The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 65

Tang Nuan had always been someone who would give her all once she made a decision.

In the following week, she used all her spare time to study the materials Ye Shuyan had given her.

In fact, there were many things she was already familiar with. After all, when she first got engaged to Ye Shuyan, she had planned to establish herself in this circle. To make herself valuable, understanding the basic situation of each family in the circle was a fundamental task.

However, back then, the Tang family’s status was low, and they had always taken the route of flattering and ingratiating themselves. Therefore, most of what Tang Nuan learned were the preferences and even the private affairs of the heads of the families.

But the materials Ye Shuyan gave her were all about the development history of the corporate groups: how they grew, the challenges they encountered, and the strategic layouts made by the people in power, with both successes and failures.

As Tang Nuan studied, she became increasingly interested. Combining the theoretical knowledge she had learned with these practical cases made many things suddenly become clear to her and proved immensely beneficial.

Just when Tang Nuan had built up confidence, Ye Shuyan started giving her “supplementary lessons” over the next two days. As the lessons went on, Tang Nuan became discouraged. Although Ye Shuyan was only three years older than her, his vision and knowledge far exceeded hers, making her doubt herself.

By the time of Ye Shuchen’s welcome banquet, she started feeling nervous.

Ye Shuyan sat on the living room sofa waiting for her to finish her makeup. Seeing her distracted expression, he said with a smile, “Don’t overthink it. You’re already very capable. Today will be absolutely fine.”

Tang Nuan grumbled, “Easier said than done. You can speak standing up without hurting your waist.”

“I can sit while talking and still not feel the pain,” Ye Shuyan emphasized, as his waist was perfectly fine.

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but give him a look. Ye Shuyan laughed again, “Alright, if you don’t believe in yourself, at least believe in me. A good teacher produces excellent students. Ye Shuchen is just a bit clever, but he’s far behind compared to you.”

As he spoke, he reached up to tuck a strand of hair from her temple behind her ear.

Tang Nuan swatted his hand away, “Stop messing around,” and adjusted her hair again, “It’s just like this.”

Ye Shuyan took another look, “I think it looks better this way.” He reached for her hair again, but Tang Nuan stopped him. They ended up playfully tussling, and by the time they left, Tang Nuan’s nervousness had indeed diminished.

Ye Shuyan was right; even if she didn’t believe in herself, she should believe in him. He was so capable.

Ye Shuyan glanced at her and couldn’t resist adjusting the tassel beads on her hair, earning him another exasperated look from Tang Nuan.

They didn’t arrive too early, after all. They were there to make a statement, and the venue had to be full, so even though it was Ye Shuchen’s welcome banquet, they arrived in their usual grand manner, making a late entrance.

When they entered, Ye Zhenghong was already on stage with Ye Shuchen, preparing to give the thank-you speech. Upon seeing Ye Shuyan, Ye Zhenghong’s brow furrowed involuntarily, and many people in the audience noticed.

Many people secretly sighed, realizing that the rivalry between the Ye brothers seemed unavoidable. Normally, it was the children who fought, with the father making every effort to prevent and balance the situation, as internal strife is too damaging for the group. It was quite rare for a father, standing with the stepmother, to openly support the younger son in suppressing the older son, as in the case of the Ye family.

Standing next to Ye Zhenghong, Ye Shuchen straightened his back. Previously, he had avoided drawing attention for the sake of family harmony, but this time he would not retreat for the person he loved.

Thinking this, he glanced at Jiang Miao beside him. She seemed not to have noticed Ye Shuyan’s arrival, instead smiling sweetly at him, her gaze full of affection.

Ye Shuchen felt a pang in his heart. He took Jiang Miao’s hand, thinking that she was right. He was also a son of the Ye family, and though his mother was a second wife, she was officially recognized as Mrs. Ye. Why should he always be in the shadow of his elder brother? If he could live in his shadow, would his wife and children be doomed to live in the shadow forever as well?

Ye Shuchen looked firmly at Ye Shuyan, resolved never to let his loved one suffer even the slightest injustice.

However, neither Ye Shuyan nor Tang Nuan paid him any attention. They did not seem to have any intention of stealing the limelight. Instead, they behaved like guests, politely following the usher and moving through the crowd to the front of the stage. They nodded in greeting to Old Madam Ye and Sun Wanqiu, then turned their attention to the stage, waiting for Ye Zhenghong to speak.

Ye Shuchen frowned slightly, feeling inexplicably frustrated.

Ye Zhenghong, despite being nominally the head of the Ye family, quickly masked his emotions and prepared to deliver his welcome speech.

There wasn’t much to say. Ye Shuchen’s return was different from Jiang Miao’s return. Ye Shuchen had always been in the country, and everyone knew about the Ye family’s playful younger son. So Ye Zhenghong’s focus was on introducing Ye Shuchen’s achievements.

But since modesty is considered a virtue in Chinese culture, he avoided boasting about himself. Instead, he reflected on how his once wayward younger son had grown up and achieved results beyond his expectations, speaking like a proud father. He covered Ye Shuchen’s accomplishments in general terms.

Watching Ye Zhenghong, who looked so proud and pleased, Tang Nuan felt an inexplicable surge of anger rise within her.

Ye Shuyan took over the company at twenty, five years younger than Ye Shuchen is now. He worked almost nonstop, doubling the value of the massive Ye Group in just a few years. This remarkable achievement earned widespread admiration, yet Ye Zhenghong showed no trace of pride or gratitude.

Ye Shuchen’s modest achievements were celebrated, but Ye Zhenghong seemed to want him to replace Ye Shuyan.

Did he think Ye Shuyan’s years of hard work were to be taken for granted?

Ye Shuyan turned to look at Tang Nuan, feeling a mix of emotions he couldn’t quite describe. There was a pang of sadness, but more than that, a sense of joy, and even a hint of reassurance. So, this is what it feels like to be unconditionally cared for… It was quite wonderful.

He put his arm around her shoulders and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Alright, don’t be angry…”

He had originally intended to say he didn’t mind, had never minded, but changed his mind and spoke in a low, melancholic tone, “Anyway, I’m used to it.”

Playing the victim again!

Tang Nuan immediately saw through his little act. Recently, he had been doing this to her all the time. She gave him a glare and huffed, “Stop it, I told you I’m not buying it.”

Yet, her body seemed to have a mind of its own. She linked her arm with his and gave him a gentle pat, a clear gesture of comfort.

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but laugh as he playfully adjusted the tassel beads on her head. How could someone be so adorable?

Standing at the side of the stage, Jiang Miao glanced at this scene, gritting her teeth. She was convinced that Tang Nuan was deliberately trying to provoke her. Watching Ye Shuchen on stage reaching out to her, Jiang Miao felt a pang in her heart and made a decision…

After Ye Zhenghong finished his welcome speech, Ye Shuchen, as the guest of honor, also stepped forward to express his gratitude. However, instead of stepping down, he reached out to Jiang Miao, who was waiting by the side of the stage. “While I have the chance, I’d like to announce something to everyone.”

“Miao Miao.” He looked at Jiang Miao with deep affection. Shyly and sweetly, she walked towards him. When she reached him, Ye Shuchen took her hand and addressed the crowd, “This is my girlfriend, Jiang Miao.”

Tang Nuan was speechless. Isn’t there a limit to showing off one’s affection? Shouldn’t he introduce her properly after the socializing had begun, rather than doing it now, when everyone is welcoming him? Why was he introducing his girlfriend like this?

However, Jin Wenxia and other friends and relatives of the Jiang family had already started clapping, clearly having coordinated this beforehand. Everyone didn’t make a fuss over this minor issue and joined in the applause.

Tang Nuan suspected that this might have been Jiang Miao’s idea. She hadn’t handled her previous entanglement with Ye Shuyan well, and now she was with Ye Shuchen, making it inevitable for people to gossip.

By having Ye Shuchen make such a public announcement, Jiang Miao’s dignity was preserved, and others couldn’t say much. After all, Ye Shuchen and the Ye family didn’t mind, so what reason did anyone else have to criticize?

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But with this development, Ye Shuyan and she would inevitably be compared. Sensing the vague and curious glances from around her, Tang Nuan narrowed her eyes and looked down at Ye Shuyan’s sleeve…

Driven by their gossiping nature, many people subconsciously looked towards Ye Shuyan. Although they knew his cold demeanor might reveal nothing, they couldn’t help but be curious.

What they discovered was even more remarkable: Ye Shuyan wasn’t paying any attention to the stage; instead, he was focusing on teasing Tang Nuan beside him!

Whether Tang Nuan was bored or otherwise, she was playing with the cuff of his sleeve, pulling at it repeatedly. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed her fingers, causing Tang Nuan to jump in surprise. Ye Shuyan even smiled with his eyes crinkled.

Tang Nuan shot him a glare and playfully tried to swat his hand away. He used the same trick again, this time clasping her hand firmly in his palm…

Many people displayed surprised expressions. Was this the aloof and unapproachable Ye Shao?

Someone whispered to Ji Yun, “Do you think Tang Nuan is deliberately provoking Jiang Miao?”

Ji Yun replied, “You might think that of Tang Nuan, but not of Young Master Ye. Would Young Master Ye really do something so childish?”

The group exchanged glances and nodded in agreement. It was indeed unlikely.

So, did that mean Young Master Ye and Tang Nuan actually interacted like this privately?

Someone commented, “Young Master Ye has changed so much. Isn’t he supposed to prefer elegant and quiet girls?”

However, since leaving the Tang family, Tang Nuan had been anything but dignified and quiet. Today was no exception, in a gradient qipao adorned with ink wash lotus flowers, which accentuates her graceful figure. The gemstone tassel hairpin added a playful touch, and the distinctive set of jade jewelry made her look both alluring and lively, far from the dignified and quiet image.

Yet, Ye Shuyan standing beside her didn’t seem as cold anymore.

It’s quite touching when a notorious playboy stops for a woman, but it’s also astonishing when a seemingly emotionless ice king treats someone with special care.

Jiang Miao, watching the intimate interaction between the two, bit her lip. She took the microphone from Ye Shuchen and said, “…During this time, we’ve gone through life and death together. I’m certain that he is the one I want to spend my life with. Soon, we will be engaged…”

Her words immediately drew everyone’s attention back. The young people began to clap and create a lively atmosphere, and even the older generation showed some interest.

In families like theirs, a girlfriend could be easily replaced, but once engaged, it’s more or less a done deal. If Ye Shuchen could gain the Jiang family’s support, it would definitely hold more weight.

Not only was everyone surprised, but even the Ye family members, including Ye Zhenghong and Sun Wanqiu, looked astonished, as did Ye Shuchen.

He looked at Jiang Miao, realizing she had never mentioned engagement to him. Although he had already committed to her, he was concerned about the potential harm she might face because of his elder brother, fearing she might reject the Ye family. He had planned to approach the subject gradually, not expecting her to make such a sudden decision.

When he followed her gaze and saw Ye Shuyan and Tang Nuan below the stage, Ye Shuchen understood Jiang Miao’s feelings.

Almost everyone, whether surprised, admiring, or whispering, was focused on them, except for the two who seemed completely indifferent. Their heads were close together, whispering. Ye Shuyan said something that made Tang Nuan glare at him, but he only smiled more happily…

Ye Shuchen now understood the frustration he had felt earlier: his opponent was completely ignoring him.

He held Jiang Miao’s hand tightly, determined to make Ye Shuyan acknowledge him. He would make Jiang Miao the happiest woman in the world!

She would be happier than Tang Nuan.

Tang Nuan felt their gaze and snorted inwardly. While she did indeed have a deliberate intent, it wasn’t just about them flaunting their affection to compare with her and Ye Shuyan.

Their engagement reminded her of a moment in the book where, shortly after their marriage, Ye Shuyan voluntarily relinquished the inheritance rights to the Ye family…

She didn’t believe Ye Shuyan would do such a thing, so what was the reason behind it?

She finally lifted her head to meet Ye Shuchen’s gaze. If this became an objective fact… then she wouldn’t resign herself to fate!

Her own life story had diverged completely from the book; why couldn’t Ye Shuyan’s change?

Moreover, even if he were to establish his own path, with his capabilities and with the glory of the Ye Group, how could he not continue to thrive? Perhaps it might even be better without the pests of the Ye family causing trouble… She thought this over as a fleeting idea crossed her mind, but she couldn’t quite grasp it.

As the banquet officially began, Tang Nuan pushed other thoughts aside, scanning the prominent figures and elites of various families. Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself for the main event of the day!

Ye Shuchen, the Ye family, let’s see how this unfolds.

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