The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé has the Ability to Read Mind

Chapter 79

Ye Shuyan’s plans were destined to fall apart, as that evening they received a call from the hospital.

At that moment, Ye Shuyan was on the verge of undressing Tang Nuan completely.

After their parents met in the morning, the two of them decided to celebrate by spending the afternoon at an amusement park. Ever since their last date at the mall, Ye Shuyan seemed to have developed a liking for these spontaneous, unplanned outings where they could disappear into the crowd.

The unpredictability made every moment exciting, as they never knew what surprise or thrill was waiting for them next. For instance, when they got on the Ferris wheel, Ye Shuyan noticed the couple in the carriage ahead of them and, without any prompting, suddenly mastered the romantic gestures straight out of a TV drama.

Before long, Tang Nuan found herself pressed against the seat, her face flushed and her heart racing as Ye Shuyan kissed her passionately. Being up so high made everything feel more exhilarating. Eventually, Ye Shuyan was finding it hard to hold back, and his hand slipped under her shirt…

Tang Nuan instinctively shrank back for a moment, and Ye Shuyan immediately paused. He released her, intending to stand and collect himself. But before he could, Tang Nuan suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him back down.

As she kissed him, she whispered softly, “It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m just not quite used to it.”

Now that they were officially engaged, and with their parents’ approval, she wasn’t trying to be overly reserved. It was just… this would be her first time.

Ye Shuyan kissed her forehead and sat up, carefully straightening Tang Nuan’s clothes as the Ferris wheel ride neared its end. Tang Nuan, realizing a bit too late what she had just said, felt embarrassed. After all, they were still outside, and the words she had uttered were quite bold…

But Ye Shuyan didn’t comment on it. Once they got off the Ferris wheel, he took her straight home, driving fast but precise, keeping just within the speed limit. When they arrived, he didn’t even bother turning on the lights, pulling her into a deep kiss the moment they were inside. This time, it wasn’t just his mouth, his hands moved decisively as well…

When Tang Nuan flinched slightly again, Ye Shuyan leaned close, biting her ear softly and whispering in a raspy voice, “You’ll have to get used to this.”

As he spoke, he lifted her sweater, and his heated hands pressed firmly against her waist…

That’s when the phone rang. Ye Shuyan didn’t want her to answer, but Tang Nuan, due to some past experiences in her childhood, had a habit of never ignoring a call when she heard it.

As it turned out, the call was important. It was from Tang Fei, informing them that Tang Yue had been hospitalized due to an incident related to a case she was investigating.

Tang Nuan was immediately terrified. She vividly remembered Tang Yue telling her about a lawless, entitled rich heir she had been dealing with, and she feared the worst. Hastily throwing on her clothes, she and Ye Shuyan rushed to the hospital.

When they arrived, they saw Tang Yue sitting on a chair outside the surgery room, her face streaked with tears. Tang Nuan felt a chill run through her, her hands and feet going cold. Though Tang Yue appeared soft, she was actually the most resilient of them all. According to Tang Fei, he had almost never seen their eldest sister cry. For something to break Tang Yue down like this…

Just then, Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua arrived, both frantic and barely able to focus on anything but Tang Yue. They looked her over, fear evident in their eyes. “What happened? What’s going on? Yue Yue, don’t cry. Tell Mom what happened. It’s okay, as long as you’re safe, nothing else matters,” Shen Jinhua reassured her.

At that, Tang Yue finally broke down, hugging Shen Jinhua tightly as she sobbed, “Mom, what if Wen Xingchuan dies?”

Tang Nuan was stunned to learn that Assistant Wen was the one in the operating room.

Ye Shuyan’s expression immediately darkened, and he hurried off to find a doctor to get more information, just as the police arrived to take Tang Yue’s statement.

Shen Jinhua then noticed something wrong with Tang Yue’s arm, so Tang Fei and Tang Nuan stayed outside the operating room to wait for news on Assistant Wen, while the others took Tang Yue to get her arm examined, with the police following them for the statement.

Tang Nuan was restless, and anxious about what had happened between Tang Yue and Assistant Wen. How serious was Assistant Wen’s condition? What kind of injuries did he have? Her mind was racing with worry.

Tang Fei patted her shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. Once Xiao Ben gets here, we’ll know more.”

Tang Fei’s calm demeanor helped settle Tang Nuan a bit. Sure enough, after a short while, Tang Ben came running in. “Assistant Wen was stabbed twice in the back.”

“He was stabbed?!” Both Tang Nuan and Tang Fei were shocked.

It turned out that the rich heir Tang Yue was trying to prosecute had long criminal records, most of which he had managed to settle through bribery or intimidation. When the victims refused to cooperate, Tang Yue had no choice but to move forward with the case as a public prosecution.

Assistant Wen had been helping Tang Yue gather evidence, and today, she had obtained a crucial ledger. However, at the last moment, the other party discovered it and sent people to chase her down and corner her.

Because the ledger was so important, those sent after her were ruthless. No matter how skilled Tang Yue was, she couldn’t fend off so many attackers on her own. She was struck hard in the arm with a bat, nearly falling to the ground. The attackers, knowing she had called the police, were desperate to retrieve the ledger. When they couldn’t grab it from her, one of them pulled out a knife.

Tang Yue, already surrounded, had no way to escape. Just as it seemed she couldn’t avoid the attack, Assistant Wen, who had been lying low to avoid being a burden, rushed out to shield her from the knife. Both of them collapsed to the ground, and Wen Assistant tightly protected Tang Yue beneath him, holding on until the police arrived.

As a result, aside from the blow to her arm that left her with a fracture, Tang Yue was otherwise unharmed.

Not long after, Ye Shuyan arrived, having already gathered information about the situation. He gently embraced Tang Nuan, saying, “Don’t worry, there are top-notch experts at Gu Hospital. I’ve already contacted them and arranged for help. He’ll be fine.”

Tang Ben quickly relayed the good news to Tang Yue, offering some relief amidst the worry.

After getting her arm in a cast, Tang Yue came back to wait outside the operating room. The family didn’t try to convince her to leave, they just stayed by her side in quiet support. At this moment, Tang Fei stepped up, taking charge like a responsible elder brother, organizing everything while Tang Ben followed his instructions, running errands.

Their presence seemed to calm Tang Yue down, and Tang Nuan also felt more at ease, thinking that no news was the best news at this point.

Two hours later, Assistant Wen finally came out of surgery. Tang Yue was the first to rush over, anxiously asking, “Doctor, how is he?”

The doctor removed his mask and smiled. “Although it was a bit dangerous, the surgery went well. We’ll observe him for a day, and if all is fine, he just needs to rest and recover.”

Tang Yue was almost moved to tears, and everyone else let out a collective sigh of relief. Tang Nuan, leaning against Ye Shuyan, realized how tense his body had been. She instinctively reached out to hold his hand.

Ye Shuyan looked down at her, then opened his palm and gently squeezed hers in return.

Tang Fei spoke up, “Big Sister, I’ve already packed some clean clothes and essentials for you. Let’s grab a bite to eat.”

He then addressed their parents, “Dad, Mom, I’ll stay here with Big Sister tonight. You two should go home and rest, then come back tomorrow to relieve us.”

No one objected. There wasn’t much space in the hospital, and given how determined Tang Yue was to stay, it made sense for just one person to remain with her.

By the time Tang Nuan and Ye Shuyan got home, it was nearly 2 a.m., and they were both too exhausted to think of anything else. After exchanging goodnights, they went to bed.

The next day, Assistant Wen was moved from the ICU to a regular ward after being monitored for a day. Upon hearing the news, Tang Nuan and Ye Shuyan rushed to the hospital. When they arrived, they were told that he was awake, and they wanted to check in on him. However, Tang Fei stopped them. “He’s only able to stay awake for short periods. Right now, he’s talking with Big Sister.”

Tang Nuan’s curiosity was piqued immediately. “What are they talking about?”

Now that Assistant Wen was out of danger, Tang Nuan’s gossiping instincts kicked back in.

Holding the porridge he’d brought, Tang Fei grinned mischievously and said, “Want to listen in?”

Without hesitation, the two snuck quietly to the hospital room door, with Ye Shuyan casually following behind them.

Tang Fei, with plenty of experience, gently pressed the door handle, opening it just enough for them to hear Tang Yue’s voice clearly from inside. She sounded annoyed, “You’re so uncoordinated, what made you think rushing out was a good idea?”

Tang Nuan wanted to peek through the door with Tang Fei, but Ye Shuyan pulled her back. That’s when she realized they could see everything through the vertical glass strip on the door without the need for crouching.

Looking at Tang Fei’s awkward posture, she couldn’t help but stifle a laugh and joined Ye Shuyan by the door to quietly observe what was happening inside.

Inside the hospital room, Assistant Wen, still looking weak but speaking very manly, said, “Did you expect me to stand by and watch you get hurt? I couldn’t do that.”

Tang Yue softly cursed, “Idiot.” But her tone was filled with a hint of shyness.

Assistant Wen continued to defend himself, “Besides, it’s not like I’m uncoordinated. I’ve just been too busy with work to exercise. If I were really that clumsy, how come they couldn’t touch you after I stepped in?”

Ye Shuyan whispered to Tang Nuan with a smirk, “He’s clever, trying to take all the credit.”

Indeed, Tang Yue was left speechless.

Tang Nuan chuckled softly, but whether Assistant Wen was seeking praise or not, it was clear that Tang Yue appreciated his words. Inside, they watched as Assistant Wen, with great effort, lifted his hand to gently hold Tang Yue’s uninjured hand.

Looking at her arm in a sling, he asked, “How’s your arm? Does it hurt?”

Tang Yue, careful not to move too much for fear of hurting him, responded, “Don’t worry. It’s nothing compared to your broken leg.”

In addition to the two stab wounds on his back, Assistant Wen’s most severe injury was a broken left leg, along with numerous cuts and bruises.

But then, Assistant Wen said softly, “I think your injury hurts the most.”

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but let out a quiet hiss of surprise. She hadn’t expected the usually composed Assistant Wen to say something so sentimental and cheesy.

Tang Yue, feeling embarrassed, gave Assistant Wen a playful glare. “I was about to hand over the evidence. Why did you stop me?”

“No matter what, those papers aren’t worth more than a life. Don’t do something like that again,” she scolded.

Assistant Wen calmly replied, “You worked so hard to get that information. If we gave it to them, we might never get another chance.”

“And besides, now that they know you’re onto their secrets, they’d definitely come after you for revenge.”

He continued, “Didn’t I announce my identity when I got out of the car? Someone like me, with a name and reputation, is a risk they’ll hesitate to take.”

It turned out Assistant Wen hadn’t just protected Tang Yue but had also stubbornly refused to hand over the evidence, leading to an extra stab wound.

“I thought it through before rushing out. I knew it would be okay. And look, didn’t we succeed?” Assistant Wen smiled at Tang Yue, then teased, “So, do you finally acknowledge my capabilities?”

Tang Yue lowered her head slightly, not responding. Assistant Wen just kept smiling at her.

The atmosphere between them visibly grew more intimate, and Tang Nuan felt it was time to stop eavesdropping. She tapped Tang Fei, signaling that they should leave.

However, just as they were about to retreat, Ye Shuyan suddenly reached out and knocked on the door.

Tang Nuan and Tang Fei were startled, instinctively standing upright as Ye Shuyan casually pushed the door open and walked in.

Tang Nuan glanced at Ye Shuyan, then at Assistant Wen, whose eyes were practically oozing resentment. Ye Shuyan, pretending not to notice, gave Assistant Wen a once-over and remarked, “I thought you’d pull some clever stunt, but turns out you were just showing off.”

His gaze then fell on Assistant Wen’s hand still holding Tang Yue’s. “Isn’t this taking advantage of a vulnerable situation? Morally questionable, don’t you think?”

If Assistant Wen didn’t realize Ye Shuyan was intentionally ruining the moment by now, he’d be a fool. He wondered what he had done to offend this ruthless capitalist after not seeing him for almost ten days.

He looked at Tang Yue and suddenly said, “Lawyer Tang, could you ask your brother-in-law for a favor on my behalf?”

The emphasis on “brother-in-law” was unmistakable.

Ye Shuyan: …

Tang Nuan and Tang Yue couldn’t help but laugh, and even Tang Fei found it amusing.

Just then, a nurse entered and reminded them, “The patient needs to rest. Family members, please step out.”

Tang Nuan and Tang Fei immediately prepared to leave, but Ye Shuyan remained in place. He turned to Tang Yue and said, “Lawyer Tang, your hand is injured. Let’s walk out together.”

Assistant Wen: …

The author has something to say:
Assistant Wen: I just wanted to have a warm conversation with my wife, what exactly is your problem? How did I offend you?
Ye Shuyan: Oh, so only your wife is warm? Mine isn’t? What you’ve got going on is just some budding romance. Do you realize what you interrupted? That was fiery passion!
Yes, Ye Shuyan holds grudges and is quite petty.

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