The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 43

For some reason, Ye Shuyan felt utterly indifferent when he heard Tang Nuan’s thoughts. He had become immune to her constant desire to call off the engagement.

Heh, let her try to say it out loud.

Unfortunately, she didn’t dare. Thinking this, Ye Shuyan even felt a bit of pity for Tang Nuan—her goal was destined to be unattainable.

Seeing that Tang Jinxin’s family hadn’t suffered any loss, Ye Shuyan’s steps regained their usual composure.

He realized that for someone like Tang Sheng’an, who would seize any opportunity like a clingy plaster, Tang Jinxin’s straightforward approach was quite effective.

Thus, besides Tang Nuan, no one had yet noticed Ye Shuyan. In such a scene, watching a few people fall into a heap was more entertaining than seeing any handsome man or richest person.

Tang Sheng’an’s family of three was about to collapse. They had come to the west zone with a sense of superiority, especially when facing Tang Jinxin’s family. In their imagination, shouldn’t Tang Jinxin’s family be respectful to them and grateful for their suggestions?

What was going on now?!

The three of them were piled up together, each trying to get up on their own, which only made it more chaotic. Finally, it was the servers, who were moving around, who helped them get up.

Lin Yue’e’s elegant demeanor as a lady of the upper class completely broke down, and she screamed in frustration, “Security! Security! Throw them out!”

Seeing enough of the spectacle, Assistant Wen quickly emerged from the crowd, “Mr. Tang, Mrs. Tang.” He greeted them as he walked towards Tang Sheng’an.

As he passed by Tang Yue, his steps paused slightly, and he noticed her skillfully extending her foot, the golden high heels flashing as if they accidentally swayed.

Assistant Wen gave her a slight smile before continuing towards Tang Sheng’an, and if observed closely, he took a deliberately high step.

Tang Yue watched his back, her expression becoming increasingly gentle.

Tang Nuan, however, seemed to see sparks flying and thought Tang Yue might have misunderstood. She whispered, “Assistant Wen is here to help us.”

Tang Yue raised an eyebrow and looked at the young man’s back, just in time to see him intercepting the approaching security guards, “It’s okay, it was just an accident.”

Tang Sheng’an was angrily adjusting his clothes and snapped, “Assistant Wen, what do you mean by this?”

Assistant Wen sighed and said, “Mr. Tang, I remember you were in the East Zone. How did you end up here? Causing a scene won’t do you any good.”

Tang Shuang coldly said, “Who exactly is this bad for?” She pointed at Tang Jinxin’s family, “Can your President Ye really afford to be associated with a family like this?”

Assistant Wen looked at her and replied calmly, “So, Miss Tang Shuang, are you suggesting that President Ye’s future in-laws should be thrown out?”

Tang Shuang was left speechless.

Lin Yue’e couldn’t help but interject, “Are you sure President Ye would want such in-laws? Or are you just making decisions on your own?”

Tang Shuang quickly caught on, also doubting that this could be Ye Shuyan’s intention. It seemed more likely that Tang Nuan was trying to elevate Tang Jinxin’s family’s status without Ye Shuyan’s knowledge. Otherwise, how could they appear here, and as a whole family no less?

With this thought, she sneered contemptuously, “Assistant Wen, think carefully. Tang Nuan just rejoined that family, and they’re already scrambling for benefits. Who knows what trouble they might cause in the future? I remember President Ye hates trouble the most.”

The more she thought about it, the more she was convinced that Tang Nuan was acting behind Ye Shuyan’s back. After all, when Tang Nuan was still part of their family, Ye Shuyan ignored them completely. There was no reason he would now associate with such a crude family.

Lin Yue’e, unable to swallow her anger, was determined that if she didn’t deal with them today, the Tang family would become a laughingstock in their social circle.

“Assistant Wen, before when our family had fewer issues, you could fool Ye Shuyan. But today, with so many eyes watching, if they abuse Ye Shuyan’s power and behave arrogantly, even if Ye Shuyan doesn’t mind, won’t Old Madam Ye and Chairman Ye care?” Lin Yue’e said with a cold smile.

Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua exchanged glances, suddenly realizing they might have caused trouble for Tang Nuan. They were used to being carefree and unafraid of causing a scene, and they deeply resented Tang Sheng’an’s family, which made them act impulsively.

They had forgotten about Tang Nuan and Ye Shuyan’s engagement. Although they didn’t think Ye Shuyan was suitable as a son-in-law, Tang Nuan was still his fiancée. If Ye Shuyan’s elders really did reject Tang Nuan…

Seeing their expressions, Lin Yue’e sneered and lifted her head proudly, “If you leave now, I can still ensure that this matter won’t reach the Ye family’s ears…” Of course, that was impossible. After today, everyone in their circle would know how disgraceful Ye Shuyan’s new in-laws were. She couldn’t believe Ye Shuyan would still accept Tang Nuan!

“I didn’t know the Tang Li Group had the power to cover the sky with one hand,” a calm voice interrupted.

Everyone was startled, and Assistant Wen was stunned as well. “President Ye?”

Why did he come personally when this could be handled by him? Did Ye Shuyan doubt his abilities again? Assistant Wen couldn’t help but glance at the woman responsible, thinking, It’s all because of her!

Tang Yue had been considering whether to make amends for her earlier misunderstanding, but seeing the look in his eyes, she merely pulled out a gentle smile.

Tang Nuan, however, didn’t notice the undercurrent between them and instead looked towards Ye Shuyan, wanting to know his attitude.

At this moment, the previously arrogant Tang Sheng’an family suddenly seemed to shrink, tidying their clothes while greeting Ye Shuyan.

Seeing this, Shen Jinhua spat, “Little eunuchs meeting their master, hurry and kneel down!”

The Tang Sheng’an family couldn’t help but glare angrily. Tang Shuang looked at Ye Shuyan and asked, “President Ye, did you know these people came here?”

Ye Shuyan replied blandly, “No, I didn’t.”

The Tang Sheng’an family was momentarily delighted, but then they heard him continue, “They didn’t use the invitation I gave them.”

Not used, which means they were given invitations?! On what grounds?

Tang Sheng’an found it incredible, but someone nearby spoke up, “I say, you all came in here acting as if you own the place. The invitations from President Tang were delivered by me. How do we not have the right to be here? Is this carnival organized by Tang Li Group or something?”

Uncle Du continued, “How could you even mention calculating the costs of raising a child? It’s not like Tang Nuan was the only one you raised. Tang Xing was also brought up lavishly in this family. Aren’t you worried about hurting the children’s feelings with this?”

Tang Xing, who had been silent until now, spoke up, “Our family is wealthy, so of course, raising Tang Nuan costs more. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be as accomplished as she is. Let’s not bother with the small stuff. Since you want to settle accounts, let’s do it thoroughly. All the major expenses have transfer records. Once we calculate everything, we can just settle the differences so there’s no future dispute.”

Tang Sheng’an smiled helplessly, “Tang Xing, don’t speak in anger.” However, he was quite pleased inside. As a father who wanted to make up for the neglect of his biological daughter, he felt this approach was beyond reproach. Actually, the Tang family didn’t care about the small expenses; it was mainly about the things Ye Shuyan gave Tang Nuan after their engagement. No matter how much they could claim, it would still be a considerable amount.

But then Tang Xing looked genuinely puzzled, “How am I speaking in anger? Isn’t this what you and Tang Yi discussed? I overheard your conversation in the study.”

The crowd’s murmuring grew louder, pointing fingers at the Tang Sheng’an family:

“Is this a wealthy family? This is too stingy!”

“No wonder Tang Li Group isn’t doing well. I heard their employee turnover rate is very high…”

“Heh, a wealthy family? Even ordinary folks wouldn’t do something like this, tsk tsk…”

The Tang Sheng’an family’s faces turned bright red. Ye Shuyan spoke up, “Then let’s settle this clearly. Get the household registration changed back as soon as possible. I’ll personally witness it.” He then looked at Assistant Wen.

Assistant Wen was shocked, his inner voice screaming: President Ye, you came out to relax today and already have a pile of work to do. Are you sure you want to get involved in such a trivial matter?

However, he quickly provided a time, “The day after tomorrow, from nine to ten in the morning.”

Ye Shuyan was surprised, remembering that his schedule was fully booked and thinking he could let them take their time to sort things out.

Assistant Wen, knowing what he was thinking, explained, “CEO Gu of Jinli Entertainment went abroad to chase after his angry wife, so the meeting was postponed.” At the time, you even scolded him for being immature and irrational.

Now, you are quickly filling in this so-called immaturity and irrationality?

Ye Shuyan, expressionless, turned to the two Tang families and said, “This time at the Fengjian Clubhouse. If you’re not at ease, you can each bring a witness.”

He decisively set the arrangements, settling the matter in less than half a minute. Watching the Tang Sheng’an family leave dejectedly, Tang Nuan couldn’t help but admire that, despite everything else, Ye Shuyan’s efficiency in handling matters was impeccable.

Ye Shuyan slightly curled his lips into a smile and walked over to Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua. “Uncle, Aunt, there are some activities over there. I’ll take Nuan Nuan there first.” Although he still carried an air of dignity, his demeanor towards Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua was noticeably more respectful compared to his attitude towards Tang Sheng’an’s family.

Just from his attitude, it was clear that Tang Sheng’an’s family was likely in the wrong.

Naturally, Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua couldn’t stop him and could only watch as Ye Shuyan took Tang Nuan’s hand and walked back to the east zone in a high-profile manner. Assistant Wen was left behind to take care of them.

Tang Nuan tried to ignore the warmth from his hand and tentatively asked, “Um, is everything alright? Will Chairman Ye and Old Madam Ye give you trouble?”

Ye Shuyan turned to look at her, and for some reason, Tang Nuan saw a hint of tenderness in his eyes. He said, “Don’t worry, they won’t dare to give me trouble.”

Tang Nuan felt a slight pang of disappointment in her heart. If they didn’t cause trouble, how would she break off the engagement?

Then she heard him say, “If they cause trouble, it will be for you.”

Tang Nuan: …

Why didn’t she notice this guy was such a dog before?

Ye Shuyan chuckled lightly. “Why don’t you stick close to me for the next few days?”

Tang Nuan looked at him, feeling an inexplicable urge to bite him. Just as she was staring at the back of his hand, a young reporter suddenly stepped forward. “President Ye, can I take a photo of you and your fiancée?”

Before he could finish, an older reporter quickly pulled him back and apologized to Ye Shuyan. “I’m sorry, he’s a new intern and doesn’t know the rules yet.” He gave his apprentice a stern look.

Everyone knew that President Ye disliked being photographed. Except for scheduled interviews, he never allowed reporters to take his picture.

Unexpectedly, Ye Shuyan responded calmly, “Sure.”

The older reporter looked up in shock and saw the notoriously cold-hearted man whispering something in his fiancée’s ear, a slight smile appearing on his usually expressionless face.

Tang Nuan blushed, covered her ear, and glared at him, but she still posed a bit more intimately for the photo.

The young reporter was thrilled and took several shots of the couple. Finally, he boldly asked, “President Ye, can I write an article about this?”

Ye Shuyan nodded. “Let me see the draft before it’s published,” he said, glancing at the young reporter’s camera. “Send me the photos as well.”

“Of course!” The young reporter nodded eagerly, thrilled by this exclusive scoop.

The older reporter watched in a daze as the couple walked away. The man said something to the woman, making her glare openly, while the usually icy man actually laughed.

…His apprentice was indeed quite lucky.

Meanwhile, Tang Nuan couldn’t hold back any longer. During the photo shoot, Ye Shuyan had said that a fiancé has the duty to support his fiancée. With the photos showing his protection, even the Ye family would have to think twice.

Tang Nuan found his logic reasonable—after all, she wasn’t a masochist and preferred peace if possible.

But after the photos were taken, he added, “Why don’t we get married soon? Once the photos are published, everyone will know. There won’t be any chance of calling off the engagement without damaging my reputation.”

Tang Nuan noticed a hint of mischief in his eyes and wondered if she had somehow given away her thoughts at some point. Why else would she feel like he was deliberately opposing her?

Upstairs, a group of people observed this scene, gaining a new understanding of Tang Nuan’s position with Ye Shuyan. Among them, a young man smirked maliciously, “Our pure and aloof Young Master Ye has finally come down to earth. Interesting…”

After the charity banquet, Tang Nuan immediately began organizing her expenses from childhood to the present. She had already sorted through everything when she moved out of the Tang family’s house, so it didn’t take much effort now.

However, she wasn’t sure if Tang Jinxin and the others were also organizing things. Tang Nuan could sense that their spirits were low. She understood why. Unlike her, Tang Xing had genuine feelings for the Tang family, who had raised her as their own daughter. For Tang Xing, going through the expenses and bringing up the past would be hurtful.

Tang Nuan vividly remembered Tang Xing looking back with a sad and reluctant expression as she followed Tang Sheng’an’s family out of the banquet. Despite trying to hide it, Tang Xing’s emotions were evident. Yet, Tang Xing still chose to support her. Because of this, Tang Nuan decided not to question how Tang Jinxin’s family handled the matter. Whatever they chose to do was fine with her.

The day quickly passed, and soon it was time for the scheduled meeting.

Ye Shuyan’s driver first picked up Tang Nuan from the Genting Community and then went to the Ye Group building to pick up Ye Shuyan before heading to the clubhouse.

Tang Nuan watched Ye Shuyan, who buried himself in work as soon as he got in the car. It was clear he was genuinely busy. Unable to help herself, she said, “There are plenty of witnesses. For such a small matter, you could have just sent someone else.”

Ye Shuyan turned to look at her, “It’s not a small matter.”

“This can’t be considered a big deal,” Tang Nuan muttered, pressing her lips together, feeling a slight touch of emotion in her heart. Then she heard him say, “After this is settled, we can discuss the betrothal gifts again. It’s time to think about getting married.”

“Married?” Tang Nuan was startled. “What marriage?” When did she agree to get married?

Ye Shuyan replied, “The situation has escalated so much. It would be hard to resolve without getting married. Otherwise, people will question my attitude towards you. And regarding the Ye family, once the wedding date is set, they won’t have any reason to bother you anymore,” he said, looking at Tang Nuan with a considerate expression. “This is what I should do as your fiancé.”

Tang Nuan: …

Ye Shuyan turned his attention back to the documents, speaking nonchalantly, “Since breaking off the engagement isn’t an option, we might as well be efficient. This way, people won’t think I’m going to heartlessly abandon you, which could affect my reputation and cause fluctuations in Ye Corporation’s stock price.”

Tang Nuan: …

There were so many points to argue, she didn’t know where to start. Unable to help herself, Tang Nuan asked, “Can not getting married really cause stock price fluctuations?”

Ye Shuyan glanced at her and surprisingly said in a doting tone, “Why? Do you want to test it?”

Tang Nuan: (▼ヘ▼#)

He was definitely threatening her!

Tang Nuan genuinely wanted Ye Shuyan to go back and stop meddling in her affairs.

However, the car arrived at the clubhouse right on time. Tang Nuan felt like there were more people there than usual, and it wasn’t just her imagination. These people had heard about the situation and had come specifically to watch the drama unfold!

Tang Nuan wanted to cry but had no tears. Why were these people so nosy? She even spotted Ji Yun among the crowd…

Unable to help herself, she glared at Ji Yun, who pretended not to see her and casually turned around, linking arms with Li Qiuqiu as they went upstairs. Other people also glanced at them from time to time, as if anticipating a good show.

Meanwhile, Ye Shuyan, who typically despised being the center of attention, remained unperturbed as he led her towards the agreed-upon private room.

A young man approached them, grinning, “Finally, you’re here! As expected of Young Master Ye, always punctual.”

Tang Nuan was taken aback. It was the first time she had seen someone so openly teasing Ye Shuyan.

The young man smiled at her, “You must be Tang Nuan. Hi, I’m Xie Feizhe, a good friend of Young Master Ye.”

Tang Nuan was momentarily dazzled. This young man had a lazy demeanor but an extremely striking appearance. Though not feminine, his smile was particularly captivating.

Ye Shuyan pulled Tang Nuan closer, ignoring Xie Feizhe, and said indifferently, “Not a friend, don’t bother with him.”

Despite the indifferent tone, Tang Nuan could tell that their relationship wasn’t bad. After analyzing this, she habitually tried to curb her curiosity. However, Ye Shuyan added, “Second son of the Xie family, high school classmate.”

Tang Nuan understood. Although the Ye family was a real estate giant, it had competitors. The Xie family also started in real estate and evolved into a conglomerate, leading to overlapping business areas, including hotels, where Ye Corporation also performed well.

Xie Feizhe, thick-skinned as he was, didn’t mind Ye Shuyan’s dismissal. He leisurely followed them to the private room. Seeing that Ye Shuyan didn’t stop him, others also quietly slipped in.

Tang Jinxin and Tang Sheng’an’s family were already there, with the Tang family having brought a few witnesses.

Ye Shuyan took the main seat, with Tang Nuan sitting next to him and Tang Xing on the other side.

With everyone present, Ye Shuyan got straight to the point. “Bring out the list,” he said to Tang Sheng’an.

Lin Yue’e immediately produced a stack of documents. “First, the Tang Corporation shares given to you three years ago when you got engaged. The annual dividends amount to nearly two million, totaling 5.6 million.”

“Next is education expenses. This is the school fee list before you turned eighteen, totaling over 1.5 million.”

“Putting other living expenses aside, the main items are the bags and jewelry we bought for her. The list and prices are all here, totaling over 12 million,” Lin Yue’e said, producing a photo album with pictures of the jewelry and bags.

Shen Jinhua’s face turned black with anger, and she trembled at the sight of such clear itemization.

Lin Yue’e, thinking they were intimidated, said calmly, “Don’t worry, we’re not asking you to repay everything. After all, you’ve raised Tang Xing for over twenty years, and we do appreciate that.”

Shen Jinhua coldly retorted, “Don’t worry, whatever we owe, we’ll repay every cent. Just make sure you don’t go back on your word!”

Lin Yue’e sneered disdainfully.

Tang Nuan reached out and took the album. “This is the bulk of it, so it should be checked carefully. I don’t know when you took these photos. I’ve moved these items to the Genting Community long ago.”

Under the watchful eyes of the onlookers, a hint of anger flashed across Lin Yue’e’s face. “These are valuable items; of course, we kept records.”

“Oh~” Tang Nuan started from the first page. “This set of jewelry was a betrothal gift from Brother Shuyan the year we got engaged.”

Ye Shuyan was momentarily stunned, realizing that some of the items he had given were included in the list. He finally understood that the Tang Sheng’an family was really targeting these valuable gifts…

Tang Nuan flipped through the album, recounting the origin of each item. “…This bracelet was a birthday gift that year, this bag was to celebrate my university offer, this brooch was for Christmas…” She turned the pages one by one, covering three birthdays over three years, various holidays, and special occasions. She meticulously listed each gift without missing a single one. “…This set of pink diamonds was my graduation gift this year.”

As she went on, the items left in the album dwindled significantly.

The onlookers watched the Tang Sheng’an family with amazement. It became clear that apart from funding her education before she turned eighteen and giving her a one percent share in the company due to her engagement to Ye Shuyan, the Tang family hadn’t given Tang Nuan anything substantial.

Tang Nuan selected a few remaining items, pointing to the most valuable diamond necklace. “This one was a gift from you when I got engaged,” she said with a smile. “I haven’t worn it since then. After we’re done here, I’ll return it to you.”

She continued flipping through the album with a puzzled expression. “Are you sure there are only these few items? After I turned eighteen, didn’t you give me any other decent gifts? That seems unlikely. Did I forget something?”

Someone in the crowd laughed, and Xie Feizhe added, “I think something is missing. Didn’t Ye Shuyan give Tang Nuan an apartment? Why didn’t you include that?”

Tang Nuan looked at the Tang Sheng’an family expectantly, waiting for their response.

“Is it because the items were never brought home, so you didn’t have a chance to go through them?”

The crowd realized this as well. Indeed, it made sense for the Tang family to keep records of expensive items they bought for Tang Nuan, but these gifts were all from Ye Shuyan. It was unlikely that Tang Nuan would let them take photos of these items. So how did they have photos?

The Tang Sheng’an family’s faces turned bright red. Tang Shuang said, “Tang Nuan only got the chance to get engaged to Young Master Ye because of our Tang family…”

“Bullshit!” Shen Jinhua couldn’t hold back her anger. “You’re also a member of the Tang family. Why haven’t you married into some high-status family? Is it because you didn’t want to, or because no one wanted you?”

“You!” Tang Shuang was furious.

Shen Jinhua was even angrier. She slapped a booklet onto the table, glanced at Tang Xing, and then quickly looked away, fixing her gaze on the Tang Sheng’an family. “We’ve done some calculations as well, but not as meticulously as you. We didn’t count birthday gifts and the like, just- pocket money from childhood…”

Tang Xing, expressionless, pulled out a photo album. “It’s fine, I’ve documented everything. Seeing how my parents prepared, I figured I’d do the same.”

The tension in the room was palpable as everyone watched this confrontation unfold.

Tang Xing’s photo album was much thicker than the one Lin Yue’e had brought. The first page featured a bright red sports car. “This was my 21st birthday gift for graduating from university, worth about six million. This diamond necklace was my 18th birthday gift…”

Just these two items made the onlookers gape in astonishment, staring at Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua. These were not things that ordinary families could afford.

The crowd began to murmur amongst themselves, while Ye Shuyan was lost in his own thoughts. He focused on the album Tang Nuan had just flipped through, filled with items he had given her. None of the items seemed familiar to him since Assistant Wen had arranged everything from the beginning of their engagement.

Recalling the dazzling array of jewelry he had seen on her vanity table, Ye Shuyan suddenly felt a pang of annoyance.

Maybe he should find a way to get Tang Nuan to initiate the breakup. Then he could reclaim all those items…

The author has something to say:
President Ye: I don’t want my wife to use things given by others. Asking directly would be too petty, so let her initiate the breakup.
Tang Nuan: Listen to me, thank you, because of you have warmed all four seasons…

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