The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé has the Ability to Read Mind

Chapter 81

Previously, it was mentioned that after the welcome party, Jiang Miao, having apparently been motivated by some stimulus, decided to make her own investment and chose a love variety show.

Love variety shows have short production cycles and often yield immediate results. If the planning and guests are suitable, it’s a good option for quick profits.

Having been in the entertainment industry for five or six years, Jiang Miao had some insider knowledge. By the time she made this decision, she already had a preferred team in mind. The planning was set, and they just needed the investment.

In her eagerness to prove her capabilities, Jiang Miao made a decisive move. In less than a month, the first episode of the dating reality show “Mutual Pursuit” was already airing.

Jiang Miao and Ye Shuchen were among the regular guests on the show.

To be fair, the first episode performed exceptionally well. Ye Shuchen’s handsome appearance and playful demeanor were quite alluring, especially since he, despite his playboy image, was incredibly considerate towards Jiang Miao. Their interactions were very sweet.

In the show, Jiang Miao even brought up her past pursuit of Ye Shuyan. Of course, she downplayed the details, only mentioning that Ye Shuyan had once saved her during high school. She said, “…That guy was lawless. Without him, I might have been ruined for the rest of my life. At the time, he was protecting me as a boyfriend, and I harbored some fantasies…”

Many viewers expressed understanding, given that encountering someone so exceptional and silently protective would make anyone sentimental.

Jiang Miao directly expressed her apologies to Ye Shuyan and Tang Nuan, admitting that she had been blinded by her own emotions and had made mistakes at that time. She then took the opportunity to thank Ye Shuchen, saying that he helped her see her own shortcomings and stood by her through her most difficult times.

During the emotional moments of her speech, she choked up and cried, and Ye Shuchen hugged her with tender eyes.

Viewers online couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by the “dog food”.

As Tang Nuan had initially predicted, quite a few people were criticizing Jiang Miao at the start. However, as she sincerely admitted her mistakes and “reformed” by finding the right person, the audience’s attitude gradually became more accepting.

In the preview for the next episode, Jiang Miao talked about how Ye Shuchen had heroically rescued her from a kidnapping while abroad. The story sounded thrilling and dramatic, and ordinary people had rarely heard of such real-life events. It left viewers eagerly anticipating the next episode.

Overall, their relationship had been the most talked-about topic from the beginning to the end. The audience was drawn in by their interactions and the behind-the-scenes stories, with many people starting to ship them.

Moreover, one of the benefits of a celebrity dating reality show is that fans can enjoy following real-life romance. It didn’t take long for fans to spot them out and about, with many posting videos of Jiang Miao and Ye Shuchen on dates.

After returning to their home country, they continued to flaunt their affection publicly. Despite Jiang Miao being a small but notable star before retiring from the industry, young fans and paparazzi alike would naturally capture and share moments of their public appearances. With the show airing, it was the perfect time to capitalize on the buzz.

And so, the “ChenMiao” CP quickly emerged and began to grow in popularity.

In reality, those within the industry knew that there was definitely some guiding influence behind it. Nevertheless, this marketing strategy was a success, and “Mutual Pursuit” had a higher initial popularity compared to typical variety shows.

“So she’s gotten a bit inflated,” Ji Yun couldn’t help but complain to Tang Nuan.

Nowadays, to attract traffic, it’s common for reality show guests to engage in live streaming. During Jiang Miao’s livestream last night, a fan asked if she would return to the entertainment industry.

Jiang Miao declined, saying that her previous actions had had a negative impact and she felt sorry for her fans. Therefore, until her fans forgive her, she won’t return to acting. However, she still loves film and television, so she plans to invest in film projects. She promised to ensure that capital wouldn’t interfere, to respect the original material, and to produce a good piece of work as an apology to everyone.

What she said was exactly in line with Tang Nuan and Ji Yun’s own principles and intentions.

Ironically, the trope of “returning to inherit the family business after leaving the industry” or “becoming a behind-the-scenes big shot after leaving the industry” has become quite popular recently. Many people were eager to learn which film project Jiang Miao would invest in.

“The director is already confirmed to be Director Feng, and the script is written by a top-notch screenwriter. I’ve heard it’s quite good,” Ji Yun said, sounding a bit annoyed. “Why can’t she just stop irritating people? This clearly seems to be just trying to provoke us.”

“If ‘Mutual Pursuit’ goes smoothly, it would not only gain a promotional advantage but also save on resources.”

Tang Nuan actually didn’t mind much. Not to mention that from the start of filming to the official release, even if everything goes smoothly with the approvals, it would still take at least a year. Who knows what will happen in that year? When it comes to publicity, it’s still too early. Overextending the hype too soon isn’t a good thing either.

Ji Yun understood this principle but still found it irritating. “Their crew is also preparing to start shooting. You should come over and take a look.”

Under normal circumstances, Tang Nuan should indeed visit. Regardless of the competition, investigation and analysis are necessary. However, Ye Shuyan is coming back soon, and Tang Nuan didn’t want to be away.

She had endured so much over the past half-month and didn’t want to leave just when he was finally returning. She needed to see him first. So, she agreed with Ji Yun to visit later.

But in the evening, she received a call from Ye Shuyan, saying there had been an issue on his end, and he would need to delay his return by another week.

The feeling of having your hopes raised only to be dashed is really unbearable. If Ye Shuyan hadn’t said it was inconvenient, Tang Nuan would have wished to fly over to see him.

Unable to shake off her frustration, Tang Nuan decided to go to the Southern Film and Television Base to confront Jiang Miao, who had been annoying her.

Jiang Miao was recording the third episode of “Mutual Pursuit” at the film city.

Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu came to pick her up and laughed uncontrollably when they heard her plan. Ji Yun said with a smile, “Actually, you’re already getting back at her now.”

Tang Nuan raised an eyebrow, “How so?”

Li Qiuxiu handed her the phone and sighed, “They say that couples who have been in love for a long time start to resemble each other more and more. I can really see you evolving in the direction of President Ye. You don’t even look at your WeChat moments anymore.”

Tang Nuan chuckled and didn’t argue, taking the phone. To her surprise, it was a video from her date with Ye Shuyan.

As netizens searched for sweet moments between Jiang Miao and Ye Shuchen, they inevitably brought up the past entanglements between Jiang Miao and Ye Shuyan, making comparisons.

The discussions were pretty similar to what was said in the “Father Worries Alliance” group: Jiang Miao had found the right person; compared to Ye Shuyan, Ye Shuchen is the more ideal partner.

For many girls, emotional support and companionship were more important than power and status.

Some even began analyzing Ye Shuyan’s personality, digging up videos of him during financial interviews, where he came off as cold, serious, and unapproachable. The two occasions when he appeared with Tang Nuan, one was the pickup at the airport and the other was the live stream, showed him as emotionally distant, with Tang Nuan seemingly making all the effort.

[Though Young Master Ye is definitely more handsome and capable, it’s frustrating to see him act this way in daily life.]

[I bet they probably have cold wars whenever they argue, and Young Master Ye definitely wouldn’t be the first to speak up.]

[Yeah, so what if he’s handsome and capable? The girl is still suffering too much…]

Of course, some thought they were being ridiculous.

[As if Young Master Ye has ever made Tang Nuan suffer!]

[This analysis is pretty funny. Jiang Miao and Young Master Ye have nothing to do with each other anymore. Isn’t this just stirring up trouble? Besides, everyone has different personalities. My husband is also cold, but he has never made me feel wronged.]

[Same! I like Young Master Ye’s personality. Ahhhh, I have no resistance to that high-cold iceberg male showing even a hint of affection towards someone. It’s still so sweet to watch!]

[When will they be together on screen again? I want to ship their CP!]

[High five! Who knows the pain of shipping a cold CP? But what can I do? I’m a visual person! The combination of a cold male god and a fiery fairy is dancing right on my preferences! They’re just too easy to ship!]

With someone leading the way, more CP fans for Tang Nuan and Ye Shuyan gradually emerged. After all, Jiang Miao’s drama had been quite the spectacle, and Tang Nuan and Ye Shuyan had a brief moment in the spotlight as well. Among millions of views, a few hundred fans didn’t seem exaggerated.

Then someone actually stepped up to provide material. [Um… I think I’ve seen them together.]

Immediately, someone asked, [Where did you see them?]

The other replied, [In the food street at Shengshi Square.]

At that moment, someone scoffed, “How is that possible? That’s Young Master Ye! Even if they were on a date, it would be at some high-end restaurant. I can’t imagine them going to a place like that. Stop trying to ride the popularity here.”

The person speaking was a small internet celebrity who gained attention through sharing her daily life online. Initially uncertain, she was provoked by the comment and quickly posted the video, “If you can find another couple as good-looking as them, I’ll delete my account! I’m just trying to ride the popularity!”

Her post, infused with a sense of defiance, immediately attracted a crowd of gossip enthusiasts.

Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu leaned in to watch the video:

Outside a restaurant on Shengshi Square’s food street, a long line formed, presumably for some kind of promotion. Among the crowd, one pair stood out, the man was tall and exceptionally handsome in a black cashmere coat, while the woman wore a beige ensemble of the same fabric, charming and playful. They were playfully tugging at each other while chatting. After a while, the woman leaned against the man to take a photo, directing his arms back and forth until she found the right angle. Nodding in satisfaction, she smiled as he pressed the button. Suddenly, something went awry, and they both froze for a moment before bursting into laughter.

However, the laughter quickly turned into a playful dispute. The woman tried to grab the phone from him, while he held her close with one arm and raised the phone high with a teasing grin. She pouted and playfully rolled her eyes, clearly engaged in banter. After he said something, she stuck her tongue out at him, causing him to laugh uncontrollably.

When it was the man’s turn, he affectionately ruffled the woman’s hair, his expression tender as he coaxed her into the restaurant…

When the video ended, Ji Yun clicked her tongue and said, “I never would have guessed Young Master Ye was this charming.”

Tang Nuan felt her cheeks heat up. She hadn’t expected them to look like that from someone else’s perspective. She quickly downloaded the video onto her phone.

Ji Yun: ……

Li Qiuqiu chimed in, “What sweet things did Young Master Ye whisper to you that day?”

Tang Nuan feigned ignorance, “What sweet things? He didn’t say anything.”

Ji Yun pointed at the phone and laughed, “Sure, and someone overheard it.”

Tang Nuan paused, scrolling down to see the first comment was from the little internet celebrity herself: “They are too stunning! I couldn’t help but film them. So, is this Young Master Ye and his fiancée?”

The replies after that were lively.

“Anyone who says they aren’t is blind. With their looks and charisma, there’s hardly anyone who can compare.”

“Does Young Master Ye have a fraternal twin with a completely different personality? If not, then it’s definitely them.”

“Ahhh, I watched the whole thing with a smile. Why is it so sweet?”

“Those who say Young Master Ye is cold just don’t deserve him. How can this be cold? He’s just too sweet! Where’s my royal lip reader? Come and translate what they were saying!”


[Do you have more, blogger? I thought I’d be satisfied with just a little more content, but I find myself wanting even more!]

The little internet celebrity replied: [I think there are definitely more people who filmed them; they stood out too much! I saw someone with their phone out.]

As it turned out, she was right. Soon, someone excitedly chimed in: [Not only did I film them, but I also talked to them! I was the girl standing right in front of them in line!!!]

[Wow! I’m so jealous!]

[So, what did you hear them say? Come on, translate for us!]

[I heard everything! I started talking to them because the guy made me laugh!] This user was clearly thrilled: [Who says he’s cold? He’s really good at sweet-talking!]

[They were trying to take a selfie with the main camera, but the girl suggested using her phone to pick a filter. The guy then said his eyes come with the extra filter, which is the best.]

Everyone was surprised that Young Master Ye could be like this, and they felt the sweetness wash over them.

The girl was the same one who had chatted with Tang Nuan and the others that day. The line hadn’t been far apart, so Tang Nuan hadn’t realized she was close enough to overhear their conversation.

“I can totally understand,” Li Qiuqiu said. “With the two of you standing out like that, it’s only natural for people to focus on you.”

The girl pieced together a rough idea of their conversation, probably due to Li Qiuqiu’s speculation, which sweetened everyone up.

But she wasn’t done: [Waiting in line isn’t anything; it was even sweeter inside!] She then shared a video, revealing them sitting at a wall-side table in a restaurant.

Interestingly, it was a Sichuan restaurant, yet they had only three dishes on their table, with two being non-spicy, seemingly chosen carefully, and one that might have been a bit spicy, which they ate cautiously.

After taking a bite, they exchanged glances and burst into laughter, seemingly for no reason at all, just happy.

The girl laughed so hard she leaned on the table, shaking, while the man tried to hold back his laughter but ultimately surrendered.

[Ah, I can’t take it anymore! I officially declare myself a fan of their CP! When will they start sharing more?]

[LOL, why did they go to a Sichuan restaurant if they can’t handle spicy food?]

The girl who posted the video replied, [I vaguely heard the guy say it was for the couple discount.]

Instantly, the comments erupted with laughter.

[I feel like I’m going against the grain, but why do I think Young Master Ye is a bit cute?]

[Young Master Ye: Even if we can’t eat spicy food, we must prove we’re a couple.]

[They’re so sweet, even sweeter than anyone in ‘Double Run.’ I’m in! I just hope they can share more soon.]


Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu couldn’t stop laughing. Ji Yun asked, “Really? Did Young Master Ye go there just for the couple discount?”

Tang Nuan remained silent, quietly downloading the video to her phone.

The sweet content, though scarce, sparked the netizens’ interest. They started a “guess the dialogue based on the pictures” activity, having fun while their curiosity was piqued.

Then someone had a sudden thought, [Since Ye Shuyan and Ye Shuchen were brothers, and Jiang Miao had apologized so sincerely, could it mean they had reconciled?]

If so, could they film a family gathering together? They wouldn’t even need Young Master Ye and Tang Nuan to appear prominently, just a bit of footage would be enough for them to be wild…

Li Qiuqiu remarked, “With Jiang Miao’s petty nature, she’d probably be infuriated upon seeing this.”

Ji Yun chuckled mischievously, “Especially since she has that white lotus persona. Not only did she apologize, but she genuinely wished you both a lifetime of happiness. You’re ungrateful if you don’t forgive her, but if she avoids you, that’s just mocking the audience again. There’d be no saving her…”

Tang Nuan squinted, “Since they’ve reconciled, isn’t it inappropriate not to ride the popularity?”

The three exchanged glances and high-fived with sly smiles.

Little did Tang Nuan know that this time they would ride an exceptionally big wave of popularity.

The author has something to say:
Tang Nuan: I’m the leader of my own CP fan club.
Young Master Ye: No, I am.
Author: Are you two sharing?
Jiang Miao: Why are you two everywhere!!!!!

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