The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 50

Ye Shuyan stared at Tang Nuan for a long while, realizing she was only glaring at him defiantly without making any other move. A fleeting sense of disappointment flashed through him. When he realized what he was thinking, Ye Shuyan rubbed his forehead and turned his attention to Xie Feizhe instead, asking, “What are you doing here?”

Xie Feizhe, trying to avoid being mistakenly involved again, leaned back in his chair with a leisurely attitude and said, “I came to find Tang Nuan. Didn’t you say she was young and inexperienced and needed my help?”

Tang Nuan: ???

Young and inexperienced? Tang Nuan glared at Ye Shuyan.

Ye Shuyan felt exasperated and quickly explained, “I didn’t say that. He’s stirring things up.” Then, turning to Xie Feizhe, he said, “This acquisition project hasn’t been completed yet and is still a company secret. Please leave.”

Xie Feizhe was momentarily stunned and surprised, “Acquisition?” He looked at Tang Nuan for confirmation and, seeing her nod, exclaimed dramatically, “Is the Ye Corporation actually acquiring this project?”

When Tang Nuan didn’t deny it, he added, “That’s so ruthless! Who made that decision?”

Ye Shuyan’s face darkened; who else could have made that decision?

Xie Feizhe, feeling indignant, continued, “Even if Miss Tang isn’t your future wife and was just a stranger, you can’t do that. People have worked hard on this project, and you’re going to directly acquire it? That’s just bullying.”

The evaluation team members all looked at Ye Shuyan, silently agreeing with the sentiment. They thought to themselves, since when has the Ye Group been so stingy? They even felt uneasy about the valuations they had provided.

Xie Feizhe, meanwhile, earnestly looked at Tang Nuan and said, “Tang Nuan, are you short of money or being coerced? Why don’t you come to our company and sign a financing contract? You haven’t signed the contract with them yet, right? It’s still not too late.” He seemed ready to take Tang Nuan away immediately.

Ye Shuyan clenched his back teeth, finally unable to bear it any longer. He grabbed Xie Feizhe by the arm and dragged him out of the conference room.

Xie Feizhe continued to chatter incessantly, “Ye Shuyan, you’re so heartless, squeezing your fiancée like this. No wonder the Ye Group is so rich, living off the blood and sweat of others…”

With Tang Nuan no longer present, Ye Shuyan was completely unmoved by his nonsense. He shoved Xie Feizhe into the elevator and said, “Alright, you can leave now. Your father is waiting for you downstairs.”

“Tsk, lying already? My dad told me to stay here and learn well. How could he be waiting for me?” Xie Feizhe replied as he tried to step out, but Ye Shuyan narrowed his eyes. “Do I need to call security?”

Xie Feizhe quickly surrendered, “Alright, alright, I’m going, I’m going.”

After making sure Shao Feizhe had gone downstairs, Ye Shuyan, with his phone showing reminders from Assistant Wen about the next video meeting, returned to his office.

When the meeting finally ended, it was already 1 o’clock. The household assistant brought in lunch, along with a portion for Assistant Wen.

Ye Shuyan watched them setting the table and casually asked, “Is the evaluation meeting for the Nuanyang System over?”

“Not yet,” Assistant Wen replied. “It will take at least three or four days.”

“Okay, make sure to take good care of the team. They’ll be our colleagues soon.”

Assistant Wen nodded but couldn’t help thinking sarcastically, if you want to know if Miss Tang has eaten or what she’s up to, why not just call her? Why beat around the bush? Does calling your fiancée make you lose face or something?

Ye Shuyan: …

The more he avoided it, the more it seemed like he cared.

Sensing Ye Shuyan’s gaze, Assistant Wen, now immune to the frequent death stares of his temperamental boss, met his eyes and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Ye Shuyan replied, “Nothing, you’re right.”

Assistant Wen was confused. What was I right about?

But Ye Shuyan had already taken out his phone. Before making a call, he thought for a moment and decided to check Tang Nuan’s social media first.

Ever since Assistant Wen’s reminder the other day, he had started occasionally checking social media to avoid missing out on anything important.

As soon as he opened it, he saw that Tang Nuan had just posted a picture half a minute ago: in the bright noonday sun, she and a few people from the Nuanyang team were gathered around a table, smiling brightly. But the person sitting right next to her was none other than the guy he had personally kicked out earlier—Xie Feizhe!

Ye Shuyan took a deep breath, reminding himself that Xie Feizhe was just trying to get back at him. Xie Feizhe has been pining for another woman for years, surely he wouldn’t develop feelings for Tang Nuan…


How is it impossible?!

Even though that girl could be infuriating at times, she was undeniably beautiful, smart, and had a way with words that was both humorous and insightful. Once you got to know her, it was hard not to like her.

Oh, right. That guy was just stirring up trouble earlier. Who knows what he’s saying to Tang Nuan now?

Suddenly, Ye Shuyan stood up, startling Wen Assistant. “President Ye?”

Ye Shuyan responded, “It’s nothing. You go ahead and eat,” and then quickly left the office.

When he reached the second-floor dining area, Ye Shuyan immediately spotted Tang Nuan and her group. It was no wonder; it was already past one o’clock, and most of the regular employees had finished their meals and returned to work. Only this group, who didn’t have to adhere to strict schedules, were still leisurely chatting and laughing, with snacks and milk tea on the table instead of proper meals.

Xie Feizhe was saying something to Tang Nuan, making her laugh particularly heartily.

Perhaps because Ye Shuyan had been standing by the entrance for a while, a staff member at the nearby convenience stall asked, “President Ye, can I help you with anything?”

Ye Shuyan waved his hand and was about to walk over to Tang Nuan’s table when he noticed a server taking out a can of beer to deliver.

Ye Shuyan frowned. “Who ordered that?”

The server, aware of the company’s rule against drinking during work hours, quickly explained, “It’s for that table over there. They have client work badges.”

In such a large corporation as Ye Group, entertaining clients was inevitable. These clients had temporary work badges for easy identification, and some internal rules were more relaxed for them.

Ye Shuyan, noticing that the server was pointing towards Xie Feizhe’s table, narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly reached out, saying, “Give it to me. I was just about to go over there.”

The server, suspecting nothing, handed the beer to Ye Shuyan.

What followed was the sight of their CEO casually tossing the beer can between his hands, occasionally giving it a little shake.

The server instinctively reached out in alarm—President Ye, there’s carbonation in that! You can’t shake it like that! It’ll explode when opened!

But watching Ye Shuyan’s calm and composed demeanor as he walked away, the server didn’t dare step forward to give any warnings. Forget it, he thought. As long as it’s not a quality issue, it won’t be their fault.

The server ducked back behind the counter, deciding it was better to see nothing at all.

Meanwhile, Tang Nuan and her group were engrossed in their conversation, completely unaware of Ye Shuyan’s presence.

Given that the dining area was nearly empty, with most Ye Group employees heading back to work soon and the evaluation team busy preparing the morning’s materials for a 2 o’clock meeting, Tang Nuan’s group was the only one enjoying a leisurely lunch break.

Who would’ve thought Ye Shuyan would show up?

“…Back then, everyone called him ‘God Ye,’” Xie Feizhe was saying, his face full of nostalgia. “He was good at studying, good-looking, and, well, his temper was a bit better than it is now. There were so many girls who liked him! Oh, let me tell you…”

He leaned in closer, trying to whisper something into Tang Nuan’s ear, blocking his mouth with his hand as if to share a secret. “Back then…”

But before he could get any closer, something cold suddenly pressed against his face, causing Xie Feizhe to yelp in surprise, and Tang Nuan to jump in fright.

Both turned around to see a tall, handsome man standing behind them, looking down coldly. In his hand was the beer can, now pressed firmly against Xie Feizhe’s face, pushing him sideways in his seat…

“Hey!” Xie Feizhe had no room to retreat, so he glared at Ye Shuyan, “That’s enough, don’t you think?”

Ye Shuyan finally tossed the beer into Xie Feizhe’s arms, “If you want to drink, do it somewhere else. Smoking and drinking are prohibited in the Ye Group building.”

Xie Feizhe, rubbing his chilled face, laughed in exasperation, “Are you being childish, Ye Shuyan? If smoking and drinking are banned, why do you guys even sell this stuff? I’m drinking it, right here, right now!” With that, he raised the can and prepared to pull the tab right in front of Ye Shuyan.

Ye Shuyan’s expression changed, “Don’t!”

But it was too late. Xie Feizhe, moving swiftly, yanked the tab with a loud “pop,” releasing a burst of carbonation that sprayed everywhere like a fountain.

Tang Nuan looked up at Ye Shuyan, who had moved to shield her, and couldn’t help but be speechless.

Behind him, Xie Feizhe was almost too angry to maintain his composure, “Ye Shuyan! You did that on purpose, didn’t you? I should have known you weren’t being nice bringing me a beer!”

Tang Nuan peeked around Ye Shuyan to see Xie Feizhe’s light-colored shirt completely soaked, with foam splattered all over his face and hair. Just as Xie Feizhe had pulled the tab, Ye Shuyan had given the can a push in his direction…

Ye Shuyan turned back around, calmly stating, “You’re a mess. Go change your clothes.”

Xie Feizhe: …

He was genuinely laughing in frustration, “It’s always you, Ye the Trouble-Maker.”

Clearly uncomfortable with his now-soaked clothes, Xie Feizhe quickly said his goodbyes to Tang Nuan and left to change.

Ye Shuyan looked down at Tang Nuan, greeted her team, and then promptly took her hand and led her back to his office.

Just now, Xie Feizhe moved so quickly that Ye Shuyan only had time to push his hand away. When he turned around to shield Tang Nuan, her top still got splattered quite a bit.

Ye Shuyan’s back wasn’t spared either. Tang Nuan couldn’t help but smile as she looked at the dark stains on his suit, even his hair at the back was wet and clumped together. Luckily, the President’s private elevator was empty, or else Young Master Ye’s image would have been ruined.

Ye Shuyan turned back to glance at her, and thinking of what he’d done, Tang Nuan couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “Tsk, tsk, hurting the enemy a thousand times while sacrificing eight hundred of your own forces—nice strategy, Young Master Ye.”

Ye Shuyan didn’t say anything, but a flicker of annoyance passed through his eyes, making Tang Nuan laugh even harder.

When they got back to the office, Ye Shuyan opened the wardrobe in the rest area and pulled out a clean set of clothes. However, he hesitated when he saw Tang Nuan’s clothes. He didn’t have anything suitable for her to change into.

“What kind of clothes do you want? I can have the secretary go buy something for you.”

It was summer, and tops tended to be more fitted. Tang Nuan didn’t want to wear anything unwashed. She checked the time and then glanced at the wardrobe behind him, “No need to trouble anyone. I’ll just borrow one of your shirts.”

Ye Shuyan paused for a moment, “Mine?”

Tang Nuan had already picked one out, “That light blue one.”

She was wearing a two-piece outfit today, and only the top had gotten dirty, so just changing the top would be fine.

Although Ye Shuyan wasn’t sure what she intended to do, he let her proceed, “Feel free.”

Then he went to the bathroom next door to take a shower.

When Ye Shuyan came out of the bathroom and saw Tang Nuan standing in front of the mirror, he froze for a moment, thinking, is she trying to seduce me now?

Tang Nuan turned around and playfully showed herself off, “How do I look?”

Ye Shuyan wasn’t sure how she had managed it, but the shirt had somehow been transformed into an off-the-shoulder style, revealing a good portion of her shoulder. It seemed like she had fastened the buttons in a crisscross pattern, creating a stylish and unique pleated effect on the front, with the hem tucked neatly into her skirt.

If it weren’t for the fact that the color and fabric were the same, he would have had a hard time recognizing it as his shirt.

Ye Shuyan looked at her bright, sparkling eyes, his gaze sweeping over her delicate collarbone before he lowered his eyes and continued drying his hair, “Nothing great about it.”

Tang Nuan pouted in dissatisfaction, “No taste at all.”

Her phone chimed, and after glancing at it, she said, “Oh, it’s time for the meeting. I have to go now, bye!”

“Wait.” Ye Shuyan frowned, staring at her half-exposed shoulder and elegant collarbone, “You’re going out like that?” Who else do you want to seduce?

Tang Nuan looked puzzled, “Isn’t it pretty like this?” It’s similar to a deep V-neck, not too revealing. The best part is, you can’t even tell it’s a man’s shirt.

Ye Shuyan, with a blank expression, walked over and pulled the collar back up.

Tang Nuan: …

“It looks so ugly,” she said, pulling the collar back down.

Ye Shuyan pulled it up again and held it firmly in place, not letting her pull it down. “I believe providing a sense of security for your fiancé is also a fiancée’s duty.”

Tang Nuan suddenly felt rebellious for no apparent reason. She brushed his hand away and yanked the shirt down forcefully, exposing her entire shoulder. She froze for a moment, but to maintain her momentum, she provocatively looked at Ye Shuyan and said, “Then why don’t you call off the engagement?”

[Ridiculous, even if you bring it up now, once I walk out of this room, I can pull it back down and you wouldn’t even know. Childish!]

Ye Shuyan’s eyes darkened. “Since that’s the case…”

Tang Nuan lifted her chin defiantly. “What?”

Ye Shuyan grabbed her shoulders and suddenly pressed her against the wall behind her, leaning in close.

Tang Nuan was stunned, only realizing what was happening when she felt the hot, moist breath on her shoulder and collarbone. “Hey—”

Whether it was from surprise or something else, her voice trembled slightly with a delicate tone. The man buried in her neck paused for a moment, and then Tang Nuan felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. She angrily asked, “Are you a dog?”

Ye Shuyan didn’t deny it. He let her go, satisfied with the mark he’d left. “Wear whatever you want now.”

Tang Nuan: …

In the end, she buttoned the collar up tightly, grumbling as she ran out.

Ye Shuyan watched her retreating figure, lowering his gaze as he fell into deep thought…

The author has something to say:
President Ye: She’s here, she’s seducing me! Seducing me!
Tang Nuan: I think this style looks good; go show off at the company.
President Ye: …Bite her!

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