TCPCHW Chapter 94

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 94          Other

As Qin Wenzheng rushed to the entrance of the Liuyue Pavilion, he overheard Old Madam Qin’s remarks that even made him feel a bit ashamed.

These remarks included issuing a divorce decree for Shen Shiying and the request for Qin Yan to transfer family assets to Ming’er.

Qin Wenzheng stopped abruptly at the door, unsure how to handle the situation inside.

During his journey, Qin Wenzheng has finally sorted out his thoughts. His eldest daughter, Qin Yan, was indeed formidable and highly sought after in the court. He could only follow her lead in everything and avoid offending her at all costs.

Yet his mother was still using outdated methods from the courtyard to deal with Qin Yan.

Qin Wenzheng rubbed his forehead. Since leaving the Princess Mansion yesterday, he had realized that Qin Yan was now wealthy and powerful, and she had the confidence to act as she pleased. She no longer regarded him, her father, with much consideration, let alone her grandmother…

With a heavy heart, Qin Wenzheng stepped into the room.

Ji Nanfeng had already reported ahead of him, “Master, Prime Minister Qin has arrived.”

Ji Nanfeng did not block Qin Wenzheng at the gate but instead guided him into the mansion, hoping to resolve these troubling issues quickly for the princess.

Qin Yan had already formed a clear understanding of the Qin family and had no expectations of them. Thus, she did not pay much attention to Old Madam Qin’s fanciful remarks and was not inclined to engage further with them.

Seeing Qin Wenzheng’s arrival, Qin Yan seized the opportunity to issue a final ultimatum.

“Prime Minister Qin, you’ve arrived just in time. Let me make things clear in front of you once and for all.”

Qin Yan’s tone was cold as she gestured for Qin Wenzheng to take a seat opposite Old Madam Qin.

Qin Yan took the divorce decree from Shen Ying, unfolded it, and glanced at it, “The divorce decree was issued by Qin Wenzheng, a resident of Yunshui Town in Yangzhou. He had proposed to marry Miss Shen through a matchmaker. After marriage, due to various faults on the part of the wife, which align with the seven grounds for divorce, he is unwilling to state these explicitly out of regard for their past relationship. He is willing to return her to her family and allow her to remarry without any objection. The decree is authentic. Sealed with a handprint.”

Qin Yan laughed derisively.

“Seven grounds for divorce? A divorce decree? Sealed with a handprint?”

“Prime Minister Qin, is this your sincerity?”

Qin Yan motioned for Shen Ying to hand the decree to Qin Wenzheng.

After reading the decree, Qin Wenzheng’s face grew even more troubled.

“Mother, how could you do this?” Qin Wenzheng frowned at Old Madam Qin.

He was trying to suppress his anger, as it was his mother, and he did not want to speak too harshly.

But his mother had acted on her own, creating a divorce decree without consulting him.

If Shen Shiying could return, Qin Wenzheng privately hoped to reconcile with her. He was unwilling to even consider divorce, let alone actually issue a decree.

Seeing her son’s disapproval, Old Madam Qin was even more infuriated. She was acting for his sake and for the benefit of the Qin Mansion!

Just as Old Madam Qin was about to speak, Qin Yan interjected, “May I ask which of the seven grounds my mother has violated? Let’s clarify it here today to prevent any future disputes.”

Old Madam Qin, already seething with anger, found herself with no more patience for Shen Shiying’s dignity. Since Qin Yan had brought it up so directly, she saw no reason to preserve Shen Shiying’s reputation.

“The seven grounds for divorce are: Disobedience to parents, no children, promiscuity, jealousy, having a serious illness, excessive talkativeness; theft.”

“And your mother, Shen Shiying, falls into three of these grounds.”

“Firstly, disobedience to parents; secondly, no children; thirdly, jealousy.”

“Now tell me, with such a woman, isn’t it justifiable for us in the Prime Minister Qin Mansion to issue a divorce?”

Old Madam Qin’s voice was harsh and laced with venom, leaving Qin Wenzheng stunned.

Was his mother’s view of Shiying really this harsh? But clearly…

“Disobedience to parents?” Qin Yan’s lips curved into a cold smile, her tone icy.

“That cannot be simply claimed by Old Madam Qin without basis.”

“When Old Master Qin passed away, my mother, Shen Shiying, and Prime Minister Qin observed the three years of mourning for him. Is this what you call disobedience? Every time you demanded that my mother kneel at the ancestral hall, did she ever fail to follow your wishes? Is this disobedience?”

Qin Yan recalled her mother’s experiences, and her anger began to rise.

Back then, her mother had indeed tried her best to maintain that ridiculous marriage, but at least Miss Shen now understood how to live for herself.

Old Madam Qin was about to speak again, but Qin Yan’s cold voice interrupted, “No children? According to the laws of the Great Xia, a woman who has no children by the age of forty can be considered that. My mother is only thirty-six this year—how does this fall under this ground?”

“Moreover, jealousy? Who did my mother envy? Are you referring to Song Mei? The woman you arranged for Prime Minister Qin to carry on the family line, who was once my teacher? I doubt she even qualifies for such a comparison.”

Old Madam Qin clutched her chest, her breath coming in ragged gasps, her eyes fixed intently on Qin Yan. This Qin Yan dared to speak to her in such a manner.

Qin Wenzheng, on the other hand, felt increasingly ashamed. Though Shiying came from a distinguished family, she had indeed fulfilled her role as a wife and mistress of the house well.

“If you say my mother has committed the seven grounds for divorce, then according to the laws of the Great Xia, does my mother not meet the ‘three grounds for removal?”

“Firstly, did my mother, after marriage, not bring her property to her husband, Prime Minister Qin?”

“Secondly, did my mother not observe three years of mourning with Prime Minister Qin, fulfilling the greatest filial duties to Prime Minister Qin’s father?”

“Thirdly, what was the situation before Prime Minister Qin married my mother, and how did your wealth and status come after the marriage?”

“What are the three grounds for removal? Prime Minister Qin, who is well-read and knowledgeable, should understand well: not being ungrateful, not being unethical, and not being impoverished.”

“Prime Minister Qin, Old Madam Qin, do not let me hear you use the name of the seven grounds for divorce to insult my mother.”

Qin Yan continued, “Old Madam Qin, if you want to issue a divorce to my mother, you should have submitted it to my mother’s family, the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion. Why was it given to my mansion instead?”

“Is it that you cannot enter the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion, or are you using your status as an elder to put pressure on me?”

“Since Old Madam Qin says we are family and since you show disrespect as the elders, don’t blame me for following your example.”

Qin Yan looked at Qin Wenzheng.

“Prime Minister Qin, what I told you yesterday still stands.”

“Handle the divorce with Miss Shen properly, place your handprint on the divorce document I give you, and submit it to the Yangzhou Prefecture and report to the Ministry of Revenue, removing my mother’s name from the Prime Minister Qin Mansion’s household registration.”

“Do not make any other moves. The Duke of Zhenguo Mansion will confirm with the Ministry of Revenue.”

“As for my mother’s dowry, the Xi Garden property is still under my mother’s name, and we need not discuss it. The shops and estates now belong to Yu Qingfeng, and there is no need to talk about that either. As for my mother’s gold, silver, jewelry, antiques, and paintings, consider them as compensation for the half of my bloodline provided by Prime Minister Qin. Today, I will make the decision on behalf of my mother and will not pursue them further.”

Qin Yan was clear that the treasures and antiques in the storerooms were probably already scarce. It was meaningless to demand them further. Even if her mother returned in the future, she would not be interested in entangling herself with the Qin family, so it was better to cut off completely.

Qin Wenzheng felt somewhat uncomfortable. According to Qin Yan’s statement, was he simply being used to provide seeds?

Qin Yan continued to speak, “Prime Minister Qin, manage your household properly. If Old Madam Qin cannot speak or handle matters properly, I advise you to send her back to Yangzhou as soon as possible. It is not uncommon in the capital for people to lose their heads for their words. Prime Minister Qin should be very clear about this.”

Prime Minister Qin’s face grew darker, but he could not show his anger.

“You…” Old Madam Qin was so angry she almost fainted, and her maid quickly helped her by patting her back.

Old Madam Qin, catching her breath, had her maid take out a scroll with “Imperial Edict” written on it. This was a decree with the imperial seal.

“Qin Yan, as your grandmother and a first-class imperial lady appointed by the emperor, how do you have the authority to expel me from the capital?”

Old Madam Qin finished speaking, holding her breath, causing Qin Wenzheng to tighten his chest.

Qin Wenzheng glanced at Qin Yan, relieved that her expression showed no discernible emotion.

Qin Wenzheng felt somewhat embarrassed. His mother seemed to be becoming more irrational, and her status as a first-class imperial lady was in no way comparable to Qin Yan’s status as a first-class princess.

Qin Wenzheng seriously needed to consider whether such a confused mother was suitable to stay in the capital, as it might negatively affect his career prospects.

Qin Yan had no interest in arguing further with Old Madam Qin and turned to Qin Wenzheng, “The invitation from the He family has already been sent to the Princess Mansion. Qin Nian’s wedding is imminent, so consider this your deadline. Prime Minister Qin, handle the matters I mentioned, and I will send the gift over.”

Prime Minister Qin did not notice that Qin Yan mentioned sending a gift, not adding to the dowry.

Prime Minister Qin promised Qin Yan that he would handle the matters as soon as possible and then hurriedly left with the enraged Old Madam Qin, who was so angry she could hardly speak.

However, as Prime Minister Qin left, thoughts did arise in his heart.

As his mother had mentioned, such a large family estate belonging to Qin Yan would be brought to her husband’s family?

If it were given to Ming’er…

No rush. Qin Yan’s marriage was still not even officially announced.


After the Qin family left, Qin Yan also exited the Louyue Pavilion. The room that the two of them had been in was likely one she would not want to enter again soon.

Shen Ying followed her out of the Louyue Pavilion and asked, “Miss, are we heading to the Taizi Mansion?”

Shen Ying was not trying to overstep by inquiring about her master’s plans but wanted to remind her that there was still the Taizi, whom she seemed to have forgotten.

Qin Yan closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the cold fragrance from the orchids growing by the steps outside the Louyue Pavilion, then replied softly.

“Not today.”

Shen Ying understood that her mistress was still preoccupied with the troublesome matters from the Qin family and mentally took note to remember these grievances against the Qin family.


Cangtian Pavilion at Taizi Mansion.

Feng Zhan had been sitting in meditation for more than half an hour, holding a sutra without turning a single page. Song Zhi knew that His Highness was clearly waiting for the Princess.

Song Zhi looked towards the direction of the plum grove but still did not see the Princess’s figure.

He sighed, thinking, Princess, please don’t keep His Highness waiting any longer.

Song Zhi suddenly remembered something.

“Your Highness, the Empress, and Princess Changle arrived at the mansion yesterday and stayed overnight. They should still be here today.”

Feng Zhan did not lift his gaze, his expression growing increasingly somber.

“What is she doing?”

Song Zhi knew that His Highness was referring to the Princess.

“Your Highness, according to the report from the secret guards, Prime Minister Qin and Old Madam Qin have visited the Princess Mansion and have only recently left.”

Song Zhi kept the secret guards updated on the movements at the Princess Mansion, so he was well-informed about the movements of the Princess Mansion.

Feng Zhan’s attractive sword-like brows furrowed slightly, and he sighed.

“Move my usual items to the Princess Mansion.”

Song Zhi…

His Highness is truly deeply captivated by the Princess.


As Feng Zhan rose, the voice of the guards outside the door announced, “Her Majesty the Empress, Her Highness Princess.”

With that, the Empress and Feng Yunchao entered.

The Empress looked at the Taizi with concern, “Taizi, are you well?”

Feng Zhan responded tersely, “No issues.”

Meanwhile, Feng Yunchao, who had been harboring gossip for a whole day and night, could no longer contain himself.

“Imperial Brother, did you stay at the Princess Mansion last night?”

Feng Zhan did not answer Feng Yunchao’s question and simply said a brief statement before stepping out, “Make yourselves comfortable.”

Song Zhi followed the Taizi out.

The Empress and Feng Yunchao watched the Taizi leave in the direction of the plum grove…

The Princess Mansion?

The Empress walked over to the tea table and began preparing tea, while Feng Yunchao took a seat at the qin and started to test its sound.

After a moment, the Empress’s soft voice echoed in the pavilion, “We can start preparing for your imperial brother’s marriage.”

Feng Yunchao looked up in surprise.

Princess Qin?


Song Zhi instructed the servants to pack the Taizi’s belongings and quickly followed after him.

“Your Highness, several ministers are requesting an audience outside the residence.”

“Do not see them.” Feng Zhan’s pace did not falter.

Those scheming old-timers in the court, if they can’t get their act together and be useful, then there’s no need to waste time on them.

Qin Yan was lounging on the couch, reading a book.

“Your Highness Taizi.”

It was the voice of Shen Ying from outside the door.

Qin Yan slowly lifted her gaze and saw a tall and upright figure coming through the screen. After the visitor entered, he stopped, and Song Zhi directed the servants to move in various boxes and cabinets, which were then arranged in the outer room. After everything was set up, Song Zhi and the servants left, closing the door behind them.

Song Zhi also arranged for a large sandalwood writing desk that His Highness was accustomed to using in Qin Yan’s study, along with the Taizi’s usual stationery. Additionally, the kitchen in the Princess Mansion was supplied with His Highness’s preferred tableware and drinkware.

As Feng Zhan entered through the screen and saw Qin Yan holding a casual book, he narrowed his eyes and walked over, taking the book from her.

“This is a storybook given to me by Yuyao. What do you think it is?” Qin Yan looked at Taizi, who had a cold expression on his face, with a faint smile.

Qin Yan suddenly stood up, reached out, and pulled Feng Zhan’s neck, bringing his handsome face closer to hers. Her full, red lips pressed against his slightly cool lips, tracing the shape of his lips.

Feng Zhan stiffened for a moment, but he could not resist the woman he had been longing for day and night.

Feng Zhan sighed inwardly, his large hand wrapping around Qin Yan’s slender waist, turning the passive situation into an active one with a deep kiss.

After the kiss, Qin Yan calmed her breathing, her red lips slightly parted, “Taiye Pool, it was you. Why didn’t you say anything?”

Feng Zhan did not respond, only burying his head in Qin Yan’s neck, gently rubbing it, seeming somewhat aggrieved…

Qin Yan leaned her red lips close to Feng Zhan’s ear and whispered, “When you saved me, did you kiss me?”

Feng Zhan still did not speak, but Qin Yan’s keen eyes noticed a suspicious faint red on his ears.

Qin Yan removed a hairpin from her black hair, letting her long, dark hair fall onto the couch. She slowly spoke, her voice slightly husky with a hint of seduction, “Your Highness, shall we try something else?”

Feng Zhan suddenly looked up, his deep eyes darkening.

Qin Yan, you’re playing with fire.

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