TIGR Chapter 96

The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 96 Wedding Date

When they arrived at the Lu Mansion, Lu Heng got out of the carriage with Wang Yanqing and walked towards the courtyard. Along the way, Wang Yanqing suddenly seemed to become emotional and said: “Jian Yun and Han Wenyuan grew up together. After ten years, even a dog would have some feelings. But to keep his position, Han Wenyuan used Jian Yun as a gift to compensate Ji Huan. In his heart, was his cousin’s effort over the past decade less than that of a woman he had only known for half a year?”

Lu Heng did not respond immediately but took a moment before casually saying: “He might hold feelings for Jian Yun, but they were outweighed by his own interests. Han Wenyuan wouldn’t have slept with Chang Tinglan if she didn’t have some family assets that could benefit a man.”

Lu Heng’s response was very cold. He didn’t comfort Wang Yanqing by saying that Han Wenyuan didn’t love Jian Yun enough or wasn’t good enough, nor did he suggest that other men wouldn’t act this way. Instead, he clearly dissected the rational and realistic heart of men for Wang Yanqing to see. Wang Yanqing was unwilling to accept this, but after thinking for a while, her shoulders still drooped in resignation: “Yes, I guess you’re right.”

Seeing Wang Yanqing gloomy, Lu Heng smiled softly and held her hand, gently squeezing: “Qing Qing, I’m sorry my answer is too realistic. But in this vast world, everything is selfish. Even the Buddha only protects those who worship him, what more mere ordinary people? You need to first understand the worst side of human nature, so that whatever happens after won’t surprise you.”

He didn’t want to see her gloomy, but he said these things deliberately. Lu Heng wasn’t sure how much Wang Yanqing remembered, but her sympathy for Jian Yun’s situation was likely evoking subconscious memories.

This story was similar to Wang Yanqing and Fu Tingzhou’s. Wang Yanqing also had a “Brother” who had been with her for ten years, and this brother similarly betrayed their relationship, choosing another woman who could bring him benefits. The difference was that Fu Tingzhou would never simply hand Wang Yanqing over to someone else. However, when a stronger man appeared, Fu Tingzhou tolerated her staying with another temporarily to protect the interests of the Fu family.

In this sense, Fu Tingzhou and Lu Heng were like the more advanced version of Han Wenyuan and Ji Huan. Only Lu Heng was smarter, more dominant, more powerful, and more ruthless than Ji Huan.

The practice of swapping wives and engaging in mutual infidelity was disgraceful and not suitable for an unmarried woman to hear, but Lu Heng deliberately brought it up. He intentionally prompted Wang Yanqing to ask about it, and then deliberately told her that even if a man held love in his heart, he would still choose a father-in-law who benefited him.

If she regains her memory in the future, this will be a thorn in her heart. Though a small thorn may seem insignificant, it will unknowingly erode her feelings for Fu Tingzhou.

Of course, Lu Heng needed to clear himself in advance. If he aroused Wang Yanqing’s suspicion before he could trick Fu Tingzhou, then Lu Heng’s loss would outweigh any of his gains.

Wang Yanqing had to admit that Lu Heng was right. His rapid rise to the pinnacle of power was because he was clear-headed and selfish enough. Han Wenyuan acted this way for a mere amount of money. What would Lu Heng, who handled vast wealth and political power, do if a sufficiently large benefit came his way one day?

Wang Yanqing suddenly asked: “If everyone is selfish, then what about you, Brother?”

“I am selfish too.” Lu Heng admitted readily, “Qing Qing, everyone’s inner world is full of base calculations. However, just because one knows the flaws of human nature, it doesn’t mean one will always follow their instinctual drives. That is what distinguishes humans from beasts. I strive for profit and am cautious simply because I have only one life and no chance for a do-over. How could I then dedicate the rest of my life to a woman I don’t love?”

Wang Yanqing sighed inwardly. This person really knew how to speak, no wonder even the emperor was so taken by him. Wang Yanqing asked: “What if one day you stop loving me?”

“Qing Qing, believe in yourself.” On the chilly, desolate autumn morning, the leaves rustled as they fell, even the wind carried a sense of parting. Lu Heng tightened his grip on Wang Yanqing’s hand, his long and strong fingers continually providing her warmth: “If all I liked was your body and beauty, then as time takes its toll, love would inevitably fade. But if I love your soul? So long as you remain yourself, I will love you more and more.”

Wang Yanqing pierced him mercilessly: “I think you’re the former.”

Lu Heng felt a pang in his heart. He had exposed himself so much recently. How had he ended up with the image of a lecher in Wang Yanqing’s mind? Lu Heng quickly responded: “Qing Qing, you misunderstand. Even if I am ignorant and incompetent, I wouldn’t be so shallow.”

Wang Yanqing merely snorted lightly, clearly not believing his nonsense. She hadn’t forgotten that just last night he was still eager and testing the boundary of going back on his word and taking advantage of her.

    Lu Heng felt aggrieved, but after this incident, he dared not to continue his advances. Having endured so many years, he could afford to wait a little longer. After the wedding night, he would have plenty of time to indulge himself.

    After the Mid-Autumn Festival, autumn deepened, the forests were painted in layers of color, and the entire capital was enveloped in hues of deep crimson and pale gold. The final workings for the banned book case proceeded in an orderly manner. Lu Heng specifically sent people to Qingzhou, the hometown of Ji Huan and Jian Yun. After investigating, they learned that before Jian Yun’s family went to live with her uncle, her father’s family had a relative who died, along with his entire family, after mistakenly eating a white mushroom found in the wild.

The locals still spoke with lingering fear about that incident. At first, the family had symptoms of vomiting and nausea, which seemed like ordinary food poisoning, but after five or six days, they suddenly began convulsing and died before a doctor could be called. Because of the horrifying nature of their deaths, the incident became widely known in their area, and everyone warned their families not to pick wild mushrooms.

    From this, Jian Yun’s knowledge of the death cap mushroom made sense.

    After confirming that Jian Yun was not lying, Lu Heng finally began to trust her words. While instructing his men to organize the scattered manuscripts, sorting them page by page, he also interrogated Jian Yun and Ji Huan, inquiring about the Marquis of Wuding’s true intentions in writing this book.

After they submitted their draft, regardless of whether Guo Xun was satisfied, he gave instructions for revisions. These details were like a mirror, reflecting Guo Xun’s inner thoughts exactly. They were valuable pieces of information that Lu Heng might never use, but in the event of an accident, they would be the most powerful weapon to bring Guo Xun down.

The Ji and Han families were just common people, besides their neighbors on Jian’an Lane, no one noticed their disappearance. As the neighbors saw that the Ji and Han families did not open their doors, they gossiped for a while but gradually forgot about the matter. As for the Wuding Marquis Mansion, no one would notice that a single scholar who wrote books had not visited for a long time.

Time continued to pass, and before they knew it, the tenth month had arrived. In the Imperial Palace, Concubine Du Kang gave birth to the third prince, Zhu Zaiyu. This delighted the emperor greatly, and he promoted Madam Du Kang to Imperial Concubine Kang. Lu Heng also organized all the material for The Biography of the Heroes and Water Margin and went to the palace to report to the emperor.

Lu Heng summarized how Guo Xun had instructed Ji Huan to write the book, how Ji Huan had found Jian Yun to ghostwrite, and then explained why Guo Xun wanted to print Water Margin. Of course, there was no need to waste the emperor’s time on the messy affair of exchanging lovers. After Lu Heng’s report, the emperor had a good understanding of Guo Xun’s intentions.

The emperor sighed inwardly, feeling that having Lu Heng by his side was incredibly comfortable. He was intelligent, capable, and not hindered by unnecessary moral constraints. Whatever the emperor wanted to do, Lu Heng would complete it with exceptional results.

There were some things the emperor couldn’t say to the cabinet, military generals, or even the eunuchs, but he spoke candidly in front of Lu Heng. The emperor nodded and said: “You’ve worked hard during this period. As for the matter of the banned book, I have my own plans. You don’t need to follow up on it anymore.”

Lu Heng cupped his hands in a sign of respect. When the emperor gestured for him to stop, Lu Heng immediately complied without any hesitation. After they finished discussing court matters, the emperor, recalling the new additions to his harem, couldn’t help but chat with Lu Heng about some personal matters: “I remember that next month you will be out from mourning, right? You’ve remained unmarried for quite a while, and many people inside and outside the court have asked about your plans. What are your intentions?”

“Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty.” Lu Heng’s expression softened, no longer as serious as it had been earlier, “I already have plans in place. Once the mourning period is over, I will be able to marry soon.”

The emperor, though preoccupied with state affairs and not typically a gossip, couldn’t help but ask a couple more questions upon hearing this: “The adopted sister of Fu Tingzhou?”

Lu Heng, who was known for his ruthlessness and lack of scruples, felt a bit embarrassed when faced with the emperor, who knew his background well. He replied: “Yes.”

The emperor raised an eyebrow and gave Lu Heng a meaningful look, but did not say anything further.

Although the emperor typically refrained from interfering in his subjects’ personal matters, if two powerful individuals got married, the emperor would have to intervene. The emperor had been concerned that if Lu Heng’s influence continued to grow, he might become too dominant, with no checks on his power in the court. However, since Lu Heng intended to marry Wang Yanqing, this concern was alleviated.

Wang Yanqing had no notable background, and her ancestors were military people who sacrificed their lives for the country, making her a suitable match from the perspective of those in power. By marrying Wang Yanqing, Lu Heng would effectively make himself a lifelong enemy of Fu Tingzhou, which would be beneficial for the emperor, as it would balance the power between Lu Heng and Guo Xun.

In the political games of court, maintaining the balance of power was crucial.

Lu Heng, with his characteristic boldness, stood in the middle of the Qianqing Palace, pretending not to notice the emperor’s gaze. When the emperor did not say anything further, Lu Heng understood that the emperor had given his approval.

Although Lu Heng had anticipated this outcome, he still felt a sense of relief when it was confirmed. His marriage was no longer a private matter. While others had to follow their parents’ wishes, Lu Heng had to pass the emperor’s scrutiny.

Now, the covert plans he had carefully set up over the past two years were coming to fruition, and he had once again achieved what he desired.

Lu Heng, satisfied, exited the Qianqing Palace with a smile, his elation evident in his eyes and demeanor. A eunuch from the Department of Rites saw Lu Heng’s cheerful state and approached him curiously, asking: “Greetings, Master Lu. You seem to be in high spirits today. Did you receive some good news?”

When he realized how obvious it was, Lu Heng regained control over the smile in his eyes. Lu Heng had always maintained a good relationship with the palace eunuchs, so he didn’t outright refuse the inquiry but tactfully said: “There are some private matters I can’t discuss right now, but I’ll be sure to invite you for a drink another day.”

The eunuchs, who were adept at reading situations, understood immediately. He smiled and cupped their hands in respect: “I see. In that case, please accept my early congratulations, Master Lu.”

Lu Heng was on a high, both in his official and personal life, and found everyone more agreeable than usual. However, his elation was short-lived. In the eleventh month, he received sudden news from the palace.

Concubine Lu Jing, who was pregnant, had given birth to a son. He became the emperor’s third living son. The emperor was overjoyed and further favored Tao Zhongwen, who had presented the special fertility concoction. Taking advantage of the emperor’s good mood, Guo Xun again brought up the matter of enhancing his ancestor Guo Ying’s rank.

The emperor, for reasons unknown, agreed and granted Guo Ying the honor of being enshrined alongside Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, and six other kings in the ancestral temple. Guo Xun was also promoted to Duke of Yi and given the title of Grand Tutor.

With this new position, Guo Xun’s influence soared, and no one in the army could match him. The entrance to the Marquis Wuding Mansion was crowned with people, reflecting his newfound prestige.

Lu Heng was indifferent to this development, as he had anticipated it. After all, the investigation report on Guo Xun was submitted by Lu Heng himself. In a sense, Guo Xun’s promotion was a result of Lu Heng’s actions, as the emperor needed someone to counterbalance Lu Heng, and Guo Xun was the most suitable candidate. What truly affected Lu Heng was another piece of news.

Fu Tingzhou, who had achieved notable successes defending Datong and repelling the Mongols, had been recommended by Guo Xun in front of the emperor. Pleased, the emperor permitted Fu Tingzhou’s return to the capital.

Datong was a crucial border defense post and a stepping stone for military officers, so Fu Tingzhou’s return to the capital likely meant a promotion.

When Lu Heng heard the news, his eyes went dark. He even began to suspect that the emperor might be holding a grudge against him.

Lu Heng held a ceremony to remove his mourning clothes not long ago and officially ended his period of filial piety. While preparing for the wedding, he sent invitations to various mansions. The wedding date was set for the first month of next year.

Only two months remained and suddenly Fu Tingzhou returned. The emperor just couldn’t give him a break, could he?

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