The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 75

The office door suddenly knocked, likely the secretary coming to deliver something. “President Ye?”

Tang Nuan snapped back to her senses, startled, and couldn’t help but struggle.

However, Ye Shuyan either didn’t hear or simply didn’t care. He firmly pinned down her hands, continuing his actions. In fact, the more she struggled, the more excited he became.

This sense of insecurity heightened Tang Nuan’s tension, causing her back to arch instinctively, which made things even easier for Ye Shuyan. One of his hands slipped under her waist, pressing her firmly against his chest as he deepened the kiss with ease.

Fortunately, the secretary knocked only three times and, hearing no response, left. Only then did Tang Nuan relax, her entire body turning into a soft puddle.

Ye Shuyan let out a satisfied chuckle, and his movements finally became less aggressive, transitioning to gentle, soothing caresses.

In the end, he wrapped his arm around Tang Nuan’s waist, lifting her onto his lap.

After an unknown amount of time, Tang Nuan rested softly against Ye Shuyan’s shoulder, while he stroked her back to calm her breathing, occasionally placing light kisses on her forehead.

Regaining some strength, Tang Nuan couldn’t help but hit him, angrily exclaiming, “What are you doing? Now everyone outside must have guessed what just happened in here!” How could she ever face them again?

Ye Shuyan leaned back lazily against the sofa, completely relaxed. He took her hand and kissed it lightly with a smile, “We’re a properly engaged couple, and it’s after work hours. It would be strange if nothing happened.” He added casually, “No one can question your charm.”

Tang Nuan, both amused and annoyed, said, “How come I never noticed how thick-skinned you are before? Weren’t you the cold and abstinent Young Master Ye?”

Ye Shuyan leaned in to peck her lips again, smiling, “If I were cold and abstinent, that would be disrespectful to my fiancée.”

Tang Nuan: …

She realized that when it came to this, she couldn’t win against Ye Shuyan, so she pulled his hand over and gave it a hard bite.

In retaliation, Ye Shuyan pressed her head down and returned the favor…

In the end, Tang Nuan sulked, leaning against Ye Shuyan’s chest, refusing to speak no matter how much he teased her.

She screamed internally, I’m going to give him the silent treatment!

Ye Shuyan found it amusing, almost laughing out loud. Still holding her in his arms, he leaned forward to open the food box on the coffee table. “Oh, where did this food come from? Smells delicious.”

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but glance at the food. It was made by Tang Jinxin, her father. Even though Tang Yue hadn’t explained the situation at home, their parents, Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua, had a special way of knowing when their children needed comfort. Without knowing the specifics, they always managed to offer warmth and support at the right time.

Naturally, when they brought food for Tang Yue, they also prepared a portion for her. Tang Nuan remembered how much Ye Shuyan liked her father’s cooking, which was why she had eagerly come to eat together with him, only to be embarrassed by this mischievous guy. Hmph! He made me lose face.

Ye Shuyan chuckled and picked up a pair of chopsticks, offering her a piece of pork rib. “You must be hungry. Eat something first; you’ll need the energy to stay mad.”

Tang Nuan turned her head away in defiance, but her stomach betrayed her by rumbling loudly.

Tang Nuan: …

Ye Shuyan burst into laughter, and Tang Nuan glared at him in embarrassment. “Stop laughing! If you keep laughing, I’ll… mmm…”

The rest of her words were muffled by a crispy pork rib that Ye Shuyan popped into her mouth. Only after she took a bite did he release the chopsticks, smiling. “Is it good?”

Her cheeks puffed out as she chewed, glaring at him with her eyes.

Watching her, Ye Shuyan couldn’t stop smiling. How can she be so adorable? He gently stroked her cheek. “Be good, my baby.”

Tang Nuan shivered at the sound of it, glaring with wide eyes as she mumbled through the food in her mouth, “Don’t call me that! It doesn’t suit you at all, so cheesy!”

Ye Shuyan laughed heartily. “Then I’ll call you that whenever you ignore me from now on.”

Tang Nuan, amused herself, replied, “Rogue!”

She barely used her chopsticks during the meal, as Ye Shuyan fed her the entire time.

When she realized it, she found it incredible that she had allowed such a pampered thing to happen.

Ye Shuyan, with no trace of his usual coldness, quickly finished the remaining food, and then nudged her to rinse her mouth. The two stayed close, like conjoined twins, and after she finished rinsing, Ye Shuyan pulled her toward the adjacent lounge room.

Tang Nuan thought he was just asking her to rest, but after she lay down, he squeezed in next to her.

Startled, she exclaimed, “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be working?”

The small, temporary resting bed wasn’t really meant for two, and with Ye Shuyan’s tall frame, nearly 1.85 meters, Tang Nuan was already pressed against the wall.

Ye Shuyan pulled her back into his arms, holding her close. “I’m taking a break too. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

As for why he hadn’t slept well… he lowered his gaze to look at Tang Nuan.

Tang Nuan had already buried her face into his chest, pretending to sleep. She knew she had been a little unfair to him the night before, leaving him behind. But then again, who told him to send Assistant Wen away?

Ye Shuyan chuckled and suddenly asked, “What’s the plan for tonight?”

Tang Nuan mumbled, “Didn’t I already say? Tonight I’m keeping my sister company.”

Ye Shuyan brushed aside the loose strands of hair by her cheek and smiled, “I don’t think you’ll need to keep her company tonight.”

Tang Nuan opened her eyes in confusion, “Why? What do you know?”

Ye Shuyan replied, “Assistant Wen has taken leave.”

Tang Nuan immediately looked gossipy, “What’s he off to do?”

Ye Shuyan lightly patted her waist with a laugh, “Weren’t you supposed to be on your big sister’s side? What happened to sisterly loyalty?”

Tang Nuan grinned cheekily, “Well, Assistant Wen is your assistant, it’s none of my business.”

“You little rascal,” Ye Shuyan laughed, “I don’t know what he’s up to either.” Then, with a mysterious tone, he added, “If it were a work issue, I could probably predict something, but his handling of personal matters is truly unpredictable.”

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but laugh. Now that she thought about it, it was true, being able to win over her elder sister in such a short time wasn’t something just anyone could do.

Ye Shuyan suggested, “How about watching a movie?”

Tang Nuan, recalling what happened in the home theater last night, immediately became wary and said, “No.”

Ye Shuyan looked at her, “I meant going to the cinema, where did your mind go? Or perhaps…” A mischievous smile appeared on his lips, “Are you expecting something?”

“Stop talking nonsense,” Tang Nuan huffed, “You’re the one with expectations!”

Unexpectedly, Ye Shuyan leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “That’s right, I’m really looking forward to it.”

Tang Nuan quickly covered her ears, her cheeks flushing red, as she pushed him away, “You rascal, stay away from me.”

Ye Shuyan held her in place, “Don’t move around, or if something happens, you’ll be responsible.”

Knowing she couldn’t win against him, Tang Nuan wisely stopped moving. Ye Shuyan sighed in disappointment, “So obedient.”

Tang Nuan closed her eyes, pretending not to see him, to avoid getting angry at herself.

The person who claimed to be tired and needed rest started talking again, “Your mom just called me about the engagement. What do you think about setting the wedding date as well?”

“Is next month okay?”

Tang Nuan was forced to open her eyes. Ye Shuyan, wanting to show his innocence, said, “It’s not that I’m in a rush. It’s just that your mom feels uneasy after hearing that Ye Shuchen is planning to get married first.”

Speaking of this, Ye Shuyan added, “But I couldn’t find any information about it on Weibo. Do you know what’s going on?”

Tang Nuan actually knew a bit about it. Ji Yun had already filled her in earlier that morning. However, since Jiang Miao had stepped back from the spotlight for a few months and wasn’t as popular as before, the news hadn’t spread widely, so it was understandable that Ye Shuyan couldn’t find anything.

“Jiang Miao seems to have been triggered by something and said she wants to start a project.”

Whether it was to compete with Tang Nuan or because the entertainment industry was the only field she was familiar with, she planned to invest in it.

A few months ago, an incident made it impossible for her to return as an actress, but the entertainment world still welcomed her as a major behind-the-scenes investor.

“Apparently, she’s looking to invest in a romance reality show, and both she and Ye Shuchen plan to be regular guests.”

Tang Nuan analyzed, “I think she might be trying to use this opportunity as a stepping stone for her comeback.”

After all, her interference in Tang Nuan and Ye Shuyan’s relationship was more of a moral issue. Not only did she fail in the end, but she also suffered a tragic exit from the industry.

The netizens had already vented their frustrations. Now, if Jiang Miao reappeared with a “reformed” image, although there would still be criticism, many people would likely be more forgiving.

If she and Ye Shuchen appeared deeply in love and happy together, much of the negative sentiment could be neutralized. This was evident from the recent discussions in the social circles, comparing her with Jiang Miao.

Most people would probably feel that she loved the wrong person before, which was unfortunate, but now she had the good fortune of meeting the right one and could start afresh.

In short, she herself had been spreading such rumors, and as they circulated in the entertainment industry, the narrative had evolved into the two of them getting married soon.

Speaking of this, Tang Nuan was curious, “I wonder if the Jiang family will still let Ye Shuchen take on their project after the welcome banquet?”

Ye Shuyan responded without hesitation, “They will.”

Tang Nuan was puzzled, “Why?” After the last welcome banquet, it was clear that people didn’t have much confidence in Ye Shuchen. If the person in charge wasn’t trusted, the project would face significant risks. If it were up to Tang Nuan, she would probably suggest starting with a smaller project to build credibility, and then convince everyone with results.

Even if the Jiang family hated Ye Shuyan, they wouldn’t risk the company’s interests for personal reasons.

A trace of mockery flashed in Ye Shuyan’s eyes. “Working with experienced people on a project can lead to mutual benefits and growth. But when working with someone inexperienced, the Jiang family will take the lead, and they can still profit.” Perhaps even more so.

Tang Nuan blinked. “So, if the Jiang family takes the lead… won’t the Ye Group suffer losses?” If they can’t share the benefits, it’s a zero-sum game.

Ye Shuyan, however, seemed completely indifferent. “Not necessarily, but that’s their problem. I won’t interfere.”

Their problem? Isn’t the Ye Group part of this as well? How could Ye Shuyan act as if it didn’t concern him?

Suddenly, Tang Nuan realized something, and her eyes widened.

Ye Shuyan, smiling as he looked at her, said, “Do you remember when I showed you that project plan while signing the acquisition deal for Nuanyang System?”

Tang Nuan certainly remembered. Thanks to her recent studies with Ye Shuyan, analyzing the development histories of various groups, she now had a broader understanding of the bigger picture. Reflecting on that plan, she suddenly gained new insights. “You’re planning to separate the heavy assets from the light assets?”

“Smart girl.” Ye Shuyan patted her head with a smile. “The company has already undergone an asset restructuring. Light assets like hotel management, property management, and cultural tourism will be spun off and listed separately.”

Tang Nuan suddenly realized the bigger picture. In recent years, domestic real estate has been struggling under tighter regulations, and with the rise of e-commerce, large shopping malls were no longer as profitable as they once were. This downward trend was likely to continue.

However, the light assets that Ye Shuyan had spun off, though they seemed less prominent, had actually become the core of the Ye Group. Most of Ye Group’s properties had already been sold, so property management had become far more important. The same logic applied to hotels and malls.

In the future, when the separation was fully executed, it might seem like the real estate, malls, and hotels were still part of the massive Ye Group, but those heavy assets would have become a burden.

Thus, in the novel, Ye Shuyan’s so-called “concession” and stepping out to start his own business was actually a strategic family split, allowing him to shed the liabilities.

Ye Shuyan, listening to her thoughts, chuckled. “That’s why our wedding will go smoothly.”

Given Ye Zhenghong’s eagerness, as long as Ye Shuyan agreed to grant Ye Shuchen some rights and projects in exchange, they would undoubtedly ensure that their wedding was splendid.

Wait, what wedding? Where did this wedding come from?

Tang Nuan nearly got caught up in his logic. The engagement had already formalized their relationship, and she had no objection to going through another round of formalities with her parents, but wasn’t it a bit too fast to jump straight to marriage?

Besides… there were still unresolved issues between them.

Ye Shuyan rubbed her head and sighed, “Sigh, having such a smart fiancée is hard. She’s not easy to fool.”

Tang Nuan glared at him and suddenly said, “Why do I feel like you can hear what I’m thinking?”

Ye Shuyan looked at her, this rascal trying to turn the tables, and asked in return, “Do you think that’s possible?”

Tang Nuan nodded. “I think it’s possible.”

Ye Shuyan, with a resigned smile, nodded. “Alright then, if you say so.”

Tang Nuan: …

What kind of shameless quotes are these?

Thinking back, Ye Shuyan had never really hidden this ability in front of her. Every time she had a thought about him, he almost always had a response.

Tang Nuan looked at him and thought to herself, so, do you know all my secrets as well?

As Tang Nuan spent more time with Ye Shuyan recently, she realized it was impossible to control her thoughts all the time, and some of her inner feelings inevitably slipped out. Yesterday, she also learned something from Tang Yue: honesty is the key to breaking down barriers and growing closer when it comes to the people they love.

They had worked hard to be together, and she didn’t want this issue to become a hidden obstacle in their relationship.

Ye Shuyan’s gaze softened even more. His girl was even braver and more decisive than he had imagined.

He rested his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes with tenderness, and said, “Nuan Nuan, our fate is in our own hands. Over the years, through storms or blessings, the thing I am most grateful for is that you struggled to come into my life.”

“None of this is coincidence or destiny. It’s all the result of your efforts.” Ye Shuyan gently kissed her forehead and continued, “From today on, I will work hard alongside you, No, I will work even harder than you to protect our future. How does that sound?”

Tang Nuan bit her lip, her eyes growing warm as she slowly closed them, leaning forward to kiss his thin lips. Ye Shuyan responded with equal tenderness.

After what felt like an eternity, amidst the lingering sweetness, a firm and loving reply escaped her lips, “Okay.”

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