TCPCHW Chapter 100

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 100        Pitiful

In the southern part of the capital, there was a dilapidated residence.

The main door of the house was tightly shut, and amidst the dry, dusty smell inside, there lingered a faint, almost imperceptible odor of decay.

On the dirty, stained floor, a woman bound hand and foot, blindfolded, and with her mouth gagged with a piece of cloth, was struggling desperately.

The woman’s clothes were gaudy and cheap, her heavy makeup could not conceal the signs of aging etched by life’s hardships. She was clearly a woman worn down by hardship.

A man dressed in black tactical clothing stepped forward and removed the blindfold from the woman’s eyes. Instantly, she stopped struggling.

The woman attempted to open her eyes, but the prolonged darkness had made it difficult for her to quickly adjust to the sudden light. Despite the dim lighting inside the room, the pain from the brightness prevented her from fully opening her eyes.

She blinked repeatedly, and after several moments, she slowly adjusted to the light around her.

As she looked up and saw the two men in black standing in front of her, the woman instinctively recoiled, struggling with her somewhat stout body.

“Mm… Mm…”

One of the men in black approached her, squatted down, and said coldly, “Warning you, don’t make a sound.”

He removed the cloth from her mouth, and the woman immediately began to scream for help, “Help! Someone, please help…”

A sharp slap silenced her, sending her to the side and stopping her scream.

The man picked her up with one hand, made her straighten up again, and warned, “Be quiet.”

The woman’s left cheek was slightly swollen. She nodded repeatedly and then begged softly, “You said you would let me go. Why have you brought me here again? I’ve already told you everything I know, I swear, if I’m lying, let the heavens strike me down. Please, just let me go…”

“Repeat what you told us before,” the man in black said coldly.

“I will, I will,” the woman hurriedly replied.

The woman huddled and shivered slightly, having finally taken in her surroundings. In this dilapidated house, a few steps ahead of her, behind a curtain, there seemed to be another man. From her angle, she could just make out the black boots on the man’s feet.

She understood that the reason they wanted her to repeat what she had said before was so that the man behind the curtain could hear it.

She didn’t dare to hesitate. Whether it was repeating it once or twice, she knew she had no choice but to comply.

Fearful of these ruthless people, who had dug up details from her past years ago, she felt she had no other option but to cooperate.

After a moment of contemplation, she began to recount, her voice trembling, “My name is Hualing, but some clients call me Ling’er…”

A loud thud interrupted her—a man in black kicked a nearby chair.

The woman’s body jolted, and she continued, “I, I go by Hualing at the Thousand Rivers Corridor, but my real name is Niu Caihua.”

“I’m originally from Dingtao Town, Shanjun, Jingzhou…”

“Tell me your connection to Fourth Master Qin,” the man interrupted impatiently.

“Fourth Master Qin…” The woman paused to compose herself, “I used to be a courtesan to Fourth Master Qin. I met him at the Thousand Rivers Corridor, and he treated me very well. I had never met such a generous client before. Perhaps he liked my good voice. He even bought my freedom for me, and…”

“Why did you leave Fourth Master Qin?” The man cut off her meandering reminiscence.

Hualing glanced at the man behind the curtain.

“After Fourth Master Qin bought me back, he would stay with me every night, of course, indulging in intimacy. Fourth Master Qin…”

Another thud came as the man in black kicked the chair again, clearly growing more impatient.

Hualing shuddered again and continued, “It was also during one winter. I remember it very clearly. That night, Fourth Master Qin didn’t come to visit me, and I was feeling a bit restless. You know, once a woman experiences that pleasure, it’s just like men—she can get addicted to it…”

Noticing the cold gaze of the man across from her, Hualing quickly shifted her story.

“I got up to find Fourth Master Qin. On the way, I saw a woman entering the house from a distance. She was wrapped entirely in a cloak, but from her gait and figure, I could tell she was definitely a woman.”

“The woman went into Fourth Master Qin’s room and shut the door. There were servants outside, so I couldn’t see what was happening inside. But I knew that Fourth Master Qin had a new love interest.”

“I wasn’t jealous. After all, you can’t expect a man to only like one woman his whole life. I just hoped that Fourth Master Qin would still visit me occasionally.”

“But for several days, Fourth Master Qin didn’t come. However, every day I saw that cloaked woman going to Fourth Master Qin’s room. She even came during the day and would leave after a couple of hours.”

“I realized that she was still wrapped in a cloak during the day to avoid being noticed, it was definitely an affair.”

“Fourth Master’s skills are exceptional, unmatched by ordinary men. That woman must be some official’s wife. If her own husband is lacking, she would sneak out to experience something different.” Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

“Later, one night, the woman came again. The servant who was guarding the door unexpectedly left. Seeing this as an opportunity, I, too, was curious and hurried over. When I pushed the door, it turned out to be unlatched. I guessed it might be Fourth Master’s kink—leaving the door unlatched to make things more exciting.”

“I pushed the door slightly open, and sure enough, there were two naked bodies on the bed, engaged in an intense moment. The scene on the bed was particularly wild, making me feel a twinge of jealousy. Fourth Master had never been that vigorous with me—stealing indeed makes a man more excited.”

“I also saw the woman’s face this time. I’ve seen her once before—she came to see Fourth Master, but it was during the day in the main hall, where they were discussing business.”

“Can you guess who it was? Oh, I’ve already told you.”

The woman glanced again at the pair of black boots behind the curtain and continued, “It was the noble concubine of the Right Prime Minister of Prime Minister Qin Mansion, Song Mei.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the man sitting in the chair behind the curtain had a terrifyingly dark expression. His hands gripped the chair tightly, with veins bulging.

Hualing’s voice continued to echo in the room.

“I didn’t dare stay for too long; I just took a quick look and then hurried back.”

“The next day, that woman came again. She seemed a bit bolder this time. She entered the courtyard and took off her hood, and I saw clearly—it was Song Mei from the Prime Minister Qin Mansion.”

“Fourth Master personally came out to greet her, and he wrapped his arm around her waist. As soon as I saw Song Mei’s slender waist, and then looked at my own, I felt like a weak willow compared to her. No wonder Fourth Master was so fond of her.”

“Tsk, tsk, I heard that Song Mei has already given birth to a daughter. Even after having a child, she’s still so sought after.”

“Fourth Master is the fourth uncle of the Prime Minister Qin. To have an affair with his own nephew’s wife, especially a high-ranking official’s wife, is quite scandalous.”

“I am quite impressed. I must not have given him that satisfying feeling!”

“I noticed that Fourth Master was so preoccupied with his nephew’s wife. And with such a huge scandal, living in that house, I feared that one day Fourth Master might silence me if he worried that the secret would be exposed.”

“I told Fourth Master that I had contracted tuberculosis, hoping he would let me go.”

“Although Fourth Master’s mind was elsewhere, he might have had some feelings for me, so he gave me some money and let me leave.”

“With that money, I went to Yuzhou.”

Of course, Hualing returned to the brothels and resumed her old profession.

As Hualing continued, she couldn’t stop herself, “Later, I heard that Song Mei had a son, and the Prime Minister doted on him.”


The man in black turned around and entered behind the curtain, addressing the man in the brocade robe who was seated, “Prime Minister, do you have any further questions?”

Hualing, kneeling on the ground, widened her eyes in shock. She seemed to have heard someone address the man as “Prime Minister …”

Could it be…

In her bound state, Hualing immediately began to kowtow on the ground, her voice trembling with fear:

“Prime Minister… Master, I haven’t told anyone, not a single soul. Even if I did, who would believe me? I swear this will stay buried in my heart. Master…”

The man in the brocade robe behind the curtain stood up and walked out step by step.

Hualing had never seen the Prime Minister before, but having encountered many high-ranking officials in her time in the pleasure quarters, she could tell that the man in front of her was either extremely wealthy or influential.

Qin Wenzheng looked coldly at the woman on the floor and said, “Leave this person here.”

The man in black hesitated for a moment, but since it was the master’s order and they were instructed not to interfere, he simply nodded and left with his men.

The room was left with only the Prime Minister and the woman on the ground.

Hualing looked up at the man, who was refined in demeanor but had a cold and stern expression.

She was past her prime and no longer attractive, so Hualing didn’t entertain any delusions that this man might be interested in her.

The icy gaze of the man made Hua Ling break out in a cold sweat, and she had a vague sense of impending doom.

The man withdrew his gaze and stepped outside.

Soon, another figure resembling a servant entered, pulling out a white handkerchief from his sleeve.

Hualing’s eyes widened in horror. Before she could react, the man swiftly approached and pressed the handkerchief over her nose and mouth.

“Mmm… Mmm…”

Hualing struggled briefly, her eyes widening in shock, and then her body slowly went limp.

Zhang Quan retrieved the handkerchief, noticed that blood was seeping from her lips, checked her breath, and then stood up and left the room.


Qin Wenzheng stood under the corridor, his gaze fixed on the desolate scene in the courtyard, feeling a chill in his heart.

Zhang Quan approached and stood beside the Prime Minister, “Prime Minister, the woman is dead.”

Qin Wenzheng maintained his stance and coldly ordered, “Dispose of the body.”

“Yes, Prime Minister,” Zhang Quan responded with a bow.

Zhang Quan himself was deeply shocked by what he had witnessed and heard today.

He sighed inwardly, realizing that after all these years, it was hard to guarantee that the woman hadn’t shared this matter with anyone else. Ending her life now seemed to be a mere way for the Prime Minister to vent his frustration.

He wondered what the future would hold for the mansion and its affairs.


Qin Wenzheng left the dilapidated courtyard and looked up at the overcast sky.

The weather was gloomy and it hadn’t rained yet, but there was no warmth in the air.

He climbed into the carriage, which headed straight north towards the Imperial Court of Judicial Review.

Today, the Imperial Court of Judicial Review was set to dispatch a batch of prisoners to Lingnan, including the Fourth Master Qin.

When Qin Wenzheng arrived at the Imperial Court of Judicial Review, he happened to encounter the convoy preparing to set off.

Among the prisoners, shackled and escorted by guards, Fourth Master Qin spotted Qin Wenzheng getting out of the carriage. He seemed to see a lifeline and desperately tried to break free and call out,

“Wenzheng, Wenzheng…”

The guards restrained Fourth Master Qin, and the lead soldier, recognizing the Prime Minister, stepped a few paces away from the convoy and saluted, “Prime Minister Qin.”

Qin Wenzheng nodded and cast a brief glance at the convoy, then took a purse from his sleeve and handed it to the guard.

“Prime Minister, this…”

The guard understood well that it was customary for the families of prisoners to offer a small bribe for refreshments, and they always accepted such tokens with a smile. The higher-ups turned a blind eye to these small gratuities.

Qin Wenzheng addressed the guard in front of him, “Provide the men with some winter clothing. It’s a long journey, and they’ve worked hard.”

“I’ll convey your thanks to the men, Prime Minister.” The soldier bowed and took the purse with both hands.

Qin Wenzheng glanced at Fourth Master Qin and then said to the soldier, “Fourth Master Qin is my uncle. After this ordeal, it’s uncertain whether he will make it through.”

“He may become despondent, and with rivers, cliffs, and toxic mists along the way, keep a close watch on him.”

“If my uncle does pass away, please see to it that he gets a decent coffin.”

“Yes, yes, yes, Prime Minister,” the guard repeatedly nodded.

Qin Wenzheng’s eyes narrowed as he stared intently at the guard, speaking each word with deliberate clarity, “Do you understand?”

“Yes, yes, I understand, Prime Minister…” The guard quickly affirmed.

Suddenly, the guard’s face changed as he met the cold gaze of the Prime Minister, his heart racing.


It was common for them to receive bribes from the families of prisoners, typically with one of two implications: either a request for the prisoner’s survival or a preparation for death.

The Prime Minister’s words implied…


Qin Wenzheng observed the guard’s changing expression with satisfaction, then stepped past him and approached Fourth Master Qin, stopping a couple of paces away.

Seeing Qin Wenzheng finally come over, Fourth Master Qin broke down in tears, “Wenzheng, Wenzheng, save me. I was wrong, Uncle was wrong. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Wenzheng…”

No one knew that Fourth Master Qin’s apology was referring to having squandered Qin Wenzheng’s family fortune and having slept with Qin Wen Zheng’s woman.

Qin Wenzheng gave Fourth Master Qin a cold glance, said nothing, and turned to leave.

After Qin Wenzheng’s carriage disappeared around the corner, the soldier opened the purse, revealing a bundle of gold leaf.

At that moment, the soldier was certain that the Prime Minister’s intentions were clear…

This was…

A ransom for a life…

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