those secondary characters in novels who interrupt the main characters’ happy moments.

Ye Shuyan replied, “I was genuinely worried that Assistant Wen might get hurt. He still needs to work tomorrow, with a lot on his plate.” A lot, as in he wouldn’t have time for romance. “And don’t you think that big sister doesn’t seem to have a high opinion of him?”

Tang Nuan, however, thought quite highly of Assistant Wen. “I don’t think so. My sister wouldn’t get so worked up about someone she doesn’t care about. Besides, Assistant Wen is pretty great—handsome, good-natured, and especially thoughtful in his work…”

Ye Shuyan suddenly lifted her chin and bit her lip.

Tang Nuan was startled and instinctively covered her mouth, staring at him. “What are you doing?”

Ye Shuyan said, “Are you sure you want to praise another man in front of your fiancé?”

Tang Nuan chuckled, then wrinkled her nose and huffed, “What fiancé? Haven’t I already called off the engagement?”

“Yes, the engagement has been called off,” he replied, picking up the bag of jewelry he had casually tossed at the foyer. “The procedure is complete. All settled.”

He then wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his forehead against hers with a smile in his eyes. “Now we’re a couple who are mutually in love. Is there a problem?”

Tang Nuan was amused by his antics and playfully retorted, “You’re such a rogue, always having your way.”

Ye Shuyan couldn’t resist giving her another peck on the lips. “So, what will it be next? You decide, watching a movie or going to bed?”

Tang Nuan knew he was up to his tricks and deliberately said, “Let’s go to bed then. I’m tired. Goodbye!”

Ye Shuyan immediately picked her up and headed towards the bedroom. “Let your fiancé keep you company while you sleep.”

Tang Nuan screamed and struggled, “You rascal, put me down!” She should have anticipated that he would be so shameless.

Ye Shuyan threw her onto the sofa, his arms braced on either side of her body and stared at her with a smile. “What’s your choice?”

Tang Nuan, exasperated, kicked him with her feet and said, “Let’s watch a movie!”

The house has a dedicated home theater room, which Tang Nuan has been using frequently recently due to her research on film projects.

To prevent him from making any more advances, she specifically chose a very proper and clean martial arts film, aiming to leave him no opportunity to take advantage.

However, she found that she had underestimated his cunningness. The moment the room’s lights went dark, she was caught off guard and pressed into the chair again. In the darkness, she couldn’t see anything clearly, but the sensations were exceptionally clear. Tang Nuan was forced to tilt her head back, feeling his intense warmth and her heart almost leaping out of her chest…

Before she lost her ability to think, Tang Nuan was still wondering if their relationship was progressing too quickly, considering they had only confirmed their romantic relationship two hours ago…

Before she could fully process what was happening, her phone rang abruptly, bringing her back to her senses. Ye Shuyan took this as a cue to stop, settling into the chair next to her. He gently patted her back to help her calm down and lowered the volume of the movie.

Tang Nuan took a deep breath, shot Ye Shuyan a glance, and then answered the phone. “Big Sister, what’s up?”

Tang Yue’s voice came through, tinged with weariness. “Nuan Nuan, are you free tonight? Could you come down and stay with me?”

Tang Nuan was taken aback as she hadn’t expected Tang Yue to make such a request. It suggested that something might really be troubling her sister. “Sure, I’ll come down right away.”

Ye Shuyan, who had been listening nearby, looked at her curiously. “Where are you going?”

Tang Nuan put her phone away and prepared to leave. “I’m going to stay with my sister tonight.”

“Tonight?” Ye Shuyan’s eyes widened. “What about me?”

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. “Are you a child? Even without Tang Yue, I wouldn’t be spending the night with you tonight. What are you dreaming of?”

Ye Shuyan checked the time on his watch with a pitiful look. “How am I supposed to spend these few hours?”

Tang Nuan, showing no sympathy, replied, “Just like you did before today.”

Ye Shuyan sighed as he followed her out of the room. “Like a living corpse.”

Tang Nuan laughed again, grabbed her sleepwear and essentials, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Then continue being a living corpse.”

Tang Nuan, fearing that she might be unable to withstand him, hurriedly ran out the door.

Ye Shuyan watched her retreating figure and took out his phone, contemplating the possibility of getting Assistant Wen back.

He realized he had made a mistake; he shouldn’t have sent him away.

The author has something to say:
President Ye: I’m suffering in silence, and you’ve overtook and made your move. Jealous.
Assistant Wen: Call me ‘brother-in-law.’ We’re helping each other out.

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