TCPCHW Chapter 116

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 116        A Female Official

At the official road’s side on the western outskirts of the capital city, in the same eatery where the disturbance had taken place, Song Zhi and some of the secret guards stayed behind to handle the aftermath.

Inside the inn, five men lay on the ground, their heads bleeding from the severe beating by the shadow guards, groaning in agony.

Song Zhi ignored those men, focusing on instructing the shadow guards to tend to the wounds of the women who had been beaten by them while waiting for the imperial physicians to arrive.

Though the injuries these women suffered weren’t life-threatening, they had been beaten in vital areas like the head and abdomen, making the situation dangerous.

Fortunately, the Taizi and Taizifei had intervened today. Otherwise, these women might not have survived, or at the very least, would have been left severely wounded.

Song Zhi glanced at the writhing men on the ground and cursed under his breath.

“Truly a bunch of animals!”

The Taizifei was right. If it weren’t for the fact they were in the capital city, he would’ve gladly put an end to this scum with one blow.


Not long after, Xie Zhao, the Deputy Commander of the Southern Yamen Imperial Army, who had been patrolling the western suburban hunting grounds, arrived at the eatery with 2,000 well-disciplined troops, following the Taizi’s orders.

Gao Jin, the magistrate of the Jingzhao Prefecture, arrived at the same time.

Before coming, Gao Jin had already been briefed on the situation. But upon arriving and barely recognizing the bloodied, swollen faces of the men lying on the ground, his expression drastically changed, and a sense of dread washed over him.

Why was it these men?

And that man in green—wasn’t he…?

The personal nephew of Madam Wang from the Left Prime Minister Mansion?

Cold sweat immediately broke out on Gao Jin’s forehead.

Song Zhi noticed Gao Jin’s change in expression and sneered inwardly.

“Lord Gao,” Song Zhi said icily, “I’ve heard that the man lying there is a frequent visitor to your prefecture office, often just going through the motions. I assume you’re familiar with him?”

Gao Jin’s heart froze at these words. He opened his mouth to respond, but in the end, no words came out.

Knowing full well that this Lord Song was a close confidant of the Taizi, Gao Jin felt a cold sweat trickle down his back.

Since Song Zhi had spoken such words, did it mean that the Taizi himself had similar intentions?

Song Zhi’s cold voice interrupted Gao Jin’s spiraling thoughts, “Before leaving, His Highness Taizi instructed that this case be handed over to the Imperial Court of Judicial Review, Ministry of Justice, and the Imperial Censor for a joint trial. The Jingzhao Prefecture will cooperate.”

Gao Jin immediately looked up, incredulous. “A joint trial by the three departments?”

“This is just a few women with no background being harassed. It’s not some major case…”

Song Zhi let out a derisive laugh, “No background?”

“Lord Gao, you might think that privately, but to dare say it out loud?”

Gao Jin realized his slip of the tongue, but if this case escalated, the consequences would be severe…

Song Zhi’s voice cut through again, dripping with mockery, “Lord Gao, His Highness Taizi is curious—what does ‘going through the motions’ at the Jingzhao Prefecture actually entail?”

Upon hearing this, Gao Jin trembled again. Was this about to dig up old cases?

Song Zhi continued, “Not a major case?”

“Lord Gao, let me tell you this: the Taizifei was present today, and she personally dealt with that one.”

Song Zhi nodded towards the green-robe man on the ground, who had suffered the worst beating.

“Staining the Taizifei’s eyes. Lord Gao, do you think the Taizi will allow this to remain a small matter?”

Though Song Zhi spoke this way, he had his suspicions that His Highness likely wasn’t just acting out of anger on behalf of his wife. This case could implicate the Left Prime Minister Mansion, and it might be an opportunity to peel away a layer of the Left Prime Minister’s skin.

At this moment, Jingzhao Prefecture Gao Jin’s mind was racing. It was clear this case wouldn’t be resolved quietly. Worse yet, it seemed there was a very real chance that he might lose his own official hat over this…

At this moment, everyone present finally realized that the extraordinarily striking and noble-looking couple who had intervened were none other than the Taizi and Taizifei themselves!

Many of them couldn’t believe their luck—what an incredible stroke of fortune to have witnessed these two esteemed figures in person!

The women who had been attacked fell to the ground, repeatedly bowing in gratitude.

“Thank you, Taizi, for saving our lives! Thank you, Taizifei, for your mercy!”

Following this, Xie Zhao ordered the Imperial Guards to seal off the eatery and escort everyone present to the Imperial Court of Judicial Review for interrogation.

Xie Zhao, dispatched by Taizi Feng Zhan, also led the Imperial Guards to assist in handling the case at the Imperial Court of Judicial Review.


That night, several yamen offices and noble mansions in the capital were far from peaceful.

It was only the second day of the winter hunting break, yet the Imperial Court of Judicial Review, the Ministry of Justice, the Imperial Censor, and the Capital Prefecture hurriedly gathered officials to deal with the violent incident at the western suburb eatery.

At first, the officials were puzzled, was such a minor case worth all this commotion?

But when they learned that the Taizi and Taizifei had personally witnessed the event, that those involved were connected to the influential Left Prime Minister Mansion, and that there might be old, suppressed cases involved, along with the Taizi’s order for a thorough investigation, they all took the matter extremely seriously.

The officials of various ministries had sharp political instincts. They sensed that this case, once fully uncovered, could implicate more than just a few individuals. It might trigger a significant shock in the court.

At the Imperial Censor.

After briefing his two Deputy Censors, the Chief Censor, Ji Chong rushed to the Imperial Court of Judicial Review to gather more details.

One of the Deputy Censors was Xu Wei, the father of Emperor Hui’s newly appointed concubine, Xu Jieyu.

The other was Ji Mu, who had recently been transferred from the Ministry of Appointments to the Imperial Censor.

After pondering for a moment, Ji Mu rose, left the Imperial Censor, and headed directly for the Left Prime Minister Mansion.


At the Left Prime Minister Mansion, Prime Minister Wang Xian sat in his study with a deep frown.

After returning from the western hunting grounds earlier that day, he had deliberated for some time before personally writing an apologetic letter. The letter was addressed to the Marquis of Guannei in Xu Province, apologizing for not taking care of his daughter-in-law, Han Shuangling, which had tragically led to her miscarriage. Wang Xian figured that sending a letter himself was better than having the marquis hear the news through rumors.

Just as he was about to leave the study and return to his chambers, the steward came to report that the Imperial Court of Judicial Review, the Ministry of Justice, and the Capital Prefecture had all sent envoys to his mansion.

Wang Xian’s sharp eyes narrowed, a sense of foreboding creeping up.

Something had happened.

After the officials left, angry shouts echoed from Wang Xian’s study, followed by the shattering of porcelain.

Still seething, Wang Xian stormed out of his study, heading straight toward his wife’s courtyard. Along the way, he encountered his eldest son, Wang Jingheng, who had just heard the news.

“Father,” Wang Jingheng stepped forward to block his father.

“Get out of the way!” Wang Xian’s beard trembled with rage.

Wang Jingheng followed his father, Wang Xian, to the courtyard where the Madam of the Prime Minister Mansion resided.

They found her in the Buddhist chapel, kneeling in prayer, with the eldest daughter, Wang Jingyi, by her side.

Madam Wang, looking sorrowful, paused her murmured chants and gazed at her daughter with grief.

“Yi’er, tell me, do you think it’s the sins your father committed that have now fallen upon my poor grandchild?” she said, her voice tinged with despair.

Suddenly, the chapel door burst open with a loud bang. Both Madam Wang and Wang Jingyi turned in alarm, only to see Wang Xian storming in with a cold expression, followed closely by Wang Jingheng.

Before anyone could offer greetings, Wang Xian cut in sharply, addressing his wife with an icy tone, “Your nephew, Li Jing, has caused trouble again. This time, not only can I not protect him, but the entire Prime Minister Mansion might be implicated.”

Both Lady Wang and Wang Jingyi were stunned.

“What happened?” they both asked, shaken by the revelation.

At that moment, the voice of the steward came from outside, “Master, Lord Ji from the Imperial Court of Judicial Review has come to visit.”

Wang Xian and Wang Jingheng both turned toward the door at the same time.

Ji Mu?

Wang Xian cast one last cold glance at Madam Wang coldly before sweeping his sleeves and leaving.

Wang Jingheng looked at his mother, hesitating to speak. He felt utterly helpless regarding his cousin, Li Jing, who had lost his parents early in life. He hadn’t expected his cousin to cause such a huge mess this time.

In the end, Wang Jingheng said nothing and followed Wang Xian to the study.

After the father and son left, Madam Wang collapsed weakly onto the prayer mat, and Wang Jingyi hurried over to rub her back to soothe her gently.

Madam Wang feeling utterly lost, looked up at her daughter, grasping Wang Jingyi’s hand tightly.

“Yi’er, go and see what you can find out,” she said, her voice filled with anxiety.

Wang Jingyi, unable to bear her mother’s distress, nodded and stood up to leave.


In the Left Prime Minister Wang Xian’s study, Ji Mu sat down and got straight to the point, “Prime Minister Wang, Young Master, today’s case could have significant implications for your household, depending on how it’s handled. I have a suggestion.”

Wang Xian had always admired Ji Mu. The man had a keen understanding of political affairs, and it was Wang Xian himself who had recommended Ji Mu to the Imperial Court of Judicial Review. Curious to hear Ji Mu’s thoughts, Wang Xian encouraged him to continue.

“Speak freely.”

Ji Mu, calm and measured, began,

“This case is set to be reviewed by the three ministries, but the Imperial Censor will play a considerable role in guiding the direction of the investigation.”

He then added, “There are currently two vacant positions for Supervising Censors in the Imperial Censor. Though these are relatively minor posts, I suggest, Prime Minister Wang, that you consider having Miss Wang, your eldest daughter, fill one of these vacancies, becoming a female official in the Imperial Censor.”

Both Wang Xian and Wang Jingheng were taken aback by this suggestion.

A female official?

Ji Mu continued, “With Miss Wang present in the Imperial Censor, her influence would subtly shift the considerations of those handling the case. The impact of having her there, compared to you, Prime Minister Wang, observing from the outer walls of the court, would be much more immediate.”

Wang Jingheng spoke up in confusion, “For this case, shouldn’t the Left Prime Minister Mansion avoid suspicion?”

Ji Mu smiled slightly and replied, “Indeed, the Left Prime Minister Mansion should avoid suspicion. However, whether your family can truly escape this calamity depends not only on distancing itself but also on how your response is perceived by His Majesty and His Highness Taizi. Your stance will undoubtedly be weighed.”

A brief silence filled the study.

Suddenly, a few light knocks interrupted their contemplation.


Wang Jingyi, having overheard part of the conversation about the female official position as she approached, knocked gently at the door before the servants could announce her presence.

“Enter,” came Wang Xian’s voice.

Wang Jingyi stepped inside and spoke directly, “Father, let me go.”

Both Wang Xian and Wang Jingheng frowned slightly, clearly aware that Jingyi had overheard their earlier discussion.

Ji Mu glanced at Wang Jingyi, then quickly averted his gaze. It seemed he had not misjudged her.

After another brief moment of silence, Wang Xian turned to Ji Mu and asked, “At this critical juncture, can the Imperial Censor still send someone in?”

Ji Mu responded, “I’ll have an answer for you by tomorrow, Prime Minister Wang.”

Wang Xian nodded.


After leaving Wang Xian’s study, Ji Mu paused near a flower bed in the front courtyard.

Moments later, the sound of light footsteps echoed from behind. It was feminine steps.

Ji Mu slowly turned, his gaze falling on the eldest daughter of the Left Prime Minister Mansion, Wang Jingyi, who had caught up to him alone, without any servants.

“Lord Ji, were you waiting for me?” Wang Jingyi stopped a couple of steps away, her brows furrowed as she looked at the man in front of her, someone she found hard to figure out.

Ji Mu slightly curled his lips into a subtle smile, his eyes carrying a hint of amusement, “The eldest young lady is indeed perceptive.”

Wang Jingyi felt a twinge of frustration. Being called perceptive in front of this man felt like flaunting one’s skills before an expert.

Ji Mu, still smiling, spoke calmly, “You’re wondering why I recommended you for the Imperial Censor, aren’t you?”

Wang Jingyi had her suspicions that she believed Ji Mu might be acting under the Taizi’s instructions. However, whether today’s events were an opportunity for the Taizi to strike at the Left Prime Minister Mansion remained unclear.

What was this man trying to do?

Ji Mu noticed Wang Jingyi’s suspicion and wariness, smiling gently as he said, “Eldest Young Lady, you need not worry. I merely think that you are well-suited for officialdom.”

Wang Jingyi looked skeptical. “Suited for officialdom?”

Ji Mu’s smile faded a little as he grew more serious, “In my view, those suited for public office are not just the ones with great intellect or broad knowledge. They must also understand the rules and know how to use them.”

“If one wields the knife, one must also possess the restraint to prevent oneself from striking down.”

“Eldest Young Lady, don’t underestimate yourself.”

With that, Ji Mu nodded to her and left.

Wang Jingyi watched his retreating figure for a long time.

“If one wields the knife, one must also possess the restraint to prevent oneself from striking down.”

That was a line she had once written in a debate essay exchanged with her elder brother.

Had Ji Mu read her essay?

It wasn’t until Ji Mu disappeared from view at the mansion’s gate that Wang Jingyi turned around and left with a complicated expression.


The western suburb hunting ground.

Feng Subei rode back to the camp with Qin Lin.

Although Qin Lin still hadn’t given him a clear answer, Feng Subei felt that she seemed to be less resistant to him, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

In the distance, two people rode over; it was Song Zhi and Qin Xi.

Song Zhi was the first to reach Feng Subei and said, “Shizi, His Highness Taizi has summoned you.”

Qin Xi followed closely behind and called out, “Qin Lin.”

Qin Lin, sitting in front of Feng Subei, felt her ears turn red and was about to get down.

Feng Subei didn’t insist any longer. He dismounted and helped Qin Lin down.

Seeing that they were not far from the camp and that there seemed to be the guards of the Taizifei in the distance, Feng Subei took a deep look at Qin Lin before getting back on his horse and riding away with Song Zhi.

On horseback, Qin Xi curiously asked, “Where did you two go today?”

Qin Lin, who was behind, didn’t respond.

Qin Xi pouted, looking at the two figures disappearing in the distance with a hint of regret in her eyes.

What a pity; he already has someone, and Mother won’t let you become a concubine.


In the capital city at Duan Wang Mansion.

An Yanxi sat in her room with a frown, her brow seemingly unable to relax.

A close female friend had just come from the west suburb hunting ground with some not-so-good news for her.

This afternoon, Feng Subei had shared a horse with a girl on the hunting ground. Although the messenger said she couldn’t see the girl’s face clearly, An Yanxi immediately thought of the girl Feng Subei had saved by the Taiye Pool that day.

The daughter of the newly appointed Minister of Works, Qin Lin.

The cousin of Qin Yan.

After a moment, An Yanxi commanded, “Prepare; we will go to the western suburb hunting ground tomorrow.”

The maid was somewhat puzzled. Tomorrow was already the last day of the winter hunt, and Shizifei was only planning to go now?

The little maid was also filled with joy; could it be that Shizifei had finally come to her senses?


At the hunting ground in the western suburbs inside the Emperor’s tent.

At this moment, Emperor Hui was seated, accompanied by Taizi Feng Zhan, Second Prince Feng Xian, Third Prince Feng Yi, and the Shizi Feng Subei from the Duan Wang Mansion.

Standing beside the Taizi, Song Zhi recounted the details of the incident at the official’s eatery where someone was beaten. Emperor Hui coughed a few times, and the Taizi spoke in a deep voice, “This case may involve key officials in the court, so we need a member of the imperial family to temporarily take on the responsibilities of the Jingzhao Prefect.”

After a brief silence, Third Prince Feng Yi said, “Taizi, you know I’m just a carefree wanderer; how could I possibly have the ability to shoulder such a heavy responsibility?”

In reality, everyone in the tent understood that the position of Jingzhao Prefect was not only low for them but also likely to offend people, making it not very worthwhile.

Feng Subei was just about to suggest that Feng Yi take it on when Second Prince Feng Xian spoke up first, “I’ll go.”

The others present were somewhat surprised—he?

Feng Xian continued, “Imperial Father and Taizi, I’ve become somewhat familiar with matters in the capital over the years. I believe I could quickly adapt to the position of Jingzhao Prefect. Allow me to take it on.”

Feng Xian’s words were quite sincere, causing both Emperor Hui and the Taizi to regard him more favorably.

The Taizi nodded, indicating his agreement.


After leaving Emperor Hui’s tent, Song Zhi approached and lowered his voice to report, “Your Highness, Lord Ji has sent word.”

After the Taizi departed, Third Prince Feng Yi teased Second Prince Feng Xian, “Second Brother, how noble of you.”

Feng Xian did not respond and simply walked away.

However, Third Prince Feng Yi mounted his horse and rode off to a grove away from the camp.

Dismounting, Feng Yi approached a large tree and said, “Come out.”

At his words, a woman wrapped in a thick cloak stepped out from behind the tree.

Feng Yi took a couple of steps forward, his voice turning cold, “You need to stop that person’s medication for a while; he cannot die too soon. Otherwise, the Taizi will have a rightful claim to the throne, and things will become even more troublesome.”

“Yes,” the woman nodded.

Feng Yi stepped closer, wrapping his arm around the woman’s slender waist and pressing her against the rough tree trunk behind her.

“Ah…” the woman let out a low gasp.

Feng Yi leaned down toward her, his hand moving, his voice husky, “Have you missed me?”

“Your Highness, be careful. Someone might see us.”

If someone familiar had heard, they would have recognized that female voice as belonging to the one who had been taming horses at the racetrack today.

Imperial Concubine Ning.

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