TCPCHW Chapter 78

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 78          Jealousy

The Taizi’s expression remained unreadable, and he did not respond. Seeing this, Lin Hui gave his daughter a subtle signal, prompting Lin Miao to retreat to a seat slightly behind him quietly.

Wang Jingyan let out a soft scoff. Such petty behavior, she thought. What hasn’t the Taizi already seen? And now this wisp of a girl thinks she can accompany him by playing the zither?

Wang Jingyan then addressed the Taizi, “Your Highness prefers quiet surroundings, and I fear the Prefect’s residence may not be the most comfortable. The Yu family has already prepared a courtyard for Your Highness, Yiyuan, known for its tranquility and scenic beauty—perfect for Your Highness to rest.”

Yu Shenghai, the head of the Yu family, stood up and bowed toward the Taizi, “The Yu family is honored to serve Your Highness.”

Lin Hui’s face darkened slightly, clearly displeased by the Yu family’s intervention.

A merchant closely allied with the Yu family chimed in, praising, “Yiyuan is one of the Four Famous Gardens of Yangzhou, ranked second only to Liu Garden. It’s truly a masterpiece of landscape design, with breathtaking views at every turn.”

One of the Taizi’s advisors, unfamiliar with Yangzhou, curiously asked, “And which garden ranks first?”

The voices of the two speakers were not hushed, allowing everyone at the banquet to hear their conversation.

The merchant continued to explain, “The Four Famous Gardens of Yangzhou are Liu Garden, Yiyuan, Cangxi Forest, and Luohua Villa.”

“Of these, Liu Garden and Cangxi Forest are under the renowned Yu Qingfeng. I was fortunate enough to visit the front courtyard of Liu Garden once, and it is indeed an extraordinary work of art. However, the owner, Manager Ji of Yu Qingfeng, is elusive, and outsiders rarely see these gardens. We know very little about them.”

Upon hearing this, the Taizi’s advisors turned their attention to Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan.

Qin Yan, however, remained composed, her expression revealing nothing as she continued to toy with the cup in her hand.

Wang Jingyan spoke again, directing her words toward the Taizi, “If Your Highness wishes to relax, I could accompany you to Lingshan on the outskirts of Yangzhou. The Yu family has a villa there, with several excellent hot springs that are renowned for their therapeutic benefits. Your Highness should try them.”

“I know Your Highness appreciates fine tea, and the cold springs of Lingshan are famous far and wide. Brewing tea with this water is truly exceptional.”

Every word Wang Jingyan spoke highlighted her familiarity with the Taizi, leading the guests to speculate whether there was a close relationship between her and the Crown Prince.

Another merchant praised, “The Yu family’s villa on Lingshan is indeed well-located, second only to the Nameless Villa on the peak of Lingshan, owned by Yu Qingfeng. We are all quite envious.”

Wang Jingyan was pleased with the support from the older merchant. Thanks to her father, the Left Prime Minister, the Yu family became the wealthiest in Yangzhou, and others in the circle naturally showed them respect.

Wang Jingyan believed that this conversation was showcasing the Yu family’s wealth and adding to her own prestige. However, she was unaware that her repeated mentions of Yu Qingfeng were somewhat amusing to those in the know.

The Taizi’s advisors, watching Wang Jingyan, felt secondhand embarrassment for her. Their gazes kept drifting toward Princess Zhaoren.

According to Wang Jingyan and the merchants’ words, Yu Qingfeng seemed to surpass them all. But little did they realize that they were boasting in front of Yu Qingfeng’s true owner, unknowingly making fools of themselves.


Lin Hui, eager to steer the conversation away from the topic, was keen to avoid any further uncertainty about where the Taizi would stay during his time in Yangzhou. Since the Taizi had not yet made his preference known, Lin Hui planned to extend a private invitation later, confident that his chances of hosting the Taizi at the Prefect’s Office were strong.

He quickly shifted the focus, “The disaster in Jiangnan has been severe, and I urge my fellow colleagues and esteemed merchants to contribute generously to the relief efforts. Let us show His Highness that the people of Yangzhou are united, not divided, and willing to work together for the common good.”

Although Wang Jingyan was displeased with the change in subject, she recognized that it was time to discuss official matters, the true purpose of the evening. As Taizi’s cousin, she knew she would have more opportunities to be close to him and decided to be patient.

Lin Hui had already informed the merchants before the banquet, so they had come prepared with a suitable donation amount in mind.

One by one, they began announcing their contributions: fifty thousand taels of silver, a hundred thousand taels… The highest donation came from Yu Shenghai, the head of the Yu family, who pledged two hundred thousand taels of silver, earning him widespread praise from the gathered crowd.

At that moment, a portly middle-aged man suddenly asked Lin Hui, “Lord Lin, on such an important occasion, why isn’t Boss Ji from Yu Qingfeng present?”

Everyone understood that this banquet was, in essence, a way for Lin Hui to collect substantial contributions from them, so it seemed unfair that Yu Qingfeng might be spared from this “contribution.”

Lin Hui’s expression grew tense as he responded, somewhat evasively, “Boss Ji sent word that he had some urgent matters to attend to and would be arriving later.” He glanced up at the Taizi, feeling uneasy. How could Manager Ji have something so important that he would dare to keep the Taizi waiting and arrive late?

The guests noticed the only empty seat was directly below Princess Zhaoren, clearly reserved for Boss Ji. They began murmuring among themselves, speculating on whether Yu Qingfeng’s manager was so bold as to disrespect the Taizi.

However, the Taizi’s advisors knew the truth. It wasn’t that Mister Ji was being arrogant; he was merely relying on the favor the Taizi showed toward Princess Zhaoren.

As if on cue, Ji Nanfeng, dressed in an elegant indigo robe, was led into the hall by the Prefect’s attendants. He bowed respectfully to the Taizi and Lin Hui, “Your Highness, Lord Lin.”

The Taizi remained impassive, his expression unreadable.

Lin Hui let out a silent sigh of relief—finally, Ji Nanfeng had arrived. As a wealthy merchant, Ji Nanfeng would undoubtedly need to make a significant contribution tonight.

But then a wave of anxiety gripped Lin Hui. Would the Taizi be angered by Mister Ji’s tardiness?

These merchants were used to being flattered in their business dealings, but they seemed unaware that dealings with royalty could easily turn dangerous if they made a wrong move.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Lin Hui spoke to Ji Nanfeng, “Boss Ji, you must drink three cups to atone for your lateness and offer your apologies to His Highness.”

Lin Hui gestured for the attendants to bring the wine cups to Ji Nanfeng.


Princess Zhaoren’s sudden interjection halted Ji Nanfeng’s motion to take the wine cup.

“I sent him to handle some matters.”

The moment these words left her lips, every gaze in the hall turned sharply towards the composed Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan.

What did she mean by that?

Sent Ji Nanfeng to handle matters?

What exactly was the relationship between Princess Zhaoren and Manager Ji?

Wang Jingyan’s face betrayed her shock. This man is Manager Ji? She had seen him before—on the day the Taizi departed from the capital, this same Manager Ji was present at the dock, seeking instructions from Princess Zhaoren before boarding the ship.

Manager Ji of Yu Qingfeng had shown great deference to Princess Zhaoren, even addressing her as… master?

Wang Jingyan’s breath hitched. Please, let it not be what I’m thinking…

Feng Zhan’s expression darkened slightly. Was Qin Yan really stepping in to shield Ji Nanfeng from the drink?

The atmosphere in the hall froze for a moment, tension thick in the air. Then, with a silent sigh of resignation, Feng Zhan waved his hand dismissively.

Lin Hui, quick to react, immediately spoke up, “Boss Ji, please take your seat.”

Relief washed over Lin Hui. These merchants, though technically commoners, often had powerful connections, some even tied to the elite of the capital. While Lin Hui was the Prefect of Yangzhou, his own authority wasn’t always enough to summon these influential figures.

The way Ji Nanfeng conducted himself suggested that the person backing him might be formidable indeed, and now, with Princess Zhaoren’s involvement, it was clear this wasn’t someone to be underestimated.

And what exactly was the connection between Princess Zhaoren and Yu Qingfeng…?


Ji Nanfeng was led to the seat below Qin Yan’s, but instead of sitting down immediately, he turned to face Qin Yan and gave a slight bow.

“Master,” he addressed her respectfully.

Qin Yan nodded in acknowledgment.

Ji Nanfeng then took his seat.


Did Mister Ji just call Princess Zhaoren Master?

The guests were astonished. So, Princess Zhaoren is Mister Ji’s master?

With this revelation, everything became clear. Princess Zhaoren was the true owner behind Yu Qingfeng.

After taking his seat, Ji Nanfeng spoke to Qin Yan, “Master, everything at Liu Garden has been arranged.”

“Good,” Qin Yan replied, paying no attention to the many heated and inquisitive glances directed at her from around the table.


At this moment, Lin Hui found himself in a difficult position. He wasn’t sure whether he should direct his request for disaster relief funds to Boss Ji or to Princess Zhaoren herself.

After a brief hesitation, he decided to take the risk and addressed Boss Ji directly, “Boss Ji, shouldn’t Yu Qingfeng also contribute to the disaster relief efforts?”

The guests collectively held their breath. Everyone knew that Princess Zhaoren had a special relationship with the Taizi, and Boss Ji was clearly her subordinate. For Lin Hui to insist on this matter in front of her was a bold, if not reckless, move.

Ji Nanfeng remained silent. Contributions from Yu Qingfeng were not unusual, but the decision on the amount and whether to donate at all rested with his master. He knew that Qin Yan disliked being pressured, so it seemed likely that Lin Hui might be disappointed today.

Noticing Qin Yan’s slightly subdued expression, Feng Zhan seemed to grasp the source of her displeasure.

Not wanting anyone to dampen Qin Yan’s mood—since that would only complicate things for him later—Feng Zhan paused for a moment before speaking to her, “Will you be staying at Liu Garden for the next few days?”

As someone who could read lips, Feng Zhan had already understood the conversation between Ji Nanfeng and Qin Yan earlier.

Taizi’s words confirmed to everyone present that Princess Zhaoren was indeed the true owner of Yu Qingfeng.

The realization struck like a thunderbolt. For years, there had been speculation that Yu Qingfeng, widely recognized as the most powerful merchant organization in the empire, had a powerful patron behind it. But few had imagined that the true figure behind it all was a woman—Princess Zhaoren.

Wang Jingyan, in particular, was now acutely embarrassed. Her earlier attempts to boast and flaunt her family’s wealth had unwittingly only served to enhance Qin Yan’s reputation. She had been dressing Qin Yan in finer clothes with her words.

Though the Yu family was considered the wealthiest in Yangzhou, they still paled compared to Yu Qingfeng. And now it was clear that the true force behind Yu Qingfeng was none other than Qin Yan.

Wang Jingyan could feel the meaningful look from those around her, and she wished she could find a hole to crawl into and hide from the shame.


Qin Yan could guess what the Taizi was up to. She met his gaze with a calm demeanor, raising her eyebrows slightly.

The other guests noticed Princess Zhaoren’s nearly indifferent response to the Taizi’s question, and yet the Taizi showed no sign of anger, almost as if he was indulging her.

At this point, no one believed that there wasn’t something more going on between these two behind closed doors.

Feng Zhan fixed his gaze on Qin Yan’s face as he continued, “I’ll be requisitioning Liu Garden during my stay in Yangzhou. Does Princess Zhaoren have any objections?”

Qin Yan…

Is this a blatant robbery?

In front of all these people, the Taizi was putting her on the spot, especially after she had just revealed her connection to Yu Qingfeng. Could she really say no?

Qin Yan remained silent, which Feng Zhan took as her consent. He then turned to Lin Hui and instructed, “Tomorrow morning, there will be a meeting at the Prefect’s office. This gathering is over.”

After the Taizi and Princess Zhaoren left, the remaining guests excitedly whispered among themselves. The true background of Yu Qingfeng had finally come to light, and this firsthand information would provide ample material for gossip.

Lin Hui’s expression was sour, but Lin Miao still harbored some hope. If the Taizi would be at the Prefect’s office for the next few days, she might still have a chance to get closer to him.

Yu Shenghai, however, was fuming. After donating 200,000 taels of silver, he had been upstaged by Yu Qingfeng, who hadn’t spent a single coin.

This wasn’t the place to discuss it, so Yu Shenghai quickly left with Wang Jingyan.

As they exited the hall, Yu Shenghai shot an irritated glance at Wang Jingyan, muttering under his breath, “We made a fool of ourselves today. How could you not find out more about this Princess Zhaoren’s background?”

Wang Jingyan was equally frustrated, her thoughts bitter. Why is Qin Yan so lucky and so fortunate?

No, she had to act quickly.


Liu Garden at Yangzhou City.

Ji Nanfeng efficiently organized the accommodations for the Taizi’s entourage.

The Taizi’s advisors, however, were in no rush to retire to their rooms after entering the garden. Although it was already night, they eagerly explored the garden under the moonlight and lanterns, admiring the scenery with great enthusiasm. The beauty of the garden left them all in awe.

The garden’s design was ingenious, with borrowed scenery blending seamlessly into the surroundings. The winding covered walkways, intricate and ever-changing, were interspersed with walls featuring ornamental windows. Through the small openings between the rocks and the green curtains of hanging vines, they could catch glimpses of shimmering water reflections, adding to the charm of the place.

Song Zhi instructed everyone to keep their noise to a minimum, and only then did the group reluctantly return to their guest rooms, making plans to explore the garden more thoroughly in the daylight.


Qin Yan returned to her courtyard and immediately made her way to the fragrant hot spring.

As she relaxed in the warm waters, leaning against the edge of the pool with her eyes closed, Qin Yan suddenly spoke in a calm tone, “Shen Ying.”

“Yes, Master,” Shen Ying responded attentively from behind the screen.

Qin Yan slowly opened her eyes, gazing through the steam rising from the water at the white jade screen adorned with a painting of elegant ladies adorned with hairpins. Her eyes narrowed slightly.

“Invite the Taizi to join me.”

Shen Ying, who was standing just outside, froze for a moment.


Only her master would… invite the Taizi over like this.

Shen Ying took the order and left.

Qin Yan raised her slender arm and gently stirred the misty water, creating ripples on the surface.

It’s time to collect some interest from the Taizi.


Song Zhi handed the intelligence report to the Taizi, “Your Highness, this is news from the capital.”

Feng Zhan quickly unfolded and read through the letters one by one.

“Tell them to proceed according to plan,” he ordered.

Just then, a guard at the door announced, “Your Highness, Second Young Lady Wang from the Left Prime Minister’s residence has come to visit.”

Song Zhi…

Visiting at night?

Everyone knew what that meant…

Song Zhi, however, suddenly thought of something and tentatively suggested, “Your Highness, sometimes it might be useful to employ certain tactics… If you occasionally make the Princess a bit jealous, perhaps…”

“No need,” Feng Zhan interrupted, his tone icy and leaving no room for debate.

“She cares about me.”

Feng Zhan was certain that Qin Yan had some unresolved issues, likely related to the imperial family. This barrier needed to be addressed, but his identity was unchangeable. He needed to understand what exactly was troubling Qin Yan’s heart.

Song Zhi then asked, “Should I send Second Young Lady Wang away?”

Seeing the increasingly cold look in his master’s eyes, Song Zhi shivered inwardly. The meaning was clear enough without words.

Without delay, Song Zhi went out and ordered that Second Young Lady Wang, who had already arrived at the entrance of the Taizi’s courtyard, be sent away. He also instructed the guards at the gate not to allow Second Young Lady Wang into the garden again.


Just as Shen Ying arrived near the courtyard that Mister Ji had arranged for the Taizi, she noticed Second Young Lady Wang, the well-dressed and carefully made-up second daughter of the Left Prime Minister, heading towards the Taizi’s gate.

A surge of anger flared up in Shen Ying’s chest. The Taizi certainly attracts his share of admirers.

Frustrated, Shen Ying turned on her heel and left. Invite him? Why bother, just to add to the trouble?

In the hot spring, Qin Yan was just about to rise when Shen Ying stormed back in, still fuming.

“Master, the second daughter of the Wang family went to the Taizi’s courtyard. I figured the Taizi might be too busy, so I came back.”

Qin Yan frowned, trying to recall who that was.

Ah, yes—the woman from the banquet earlier, the one who invited the Taizi to stay at Yiyuan and then suggested a visit to Lingshan for a soak in the hot springs. The second daughter of the Left Prime Minister’s residence.

Hmph, the Taizi really is in high demand.

Qin Yan abandoned the idea of getting up. Instead, she closed her eyes and let her body sink back into the warm water, washing away her momentary impulse.

Was I about to let my emotions get the better of me? Competing with a group of women over a man?

Feng Zhan had caught her eye because she simply hadn’t tested enough men yet.

Men are just men. Isn’t it more delightful to keep a few obedient and well-behaved lovers?


Qin Yan stepped out of the hot spring and accepted the cup of hot tea that Shen Ying, still visibly upset, handed her. Qin Yan inhaled the aroma—likely a fruit and flower tea that Ji Nanfeng had prepared.

Taking a small sip, she returned the cup to the tray Shen Ying was holding and spoke calmly, “We’ll move to Cangxi Forest. Let Liu Garden remain with the Taizi for the next few days.”

When Ji Nanfeng heard this from Shen Ying, he was taken aback.

What happened?

It was already late at night, and the master was planning to move out immediately?

Ji Nanfeng’s efficiency was unparalleled. Within the time it took to burn a single stick of incense, he had everything packed, and they were ready to leave Liu Garden. Cangxi Forest had been prepared in advance as a potential residence, fully equipped with all the items Qin Yan was accustomed to using.


Meanwhile, Feng Zhan had removed his outer robe and was now dressed only in his inner garments. Still feeling a headache, he sat on the edge of the bed, pressing his fingers to his temples.

Song Zhi’s voice came from outside the door.

“Your Highness, I have urgent news to report.”

“Enter,” Feng Zhan replied, without lifting his head.

Song Zhi gently pushed the door open, his expression tense with concern.

“Your Highness, Princess Zhaoren has left the garden.”

Feng Zhan’s head shot up, his gaze icy and piercing, sending a chill through Song Zhi.

Swallowing hard, Song Zhi continued, “The Princess sent word that the garden is yours for the next few days.”

“It seems… she has moved out.”

Feng Zhan’s expression grew darker, the atmosphere in the room so oppressive that Song Zhi could hardly breathe.

A cold sweat broke out on Song Zhi’s back as he continued, despite the fear gnawing at him.

“Your Highness, according to the guards at the gate, it appears that when Miss Wang visited earlier, Shen Ying, who serves the Princess, came by but then left abruptly. I suspect that she might have seen Second Young Lady Wang…”

Song Zhi’s voice trailed off as Feng Zhan’s icy glare intensified.

Did the Princess really get jealous this time…?

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