TIGR Chapter 106

The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 106 Working Together

On the 28th day of the new year, the remaining Japanese assassins hadn’t fully withdrawn, and an inexplicable air of tension lingered in the wind. Wang Yanqing settled her long-standing grievances and planned to leave the capital once the city gates were completely reopened. In her final days, she wanted to avoid any further trouble. So, as soon as night fell, she instructed the gates to be closed and prepared for bed.

However, not long after the gates had shut, someone suddenly knocked at the side entrance. Wang Yanqing was in the process of undoing her hair when her maid hurried in, anxiously saying: “Madam, Master Lu is here.”

Wang Yanqing’s hands paused as she removed her jeweled hairpin and looked out the window: “At this hour?”


Wang Yanqing knew that Lu Heng was not someone who acted recklessly. Even if he wanted to play tricks, he wouldn’t make a late-night visit. Sensing that something might be amiss, she quickly instructed her maid to open the gate while she changed her clothes.

While she was still doing her hair, there was a knock at the door. Wang Yanqing set down her hairpin, feeling a bit annoyed: “Aren’t you supposed to go to the main hall?”

“There’s no time.” Lu Heng said as he pushed the door open. Draped in a black cloak, he stood at the threshold, looking directly at Wang Yanqing, “I need to speak with you privately.”

Wang Yanqing turned to look at Lu Heng, then glanced at the maids. She finally waved her hand gently: “You all can leave.”

The maids retreated one by one. Fei Cui hesitated leaving Wang Yanqing alone with Lu Heng, but after looking at Wang Yanqing, she ultimately followed her orders and closed the door. Once everyone had left, Wang Yanqing stood up from the dressing table and asked: “Master Lu has something to say?”

Lu Heng sighed, crossing through the curtain and stopping in front of Wang Yanqing: “I thought you didn’t want to see me.”

“If you keep avoiding the point, I’ll really throw you out.”

Lu Heng walked up to Wang Yanqing and took her by the shoulders, encouraging her to sit down at the dressing table: “Finish combing your hair, we’ll talk while waiting.”

They hadn’t seen each other for a long time, and he started to advance right away. Wang Yanqing initially wanted to push him away, but she noticed, possibly because of the reflection in the mirror, that he looked much thinner. She also observed that he was wearing his fish-patterned robe under his cloak, and despite the warmth from the charcoal fire in the room, he hadn’t taken off his heavy cloak or put down his embroidered spring knife. Ultimately, she hesitated to push him away and asked: “Did you just come from the palace?”

Lu Heng sighed quietly, revealing a rare hint of exhaustion: “Yes.”

Wang Yanqing fixed a hairpin in her hair, glancing at him in the mirror: “What happened?”

“The emperor was attacked and just barely rescued.”

Wang Yanqing’s hand trembled, almost dropping the hairpin. Lu Heng caught it and held her hand to secure her hair: “Don’t worry, the emperor is physically fine.”

However, the psychological impact was serious.

Wang Yanqing felt a chill run through her body, and her hands grew cold without realizing it. She sensed something unusual in the streets today, but she hadn’t expected such a major incident to have occurred in the palace.

Her heart raced, and she didn’t even notice how close she and Lu Heng had become at that moment. After steadying herself, she asked: “Was the assassin a pirate?”

“No.” Lu Heng found it difficult to express the absurdity of the situation, “It wasn’t even an assassin. They was maids from Imperial Concubine Duan’s palace.”

He had been relentlessly retaliating against the Japanese who had disrupted his wedding. While those individuals inadvertently helped him in some way, Lu Heng didn’t care. He needed to vent his frustration on someone. Most of the Japanese had ambushed his wedding, and the remaining ones in the city were basically wiped out by the Imperial Guards’ siege.

However, he hadn’t anticipated that a threat would come, not from foreign enemies, but from within. What the ruthless Japanese assassins failed to accomplish over many years was nearly achieved by a few maidens.

Wang Yanqing listened, and her expression grew increasingly bewildered. She couldn’t quite comprehend: “Maidens?”

“Yes.” Lu Heng confirmed with a nod, assuring she hadn’t misheard, “Sixteen in total, their leader named Yang Jinying. I reviewed their entry records during the day and haven’t found any signs of collusion yet.”

Wang Yanqing listened in shock. She felt as though she was hearing something utterly absurd for the first time, despite having read many historical texts. She always thought that palace rebellions and assassination attempts were complex and difficult matters.

Suddenly, she realized something was off: “Why are you telling me this?”

An assassination attempt would surely be a closely guarded secret in any dynasty, right? Lu Heng thought to himself that Wang Yanqing was indeed perceptive. She had figured it out as soon as he started speaking

He gently squeezed her shoulder and said: “Maidens attempting assassination is already shocking, but those sixteen, including the informant, Zhang Jinlian, were all executed by Empress Fang as soon as the incident occurred. After all, she is the empress, so I can’t question or interrogate her. I can only find a way to uncover the truth from the sidelines.”

Wang Yanqing understood what Lu Heng wanted to do. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, not easily convinced: “Even if we can’t investigate openly, there are plenty of ways to gather information discreetly. I know nothing about the court and am merely an outsider. Do you really need me for this secret case?”

Lu Heng sighed. It was clear that after regaining her memory, she had become much cleverer and more decisive, with a noticeably stronger sense of agency. This was the sharpness one would expect from a woman who had endured the destruction of her family and the turmoil of living in a military household. Lu Heng leaned slightly forward, meeting her gaze in the mirror, and said softly: “Other methods are possible, but they will inevitably take time. Empress Fang has already imprisoned Imperial Concubine Duan. Before I left the palace, I heard she was also searching for Senior Concubine Wang. As an outsider, I can’t speak on behalf of the cooncubines. If the situation isn’t stabilized quickly, who knows how many more people in the palace will die.”

Wang Yanqing knew Imperial Concubine Duan was a lively and charming woman who was very likable. Wang Yanqing had met her a few times. The thought of such a young and vibrant life being lost was something she couldn’t bear to witness. With a sigh, she realized that even though she knew this was Lu Heng’s trap, she had no choice but to step into it: “You don’t dare to confront Empress Fang. What makes you think I can convince her?”

“You don’t need to convince her.” Lu Heng replied, “All power in the world stems from one person, the emperor is the root of all these problems.”

Wang Yanqing was taken aback and glanced out the window to ensure no one was listening. After confirming their privacy, she gritted her teeth and whispered: “Are you crazy?”

“I’m merely helping the emperor.” Lu Heng said, completely unfazed by the gravity of his words. He looked directly into Wang Yanqing’s eyes and continued, “The emperor is in a precarious state. He’s been shaken and doesn’t trust those around him. If this continues, it won’t just be the harem in chaos, the court will be thrown into turmoil as well. The court is about to mobilize against the Japanese, and this is not the time for disorder. You can discern lies. If you get close to the emperor and tell him who is lying and who is speaking the truth, he will be able to make informed decisions.”

Wang Yanqing was too shocked to respond. This was a dangerous idea, how could Lu Heng dare to suggest it? Was he not afraid of being accused of treason, of misleading the emperor?

Lu Heng tightened his grip on her shoulder and said: “I am indeed taking a gamble, but based on my understanding of the emperor, I believe he will agree.”

Wang Yanqing met Lu Heng’s gaze in the mirror. Even in this tense moment, his amber eyes sparkled, calm and clear. She thought to herself that he was truly a gambler, a madman, and an ambitious man.

If this plan succeeded, he would wield unparalleled influence over the emperor. But if it failed, he would be left with nothing and his reputation in ruins.

Wang Yanqing’s eyes were equally clear as she asked, her expression unreadable: “So you want to drag me into this?”

Lu Heng leaned against the table with one hand while wrapping his other arm around her shoulder. The dark cloak behind him cascaded down, enveloping Wang Yanqing completely: “Qing Qing, I know you want to leave the capital for a peaceful place, to live a life free from worldly concerns. But that kind of tranquility is just an illusion. If the court is corrupt and chaos reigns, where will you find your paradise of peach blossoms? Even if you return to Datong and live the life you dream of, if government strife erupts in the Ming Dynasty, the Mongols will march south. How many innocent soldiers will die in your hometown? How many children will become orphans like you? No one wants to see such things happen. The people in the cabinet are even more anxious than I am. You have such talent, don’t let it go to waste. You may think you’re an ordinary person, but sometimes, just your words will save many lives.”

Wang Yanqing closed her eyes helplessly, feeling the weight on her shoulders more than ever: “But I can’t even read you. I don’t understand your schemes and calculations, nor can I carry them out.”

A faint smile appeared in Lu Heng’s eyes. Though he lacked moral scruples, he was adept at using morality to bind others. He reached out to adjust her hairpin and said: “It’s okay. You don’t need to understand those calculations.  In terms of schemes, no one outsmarts the emperor. You just need to speak the truth.”

Lu Heng’s words were genuine. Wang Yanqing lacked a family background and had no political training. Her mindset was still rooted in the belief that good people should be rewarded and bad people punished. Ironically, this made her the most reassuring choice for the emperor.

People like Lu Heng and Xia Wenjin, seasoned and cunning, would never gain the emperor’s complete trust, no matter how sincere they appeared.

Wang Yanqing let out a soft sigh, then suddenly turned serious, her tone icy: “Stand straight.”

Lu Heng was almost leaning against her. He sighed regretfully before finally releasing her. He stood up slowly and said: “If you’re ready, let’s go. I snuck out while the emperor was asleep, and I can’t be away for too long.”


When Lu Heng left the palace, he was alone, but when he returned, he brought a woman. The guards at the palace gate glanced at Wang Yanqing several times, but ultimately didn’t dare to question her and let her pass.

Once again, Wang Yanqing stood in the Imperial Palace. Before tonight, she thought she had no ties to these matters anymore. The night wind blew, and the shadows of the trees in the Imperial Palace swayed ominously, looking quite frightening. Lu Heng took Wang Yanqing’s hand and asked: “Are you cold?”

Wang Yanqing pulled her hand away and coldly replied: “Master Lu, didn’t we agree to part ways?”

Lu Heng sighed inwardly, why did she keep bringing this up? He said calmly: “But you are still my wife for now. Until Madam Lu is ‘deceased,’ please give me some face in the palace.”

Wang Yanqing snorted coldly, ignoring him, but she didn’t pull her hand away again.

The emperor encountered the danger in Imperial Concubine Duan’s palace. Although he was rescued, it was not advisable to move him, so he remained in Yikun Palace. Wang Yanqing quietly observed her surroundings, and Lu Heng, knowing she wasn’t familiar with the area, said: “This is the Six Western Palaces, where the concubines live. If it weren’t for this incident, I wouldn’t have expected to enter the Six Western Palaces either.”

Although Lu Heng frequently entered and exited the palace, he mainly visited the Qianqing Palace and Fengtian Palace. During the time of Empress Dowager Jiang, he often went to the Cining Palace, but out of caution, he never ventured into the quarters of the imperial concubines. He truly never imagined that he would spend a night in the harem in his lifetime.

Wang Yanqing nodded. In a place like this, she didn’t know a single person and could only follow Lu Heng. As they crossed through the gates of Yikun Palace, she felt a sense of disorientation, as if she had returned to the time of her amnesia. During that time, the world was blank, with Lu Heng being the only reality.

Unfortunately, in the end, Lu Heng tore apart her dreams, and even that solitary anchor turned out to be false.

Inside Yikun Palace, there were many Imperial Guards, who greeted Lu Heng in unison. Lu Heng walked past without glancing sideways, and the guards kept their heads bowed. Only after Lu Heng was far away did they return to their standing positions.

Their movements were synchronized, as if they had no curiosity about the woman accompanying Lu Heng. At the main hall of Yikun Palace, someone was waiting. Upon hearing that Lu Heng had returned, he hurried out to greet him: “My lord, you’ve finally returned.”

As he approached, his gaze fell on Wang Yanqing. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, but Guo Tao quickly masked it and composed himself. He couldn’t forget that this lady was exceptionally skilled at reading expressions, her mind-reading abilities almost uncanny.

Guo Tao was just starting his career and didn’t want to attract the attention of his superior.

He lowered his eyes, respectfully avoiding any suspicion, and greeted Wang Yanqing: “Greetings, Madam.”

Wang Yanqing was not unfamiliar with Guo Tao’s reaction. Everyone in the Lu Mansion reacted similarly when they saw her, filled with fear and restraint, worried that she might read their thoughts.

At first, she didn’t understand. Even if they disliked being read, why was everyone so scared of her? It wasn’t until she regained her memory that she realized Ling Xi and the others were not just afraid of her but also Lu Heng.

Wang Yanqing smiled politely and nodded to Guo Tao. They met a few times but were not familiar with each other. Once the pleasantries were done, Lu Heng quickly got to the point: “How is the emperor?”

“The emperor has been restless in his sleep. He should wake soon.”

“Did the emperor wake while I was out of the palace?”


This was excellent news. Lu Heng first went to the side hall to remove his heavy cloak and then settled Wang Yanqing in the side hall. He placed a warming pot in her hands and said: “Wait here for a while. I’ll send someone to fetch you when the time is right.”

Wang Yanqing nodded, indicating she understood. The side hall was not far from the main hall, and with the Imperial Guards outside, Lu Heng felt reassured as he returned to the sleeping quarters of Yikun Palace. Not long after he entered, the emperor indeed woke up from a nightmare, covered in cold sweat.

Lu Heng calmly walked toward the bed curtains and asked: “Your Majesty, would you like some water?”

The emperor took a moment to calm himself and nodded wearily. Lu Heng called for a female official, and after going through a complicated poison-testing process, she finally brought the emperor water.

After drinking a cup, the emperor’s mood stabilized somewhat. Lu Heng stood by the bed, observing the emperor’s expression, and softly said: “Your Majesty, I have an unreasonable request. I hope you will grant me mercy.”

The emperor was still hoarse from having his throat constricted and vocal cords damaged. He asked listlessly: “What is it?”

Lu Heng lowered his gaze slightly, revealing only his sharp brow and clear eyes: “My wife has regained her memory.”

The emperor paused, almost choking on his own saliva. He turned to scrutinize Lu Heng, as if he understood something.

Once he gave his approval, Lu Heng continued: “On the day of our wedding, we were ambushed by Japanese pirates, and my wife accidentally fell and hit her head during the chaos. She then regained all her memories. She insists on breaking our engagement, so I had no choice but to bring her with me under the pretense of needing her help to investigate Yang Jinying and the others.”

The emperor thought to himself that the world was ever-changing, yet Lu Heng remained the same, still as unscrupulous as ever. If the emperor were to speak, he would say that Lu Heng had deliberately lied and deceived the woman for two years. It was only natural for her to want to annul the engagement after regaining her memory. However, Lu Heng refused to admit fault or offer compensation, instead, he stubbornly continued to scheme against her.

The woman he had his eyes on was truly unfortunate.

With this diversion, the emperor felt slightly more relaxed. He noticed the hidden implications in Lu Heng’s words and asked: “What happened to those palace maids?”

Lu Heng lowered his eyelashes and respectfully said: “The empress was concerned for your well-being and executed all the palace maids involved in the case.”

In fact, when the emperor had first woken up, Lu Heng had mentioned that the rebels had all been killed. At that time, the emperor had assumed it was the work of the Imperial Guards, not realizing it was the empress.

It made sense, if it were Lu Heng, he wouldn’t have acted on his own accord.

The emperor paused, suddenly realizing something was amiss: “What about Imperial Concubine Duan?”

Now Lu Heng was finally able to speak on this matter. He lowered his head even further and replied: “Imperial Concubine Duan and the eldest princess were taken away by the empress last night.”

Having married himself, Lu Heng understood the feelings of a married man well. The empress was the legitimate wife, while Imperial Concubine Duan was a favored concubine, it was inappropriate for outsiders to intervene on either side. It was better to stay out of it entirely and let the emperor handle his women.

The emperor furrowed his brows, understanding why Lu Heng had brought Wang Yanqing to the palace. When it came to matters involving the harem, it could only be investigated by a woman. But this was not the time to discuss such things. The emperor quickly ordered: “Go to Kunning Palace and detain Imperial Concubine Duan.”

Lu Heng clasped his fists and swiftly took his leave. However, they were still a step too late. When the Imperial Guards arrived, Imperial Concubine Duan was already dead.

She died with her eyes open. The scene was gruesome. She was tortured to death by one thousand cuts.

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