The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 78

The two of them practically bolted out of the Sichuan restaurant, and after a few moments, they burst into laughter again. Tang Nuan teased Ye Shuyan, “Serves you right for getting yourself into trouble!”

Ye Shuyan, holding her hand, replied, “It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re with me.”

Tang Nuan playfully hit him, but Ye Shuyan pulled her into his arms, and just like that, the two made up once more.

Hand in hand, they headed off to see a movie and chose a couple’s seat. By the time they came out, Tang Nuan barely remembered the plot, her face flushed, while Ye Shuyan, with his arm around her shoulders, said with a straight face, “We should do this more often.” There wasn’t a hint of guilt for his mischievous behavior in the dark.

Tang Nuan shot him a glare and huffed, “You think there’ll be a next time? Keep dreaming.”

Ye Shuyan pretended not to hear and suddenly said, “I think it’s snowing.”

The cinema was on the top floor of the mall, and there were a few skylights nearby, giving them a glimpse of the outside. However, the sky was too dark, and the faint glow from the streetlights below didn’t make things clear.

Just then, someone exclaimed, “It’s snowing outside!”

Tang Nuan and Ye Shuyan exchanged glances and quickly headed downstairs.

Sure enough, as soon as they stepped out of the mall, they were greeted by the crisp, cold air filled with the scent of snow. Instinctively, Tang Nuan burrowed into Ye Shuyan’s arms.

Ye Shuyan smiled and helped her adjust her wool coat, lifting the collar and fastening the top button.

As he buttoned her coat, Tang Nuan tilted her head up, her face filled with wonder.

Though the snow wasn’t heavy, under the streetlights at ten o’clock at night, it fluttered down gracefully, creating a beautiful scene. Ye Shuyan looked at Tang Nuan’s bright, sparkling eyes and thought that she was even more beautiful than the snow.

His gaze fell on her lips, and he felt the urge to kiss her again, she was just too addictive.

Not far from them, a group of young men and women were excitedly shouting. Tang Nuan glanced over and realized someone was proposing.

Curious, she pulled Ye Shuyan along with the crowd to watch.

It was a typical scene, with red roses arranged in a heart shape. A few young people played guitars, singing love songs, while a handsome young man knelt on one knee, confessing his love with deep emotion.

When he pulled out the ring and said, “Marry me,” the girl’s eyes brimmed with tears. Her expression was one of pure joy as if she had gained the whole world. When she shakily said, “Yes,” all of her friends cheered, and even the surrounding strangers joined in with their congratulations.

Standing at the edge of the crowd, Tang Nuan couldn’t help but smile warmly at the scene. She realized that now, she could appreciate these simple and sincere emotions, without worrying about what might go wrong in the future.

The future she wanted was worth pursuing. Even if there were stumbles or misfortunes along the way, as long as she had the strength to stand up again, that was enough. A predictable life might be stable, but true joy and happiness were often found in the fearless unknown.

Suddenly, she felt someone wrap around her from behind. Tang Nuan was enveloped in the warmth of Ye Shuyan’s coat, making her feel cozy all over. The man chuckled softly above her head and said, “It’s wonderful.”

Tang Nuan tilted her head up and asked, “What’s wonderful?”

Ye Shuyan couldn’t resist kissing her forehead and replied, “Because of you, everything is wonderful.”

Tang Nuan chuckled, shaking her head at the cheesiness. “Such a corny line,” she teased.

Ye Shuyan smiled and tightened his arms around her. “It’s not a line,” he said sincerely.

He glanced at the couple embracing happily nearby, something he would have previously considered a waste of time even to overhear. He looked at the snow falling softly around them, the weather he used to despise because it disrupted his work schedule. Then he thought back to the Sichuan restaurant just six months ago, he never would have imagined himself behaving so foolishly.

But now, the sight of the couple filled him with joy; the soft, fragrant girl in his arms made him appreciate this snowy weather, and the absurd moments in the restaurant became something that would make him smile whenever he thought of them.

It turned out that outside of work, there were so many interesting and wonderful things to experience. Just as she had said, the beautiful scenery of life is hidden in the unknown. She was the one who had brought him to discover it, and he believed there was much more to come.

At around 1 a.m., Xie Feizhe was suddenly woken up by the incessant pinging of his phone. Groggily, he opened his eyes and saw that the messages were from none other than Ye Shuyan.

Thinking it was something important, he quickly opened the messages, only to find a series of photos—Ye Shuyan looking up at the snow, smiling by a Christmas tree, sitting in a car with a serious expression. Though all the pictures were of Ye Shuyan, it was obvious who had taken them. After all, it definitely wasn’t a selfie.

Xie Feizhe gritted his teeth, tossed his phone aside, and tried to go back to sleep. But before he could, his phone rang again. Ye Shuyan was calling. “Which one should I use for my WeChat background photo?”

Xie Feizhe couldn’t help but explode in frustration, “Ye Shuyan! Do you have any idea what time it is? You can make billion-dollar decisions in a second, but you can’t pick a few lousy photos?”

On the other end, Ye Shuyan calmly replied, “That’s right,” and then hung up without hesitation.

Staring at his phone, Xie Feizhe, now fully awake, growled, “What the hell?” He rolled over, trying to fall back asleep, but his curiosity got the better of him. Grabbing his phone, he opened Ye Shuyan’s WeChat Moments.

There it was, the new profile background. Xie Feizhe let out a frustrated yell, “Ye Shuyan! If I ever speak to you again, I’m the real dog!”

The background photo had drawn quite a bit of attention. Gone was the default image, replaced by a sweet couple’s photo. Under the warm glow of a streetlamp, snow falling softly around them, a beautiful woman nestled inside the man’s wool coat, leaning against his chest and smiling sweetly at the camera. The man had his head slightly tilted toward her. Though his face wasn’t fully visible, the gentle smile on his lips was something no one had ever seen on the usually cold and distant Ye Shuyan.

Later that day, after discussing a partnership on the Nuanyang System project, Xie Feiming, accompanied by Xie Feizhe, casually asked Ye Shuyan, “I noticed you changed your WeChat background. What prompted that?”

Xie Feizhe immediately became defensive. “Big Brother, why are you asking him about that?!”

Xie Feiming looked puzzled but then noticed Ye Shuyan’s softened expression as he spoke, seemingly helpless. “It was Nuan Nuan who changed it, said this way I can see it all the time.”

As he spoke, Ye Shuyan casually flashed his phone, showing another picture the one taken at home, where he and Tang Nuan pressed their foreheads together, looking intimately closely.

Xie Feizhe, noticing the smug grin Ye Shuyan couldn’t suppress, snorted. “Was it really Tang Nuan who changed it, or were you the one who wanted to? Don’t just push the blame.”

Ye Shuyan smiled at him and replied, “It really was Nuan Nuan who helped me change it.” He chuckled helplessly, adding, “You know how girls are, taking photos and choosing the right one is a whole process. You’ll understand once you have some experience.”

Xie Feizhe: …

You’re just showing off! Why throw in a jab at me while you’re at it?

After happily rubbing salt in Xie Feizhe’s wounds, Ye Shuyan, feeling quite pleased, turned his attention to organizing the meeting between both sets of parents.

Neither he nor Tang Nuan was the type to procrastinate, so once everything was decided, they promptly informed their families.

Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua were easy to deal with, but on Ye Zhenghong’s side, there was initial reluctance. After all, Tang Nuan had not only embarrassed their family, but her abilities were becoming more evident. If she married Ye Shuyan, it would undoubtedly make him even more powerful.

However, once Ye Shuyan promised to divide the family assets and immediately gave Ye Shuchen a position as general manager in the real estate division, Ye Zhenghong quickly became cooperative. As for Deng Qiong, she was never one to stand in the way of people in love, and since Ye Shuyan rarely asked anything of her, she put in her full effort to assist with the arrangements.

The date was set for the day before Christmas, and the venue was chosen at a Ye family hotel. When Tang Nuan arrived with Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua, Ye Zhenghong and Deng Qiong were already waiting for them. Their attitude was very polite, which put the Tang family at ease.

It wasn’t that they were nervous, but if the other side had shown any sign of disrespect towards Tang Nuan, they would have had to address it.

As it turned out, everything went smoothly. Even when Ye Shuyan publicly offered Tang Nuan shares in the hotel management division as part of the engagement gift, Ye Zhenghong smiled warmly.

This left Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua somewhat surprised and unsure. Although they were considered nouveau riche, they weren’t fools, especially since Tang Nuan had entered that social circle, and they had learned a lot recently. The shares Ye Shuyan gave Tang Nuan amounted to significant decision-making power in the hotel management division. To put it in simpler terms, this was worth as much, if not more, than the entire Tangli Group owned by Tang Sheng’an’s family. After all, the Ye family had far more hotels than Tangli Group’s chain stores.

Ye Shuyan added, “The Nuanyang System was originally developed by Nuan Nuan, and giving her a say in the future development of this division would be beneficial. The shareholders have no objections.”

He looked at Tang Nuan and said, “We are united as husband and wife, and we will always walk this path together. This is my promise to her.”

Tang Nuan smiled at him.

No matter what, this gesture showed great respect for their daughter, so Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua had no reason to refuse.

As for Tang Nuan’s dowry, Tang Jinxin said, “…We’ll give her 200 million in cash, and besides the floors she already owns in the Glorious Building, we’ll give her three more floors.”

Tang Nuan was surprised. “Dad, that’s really a lot.”

Tang Jinxin rubbed his head and smiled. “Nuan Nuan, don’t think it’s too little. We have four children, and your mom and I have to be fair. The rest will be dealt with when we’re gone.”

Tang Nuan frowned. “Dad, what are you talking about?”

Tang Jinxin smiled and patted her head. “Anyway, no matter how well you marry or how high you go, the dowry and bride price will be the same for all of you. But…” He turned to Ye Zhenghong, his cheerful expression suddenly becoming serious. “Our family situation is different from yours. We may not have shares or anything like that, but our children are still our treasures.”

“Let me be clear upfront, we’ve never thought about social climbing. The reason she’s marrying into your family is because our daughter loves Shuyan.” He then looked at Ye Shuyan and added, “This is also for you to hear. Right now, everything is good because you’re in love. But if one day you find that things aren’t working out and you feel she’s no longer the one for you, bring her back to us properly. Let’s part ways peacefully.”

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but bite her lip. “Dad…”

Tang Jinxin looked at her with a smile and said, “You too. Even though their family is of a higher status, we’re not lacking, and you’re capable yourself. What your mom and I are giving you may not compare to theirs in value, but it carries the same meaning. You know that saying, it’s not about how much someone gives you, but how much they give compared to what they have?”

“This is to let you know and to let everyone else know that our Nuan Nuan has people who care for her. If you ever feel wronged, just come back. Your mom and dad will always be here for you.”

Tang Nuan, overwhelmed, grasped his hand tightly, her eyes reddening. “Dad…”

At that moment, she truly felt the solid, steadfast love of a father, one that gave her the strength to face any storm outside without fear, because she had a place she could always return to.

Even Ye Zhenghong and Deng Qiong’s demeanor shifted. They might act friendly and approachable when facing an ordinary person, but in the presence of a father like Tang Jinxin, they understood the importance of treating him as an equal, with respect.

As the meeting was wrapping up, Deng Qiong took out a box from her bag and handed it to Tang Nuan. Though her expression was a bit awkward, her words were sincere. “This was given to me by my father. I only have Shuyan as a son, and I know his temperament, once he’s committed to you, it’s for life. I’m passing this on to you, and I hope you both find happiness and enjoy a long, happy marriage.”

Tang Nuan pressed her lips together, accepting the box with care. “Thank you, Auntie.”

Deng Qiong, clearly not used to this type of interaction with Tang Nuan, cleared her throat and added, “No need to thank me, we’re family now.” She then smiled slightly, saying, “Your parents are wonderful people.”

Tang Nuan smiled, and Deng Qiong’s lips curved slightly in response.

As they were leaving, Ye Shuyan couldn’t resist asking Shen Jinhua, “Auntie Shen, about the wedding date…”

Shen Jinhua noticed his expression and asked, “What about it? Do you have any concerns?”

Ye Shuyan hesitated before replying, “I’ve heard rumors that Tang Yue might have a boyfriend…”

Shen Jinhua immediately understood and chuckled, “Don’t worry about her. Even if she has one, it’s not guaranteed to be stable. You and Nuan Nuan have been engaged for three and a half years now. You two decide on the date, and when the time comes, we’ll find a suitable day.”

She found the whole thing amusing and realized that Ye Shuyan might genuinely lack the support or guidance of elders in this area, as he seemed a bit clueless. “If Tang Yue had a steady fiancé, of course, she’d get married first. But if not, whoever gets engaged first can get married first.”

Ye Shuyan: …

So, it seems he’s learned the hard way due to his youth. If that’s the case, does that mean he can finally bring back Assistant Wen?!

With any luck, Assistant Wen’s romantic pursuit might not have succeeded yet.

The author has something to say:
Ye Shuyan: Ah, so the eldest sister doesn’t need to get married first. Well then, Assistant Wen is no longer useful. Come back to work!
Assistant Wen: …This heartless capitalist! I’ll make sure to rise up like a victorious worker! Just wait till you have to call me “brother-in-law!”

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