The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 42

Tang Nuan felt quite fortunate that she had glanced through some scriptures while preparing a birthday gift for Old Madam Ye. She had to admit, it was indeed very calming. Her wildly beating heart had settled, and the strong presence of the person behind her had disappeared. She was once again the cold and emotionless Tang Nuan.

After putting on all the jewelry, Tang Nuan looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror and felt very satisfied. This hairstyle, paired with the black pearl hairpin and fishtail dress, was perfect. She hadn’t expected Ye Shuyan to have such good taste. However, her pleasant mood was somewhat diminished when she looked up and saw the expressionless man in the mirror. This set of jewelry was expensive!

Ye Shuyan noticed the droop in her mouth corners and felt a pang of frustration: …

Because they were so close, she didn’t dare to let her mind run wild. But Ye Shuyan knew she must be thinking about breaking off the engagement and returning the money. For some reason, a surge of anger welled up in his chest. So, when Tang Nuan turned around, not only did he not back away, but he also took a step closer. Tang Nuan was so startled that she leaned back, and Ye Shuyan directly reached out to catch her slender waist. His thumb unconsciously stroked it, and suddenly the phrase “fits perfectly in my hand” popped into his mind.

A tickling sensation rose in his throat, and Ye Shuyan looked down at Tang Nuan’s gradually blushing cheeks. He lifted his other hand, his fingers combing through her waterfall-like hair from behind her ear to her waist, mimicking the way she had just smoothed her hair.

The slight itch between his fingers directly reached deep into his heart, and Ye Shuyan’s gaze unconsciously fell on her slightly parted red lips, still able to glimpse the tip of the tongue that had once mischievously invaded his mouth…

A dangerous aura began to spread. Tang Nuan, staring at the man inching closer, was so frightened that she forgot to breathe…

Suddenly, the phone rang abruptly. Tang Nuan was startled and reflexively pushed against the man’s chest, “Brother Shuyan.”

Ye Shuyan also came to his senses, releasing her and stepping back.

Tang Nuan cleared her throat and answered the phone. Tang Yue’s gentle voice came through, “Nuan Nuan, we’re over in the East District. Do you want to come over?”

Tang Nuan was taken aback, “You all really came?”

Ye Shuyan looked over.

Tang Nuan met his gaze, immediately looking away as if scalded. She spoke into the phone, “Okay, I’ll come over right away.”

After hanging up the phone, Tang Nuan said to Ye Shuyan, “The Tang family is here. I’m going over to take a look.”

Ye Shuyan asked, “Do you need me to go with you?”

Tang Nuan quickly waved her hand, “I can go by myself.”

Ye Shuyan nodded and said calmly, “I’ll be in the lounge on the second floor. Call me if you need anything.”

His attitude was no different from usual, and Tang Nuan’s wildly beating heart gradually calmed down. She thought to herself that he probably just considered it natural since she was his fiancée.

Tang Nuan took a deep breath and steadied her emotions. She naturally said goodbye to him, picked up her handbag, and left the VIP room.

As the sound of the door closing came, the expressionless Ye Shuyan suddenly turned and leaned against the dressing table, letting out a long sigh. After a moment, he covered his eyes with his hand in frustration, wondering what had come over him…

Suddenly, he remembered something and stood up straight, calling his assistant Wen. “Didn’t you say the Tang family didn’t come?”

Assistant Wen replied, “Indeed, they haven’t come. The invitations you sent out were not returned.”

Ye Shuyan frowned and said, “They are here now.”

Assistant Wen: ??!!

“I’ll go check right away.”

Meanwhile, Tang Nuan found Tang Jinxin’s family.

The 50th anniversary carnival of Miracle Media was very grand and invited many people. To prevent chaos, the banquet was divided into zones. This wasn’t to deliberately create a hierarchy, but to facilitate communication among people of similar status. After all, it would be inefficient for recent graduates looking to start a business to directly approach someone like Ye Shuyan. However, they would have a much better chance if they interacted with emerging company managers or individual investors with idle funds.

This part of the banquet was the most crowded and lively. Tang Nuan passed through the west entrance hall and entered the west zone. The noise level immediately increased several degrees, and she saw people holding wine glasses and socializing everywhere. She walked past several groups of people and could hear them discussing different projects.

Tang Nuan first spotted Tang Jinxin, who stood out because of his noticeable demeanor. As usual, he couldn’t help but tug at his tie when wearing formal attire.

Shen Jinhua was holding his arm and chatting with several middle-aged men and women. Tang Yue and Tang Fei each had their own circles but stayed close, likely waiting for her.

Almost as soon as Tang Nuan saw them, they noticed her as well. Tang Fei waved happily, “Nuan Nuan, over here!”

Tang Ben swiftly approached her. The young man, dressed in a light gray English-style suit with white trim, exuded a cool and humble demeanor that drew the attention of passersby.

However, when he reached Tang Nuan, a more lively expression appeared on his face. “Sister Nuan!” he called out, offering his arm to her.

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but laugh as she linked arms with him. Tang Ben immediately looked as if he had been given a mission, leading her towards their parents with utmost care, his eyes and ears alert to ensure no one bumped into her.

Tang Nuan smiled all the way and asked, “Where did you get the invitation? I thought you weren’t coming.”

She knew the Tang family hadn’t used Ye Shuyan’s invitations.

Although they had never said anything, Tang Nuan could sense their disapproval of Ye Shuyan. At first, she couldn’t understand why, but later she overheard Tang Ben mumbling and learned that it was because Ye Shuyan hadn’t shown up when Jiang Miao had targeted her. Moreover, they had found out that Ye Shuyan had no feelings for her, which led them to believe he wasn’t a suitable match.

Tang Nuan didn’t know how to explain her and Ye Shuyan’s cooperative marriage arrangement to them. Fortunately, they were also in a period of adjustment with her, respecting each other’s boundaries and not interfering excessively in her personal matters and decisions.

This somewhat relieved Tang Nuan and was also the reason she was willing to continue interacting with them. Although she had little resistance to the enthusiasm of this family, her twenty-odd years of making decisions alone had formed a habit she couldn’t break. She couldn’t accept being controlled by others.

Similarly, she wouldn’t say anything about their desire to keep a distance from Ye Shuyan.

Tang Ben replied, “Oh, what’s so difficult about this? Big Sis knows a lot of people. Several bosses who rent offices in our building can easily get an invitation.”

Indeed, Glorious Tower was located in Yan City’s CBD, and the companies that could afford to rent there weren’t small.

“President Ye is so busy. We’re here to keep you company and make sure you have a good time,” Tang Ben added quietly. “Besides, I heard that the other Tang family is coming too, so we can make sure they don’t bully you.”

As they spoke, Tang Ben had already led her to the Tang family. Before Tang Nuan could greet Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua, Tang Ben proudly introduced her to a nearby girl, “This is my Sister Nuan. You’ve seen her livestream, right? She’s amazing.”

Then he turned to Tang Nuan and said, “This is my classmate, Mi Shiya.”

The girl named Mi Shiya immediately looked at her with admiration, “Hello, Sister Nuan! I can’t believe you’re Tang Ben’s sister. He’s so lucky!”

Tang Nuan felt embarrassed under her gaze. She hadn’t experienced this kind of situation before and didn’t know what to say. She could only smile and nod, realizing that this was just a small warm-up.

“Nuan Nuan, come over here!” Shen Jinhua called out to her. Tang Jinxin also grinned at her. As she approached, he introduced her to the people around them, “This is our third daughter, Tang Nuan.”

The people around them were of similar age and seemed quite familiar with each other, likely aware of her recent return to the family. Immediately, someone complimented, “She looks so beautiful, just like a member of the Tang family.”

“Right? She takes after her mother in looks and has my brains,” Tang Jinxin said proudly, patting his head. “She’s really good at her studies.”

“Do you know the University of Pennsylvania? It’s ranked in the top five in the world. She just graduated with a master’s degree this year, and she had a full scholarship!” Tang Jinxin boasted.

Shen Jinhua added, “Not many people get a full scholarship, which covers both tuition and living expenses.”

Everyone looked at her in amazement, “Wow, that’s impressive. Your family really knows how to raise kids.”

Tang Nuan smiled politely but felt awkward. She was reminded of past New Year visits with the Tang family, where parents would boast about their children. Tang Sheng’an and Lin Yue’e would join in the praise, but once they were back home, they would be full of disdain. She suspected these people were the same.

However, Shen Jinhua couldn’t stop and continued, “And that’s not all. She’s won awards in piano, public speaking, and more. Her shelves are full of certificates and trophies!” She even started to pull out her phone to show pictures.

Tang Nuan quickly stopped her.

When Tang Nuan was sick and Shen Jinhua and the others came to take care of her, Tang Nuan had shown them some of her childhood photos and the cabinet full of awards. At that time, Shen Jinhua was overjoyed, even moved to tears. After seeking her opinion, she had taken photos, saying she wanted to frame them and hang them on the walls at home. Tang Nuan had thought it was an exaggeration. Now it seemed that not only did she want to hang them at home, but she also carried them around to show off.

Others might not be as interested and could feel impatient, just like Tang Sheng’an and Lin Yue’e had been.

However, an auntie said unexpectedly, “Oh, the girl is shy. It’s alright, let us see. I’ve never met such an accomplished child.” Her tone was genuinely admiring rather than mere flattery.

Tang Nuan was taken aback for a moment. Already beaming with joy, Shen Jinhua opened the photo album and several people gathered around. Tang Nuan noticed that one couple initially seemed indifferent, but Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua’s proud demeanor and the overall atmosphere made them join in the admiration.

They looked at the photos and then at Tang Nuan, their eyes full of amazement, as if she were an extraordinary child.

At that moment, Tang Nuan suddenly realized that much of a child’s honor was attributed to the parents. When she was with the wealthy Tang family, Tang Sheng’an and Lin Yue’e never cared about her achievements, and sometimes even resented her excellence, as with Tang Shuang.

She remembered once visiting someone’s home, and someone complimented her, saying she might be even more outstanding than Tang Shuang in the future. When they got home, Lin Yue’e scoffed and told her that people were just being polite and that she shouldn’t think too much of it. Tang Shuang then gave her the cold shoulder for a long time and even targeted her in various ways…

If her biological parents belittled and disliked her, why would anyone else have a reason to believe in and like her?

Someone suddenly said, “This is even more impressive than your Yue Yue, isn’t it? Truly remarkable.”

Tang Nuan’s heart tightened, and she instinctively looked at Tang Yue.

Shen Jinhua laughed, “Yue Yue is studying domestic law and doesn’t need to study abroad, but Nuan Nuan indeed is more accomplished in this regard.”

Tang Yue stepped forward and put her arm around Tang Nuan. “Uncle Du, you can let my sister take a look at your project. Don’t underestimate her just because she recently graduated; she has already completed an impressive project.” Her tone was full of pride.

The tension in Tang Nuan’s heart suddenly eased, and she couldn’t help but lean against Tang Yue. Tang Yue smiled and patted her head.

Shen Jinhua continued, “Yes, you know Ye Group’s hotel, right? Our Nuan Nuan developed a big system for them. It was even live streamed online, and everyone praised it. They’re all waiting for the system to be installed so they can stay there! You don’t even need to call for service; just speak, and robots will take care of everything for you…”

Tang Nuan listened to Shen Jinhua’s awkward introduction, feeling a bit amused and helpless. She was about to correct her when the man Tang Yue called Uncle Du spoke up, “Really? Nuan Nuan, is it? Help your uncle out with some advice…”

It wasn’t just politeness; it was genuine trust, and this trust stemmed from the Tang family’s faith in her.

Tang Nuan pressed her lips together and didn’t refuse, “Uncle, please tell me about it. I’m still young and don’t have as much experience as you, but I can share some ideas from what I’ve learned.”

“This child is so modest,” Uncle Du laughed as he explained his project. Tang Nuan felt relieved, knowing she could handle it.

It turned out that the people who got along well with Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua were also those who started from demolition compensations and liked to invest. However, if they hadn’t had hands-on entrepreneurial experience, their perspectives were still somewhat outdated.

After listening to him, Tang Nuan analyzed, “Investing in the internet now is quite risky. The model may look good, but it’s uncertain if it can be executed well. Instead, you might consider investing in warehousing. No matter how the internet develops in the future, warehousing will always be essential…”

Uncle Du’s eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands, “Ah, see, this is the difference education makes. I always felt uneasy, and what you said makes perfect sense!”

“I almost got tricked by that sweet talker. I’ll make sure to give you a big red envelope later as thanks!”

Tang Jinxin rubbed his head and laughed, “Oh, there’s no need to be so polite. She was just casually giving her opinion.”

At this moment, he was being modest again, and Tang Nuan couldn’t help but smile.

Seeing this, the others also began discussing their investment projects and ideas. Tang Nuan was able to pinpoint the key issues almost every time, making the entire Tang family beam with pride. Tang Fei and Tang Ben looked especially pleased, as if the compliments were directed at them.

The admiring looks from everyone gave Tang Nuan a sense of accomplishment, making her feel quite capable.

A fleeting thought crossed her mind: Maybe she didn’t need so much money; perhaps, starting from scratch, she could still achieve something significant…

Everyone was having a great time discussing various ideas, and for the first time, Tang Nuan found this kind of social interaction not boring at all.

In the midst of their cheerful conversation, Uncle Du suddenly pointed out, “Nuan Nuan, are those two people over there calling you?”

Tang Nuan turned her head and saw Tang Shuang and Lin Yue’e standing not far away. She couldn’t help but frown, and Shen Jinhua’s face immediately darkened.

Not wanting to dampen everyone’s spirits, Tang Nuan intended to go over by herself, but Shen Jinhua grabbed her hand, “Don’t go. Call them over here! I want to see what they want.”

Tang Nuan hesitated for a moment but nodded. She called out, “Tang Shuang, Lin Yue’e, over here!”

Tang Shuang and Lin Yue’e exchanged glances before making their way over, their expressions unreadable. The lively atmosphere suddenly grew tense, and everyone watched the approaching pair with cautious eyes.

Tang Yue, Tang Fei, and Tang Ben immediately stood by Tang Nuan’s side. Tang Jinxin turned to Uncle Du and the others, saying, “Let’s continue our conversation later. We have some matters to attend to.”

Knowing about the Tang family’s situation, the others wisely took their leave.

Seeing this, Lin Yue’e and Tang Shuang thought that Tang Jinxin’s family was afraid of them and gave a mocking smile, slowly walking over with an air of condescension.

Lin Yue’e looked at Tang Nuan with a concerned expression, “How have you been lately?”

Tang Nuan smiled, “As you can see, I’ve been doing very well.”

This response clearly didn’t satisfy the mother and daughter. Tang Shuang remarked coldly, “Your tendency to be arrogant hasn’t changed a bit.” She glanced disdainfully at Tang Jinxin’s family.

Anger rose within Tang Nuan, and she retorted with a cold smile, “And your hypocrisy and arrogance remain the same.”

Tang Shuang frowned, “Tang Nuan, you’ve only been away for a few days, and you dare speak to me like this? Where are your manners?”

Before Tang Nuan could respond, Shen Jinhua suddenly rushed in front of Tang Shuang and shouted, “Who are you calling no manners?!”

She was clearly furious, glaring at Tang Shuang and Lin Yue’e with disdain, “Who exactly has no manners here? Who are you to judge my child? Have you no shame?”

Shen Jinhua’s raised voice attracted the attention of those nearby.

Lin Yue’e and Tang Shuang, who always valued their image, both turned red with embarrassment. Tang Shuang seemed to want to leave, but Lin Yue’e held her back. Suppressing her anger, Lin Yue’e said to Tang Nuan, “We are here to help you. Come over; we have something to tell you.”

“No need!” Shen Jinhua retorted sarcastically. “Help her? I think you just want to keep leeching off her! If you know what’s good for you, get lost, or don’t blame me for being impolite!”

Though the Tang family was among the lower tier of the wealthy families, they had never been directly insulted like this. Lin Yue’e’s face turned as dark as coal, but she still maintained her composure and, with suppressed anger, said, “Tang Nuan, you should control them. Don’t cause trouble for yourself.”

“You already know that after your identity swap, the Ye family is not very pleased. If you let them embarrass you here and tarnish Ye Shuyan’s reputation, he might not tolerate it…”


Before Lin Yue’e could finish her sentence, Shen Jinhua spat at her and unceremoniously pointed a finger at her nose, scolding, “Stop pretending to be something you’re not!”

“My daughter’s matters are none of your business! What? Is the Ye family royalty? And is your family the royal eunuchs?”

“No, even the chief eunuch doesn’t meddle with the emperor’s empress. Only the small eunuchs by the empress’s side worry about losing their livelihood if the empress falls out of favor with the emperor!”

She looked at them with contempt. “A small eunuch pretending to be the master? If the Ye family were really royalty, you’d be the ones beaten to death! Get out of here quickly!”

Tang Nuan was stunned, but the Tang family was used to it. Tang Fei even commented with interest, “Mom’s been watching palace dramas lately.”

Lin Yue’e and Tang Shuang were so furious they couldn’t speak, their chests heaving with anger.

The commotion drew the attention of many onlookers, and soon, Tang Sheng’an squeezed through the crowd and asked, “What’s going on here?”

Tang Jinxin then stepped forward, standing protectively in front of Shen Jinhua, “Just in time. Take your wife and daughter away! Are they out of their minds, coming here to be scolded?”

Tang Sheng’an glanced at Lin Yue’e and Tang Shuang, his expression grim, but he didn’t intend to approach them. Instead, he sighed and addressed Tang Nuan in a kind yet sorrowful tone, “Nuan Nuan, we did raise you for over twenty years. Now that you have left, my heart feels empty, and I can’t bear it. So, I was thinking, why don’t you come back?”

His tone was gentle yet tinged with sadness.

“Now that you’re older, you can make your own decisions. With the reputation of the Tang family, you’ll be more effective in whatever you do, especially when it comes to marriage.” He looked at Tang Jinxin, “Marriages have always been about matching social status. Without a proper family background, it’s hard to justify her engagement to the Ye family. You also want her to have a good life when she marries, don’t you?”

His words sounded righteous, making it seem like he truly cared for Tang Nuan. The onlookers nodded in agreement.

Tang Nuan was so angry that she laughed. She was about to expose him when a clear voice interrupted, “I don’t agree!”

Everyone turned to see Tang Xing walking over with a determined expression. She looked at Lin Yue’e and Tang Sheng’an, questioning them, “What do you mean by this?”

Tang Sheng’an and Lin Yue’e both frowned.

Tang Sheng’an asked, “Tang Xing, what are you doing here?”

Tang Xing sneered, “If I didn’t come, would you just take Tang Nuan back home?”

“Don’t think I’m a fool. When you kicked her out, you were so decisive. I didn’t see any reluctance then. Now that Young Master Ye hasn’t broken off the engagement, you’re thinking of cozying up to her again? What, are you planning to kick me out this time?”

The onlookers who had been nodding in agreement now wore expressions of surprise. Hearing these words come from Tang Xing, their biological daughter, carried much more weight than if they had come from Tang Nuan or Tang Jinxin.

Even someone as thick-skinned as Tang Sheng’an couldn’t keep his composure. “Tang Xing, what nonsense are you talking about? You and Tang Nuan are the same age. Isn’t it good to have another sister? Why are you being so petty?”

“It’s not good!” Tang Xing retorted. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to. You think Jiang Miao isn’t working out, so now you’re trying to curry favor with the Ye family and kick me out?”

“I’m telling you, that’s not happening! Sister Miao might be struggling in the entertainment industry, but the Jiang family is still doing fine!” She pointed at Tang Nuan and declared, “In any case, it’s either her or me in this family. If you bring her back, I’ll leave immediately and go abroad with Sister Miao to start a business!”

She continued with fierce determination, “And before I leave, I’ll make sure to ruin Tang Yi. You won’t have a good time, and we’ll see if the Jiang family lets you off easy for being such fence-sitters!”

Tang Sheng’an’s family turned pale.

Tang Xing sneered, “You better transfer the household registration tomorrow, or I’ll go to the Jiang family and find Sister Miao right away.”

Tang Sheng’an, still unwilling to give up, said reluctantly, “Transferring the household registration isn’t that easy. Tang Nuan is engaged to Ye Shuyan under our family’s name. She even holds shares of our company. When she got engaged, we also sent a considerable dowry…”

Tang Nuan was thoroughly disgusted, but she didn’t get a chance to speak as Tang Jinxin stepped forward, standing in front of Tang Sheng’an. “Don’t worry, my daughter doesn’t care about your dirty money!”

Tang Sheng’an found it amusing. “Dirty money? I’m afraid your whole family wouldn’t earn that much even if you worked together without eating or drinking for a lifetime. Stop boasting.”

Tang Jinxin looked at him with disdain. “Oh? Did raising my daughter cost you billions?” He didn’t want to waste more words and said directly, “Didn’t you want to calculate how much you spent raising her for over twenty years? Fine, let’s do it.”

He stared hard at Tang Sheng’an. “Go back and compile everything, all your transaction records. I want to see how much you spent on my daughter! Rest assured, I’ll pay back every penny if it’s a lot!”

“That’s what you said,” Tang Sheng’an responded, appearing enraged. He then looked at Tang Nuan with a mocking expression. “Just don’t end up needing Ye Shuyan to pay this debt.”

“What Ye Shuyan or Li Shuyan, let’s settle this account. We don’t recognize the daughter you sold!” Tang Jinxin, getting more heated, shoved Tang Sheng’an with his beer belly, “If you’re so brave, why don’t you use your own daughter!”

Caught off guard, Tang Sheng’an stumbled backward. Lin Yue’e and Tang Shuang, shocked, rushed over, only to trip over each other and end up in a heap.

Tang Nuan stood there, stunned, as she noticed both Shen Jinhua and Tang Yue pulling back their feet simultaneously: “…”

This practiced synchronization clearly wasn’t their first time.

Suddenly sensing something, Tang Nuan turned her head and met Ye Shuyan’s shocked gaze from a distance.

Even someone as composed as Ye Shuyan probably hadn’t seen such a scene before.

A light bulb went off in Tang Nuan’s head: If he found their family lacking in decorum, it wouldn’t be her fault, would it?

Ye Shuyan: …

The author has something to say:
Ye Shuyan: What if I want to call off the engagement at any moment?
Tang Dad: I’ll repay all the expenses incurred by my daughter, no matter how much you spend.

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