TCPCHW Chapter 102

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 102        Satisfied

“Dong… dong… dong…”

The long, resonant sound of the evening bell echoed through Dajue Temple. It was already the hour of Shen.

The young woman across from Master Yun Jing slowly rose to her feet and bowed respectfully.

“Master, thank you for your time today.”

Master Yunjing raised one palm in front of his chest and nodded slightly in return.

As the woman turned, Feng Subei finally saw her face.

She was young, no more than fifteen or sixteen, still in the bloom of youth. Although her features had not yet fully matured, it was clear she would grow into a striking beauty.

What surprised Feng Subei most, however, was the air of calm and wisdom surrounding her, an almost unnaturally mature composure that contrasted sharply with her youthful appearance.

This was a highly intelligent and mentally mature young woman.

Only families of fourth-rank officials or higher were permitted to enter Dajue Temple, meaning she must be the daughter of an official in the court. Judging by her hair ornaments, she was likely a young lady from a prominent household.

Yet, Feng Subei was certain he had never seen her before.

The brief conversation he’d overheard had already made his visit to the temple worthwhile, and he no longer felt the need to seek out Master Yunjing for a chat.

He turned away, retracting his gaze, and quietly left.

As Qin Lin stepped through the courtyard gate, she caught a glimpse of a tall, slender man in an indigo brocade robe walking away.

Her brows furrowed slightly, but she said nothing. With her maid in tow, she headed in the opposite direction.


Feng Subei made his way to the rear courtyard of Dajue Temple and stood for a moment beneath several Bodhi trees. As the cool breeze began to stir, he left the temple and descended the mountain.

In the swaying carriage, Feng Subei rested his head on one hand, the other hand placed on his knee, absently fingering a string of Canaan prayer beads as he closed his eyes to rest.

Shortly after the carriage turned onto the main road, it came to a sudden stop.

The attendant sitting in front, Lin Shu, turned back to report, “Shizi, it seems a carriage ahead has broken down and is blocking the road. They are in the process of moving it. We’ll need to wait a moment.”

“Hmm,” Feng Subei murmured, his posture unchanged, eyes still closed as he rested.

Though the road was wide enough for two carriages to pass, Qin Lin’s carriage had broken down unexpectedly, leaving it lying across the center of the road, causing a brief obstruction.

Whenever Qin Lin and Qin Xi went out, their mother, Madam Zhu, would send ten or so tall, strong guards to accompany them. At the moment, these guards were also acting as laborers to move the broken-down carriage.

Before long, the damaged carriage was shifted to the side of the road, and Feng Subei’s carriage continued onward.

By this time, Qin Lin had already stepped out of her carriage and stood by the roadside. Her maid, voice trembling with concern, asked anxiously, “Young lady, are you hurt?”

Qin Lin looked at her maid, whose face was scrunched up with worry, and gently reassured her, “I’m fine.”

Inside the carriage, Feng Subei, who had been resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened them.

That voice…

“Stop the carriage,” he commanded.

Hearing the order, Lin Shu immediately pulled the reins, bringing the carriage to a halt. The twenty mounted guards in front and behind also stopped.

A long, slender hand reached out to lift the side curtain of the carriage.

Feng Subei looked outside, and his gaze instantly landed on the woman standing by the roadside, wrapped in a plain cloak.

It was her…

At that moment, the woman happened to look up. Her cool and indifferent eyes met Feng Subei’s deep, penetrating gaze.

For a brief moment, Feng Subei’s eyes lingered on her face, a flicker of hesitation crossing his gaze.

But after only a few seconds, the curtain dropped again, concealing the complicated emotions on his face.

“Let’s go,” Feng Subei ordered in a low voice.

Lin Shu had assumed that his master intended to offer assistance to the broken-down carriage or perhaps invite the young lady for a ride.

Hearing the command to move on, Lin Shu was momentarily stunned but quickly snapped out of it. With a flick of the reins, the carriage continued on its way.


“Miss, they just left like that? I thought they would help us…” the little maid muttered in surprise and slight indignation as she watched the carriage disappear.

Qin Lin withdrew her gaze, her delicate brows slightly furrowed.

In the capital, one had to be familiar with the symbols of the noble families to avoid offending important figures and getting into unnecessary trouble. The emblem on that carriage belonged to the Duan Wang Mansion.

And the man in the indigo brocade robe… Wasn’t that the same figure she had seen earlier at Dajue Temple?

If her guess was correct, the man was none other than the Shizi of the Duan Wang Mansion.

Turning her attention to the guards struggling to repair the carriage, Qin Lin spoke in a calm voice, “When others help you, it’s out of kindness, not obligation. We have no right to blame anyone.”

“Besides, we’re strangers, so there’s no bond of kindness to speak of.”

The little maid was left speechless, but as the sky darkened and they remained in the desolate outskirts, the repairs to the carriage seemed to be making no progress at all.

After the time it took for an incense stick to burn, a cold breeze swept through, carrying light rain along with it. The little maid quickly fetched an umbrella from the carriage and held it over her mistress.

“What should we do, Young Lady? It’s starting to rain.”

By now, the once-busy road had long been devoid of travelers or carriages. A guard hurried over and reported, “Young Lady, it seems the carriage can’t be repaired. Just two miles north from here is the Princess Zhaoren Mansion. Shall I go ask for assistance?”

Qin Lin frowned, Princess Zhaoren Mansion?

They hadn’t been in contact with the princess elder sister for some time. The princess was known for her cold and distant demeanor, and she wasn’t the type to help others easily.

Qin Lin glanced at the sky. Due to the sudden rain, the heavens seemed to darken earlier than expected, and it wouldn’t be long before night fully descended.

The journey back to the city or the temple was now too far.

Given the circumstances, the Princess Zhaoren Mansion seemed like the best option.

However, with her status, she couldn’t simply send a servant ahead.

“Leave the carriage. We will walk,” Qin Lin ordered. Shielded by the umbrella held by her maid, she began walking toward the Princess Zhaoren Mansion to the north.


Sitting inside the carriage, Feng Subei absentmindedly fingered the prayer beads, his mind replaying the words spoken by that young woman earlier, “Don’t think about it; once you think, you’re already mistaken…”

He murmured to himself, “Indeed, that is profound.”

Lin Shu, sensing that his master might be somewhat intrigued by the young woman they had encountered, cautiously suggested, “Shizi, would you like me to investigate the identity of that young lady?”

Feng Subei’s hands momentarily paused on the prayer beads, and his eyes slightly opened.

After a brief silence, he replied in a deep voice, “No need.”

Lin Shu immediately fell silent. Of course, he thought. Shizi had just married the woman he had admired for years, the eldest daughter of the An family. How could he possibly become entangled with another woman at a time like this?

Feng Subei cleared his thoughts, forcibly pushing the image of the young woman from his mind. It was merely a curiosity, he told himself. He wouldn’t let lust cloud his judgment.

He certainly wouldn’t complicate matters by involving another woman and risk displeasing the An family, especially at such a crucial moment.

Just then, the sound of rain intensified, the droplets pattering heavily against the carriage roof.

Feng Subei frowned, lifting the curtain slightly to peer outside. Through the deepening twilight, he could see the thin, steady lines of rain, and it seemed the downpour was only getting heavier.

Feng Subei let out a soft sigh as he lowered the curtain, then spoke in a deep voice, “Stop the carriage.”

With that, the entourage turned around and headed back.


Feng Subei carefully composed his thoughts, wondering how to approach her with his first words.

Would she refuse to ride in the same carriage as him? Should he dismount and ride a horse instead? And what should he say to her?

His internal deliberation was abruptly interrupted by Lin Shu’s sudden voice from outside, “Shizi, she’s gone.”

Feng Subei immediately lifted the carriage curtain. The spot where they had passed earlier now only had the broken-down carriage and there was no sign of anyone.

Two guards returned after inspecting the area.

“Shizi, the carriage is empty. With the weather and rain covering the tracks, there’s no clear sign of a struggle. They likely sought shelter from the rain somewhere.”

Feng Subei’s face darkened as he looked at the increasingly dim sky, sheltering from the rain?

A young lady, her maid, and ten or so tall, burly guards… sheltering from the rain? At this time of night?

“Find her,” Feng Subei ordered coldly.

“Yes, Shizi,” the guards responded immediately and dispersed to search.

After the time it took for an incense stick to burn, the guards gradually returned, one by one.

“Shizi, we couldn’t find them.”

Feng Subei sat upright in the carriage, his presence emanating a cold aura.

“Expand the search area. Keep looking,” he commanded.

“Yes, Shizi.”

Lin Shu glanced at the darkening sky and cautiously suggested, “Shizi, perhaps we should head to the Taizi Mansion and await further news?”

After a moment, Feng Subei’s voice came from within the carriage. “Hmm.”

The carriage and remaining guards turned north, heading toward the Taizi Mansion.


Princess Zhaoren Mansion.

Just now, Feng Zhan had to return to the Taizi Mansion for urgent business, while Qin Yan went to the study to deal with some official matters.

In the study, after reviewing the reports from various regions, Ji Nanfeng asked, “Master, regarding the preparations we made in the northwest for your planned departure from the capital, should we continue?”

Qin Yan paused briefly before replying in a calm voice, “Continue.”

Ji Nanfeng’s eyes flickered with surprise. He had assumed that with the imminent engagement between his master and the Taizi, she would shift her focus to the capital. But it seemed…

Qin Yan’s red lips curved slightly as she added, almost indifferently, “No one knows what the future holds.”

Her gaze drifted toward the window, her eyes cool and detached, unlike those of a woman swept up in the throes of love.

Choosing to associate with the imperial family had been her own decision. But she intended to leave a backup plan for her people and of course, for herself.

Ji Nanfeng looked at Qin Yan, feeling a mixture of bitterness and heartache. Even when it came to matters of the heart, she remained so rational and composed.

“Yes, Master,” he responded, bowing slightly.

Ji Nanfeng was just about to leave when Shen Huai entered.

“Master, Young Lady Lin of Minister Qin from the Ministry of Works, who is also from your second uncle mansion, had her carriage break down on her way back to the city from Dajue Temple and wishes to take shelter in the mansion from the rain.”

Qin Yan pondered for a moment. Qin Lin?

Is she the younger sister of those twins?

“Uncle Huai, go make the arrangements.”

“Yes, Master.” Shen Huai took the order and left.

Qin Yan turned two pages of her book and was about to get up when the sound of Shen Ying’s voice came from outside,

“Your Highness Taizi.”

As the voice fell, Feng Zhan entered the study, bringing a chill with him.

Song Zhi followed closely behind, carrying a pile of memorials and placing them on the desk opposite Qin Yan.

Song Zhi gently reminded, “Your Highness, you haven’t eaten yet.”

Feng Zhan didn’t speak. He simply stared intently at Qin Yan.

Qin Yan’s gaze moved from Feng Zhan’s handsome face downwards, stopping at the jade belt around his lean waist.

“Is Your Highness hungry?” she asked.

Feng Zhan’s eyes darkened slightly.

“I am indeed hungry,” he replied.

Qin Yan curled her lips, her voice carrying a lazy tone with a hint of provocation, “Shall we handle the memorials first?”

Feng Zhan’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he stepped closer towards Qin Yan, his voice husky, “Feed me first.”

Song Zhi lowered his head and quietly exited the room, closing the study door behind him. He and Shen Ying stood outside like two door guardians, one on each side.

Shen Ying looked at Song Zhi with confusion and asked, “Is His Highness ordering a meal?”

Song Zhi glanced at Shen Ying helplessly.

This silly girl…


Shen Huai arranged an elegant guest room for Qin Lin. Noticing that Qin Lin’s clothes were slightly soaked from the rain, he instructed the mansion’s maids to prepare new clothes for both Qin Lin and her young maid. He also ordered the maids to prepare a bath for Qin Lin.

Qin Lin borrowed a fast horse from the Princess Mansion and sent one of her guards back to the Qin Mansion in the city to report the situation, asking them to send a carriage to pick her up.

Inside the guest room, the young maid was attending to her mistress as she bathed, but her eyes couldn’t stop wandering around the room, marveling at the furnishings.

“Young Lady, this residence is truly grand!” the young maid exclaimed.

She then looked back at her mistress and said, “Young Lady, we’ve always heard that Princess Zhaoren is distant and unapproachable, but today it seems she’s actually quite welcoming.”

Qin Lin, however, knew her place well.

Their elder sister wasn’t warm to just anyone. It was her upbringing as a noblewoman that instilled such grace and decorum deep in her bones.

After Qin Lin finished bathing and changed into dry clothes, a maid from the Princess Mansion brought in a fine dinner.

Qin Lin stopped the maid, “Please, inform the Princess that I would like to thank her in person.”

The maid hesitated for a moment.

“Young Lady Lin, the master is not available to see guests at the moment. You may have to wait until tomorrow.”

Qin Lin was about to explain that she would be leaving today and request the maid to pass along her thanks, but at that moment, the guard she had sent to report returned.

“Young Lady, the madam says you should stay here at the Princess Mansion for the night. Tomorrow, the madam will visit the Princess Mansion with a gift, and you can return to the city together.”

Qin Lin frowned.

Mother, what are you planning?


The Ministry of Works, Qin Mansion.

The mistress of the mansion, Madam Zhu, was carefully selecting items from the mansion’s storeroom. Several brocade boxes were already laid out on the table beside her, filled with fine jade pieces.

Madam Zhu, originally from a merchant family, had a relatively low status in the capital. When her husband Qin Wenxuan was merely a vice minister in the Ministry of Works, she and her two daughters seldom attended the banquets of officials’ wives.

But now, with Qin Wenxuan suddenly promoted to Minister of Works, there were some social events they could no longer avoid.

However, Madam Zhu was constantly worried that her background might hinder her daughters’ prospects. After much thought, she realized that the only person she could turn to for help was Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan.

She could only hope that Qin Yan, for the sake of the past relationship between Madam Zhu and Qin Yan’s mother, Shen Shiying, would show some favor and look out for her daughters.

Especially her elder daughter, Qin Xi, who wasn’t the sharpest. Madam Zhu feared that Qin Xi wouldn’t even realize it if someone schemed against her.

Thinking of this, Madam Zhu glanced at Qin Xi, who was sitting on a wooden chest, casually cracking sunflower seeds.

“Your father has suffered greatly. He nearly died from the epidemic in Yangzhou, and now, with his sudden promotion to Minister, this dramatic rise and fall leaves me uneasy. I sent you and your sister to Dajue Temple to pray for your father, so why is your sister stuck on the road while you’re back already?”

Qin Xi pouted.

“Mother, you know me. How could I possibly stand staying in a temple?”

Madam Zhu sighed, then turned back to continue selecting the items.

“Tomorrow, you’ll come with me to the Princess Zhaoren Mansion to pick up your sister.”

Qin Xi paused in her seed cracking.

“Mother, is this for our eldest sister?”

Madam Zhu immediately turned around.

“Remember, you must address her as Princess Zhaoren.”

“Oh,” Qin Xi stuck out her tongue playfully.

Madam Zhu’s hands kept working, while she muttered under her breath, “I’ve been thinking about this for the past couple of days, preparing for a visit to the Princess Mansion. There’s no better time than when we go to pick up your sister.”

“I’ve heard that Qin Yan has three particular interests: fine paintings, jade artifacts, and handsome men.”

“Well, considering my skill level, offering a painting is out of the question, but we do have some good jade.”

“I also heard that Qin Yan once competed with the eldest son of the He family at the Hongxiao Pavilion over a young male courtesan. So, I went out of my way to find a few good-looking men to gift to her.”

“Your father thought I was trying to put a green hat on him! It took quite a bit of effort to convince him otherwise.”

“But then, there’s talk that Qin Yan and the Taizi are not on ordinary terms, and she might even become the Crown Princess. So, sending handsome men might not be the best idea.”

Qin Xi, still munching on her seeds, chimed in.

“Then just send them secretly, away from the Taizi. You’ve already found them, it’d be a waste not to.”

Madam Zhu hesitated, “Shall we test the waters first tomorrow?”

The two exchanged glances, nodding in agreement.

Unaware of it all, Qin Yan…

And equally unaware, the Taizi…

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