The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 77

Ye Shuyan listened to Xie Feizhe’s frustrated voice with a sense of satisfaction. After hanging up the phone, he casually checked the other person’s WeChat Moments. The background picture was, unsurprisingly, a moody photo of himself.

No wonder he kept getting dumped, looking so melodramatic.

Ye Shuyan decided that when Second Xie changed his background photo later, he would offer a proper example of how it was done.

By the time he finished work, it was already 5:30 PM. On the way to pick up Tang Nuan, traffic was a bit heavy, but since they were on the phone, Ye Shuyan didn’t feel bored.

Passing Shengshi Plaza, he noticed the lively crowd, full of couples laughing and playing together. He suddenly thought Tang Nuan might enjoy it.

Deep down, she was a lot like Tang Jinxin’s family, drawn to the vibrant energy of everyday life.

“There seems to be an event at Shengshi Plaza. How about we go there for some fun?” he asked her directly.

Tang Nuan was a bit surprised. “Are you sure?” She loved lively places, but Ye Shuyan wasn’t usually a fan.

Ye Shuyan chuckled softly, “Of course. As long as you’re with me, I’m good.”

A wave of sweetness filled Tang Nuan’s heart, and she teased, “President Ye, your words have been awfully sweet lately.”

Ye Shuyan hinted, “Mmm, it’s because I’ve been eating honey lately.”

Tang Nuan instantly understood his meaning. She subconsciously touched her lips, her cheeks warming as she playfully scolded, “You rogue.”

Ye Shuyan corrected her, “It’s called respecting my fiancée. Even if I’m a rogue, I’m a proper one.”

“A proper rogue? What nonsense is that?” Tang Nuan couldn’t help but laugh at his words.

With playful banter, the two met up and continued their lively back-and-forth all the way to Shengshi Plaza.

The plaza was indeed bustling. It turned out that Christmas was next week, and although the festivities hadn’t officially started, many stalls were already set up, attracting quite a crowd.

Both of them were hungry, so they decided to find something to eat first. Ye Shuyan canceled their previous restaurant reservation, and they strolled around, discussing what to eat. In truth, Ye Shuyan wasn’t particular about food, so it was mainly Tang Nuan making the choices.

“Dumplings? Forget it, I doubt the dumplings here are as good as my dad’s.”

“Noodles? Isn’t it a bit too heavy for dinner? It might be hard to digest.”

“Yunnan cuisine? I wonder if it’s authentic.”

Ye Shuyan held her hand, listening to her rambling on, and surprisingly found it very amusing. She truly came alive in this lively atmosphere, whereas in more formal settings, she tended to hold herself back.

“Hey, what’s that?” Tang Nuan suddenly pointed to something in the distance. Ye Shuyan followed her gaze and noticed a long line of people.

Curious, Tang Nuan pulled him closer. “With so many people in line, it must be good.”

After seeing the sign, they discovered it was a Sichuan-style restaurant. The food was likely delicious, but unfortunately, neither of them could handle spicy food very well. “How about we just go for grilled fish instead?” Tang Nuan suggested, tugging at Ye Shuyan to leave.

But Ye Shuyan seemed to have noticed something and pulled her towards the restaurant. Soon, they saw the sign that had been hidden by the crowd: “Celebrating the owner’s successful proposal – 20% off for couples!”

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but suspect that the owner had written the sign himself, full of joy and excitement.

She then realized that everyone in line at the entrance was indeed a couple.

She couldn’t help but laugh, “Looks like the boss is overjoyed.”

In the past, she couldn’t understand this kind of behavior. If the proposal was successful, it was enough to be happy for themselves. They weren’t celebrities, so what was the point of telling strangers?

But now she could understand… She couldn’t help but look at Ye Shuyan. That feeling of wanting the whole world to know about my love for you, that sweetness filling her chest, made her really want to announce to the world that being with him made her so happy.

Ye Shuyan’s gaze suddenly softened. He reached out and wrapped his arm around her waist, lowered his head, and gently brushed his forehead against hers, whispering, “If you’re feeling shy, then stop seducing me here.”

Tang Nuan hugged him back, burying her face in his chest, murmuring, “Who’s seducing you?”

Ye Shuyan kissed the top of her head, then led her to the end of the line.

Tang Nuan was momentarily stunned, “Are we eating here? Neither of us can eat spicy food.”

Ye Shuyan replied, “It’s fine, they should have non-spicy dishes.”

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but laugh, “There are barely any non-spicy dishes in Sichuan cuisine.” What are you thinking?

Ye Shuyan nodded toward the cashier, “20% off.”

Tang Nuan was about to die of laughter. The dignified President Ye was actually tempted by a 20% discount to eat food they didn’t even like? When she spotted a couple paying their bill, she finally understood Ye Shuyan’s real intention.

It turned out that, to prevent people from pretending to be couples, they had to show an old couple’s photo before paying, or, if they were bold, they could just kiss as proof.

Tang Nuan glanced at him teasingly, “President Ye, why are you so reserved yet bold?” She didn’t believe Ye Shuyan would kiss her in public.

Ye Shuyan looked at the queue ahead, pretending not to hear, and instead said, “We don’t have a photo together.”

Tang Nuan was taken aback and suddenly remembered that they had only officially gotten together last night, so indeed, they didn’t have any photos together. Let alone a couple’s photo, they didn’t even have each other’s individual photos.

So, does that mean they would have to kiss to prove it? Would he really do that?

Tang Nuan started to have doubts. She immediately pulled Ye Shuyan, wanting to leave, “Let’s go eat somewhere else.”

But Ye Shuyan didn’t move at all, and with his arm around her shoulder, he took out his phone, saying, “Just bored while waiting, let’s take a few pictures.”

Tang Nuan widened her eyes, “Didn’t you hear what they said? You can’t take pictures right now.”

Ye Shuyan replied, “Who said I was taking it for them?”

Seeing Tang Nuan’s confusion, he explained, “The picture you sent me this afternoon was too small.” He gestured with his thumb and index finger, “This small, I couldn’t even see clearly.”

Tang Nuan realized that he was talking about the emoji pack she made, and couldn’t help but laugh, “That’s an emoji pack. How could it possibly be big?”

“Mm, then let’s use the phone to take some bigger ones,” Ye Shuyan said, “One day, we’ll hire a photography team to take some wedding photos.”

How did the conversation suddenly jump to wedding photos? Tang Nuan couldn’t help but complain, “Are you planning to hang them on your office wall or something?”

Ye Shuyan replied, “If you’re okay with that.”

Tang Nuan immediately bristled, “Of course not! Don’t even think about it!”

Ye Shuyan said, “Then let’s just use the phone for now.” As he spoke, he opened the camera app.

Seeing that he was using the default camera, Tang Nuan quickly said, “You can’t use that one!”

Ye Shuyan looked at the image of the two of them in the camera, confused, “Why not?”

Tang Nuan explained, “Using the default camera to take pictures of your girlfriend, are you mad at me or something?” As she spoke, she opened her own phone.

Ye Shuyan watched as she opened the beauty camera app and started picking the perfect filter. He pointed to his eyes and said, “No need to bother. You’re already the most beautiful.”

Tang Nuan hadn’t reacted yet, but the girl in front of them turned around first, smiling at Tang Nuan and saying, “Your boyfriend really knows how to talk,” then playfully chided her own boyfriend, “Learn from him.”

Before Tang Nuan could say anything, Ye Shuyan politely replied, “Thank you.”

For some reason, Tang Nuan felt that there was a subtle pride in his eyes.

What should she do? She wanted to laugh again, so cute.

Ye Shuyan cleared his throat and glanced at the phone in her hand, “Have you adjusted it?”

“Oh, it’s ready,” she handed him the phone, “You take the picture, your arms are long, it’ll look better.”

Ye Shuyan didn’t say much, just acted like a selfie stick. Tang Nuan leaned on his shoulder and directed, “A little higher, mm, tilt the camera a bit… okay, take it.”

But then, Ye Shuyan accidentally pressed something, and instead of taking the photo, the screen went black.

Tang Nuan & Ye Shuyan: …

They both couldn’t help but laugh. Tang Nuan lightly smacked him, “What did you press?”

Ye Shuyan took the phone back and instinctively pressed the screen again, but this time Tang Nuan stopped laughing immediately.

On the lock screen was a photo of the two of them, but it was an amusing one where Ye Shuyan’s face was being smothered by a huge bouquet of flowers.

It was a picture from when she had gone to the airport to pick him up for the first time, partially to spite Jiang Miao and tease Ye Shuyan. The photos posted online were all beautiful, but Ji Yun had secretly sent her this funny one, saying she could look at it whenever she was upset to feel better. Tang Nuan had casually set it as her lock screen background. Initially, she found it amusing for a couple of days but then got busy and forgot about it. After all, it was just the lock screen, and she’d grown so used to it that she no longer noticed the picture.

Ye Shuyan lowered his gaze and looked at her.

Tang Nuan awkwardly smiled and quickly reached out to grab the phone. “Uh, give that to me first.”

Ye Shuyan wrapped one arm around her waist, accepting her embrace, while raising the phone out of reach with his other arm, teasingly saying, “So you’ve had me on your mind for that long?”

Knowing she was at a disadvantage and unable to retrieve the phone, Tang Nuan could only pretend to be fierce, threatening, “Do you still want to take the photo or not?”

Ye Shuyan thought for a moment, then said, “How about I use my default camera to take it?” He even measured their intimate pose, adding, “This position looks pretty good too.”

Tang Nuan gritted her teeth and suddenly puffed out her cheeks, crossing her eyes, and making a silly face. “How about using this expression?” Let’s see if your lovestruck eyes can still find the perfection now!

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He raised his hand to pat her back gently and said, “People are watching.”

Tang Nuan quickly returned to her normal expression just as it was their turn in line. The two took a step back from their playful antics. Ye Shuyan let the earlier teasing go, and Tang Nuan cooperated nicely for the photos.

It wasn’t until they were seated at the table that Tang Nuan realized that hadn’t been determined not to eat at this restaurant?

She glared at Ye Shuyan. How annoying, she had fallen into his trap again!

Ye Shuyan, noticing her frustration, gently patted her back to calm her down. “Come on, time to order.”

Watching him sift through the menu looking for non-spicy dishes, Tang Nuan couldn’t help but burst into laughter again. Why did this whole situation seem so ridiculous?

Ye Shuyan probably had never done anything this absurd either, because he was flipping through the menu, laughing along with her. The two of them were like a pair of fools, laughing as they ordered, even making the server chuckle along with them.

In the end, they managed to order three dishes, and Tang Nuan collapsed onto the table, laughing uncontrollably. “The server probably thinks we’re both crazy, don’t you think?”

Ye Shuyan leaned back in his chair, taking deep breaths in an attempt to suppress his laughter. “It’s fine, as long as she knows we’re a couple.”

But watching Tang Nuan laugh made it impossible for him to calm down. He reached out and nudged her arm, “Stop! Can you stop teasing me?”

She wanted to stop too, but every time she thought about the ridiculous things he’d done, she couldn’t help it. What could she do? Tang Nuan kicked him lightly while laughing, “Why is it always me teasing you? You’re the one with bad intentions.”

And so, the two of them laughed and joked their way through dinner. When it came time to pay the bill, they had another disagreement. Tang Nuan wanted to use the photo they had taken at the airport as proof of being a couple, but Ye Shuyan refused, clearly intent on proving their relationship with a kiss on the spot.

This sparked another round of playful arguing as they tugged at each other, making their way to the cashier. Just as they reached the register, the server who had helped them order chimed in with a laugh, “They’re definitely a couple.” Her tone was amused, clearly leaving a lasting impression.

Ye Shuyan: …

Tang Nuan: …

Even though they were grateful, they couldn’t help but feel a bit speechless. Why did this make it harder to laugh?

So… how do we forget that we acted like a pair of lunatics?

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