TCPCHW Chapter 73

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 73          Title

Feng Zhan’s pupils contracted slightly, as Qin Yan’s words came out bluntly, without hesitation.

The moment Ji Nanfeng heard Qin Yan’s seemingly provocative words directed at Taizi, he immediately suspected that this might be another one of his master’s bold and fearless remarks.

At this moment, besides Feng Zhan and Qin Yan, the only one out of place in the hall was Ji Nanfeng, whose face had turned dark. Ji Nanfeng indeed felt that his presence here was somewhat redundant, so he sighed lightly and spoke up, “Master, I will go to Lingshan first to make arrangements.”

Qin Yan remained in the same posture, slightly leaning back, gazing into Feng Zhan’s increasingly dark eyes.

“Mm.” Qin Yan nodded, though it was unclear whether she was responding to Ji Nanfeng or admiring Feng Zhan’s exceptionally handsome face.

Feng Zhan, who had been gazing downward at Qin Yan, slightly lifted his eyes and glanced at Ji Nanfeng.

If Ji Nanfeng hadn’t had the sense to know his place and had not shown this kind of insight, Feng Zhan would never have allowed a man with impure thoughts about Qin Yan to stay by her side, even if Ji Nanfeng was someone Qin Yan deeply trusted.

As Ji Nanfeng reached the door of the reception hall, he paused, took a step back, reached out, and pulled the door shut, sealing off the cold air from outside. Inside the hall, only Feng Zhan and Qin Yan remained, and the atmosphere between them grew increasingly ambiguous.

Feng Zhan took another step closer to Qin Yan, slowly leaning down. He placed his hands on the armrests of the large chair where Qin Yan was seated, his chiseled, handsome face gradually approaching her delicate, smiling face. His thin lips stopped just three inches away from her full, red lips.

Feng Zhan’s overpowering presence enveloped her, and the smile on Qin Yan’s lips grew even wider.

People say that beauty can be a downfall, and with Taizi’s stunning looks, he could indeed be considered someone who could topple a kingdom. As an ordinary person, how could she resist such extraordinary beauty?

Feng Zhan’s deep eyes fixed on Qin Yan’s phoenix-like eyes as if probing to see just how genuine her feelings for him were.

But it was only a moment before Feng Zhan slowly straightened up again. He reached out with his right hand to take one of Qin Yan’s slender hands, which had been resting on the table, and with a soft sigh, he said, “The fog is thick; don’t get lost.”

Qin Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, watching as Taizi once again flirted with her so seriously. She allowed her hand to be held by Feng Zhan’s dry, warm palm and then used his strength to stand up.

Feng Zhan, satisfied, gently squeezed Qin Yan’s soft hand, savoring the sensation. Instantly, he recalled that day in the study of the Taizi Mansion, where he had held this same delicate hand…

Quickly turning his head, Feng Zhan led Qin Yan towards the door of the hall, trying to hide the suspicious blush creeping up his ears.

Outside the hall, the fog had thickened even more. Beyond five steps, nothing was visible, and the fleet had already halted in the waters near the riverbank, unable to move forward due to the heavy fog.

Song Zhi, who had returned, was already waiting outside the hall. Like Shen Ying, he glanced at the two hands clasped together—the Taizi’s and the Princess Zhaoren’s—and couldn’t help but silently wonder.

Those two masters, closing the door behind them, surely hadn’t been doing anything proper.

Song Zhi stepped forward and said:

“Your Highness, everything has been arranged, and we can depart now.”

Feng Zhan nodded, still holding Qin Yan’s hand as the four of them disembarked from the dragon boat and boarded a small boat, drifting downstream.

The boatman’s movements were almost imperceptible, and the surroundings were silent, with only the faint sound of water. The boat glided diagonally through the fog along the current, and before long, it reached the western shore, about fifty yards away from the main fleet. The group disembarked.

Feng Zhan naturally took Qin Yan’s hand again, leading her forward.

The fog showed no signs of dissipating. Due to the rising river, the riverbank had shrunk significantly. The four of them walked on the soft sand, gravel, and sparse grass along the shore, and soon arrived at the official road.

A low-profile, pitch-black carriage was waiting on the roadside. A black-clad bodyguard, who had been controlling the horses, got off the carriage.

“Master Song,” the bodyguard handed the reins to Song Zhi and then disappeared into the fog.

Qin Yan frowned, “Only one carriage?”

Feng Zhan turned his head to look at Qin Yan.

“To avoid attracting attention, only our bodyguards will accompany us.”

Avoid attracting attention?

Qin Yan started to speculate. What could there be in Yunshui Town that warranted Taizi’s personal visit ahead of time?

Qin Yan and Feng Zhan got into the carriage, and Shen Ying and Song Zhi sat at the front, one on each side.

Song Zhi drove the carriage, which slowly set off through the fog, quietly moving away from the grand dragon boat fleet behind them.


It was already past noon, and the autumn sun gradually broke through the clouds, casting beams of golden light. The dense fog was subdued by the warm sunlight and showed signs of slowly dissipating.

However, the carriage still moved at a slow pace, as the official road here was not very smooth. Amidst the jolts, Feng Zhan pulled Qin Yan, who was sitting beside him, into his broad embrace, wrapping his arm around her fragrant shoulder and pressing her against his chest.

“Lean on me; you’ll feel more comfortable.” Feng Zhan’s actions and words left no room for Qin Yan to refuse.

With one arm around Qin Yan’s left shoulder, Feng Zhan extended his other hand across her, taking her delicate hand, which rested on her lap, and gently massaged it in his large palm.

Qin Yan allowed the man beside her to continue. She nuzzled her head against Feng Zhan’s neck, adjusting to a comfortable position, and closed her eyes to rest.

An hour later, the thick fog began to dissipate, and the carriage stopped at a clearing near the water.

“Do you want to get out and rest?” Feng Zhan asked the woman who was still nestled in his arms, her eyes closed.

Qin Yan slowly sat up and opened her eyes, still slightly misty and not fully clear.

She frowned slightly. She realized that she was growing increasingly unguarded around Feng Zhan as if trusting him had become a natural habit. But was this man beside her truly worthy of such trust?

Feng Zhan looked at Qin Yan as she stirred from his embrace, her expression still somewhat dazed, and his gaze darkened, his throat tightening slightly. Qin Yan always seemed to test Feng Zhan’s self-proclaimed calmness and self-control at any given moment.

Feng Zhan and Qin Yan stepped out of the carriage. In front of them was a narrow river, a tributary about to merge into the Grand Canal. The river was still shrouded in light fog, but visibility had improved slightly compared to before.

Qin Yan and Feng Zhan walked slowly toward the riverbank. The river water before them was muddy due to the upstream currents, and the surface was littered with floating debris—logs, bamboo, and occasionally the carcasses of animals.

Both Feng Zhan and Qin Yan furrowed their brows slightly. This flood would undoubtedly leave many homes destroyed and lives lost.

Before long, through the mist that hung like a light veil in the distance, a small, black-roofed boat appeared, and the soft, soothing melody of a fisherwoman’s song drifted over from its direction.

Qin Yan felt a slight twinge of surprise, but she quickly understood the situation.

At this time, with the river’s water level rising rapidly and the current becoming swift, fishermen typically wouldn’t set out to transport goods or fish. However, the harsh realities of life for the lower class meant that many people’s survival was a gamble, often risking their lives for the chance to live. Even if it meant the possibility of drowning, they would still take the risk to secure a livelihood.

The once-bustling river, now slowed by the floodwaters and thick fog, had seen many fishing families with some resources anchor their boats. The couple on this boat were likely forced by circumstances to venture out despite the weather, seeking a way to earn a living.

The small boat was making its way from the middle of the river towards the shore, and fortunately, the waves were still gentle, with no sign of the boat capsizing. As the fog was dispersed by the wind, Feng Zhan and Qin Yan gradually got a clearer view of the scene on the boat.

A dark-skinned, lean man was pulling in his fishing net, but it was evident that he had caught nothing. Despite this, he wore a simple, contented smile as he played with the two young children at the bow of the boat. The boy and girl laughed gleefully at his antics, but upon closer inspection, it became clear that both children were tied around the waist with ropes, which were secured to the side of the boat.

Qin Yan sighed inwardly. Having spent much of her life traveling, she was well aware that this was a common practice among boat families.

Life for the boatmen was tough, drifting from place to place, with just a pole and an oar sustaining the entire family. Their children grew up on the boats and tying them to the boat with ropes was a precaution to prevent them from accidentally falling into the water.

Qin Yan’s lips curled into a mocking smile. The struggle for survival among the lower classes was so difficult, yet the Taizi beside her, born into nobility and destined to become the future emperor, could he truly understand even a fraction of this hardship?

Her gaze remained fixed on the fishing boat drifting downstream, the fisherwoman’s song gradually fading as it passed them by.

In a soft voice, Qin Yan spoke, “Your Highness, did you notice the legs of that fishing couple just now?”

Feng Zhan’s gaze also lingered on the boat until it disappeared into the thinning fog and the song was no longer audible.

He then turned to face Qin Yan, his tone deep and steady, “These boatmen, who have lived on boats for generations, often make their homes on these vessels. Because the cabin roofs are low, they can’t stand upright and must sit cross-legged most of the time. As a result, many boatmen’s legs are not straight, unlike those of ordinary people. Is that what you were referring to?”

Qin Yan smiled faintly, surprised that Taizi, who sat high in the imperial court, was so knowledgeable about the lives of these impoverished boatmen.

Qin Yan sighed inwardly once again. The fact that the Great Xia Dynasty had such a Taizi like Feng Zhan as its heir—if he were to become the future emperor—would indeed be a blessing for both the dynasty and its people.


Yunshui Town, a significant town in Yangzhou, was just a day’s carriage ride from the city. As a crucial stop on the waterway route between the capital and Yangzhou, the town saw countless merchants passing through, bringing with them a wealth of rare goods. Although it was only a small town, it was bustling and prosperous, being the first stop on the waterway from Yangzhou to the capital.

Yunshui Town’s fame was further enhanced by its proximity to Lingshan, a famous mountain in Yangzhou. Lingshan was most renowned for its hot spring pools, which were said to cure a hundred ailments.

Yangzhou itself was a wealthy region, home to numerous affluent merchants. The wealthier a person, the more they value longevity and health. As a result, many of Yangzhou’s rich merchants had secured hot spring sources on Lingshan, building mountain villas where they occasionally invited a few friends to enjoy the rejuvenating baths—a truly luxurious lifestyle.

Feng Zhan, well-versed in local customs and even in local anecdotes, quickly understood Qin Yan’s purpose for coming to Lingshan when Shen Ying directed the carriage up the mountain road.

The carriage ascended the mountain, passing several side roads leading to villas built by various wealthy merchants along the slopes. They continued until they reached the mountaintop, where the carriage finally stopped in front of a mountain villa.

The villa was heavily guarded, and Ji Nanfeng, who had arrived earlier, was already waiting outside the gate.

Feng Zhan and Qin Yan disembarked one after the other. Ji Nanfeng approached and respectfully greeted both of them, “Your Highness, Master.”

By now, it was dusk, and the mountain mist was beginning to rise, shrouding the surrounding dense forest in an aura of mystery.

Feng Zhan looked up at the villa’s gate, noticing that there were no inscriptions above it.

Qin Yan lightly patted the slight wrinkles from her clothes and followed Feng Zhan’s gaze to the villa gate before smiling.

“Your Highness, this villa is called ‘Nameless Villa.'”

Shen Ying, standing beside the carriage, mentally rolled her eyes, thinking that her master was just too lazy to come up with a proper name.

Feng Zhan seemed to understand as well, knowing that Qin Yan often spoke casually and made things up on the spot.

“Yu Qingfeng’s? Or should I say, yours?” Feng Zhan turned to look at Qin Yan, though the answer seemed obvious.

“Mm.” Qin Yan stepped forward, heading into the villa. After just two steps, she suddenly stopped and looked at Feng Zhan with a playful smile.

“If Your Highness can please me, this villa will be yours.”

Feng Zhan’s eyes darkened as he looked at the woman beside him, her gaze filled with a teasing allure. This woman never missed an opportunity to make a move on him.

Ji Nanfeng, who had already walked ahead, nearly stumbled when he heard this. His master was getting more and more outrageous with her words…

Shen Ying… Thank goodness Uncle Huai wasn’t here; otherwise, he’d be nagging about not keeping a proper eye on the master…

Song Zhi… He couldn’t help but think that Princess Zhaoren was acting like a wealthy patron trying to buy His Highness with her riches…


Nameless Villa encompassed the entire summit of Lingshan’s main peak, its vast expanse and the immense cost of construction evident at a glance.

Song Zhi’s understanding of Princess Zhaoren deepened further, realizing that the remark she made earlier hadn’t diminished His Highness’s worth in the slightest.

Ji Nanfeng had already arranged a lavish dinner, insisting on serving light and refreshing Huaiyang cuisine to counter the dryness of the autumn season.

After dinner, Ji Nanfeng had the famous cold spring water from Lingshan brought in to brew a pot of Da Hong Pao tea for the two masters.

From the spring water to the tea ceremony and the tea itself, Ji Nanfeng ensured that everything was done to perfection, fully showcasing the hospitality of Nameless Villa.

Once they finished drinking tea, Ji Nanfeng addressed the Taizi, “Your Highness, your courtyard has been prepared. It includes a private natural hot spring pool where you can relax and unwind.”

Feng Zhan glanced at Qin Yan, who responded with a smile, “Your Highness, please make yourself comfortable.”

Qin Yan then stood up and left.

Feng Zhan’s gaze remained fixed on Qin Yan’s graceful figure until she disappeared from view outside the door. He sighed, rubbing his forehead.

He knew exactly what Qin Yan wanted. If he kept delaying, this woman would only become more willful, and eventually, he’d have to find some excuse to keep her by his side.

Feng Zhan found dealing with the most challenging political matters far less troublesome than dealing with Qin Yan.


An hour after dinner, Qin Yan sipped a cup of floral fruit tea that Ji Nanfeng had brought her. She then stepped into the warm pavilion of her courtyard, removed her robes, and changed into a light, sheer garment before walking out to a natural spring.

This spring was the largest one enclosed within the Nameless Villa. The water flowed abundantly year-round, at a perfect temperature. Surrounded by verdant bamboo, the pool was enveloped in a misty steam, resembling a scene from a fairyland.

Qin Yan dipped her delicate, white jade foot into the water to test its warmth. Finding it pleasantly comfortable, she slowly entered the misty pool. At its deepest point, the water just covered her smooth, radiant shoulders.

Qin Yan continued forward until she reached the edge of the pool. She draped her arms over the side, leaned forward, and rested her head on her arms. Closing her eyes, she relaxed, allowing her lower body to float gently in the water. Her long, flowing hair and the sheer fabric she wore drifted like algae in the gently moving water.

When Feng Zhan arrived at the edge of the pool, the thin mist revealed the breathtaking beauty of Qin Yan, bathed in the mysterious silver light of the moon.

“Your Highness,” Shen Ying called out softly as she approached Feng Zhan.

Feng Zhan raised his hand, signaling for Shen Ying to leave.

Shen Ying hesitated, glancing back at the pool. Surely, her master must have heard the movement on this side, but since she hadn’t spoken up…

Shen Ying bowed and retreated, silently grumbling to herself about the two of them…


Qin Yan remained comfortably relaxed, lying by the edge of the hot spring, her body fully at ease. The sound of Shen Ying’s voice behind her reached her ears clearly, and she couldn’t help but curl her lips into a smile.

Soon, she heard the sound of water being disturbed by someone approaching. The strong, familiar presence she recognized so well enveloped her, and she felt large hands caress her lower back. A strong, muscular body pressed against her graceful figure, pinning her against the edge of the pool.

Feng Zhan’s chiseled, handsome face leaned close to the side of Qin Yan’s, his breath, warm with the intoxicating scent of wine, brushing against her neck. Qin Yan shifted slightly, but the person behind her held her firmly in place with his strong hands.

Feng Zhan gripped Qin Yan’s slender waist and turned her to face him. His thin lips descended towards the beautiful woman in front of him…


Inside the warm pavilion by the hot spring, the air was filled with the fragrance of incense swirling from the burner.

Beside the soft couch, a man’s damp, moon-white inner garment and a woman’s gossamer-thin dress lay discarded on the floor.

Feng Zhan gazed down at the woman beneath him, her eyes filled with seductive allure, and spoke in a husky voice, “Qin Yan, give me a rightful title.”

Qin Yan frowned, seemingly displeased…

Not receiving the answer he wanted, Feng Zhan’s expression darkened slightly as he bit down on Qin Yan’s red lips…

The sounds from within the pavilion occasionally drifted outside.

Outside the warm pavilion, Song Zhi…

All his efforts in finding so many books for the Taizi had not been in vain. He sincerely hoped Taizi would soon wed his princess…

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