TIGR Chapter 105

The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 105 Palace Rebellion

On the 27th day of the first month, the court was in a heated debate over who should handle the Japanese pirates. Everyone clearly saw that this was an easy war, so various factions were vying fiercely to gain a share of the spoils.

Despite intense competition between the factions, the emperor showed no favoritism. After the court session, he handled the memorials as usual and, feeling tired, went to the inner palace to rest. Today, he visited Imperial Concubine Duan. After hearing his officials clamoring about war all day, the emperor felt irritable and just wanted a relaxing place to unwind.

Imperial Concubine Duan was gentle, lively, and with quick wit, which the emperor favored. Moreover, the eldest princess was now eight months old, a time when children were cutest. Although the emperor had three princes, the matter of selecting an heir meant their mothers became increasingly calculating, and each word seemed to be carefully weighed. As a result, the emperor preferred not to visit the palaces of Senior Concubine Wang, Imperial Concubine Kang, or Concubine Lu Jing. Instead, he enjoyed teasing and showering his affection on the carefree eldest princess, Zhu Shouying.

Some observant palace elders noted this dynamic and became even more attentive, frequently visiting Imperial Concubine Duan’s palace. Imperial Concubine Duan was young and favored, with the eldest princess tying the emperor’s heart to her. It was only a matter of time before she became pregnant again.

Imperial Concubine Duan was in her prime and had always been healthy, so it was possible she could give birth to a prince next time. Although the fourth prince would have three older brothers, none of them were born of the crowned wife or the eldest, so the choice of crown prince depended entirely on which mother was more favored. In this regard, Imperial Concubine Duan’s son had already gained an advantage, even before his birth.

The Yikun Palace attendants greeted the emperor in a familiar manner, and Imperial Concubine Duan, along with the emperor, went to see the eldest princess. They played with her for a long time, only letting the wet nurse take her away once she was tired. Afterward, Imperial Concubine Duan and the emperor returned to the main hall to be alone. Imperial Concubine Duan was beautiful and charming, warm and cheerful, and her lively personality meant she always had playful remarks to share with the emperor.

Most of the officials in the court were in their forties or fifties, and there were very few young people the emperor could interact with. As a result, he didn’t like dignified, taciturn, or lifeless women. Hadn’t he heard enough lectures from the cabinet officials already? Imperial Concubine Duan’s lively and perceptive personality deeply appealed to the emperor. He didn’t need to put in much effort, he could simply relax and listen.

Being alone late at night, the mood deepened, and the emperor quickly undressed with Imperial Concubine Duan. After making love, the emperor fell asleep contentedly. Imperial Concubine Duan, seeing the emperor fall asleep, quietly went to the side hall to bathe and change her clothes.

The maids followed to assist Imperial Concubine Duan with her bath, and no one noticed when a dozen or so maids entered the sleeping quarters. Even if someone had seen them, they wouldn’t have thought much of it. It was normal for maids to enter the chambers. What else could they do besides attend to the bed?

Therefore, no one took notice when the maids approached the bed and suddenly pulled out a rope. Some of the other maids felt frightened and quietly tugged at the sleeve of the one in front, saying: “Sister Yang, this is the emperor! Are we really going to do this?”

“Of course, we all agreed.” The woman at the front, with thick eyebrows, large eyes, and high cheekbones on a square face held the rope firmly and declared, “We have to collect dew before dawn, and we’re exhausted all day without sleep. Those Daoists toy with us and feed us all sorts of strange pills. Have you forgotten how Sister Xiumiao died? If we don’t act now, we’ll end up dead at his hands sooner or later.”

The emperor believed in the Dao, following the teachings of drinking the essence of nature and collecting dew before sunrise to use as a beverage. He completely entrusted this task to Tao Zhongwen, allowing the Daoists to concoct elixirs for him.

The formulas used by Tao Zhongwen required the menstrual blood of a virgin. Finding suitable women from the common folk could not guarantee their purity, so this honorable task fell to the palace’s beautiful maidens. These maids had to brave the cold to search for dew while also providing the Daoists with their blood. Women’s menstrual cycles varied, so for their convenience, the Daoist priests used elixirs to regulate the palace maidens’ monthly cycles, having them menstruate at the same time.

This was more convenient for the Taoist priests, but many palace maidens suffered from irregular menstruation and weakened bodies, which was unable to support them in collecting dew. Moreover, to maintain the pure physical condition of these young women, Tao Zhongwen did not allow them to eat meat or grains. He only allowed them a small number of vegetables each day.

Many palace maids were tortured to death, and Yang Jinying and others watched helplessly as their predecessors were carried out one by one. Anxious and fully aware that if this continued, they too would eventually die, they desperately decided to take a risk and attempt to kill the emperor. If they succeeded, no one would force them to gather dew or test their pills anymore.

Encouraged by Yang Jinying, the remaining fifteen palace maidens mustered their courage and approached the emperor behind the bed curtain. They climbed onto the bed, some held down the emperor’s upper body, while others held down the emperor’s arms. Yang Jinying set up the rope and put it around the emperor’s neck. Yang Jinying said she wasn’t afraid, but her body trembled as she acted. After securing the knot, two maids on the floor, not daring to look closely, grabbed the rope and pulled with all their strength.

This group of palace maids committed the crime in the heat of the moment. They had no plans and no experience. The maidens who pulled the rope did not exert force in the same direction, and Yang Jinying tied a dead knot in her nervousness. The emperor was not strangled to death but was awakened instead. The maidens became more and more frightened, but the rope was stuck in a knot and could not be tightened any further. The maids panicked and were forced to pull hairpins from their hair and stab the emperor without even looking.

However, their attacks were chaotic and none struck a vital spot. When the maid, Zhang Jinlian, saw that the emperor couldn’t be killed, she wondered, could this really be the protection of the true dragon? She completely panicked, daring not look directly at the emperor’s face anymore. In a flurry, she rolled off the bed and stumbled outside.

Yang Jinying called out to Zhang Jinlian several times from behind. Zhang Jinlian didn’t look back and ran away in frenzy. There was a total of sixteen maids, and even with one missing, they still had an absolute advantage in strength. However, Zhang Jinlian’s departure was like a heavy blow, and the already fragile alliance among the maids shattered in an instant. The two maids holding the rope trembled continuously, and suddenly their legs gave way, causing them to collapse to the ground and the rope to loosen abruptly.

Yang Jinying urged them to keep applying force, but no matter how much she scolded, the maids couldn’t get back up. Yang Jinying took the rope and tried to kill the emperor again, but her hands couldn’t help shaking and she couldn’t use any strength.

At that moment, shouts of panic from the steward echoed outside, mixed with cries of “Save the emperor!” and “Your Majesty, the Empress!” Yang Jinying’s body jolted, and she fell to the ground, the rope in her hands limply dangling over the edge of the bed.

Her first thought was that it was all over. She wouldn’t survive this.


The Imperial Guards stationed at the palace gates were alarmed at hearing the eunuchs deliver news about an assassination attempt on the emperor. They hurriedly rushed to the Lu Mansion. His door was knocked upon that night, and Lu Heng’s expression changed dramatically upon hearing about the plot to murder the emperor. Without a second thought, he grabbed his blade and set off.

He made his way to the palace as quickly as possible. The Imperial Palace was shrouded in darkness, and the air was thick with unrest. Lu Heng dashed into Yikun Palace, which was filled with people. A quick glance revealed many of Empress Fang’s people among them.

According to informants, some maidens, including Yang Jinying, plotted to assassinate the emperor but failed because they tied the rope in a dead knot. When Zhang Jinlian saw that the assassination failed, she ran to inform Empress Fang. Empress Fang hurried to Yikun Palace and rescued the emperor, who was barely conscious.

Lu Heng entered the hall with a serious expression and encountered chaos with many people standing around. The rope around the emperor’s neck had been removed and he lay unconscious on the bed. Empress Fang stood nearby tears streaming down her face. Seeing Lu Heng enter, everyone instinctively parted to make way, greeting: “Master Lu…”

Lu Heng ignored Empress Fang, Assistant Zhang, and the others, striding directly toward the bed. He half-knelt on the footstool, carefully examining the emperor’s complexion and checking his pulse. Fortunately, the maidens had been clumsy, and the emperor was still alive.

Only then did Lu Heng begin to inspect for any marks. He noticed the bruises around the emperor’s neck were red, indicating they were fresh, and there were shallow stab wounds on his body. The injuries were small and shallow, and peppered his skin in disarray. This was likely caused by something like a hairpin, which matched the characteristics of the palace maidens. The emperor’s hands and arms had markings of varying thickness and depth, indicating that different people were involved, suggesting a group crime.

Based on the current information, it appeared that several palace maidens acted boldly to assasinate the emperor, rather than being used by the empress or Assistant Zhang to carry out their schemes.

Lu Heng silently sighed in relief. Empress Fang was the first to arrive. Only Empress Fang knew the situation at that time, and the possibility of the culprit blaming another could not be ruled out. However, Empress Fang had no sons, so if the emperor died, she would gain nothing. Lu Heng couldn’t fathom the significance of her actions, so he temporarily ruled out that suspicion.

Lu Heng stood up from beside the bed and asked: “Where is the imperial physician?”

Assistant Zhang replied: “The empress has summoned him, and he is on his way to Yikun Palace.”

Lu Heng frowned slightly. Empress Fang was the first to arrive at the scene, and Lu Heng came a moment later. After saving the emperor, she didn’t immediately call for the imperial physician. What was she doing during that brief interval?

Lu Heng asked calmly: “What about the assailants who tried to harm the emperor?”

In the middle of the night, Empress Fang rushed out from Kun Ning Palace, without any makeup and her hair casually tied up. Her face showed signs of wrinkles and puffiness, indicating she was not in good condition. She held a handkerchief tightly and said: “They have already been detained in the palace.”

Lu Heng nodded: “I’m grateful to the empress for saving the emperor tonight. Protecting the emperor is the duty of the Imperial Guards, so I don’t want to disturb you. Where are the assailants?”

Empress Fang tightened her grip on the handkerchief and tapped her fingertips, saying: “These lowly maids are not worth mourning. I have already executed them.”

Lu Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression growing more guarded. The palace maids were already dead?

Why was Empress Fang so quick to execute the assailants?

He didn’t press further, and instead calmly directed his men in assessing for dangers. He effectively sidelined Empress Fang and replaced everyone around the emperor with Imperial Guards. Soon, Imperial Guards arrived with the imperial physician. The physician was visibly startled by the situation. He forced himself to remain calm as he checked the emperor’s pulse and examined the wounds on his neck.

Lu Heng stood nearby and asked: “How is the emperor?”

“The heavens protected us, the emperor is unharmed.” The imperial physician said cautiously as he stood up, “However, His Majesty fainted from shock. We will have to wait until he wakes to diagnose him properly.”

Lu Heng felt relieved. So long as the emperor wasn’t poisoned, being unconscious was manageable. He decided to stand guard, ready to see who else might cause trouble.

At dawn, just as the city gates opened, a shocking rumor quickly spread through the major residences. When Xia Wenjin heard the news, he was so startled that he dropped his teacup, exclaiming: “What? The emperor was attacked by palace maids?”

“Yes.” The person delivering the news looked equally terrified as he reported, “It happened in the first half of the night. The palace gates were sealed in the latter half, so nothing else has been reported.”

Xia Wenjin stood frozen for a moment, then quickly asked: “Who is guarding the emperor now?”

“The Imperial Guards.” The messenger replied, “After the incident last night, Empress Fang was the first to arrive, then Chief Commander Lu brought his men into the palace. Now all the passageways in Yikun Palace are under Imperial Guard control. Beyond that, I don’t know anything else.”

Xia Wenjin changed his clothes and hurried into the palace, spotting other officials who were also rushing out. Members of the cabinet and the six ministries gathered in the palace, but despite repeated attempts to pressure the guards, they could not see the emperor.

The Imperial Guards were unyielding. Xia Wenjin’s authority as Head Auxiliary was of no use in this situation, and he could only wait anxiously. As the shadow of the sundial lengthened, just as he was about to succumb to hunger and thirst, a eunuch finally returned with an imperial edict: “The emperor has awoken. Head Auxiliary, please follow me.”

The emperor narrowly escaped being strangled but had been unconscious for a long time. His throat burned as if on fire, and his body ached all over. He dreamt that someone was trying to kill him, and he awoke in terror, gasping for breath, unable to distinguish between dream and reality. At that moment, steady footsteps approached. Someone knelt beside the bed and spoke in a calm, firm voice: “Your Majesty, I have arrived late to your rescue. The traitors have been eliminated, and Yikun Palace is secured by Imperial Guards. Please rest assured, I will not allow any suspicious individuals near you.”

The emperor recognized Lu Heng’s voice. Just like during the fire, he always appeared by the emperor’s side in his most dangerous moments, reliable and powerful. The emperor’s heart slowly calmed, and his vision began to clear. He saw many Imperial Guards standing outside the bed curtains, the sleeves of the female officials and eunuchs rolled up to reveal their arms. A female official brought clean water, which was tested for poison in front of everyone before it was allowed to be given to the emperor.

Everything was orderly and methodical, greatly soothing the emperor’s anxious heart. As the emperor gazed at the bright red in the hall, he began to understand why the Hongwu emperor had chosen such vivid colors for the Imperial Guards.

Just like now, their splendid, feathered robes could easily be recognized in a crowd. They were donned by tall and imposing, carefully selected young men patrolling and inspecting every corner, well-trained in their duties.

These were his personal guards, and their presence alone provided a great sense of security. Especially the figure standing beside the emperor’s bed. Tall and sturdy, like an unyielding beast guarding him. As if he could foresee all dangers in the world, he embodied both martial prowess and intelligence at its peak.

Having just experienced an assassination attempt in his own palace, the emperor could only finally feel secure upon seeing Lu Heng.

After drinking some water and taking medicine, his emotions began to stabilize a bit. A eunuch reported that the cabinet officials were waiting in Qianqing Palace. The emperor forced himself to gather his spirits and summoned Xia Wenjin for an audience.

Given the emperor’s current state, he certainly couldn’t discuss state affairs, so he merely called Xia Wenjin in to prove he was unharmed and to reassure the anxious officials outside.

After meeting with Xia Wenjin, the emperor quickly became fatigued again. Yet, he couldn’t sleep despite being exhausted. He could accept that the state rulers would want to kill him, and he could accept the White Lotus Society’s intentions, but how could he defend against palace maids trying to kill him?

The shock from this incident was greater than if he had been betrayed by his closest confidants. If even the most inconspicuous maids wished to strangle him, who could he trust anymore? The emperor was consumed by fear, his eyes wide open as he tossed and turned, consumed by suspicion that tormented both himself and those around him. It wasn’t until nightfall that he finally succumbed to exhaustion, his tense body finally giving in to sleep.

Lu Heng stayed by the emperor’s side, and once he was sure the emperor was sound asleep, he quietly stepped out. As Lu Heng exited the chamber, his expression was grim and serious.

Lu Heng sensed the emperor’s underlying anxiety. While the emperor didn’t doubt Lu Heng, his sense of security in the external world had completely shattered. If officials had intentions of murder, they could be punished along with their entire clans, but the palace could not do without maids and eunuchs. If a maid had murderous intent, how could the emperor defend himself?

Moreover, if even the lowest-ranking maids could kill him, who could he trust among the higher-ranking officials, the eunuchs, or the concubines?

Lu Heng sighed silently. Saving the emperor was easy but tying up the loose ends was difficult. The emperor was physically unwell, which was treatable, but his psychological wounds were much harder to heal. If the emperor couldn’t emerge from this shadow, how could he govern the country?

As the emperor finally drifted off to sleep, those inside and outside the chamber didn’t dare speak loudly. Guo Tao followed closely behind Lu Heng and whispered: “Sir, the empress has taken Imperial Concubine Duan and the eldest princess away.”

After the assassination attempt on the emperor, the Imperial Guards quickly secured Yikun Palace. However, since the empress was the first to rush to the emperor’s aid, the guards couldn’t possibly stop her from taking Imperial Concubine Duan away under the pretense of questioning.

Hearing Guo Tao’s words, Lu Heng frowned slightly. He had felt something was off when Empress Fang executed Yang Jinying and the others. All sixteen palace maids, including Zhang Jinlian, who betrayed them, had been silenced before the Imperial Guards arrived. Now, Empress Fang was taking Imperial Concubine Duan away as well.

As an outsider, Lu Heng had focused all his energy on the emperor today and hadn’t paid much attention to the true master of Yikun Palace — Imperial Concubine Duan. He hadn’t asked about her yet, but based on his investigative experience, Imperial Concubine Duan was least likely the mastermind behind this palace rebellion.

She was young, favored, had a daughter, and her father was a governor in Fujian. What could she possibly gain from murdering the emperor? Especially in her own palace, it would be foolish beyond measure.

What was Empress Fang trying to accomplish?

The emperor’s psychological wounds were still unresolved, and now there was more trouble in the harem. Lu Heng had been awake for a day and a night, and his temples throbbed with pain. Guo Tao sensed the situation was incredibly complicated and whispered: “My lord, when His Majesty wakes, he will definitely want to know the details of the palace rebellion. The palace maids involved have already been executed. How are we supposed to investigate?”

Lu Heng also wanted to know how to proceed. Others might resort to torture or coercion, but this was the empress, what could he do?

Everyone was looking to him for guidance. Although the situation seemed to have reached a deadlock, they believed their superior would find a way out. Lu Heng’s head throbbed even more, but then his eyes suddenly brightened as he remembered someone.

He seemed to have found a solution.

|| Translator’s Note: I hope everyone has been enjoying the change in weather🍂 Classes have been busy lately, so I couldn’t post Tuesday, but I will find a time to catch up on the missed post. Enjoy!

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