The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 74

Ye Shuyan weighed the pros and cons, resting his chin on his hand as he calmly said, “One week.”

Assistant Wen: …

Heartless capitalist! Don’t think I don’t know you’ve only just managed to win over Miss Tang! It took you three and a half years, and you expect me to do it in a week? Is that even reasonable?

Ye Shuyan, with an expressionless face, responded, “Three days.”

“Five days!” Assistant Wen countered, “And I want vacation time afterward.”

Ye Shuyan, thinking this was a reasonable request, nodded and said, “Deal.”

Today is Friday. I’ll arrange my work this afternoon, so the five days start next week. Including the weekends, that’s nine days. That’s plenty of time.

Tsk, President Ye must have just won over Miss Tang. His IQ has clearly dropped. Thank you, Miss Tang—no, not Miss Tang, soon-to-be sister-in-law.

Ye Shuyan: …

Was it too late to change his mind?

Of course, it was too late. Wen Xingchuan wasted no time in immediately organizing his work for the vacation.

Ye Shuyan stared at his departing figure… then picked up his phone to call Tang Nuan.

Forget it, let’s just pity him a little, Ye Shuyan thought. Even if he manages to cut corners, what’s the use? He won’t get the title and still has to take vacation time just to chase someone.

At least Ye Shuyan had always had the official status—he could call anytime he wanted. Hmph.

On the other end, the phone was picked up almost instantly, and the voice that answered was impossibly sweet. “Hello?”

A smile unconsciously spread across Ye Shuyan’s face. “What are you up to?”

Tang Nuan chuckled, “Take a guess.”

Hearing her voice made something stir in Ye Shuyan. He stood up, grabbed his coat and car keys, and asked, “Where are you now? Have you eaten?”

Tang Nuan replied, “Mhm, I’m at Ji Yun’s place, eating… Ah, something just came up. I’ll call you back later.”

And with that, she hung up. Ye Shuyan didn’t say much, just headed straight out the door.

As soon as he stepped out of the office, he bumped into his personal assistant carrying a lunchbox. The assistant hesitated, “President Ye? Are you heading out?”

Ye Shuyan gave a slight nod, “Yes, going to see Nuan Nuan.” He glanced at the lunchbox in the assistant’s hand and said, “Give that to Assistant Wen.”

“Today I’ll eat with Nuan Nuan.” He added with a hint of helplessness, “When she’s busy, she doesn’t take care of herself at all.”

The personal assistant: …

You’re the last person qualified to lecture others about that. The personal assistant thought to himself. But then again, why did that comment sound like bragging?

He quickly shook his head, thinking it must be a mistake. After all, President Ye had been engaged for three and a half years and it wasn’t like he would start showing off now.

The door to the next office opened, and Assistant Wen stepped out, reaching for the lunchbox. He snorted, “Childish.”

His voice wasn’t loud, so the personal assistant thought he might have misheard, “What?”

Assistant Wen calmly replied, “Nothing.” He lifted the lunchbox slightly and said, “Thanks, I won’t hold back,” before turning back into his office.

The personal assistant was left a bit puzzled. Why were both President Ye and Assistant Wen acting so strangely today?

Meanwhile, Ye Shuyan got into the elevator and pressed the button for the basement parking level. But as the elevator reached the third floor, he suddenly heard the voice that had been on his mind all morning.

Hehe, I wonder if he’ll like this surprise.

He’ll definitely be shocked, right? What will his reaction be? Will he be so surprised that he’ll run over and spin me around in circles? Eek~~ She seemed to shudder at her own imagination. Maybe not. That’s scary.

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but laugh. He stepped forward, canceled the basement level, and pressed the button for the ground floor instead. How could there be such an adorable girl?

Hmm, she was his adorable girl. His eyes sparkled with amusement.

The elevator doors soon opened on the ground floor, and just as Ye Shuyan was about to step out to look for her, Tang Nuan poked her head in first.

She was still wearing the same white shirt and black pants from the morning, her hair pulled into a high ponytail that playfully swayed as she leaned in, giving her an air of mischief.

Ye Shuyan barely managed to suppress a smile. He was using the executive elevator, and no one else would dare peek in like this, except her.

The moment she saw him, Tang Nuan instinctively tried to pull her head back, but then, remembering something, she leaned in again, surprised. “Where are you going?”

“I have an important matter to attend to,” Ye Shuyan replied, pretending to be just as surprised as her. “Weren’t you at Ji Yun’s place?”

Tang Nuan gave him a look, raising the thermal food box in her hand with a little huff. “Are you pretending not to know? It’s less than two minutes, I couldn’t have flown here that fast!” Then, with a hint of disappointment, she added, “Since you’re busy, I guess I’ll head out.”

Ye Shuyan reached out and pulled her inside. “Let’s head upstairs first.”

Tang Nuan’s eyes lit up with excitement. “You’re only going out for a bit? When will you be back?” She checked her watch and said, “I only have two hours.”

Ye Shuyan lowered his gaze to her, his voice deep and soft, “That’s enough.”

Tang Nuan, distracted by her disappointment over her surprise plan possibly falling through, hadn’t noticed his expression. It wasn’t until the elevator started going up that she realized Ye Shuyan hadn’t spoken much since pulling her in.

Not only was Ye Shuyan silent, but after pulling her inside, he stood still beside her, even loosening his grip on her wrist.

Tang Nuan looked at him, puzzled. “Brother Shuyan?”

He finally responded, reaching up to pat her head, but his eyes remained downcast as if he were deep in thought about something important.

Tang Nuan assumed he was thinking about work. Although it was typical of him, it still irked her a little. Could this be the famously cold and unfeeling Ye Shuyan? They had only confirmed their relationship last night, and here he was, so calm and collected today.

Meanwhile, she had been too distracted all morning to get anything done. The thought made her glare at him. She was standing right here, yet he seemed completely indifferent…

So, even if her surprise worked, he probably wouldn’t be that excited anyway.

When the elevator reached the 20th floor, the doors opened, and Ye Shuyan immediately started to walk out.

Suddenly feeling frustrated, Tang Nuan said coldly, “Brother Shuyan, if you’re busy, go ahead. I just remembered I have something to do too.” She turned as if to leave.

Ye Shuyan still didn’t say anything but quickly turned back, grabbed her arm, and led her toward his office. Tang Nuan initially wanted to resist, but when some employees from the secretary’s office passed by, she reluctantly let him pull her along. She found herself almost jogging to keep up as he dragged her into his office.

As soon as they entered the office, Tang Nuan shook off his hand, angrily placing the food box on the coffee table. She was about to turn around to say her goodbyes when she was suddenly grabbed from behind.

Before she could react, she was lifted off the ground. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around Ye Shuyan’s neck, startled. “Hey… hmmm!”

Her protest was quickly silenced as he pressed her down onto the sofa with urgency.

Tang Nuan had never seen this side of Ye Shuyan before. His kiss was almost aggressive as if he wanted to consume her entirely. A shiver ran down her spine, a mixture of pleasure and fear. She instinctively tried to pull away, but her retreat seemed to only anger the beast-like force in him. His kisses became even more intense, leaving no room for her to escape…

Caught between the electric thrill and the fear of losing control, Tang Nuan found herself helplessly sinking into the overwhelming sensation he pulled her into…

The author has something to say:
Assistant Wen: It took you three and a half years to win her over. You’re not that great!
Ye Shuyan: Hmm, I had the status three and a half years ago.
Assistant Wen: All you’ve done is kiss. You’re still not impressive.
Ye Shuyan: Hmm, but it’s a legitimate kiss.
Assistant Wen: …Childish!

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