The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 76

Assistant Wen will be on vacation next week and will start to delegate work in the afternoon.

Assistant Liu, along with the intern assistant Xiao Qi, was scheduled to attend a 2 PM meeting with Ye Shuyan.

At 1:50, Assistant Liu asked the secretary to remind President Ye about the meeting time.

Xiao Qi, overhearing this, was a bit puzzled. “Remind him now? Isn’t it a bit early?”

Though Xiao Qi was just an intern in the executive office, she had earned her position by standing out from dozens of top candidates. From her observations over the past month, she noticed that for regular meetings, a one-minute heads-up was usually enough for President Ye. Reminding him too early sometimes seemed unnecessary, especially since Ye Shuyan could adjust a lot of work within just ten minutes.

However, Assistant Liu replied, “Assistant Wen specifically mentioned that today’s situation is a bit special, so it’s better to remind him early.”

Xiao Qi became a bit nervous. “What’s special about today? Uh, Assistant Liu, is there anything I should be mindful of during the meeting? I’ve heard that President Ye values efficiency in meetings… Could you take a look at the materials I’ve prepared to make sure everything’s right?”

As Assistant Liu reviewed the materials for her, he reassured Xiao Qi, “Don’t worry, President Ye is in a very good mood today. No one got scolded all morning.”

Having gotten somewhat familiar with Ye Shuyan’s work habits over the past month, Xiao Qi didn’t quite believe him. “Assistant Liu, don’t try to fool me. Whether President Ye is in a good or bad mood doesn’t make much difference to us, does it?” After all, he was always cold and distant.

Assistant Liu smiled mysteriously. “It usually doesn’t make much of a difference, but today is different. You’re in luck. You’ll be witnessing a historic moment with us.”

“If things are confirmed today, we’ll discover one more of President Ye’s weaknesses.”

Xiao Qi, intrigued but cautious, softly asked, “Does President Ye even have any weaknesses?”

With a sigh, Assistant Liu replied, “No, he’s a perfect work machine.”

Xiao Qi: …

Then why did you say “one more”?

But the mention of President Ye’s “weakness” piqued her curiosity.

By 1:58, Xiao Qi finally understood what Assistant Liu meant by Ye Shuyan’s “weakness.”

Xiao Qi was stunned to see the usually cold and distant President Ye with his arm around a stunningly beautiful woman as they exited the office. The woman only glanced up at him, not even saying a word, and yet, the corners of President Ye’s mouth softened into a warm smile.

“President Ye, Miss Tang,” Assistant Liu greeted them, and Xiao Qi quickly followed suit. She had joined the company later and had never met Tang Nuan in person, though she had heard of her a few times, especially in relation to the Nuanyang System.

But what shocked her the most was seeing how different President Ye was around his fiancée.

Ye Shuyan introduced the two of them to Tang Nuan, “You know Assistant Liu. This is Xiao Qi, our new hire.”

Xiao Qi immediately understood the implication. It wasn’t just about introducing them to Miss Tang; it was more about letting them know that Miss Tang was someone they needed to treat with special attention.

The introductions didn’t slow them down as they made their way to the 15th floor. Along the way, Xiao Qi watched as her usually aloof boss casually helped Miss Tang adjust her collar and tuck away loose strands of her hair. He even tried to hold her hand.

However, Miss Tang seemed a bit shy, giving him a playful glance of disapproval, and refusing his hand. President Ye, surprisingly obedient, retracted his hand and returned to his usual composed demeanor.

Once inside the elevator, Ye Shuyan and Miss Tang stood at the back. Xiao Qi stood diagonally in front of Assistant Liu, keeping her eyes straight ahead, though she could hear the soft conversation between the two behind her.

“I’ll be off work at 6 PM. I’ll come pick you up. Be careful driving, or why don’t I have the driver to pick you up?” Ye Shuyan offered.

“No need, I’m not a child,” Tang Nuan replied.

Whatever Ye Shuyan said next made Tang Nuan laugh, and Xiao Qi caught a glimpse of Miss Tang playfully hitting him. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Ye Shuyan smoothly taking Tang Nuan’s hand.

Xiao Qi: … I never imagined you’d be like this, President Ye.

When they reached the 15th floor, Tang Nuan headed down while the rest went to the meeting. Ye Shuyan immediately switched back to his usual professional demeanor, although Xiao Qi noticed he seemed slightly more relaxed than usual.

Ye Shuyan glanced briefly at the lively new assistant, thinking to himself that this must be Wen Xingchuan’s pick as she was quite similar to him.

The meeting room was already full. As Ye Shuyan took his seat at the head of the table, his phone vibrated. He thought it might be something urgent from Tang Nuan, but when he checked, it was a meme: a chubby, white baby slowly crawling up a bamboo stick, which bent under its weight, and then it catapulted the baby away…

The text accompanying the meme read: “I’m leaving, bye!”

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but smile as he looked at it, wanting to respond with a similar cute meme, only to realize that his phone didn’t have any.

As Xiao Qi came over to hand out documents, she accidentally saw the screen and thought to herself, just long-press the meme and you can download a whole set. Right after thinking that, she saw Ye Shuyan act with precision.

However, he didn’t get a chance to reply because the meeting was about to begin.

Everyone noticed that today, not only was President Ye in a good mood during the meeting, but his efficiency was off the charts. Even when a senior executive failed to show performance improvement this quarter, Ye Shuyan pointed out the issue and requested improvement for next time instead of coldly making him analyze the problem himself. The executive looked almost flabbergasted at the leniency.

As a result, what was expected to be a forty-minute meeting was wrapped up in just thirty.

As Xiao Qi was leaving, she overheard some people speculating that maybe President Ye had some urgent work arrangements, which is why the meeting ended early.

Xiao Qi sighed and thought, maybe he’s just eager to get back to sending his fiancée that meme.

She hoped Miss Tang would visit the company more often.

In fact, Xiao Qi’s guess was pretty accurate. After Ye Shuyan returned to his office, he started figuring out how to use these meme stickers. After long deliberation, he decided to skip the bold “Hug and Kiss” meme and instead chose a more reserved one “Watching secretly.”

It didn’t take long for Tang Nuan to reply with another sticker, but this time it was a photo of herself. She had the same look from today with her sleek ponytail and professional attire, only with the addition of black-framed glasses perched on her nose. She wore a stern expression as she adjusted the glasses, accompanied by the text: “At work, stay serious.”

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but laugh. This was definitely beyond his meme skills, so he simply responded with a “Puppy Eyes” meme, looking pitiful.

When no further reply came, Ye Shuyan stared at the sticker and tapped his finger thoughtfully, suddenly realizing something that he didn’t seem to have any photos of Tang Nuan.

After pondering for a moment, he opened Weibo and searched for some old topics, finding a few images, with one set from an airport pickup being the most widely circulated.

He opened each picture one by one, a smile unconsciously forming on his face again.

He vividly recalled the time he had walked out of the terminal to see Tang Nuan purposely trying to provoke him. It had been a surprising yet amusing moment. He knew back then she was still thinking about breaking off the engagement, but all he could think about was not letting her succeed.

Looking back now, Ye Shuyan realized that his feelings for her had changed long ago. All those so-called acts of tolerance, patience, and responsibility back then had never felt like a burden to him.

The top comments under the topic were full of praise:

[Wow! These two are such a perfect match. Just looking at them makes the world seem more beautiful.]

[They’re like a fairytale couple. They’re so low-key that it’s hard to find any ‘dog food’ moments to enjoy.]

[I suggest Miss Tang just enter the entertainment industry. She wouldn’t need to do anything else—just livestream her daily life with President Ye…]

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but smile as he read them. He finally understood why people in love often couldn’t resist showing off: the desire to announce to the world that this girl was his; to let everyone know just how beautiful and adorable she was, unmatched by anyone else; and to display how happy they were together.

But unfortunately, he couldn’t show off now. Their engagement had been official for three and a half years and flaunting their relationship at this point seemed a bit inappropriate.

Meanwhile, in a small high-rise apartment, Xie Feizhe was drowning his sorrows with alcohol when his phone suddenly rang. Seeing the caller ID, he raised an eyebrow and answered, his voice lazy and teasing, “Hello? The untouchable high-and-mighty Ye Shuyan is actually calling me! Did the sun rise from the west today?”

Ye Shuyan said calmly, “What’s wrong? Not in a good mood? Did Xiao Ya return home?”

Xie Feizhe sneered, “Yeah, she came back, but she still wants to pursue her dreams. A failure like me doesn’t deserve her. What? Are you here to mock me again?”

Ye Shuyan replied, “No, I’m here to ask for your advice.”

Xie Feizhe frowned, “Advice? Advice on what?”

Ye Shuyan said, “I want your advice on what to pay attention to when dating a girl.”

Xie Feizhe was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter. “Who’s dating a girl? You? Wow, President Ye, you finally managed to win someone over after all this time?”

“I really need to give you some pointers. You don’t even know how to go on a date? Don’t mess it up again,” Xie Feizhe quickly turned his sadness into mockery, pointing at Ye. “First of all, change your dressing style.”

Ye Shuyan responded good-naturedly, “Hmm, I know. I’ll dress like Nuan Nuan. We’ll wear matching outfits.”

Xie Feizhe: ???

He continued, “With your style, the best choice is the cinema. Do you know what kind of movie to pick?”

Before he could continue, Ye Shuyan replied, “Actually, the choice of movie isn’t that important; what’s key is the atmosphere.”

Xie Feizhe: …

“Wow? You actually know that?”

Ye Shuyan sighed and said, “I thought I wouldn’t know, but I realized that when I’m with her, it just comes naturally.”

Xie Feizhe, confused, asked, “Then why are you asking me?”

Ye Shuyan calmly responded, “Nothing in particular, just in case. After all, you have experience, though not successful, but lessons from failure are still worth learning from.”

Xie Feizhe: …

“Ye Shuyan, when will you ever act like a normal human being?!”

The author has something to say:
President Ye: Ah, I want to trick a dog to come in to kill it*. Hmm? I just thought of one!
Second Xie: Get lost! Who exactly are you calling a dog?!
(trick a dog to come in to kill it* – I can’t wait to show off the love between us)

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