The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 73

Tang Nuan went downstairs, and Tang Yue had already washed up and was lying in bed with a face mask on, showing no signs of anything unusual.

Seeing Tang Nuan looking her over, Tang Yue smiled and said, “I’ve been going through something lately, and I’m a bit scared to sleep alone.”

Tang Nuan was surprised, not expecting that Tang Yue could actually be afraid of something. But Tang Yue was quite frank about it, “What’s so surprising about that? I encounter trouble too, but I don’t want to tell Mom and Dad. They wouldn’t understand and would likely overreact.”

Tang Nuan still found this refreshing. She rarely shared her feelings with anyone. Even with Ji Yun and the others, she only talked about things that people could easily guess. With Tang Sheng’an’s family, she was even more careful to hide things, fearing they would seize on her weaknesses.

But things were clearly different in the Tang family. Even someone as authoritative as her elder sister would open up about her troubles.

It turned out that Tang Yue had recently taken on a case involving a rich second-generation heir who had assaulted a girl for no reason, leaving her disabled. The defendant had been trying to bribe Tang Yue, but she refused. In retaliation, they resorted to dirty tricks. Last night, while she was investigating evidence at a bar, she fell into a trap, and they tried to take compromising photos of her to blackmail her.

Tang Nuan felt a wave of fear for her and hurriedly climbed into bed to hug her, “Are you alright? Did you call the police?”

No wonder Tang Yue was too scared to sleep alone. No girl would be unafraid of something like this.

Tang Yue smiled and patted Tang Nuan’s arm, “It’s fine.” She paused subtly before continuing, “I just happened to run into Wen Xingchuan, so he helped out.”

“We called the police immediately,” she pointed to her head. “I remember the person who drugged me very clearly, and they’ve already been arrested. But the investigation will take some time.”

Tang Yue sneered, “That scumbag has committed quite a few crimes, but he’s also cunning. Still, this incident gave us a breakthrough.”

Knowing everything was going well, Tang Nuan decided to change the topic to divert Tang Yue’s attention. She cautiously asked, “How did Assistant Wen end up there? I remember he’s not a big fan of bars.”

Tang Yue didn’t hold back, and her eyebrows shot up at the question, “He followed me there. Tell me, isn’t he crazy? Meeting him must be the worst luck I’ve had in eight lifetimes.”

Tang Nuan’s interest was piqued, and she propped her chin on her hand, asking, “What happened?”

Tang Yue pursed her lips and said, “Remember we were dealing with the Nuanyang System contract issue recently? His ex-girlfriend showed up.”

“Wow, Assistant Wen actually has an ex-girlfriend?”

“He’s almost thirty, having an ex-girlfriend is no big deal, but…” Tang Yue sneered dismissively, “His taste in women is not something to be praised about.”

Tang Nuan eagerly listened to the gossip about Assistant Wen from Tang Yue.

It turned out that Assistant Wen had dated a girlfriend during university. But when they were about to graduate and discuss marriage, her family looked down on him because of his background. The girl’s family ran a small business and was quite well-off, while Assistant Wen came from a rural area, and his parents were simple farmers. The girl’s parents strongly opposed the relationship, and under the influence of her family and friends, she wavered, thinking that Assistant Wen would likely turn out to be a “phoenix man*“. So, they broke up.

(phoenix man* – a man who comes from a poor background and works hard but with a small peasant mentality)

Now, for some reason, maybe because she heard about Assistant Wen’s success or perhaps due to unresolved feelings, she tracked him down, hoping to reconcile.

“If she wants to reconcile, fine, pursue him again. They’re both single, who cares?” Tang Yue snorted, “But she had to drag me into it.”

She added, “You have no idea how ridiculous that woman is. She actually accused me of seducing Wen Xingchuan.”

“Then she went even further, claiming that the reason Wen Xingchuan rejected her was because of me. She cried in front of me, going on about how deeply in love they were and how happy they used to be, saying it was all just bad timing. Now that she finally has the chance, she begged me to give Wen Xingchuan back to her…”

Tang Nuan: …

Tang Nuan said, “I actually think she’s not that clueless. She’s intentionally trying to mess with you, to stop Assistant Wen from being with you. After all, you’re so outstanding, Big Sister. She knows she can’t compete with you, so she’s using this kind of tactic to annoy you, hoping you’ll reject him.”

“Heh,” Tang Yue scoffed indifferently. “I don’t care what her intentions are. While I really dislike Wen Xingchuan, I hate it even more when people try to force me into a choice.”

“So, when she followed Wen Xingchuan to my law firm and caused a scene, I just admitted that I had something going on with him and called the police to have her sent to the station.”

“Seriously, does she think the whole world is her parents? That she can get what she wants just by shamelessly pestering people? I’m not falling for that.”

Tang Nuan gave her a big thumbs up. “You’re the best, Big Sister.”

Tang Yue smiled, but then something came to mind, and she got angry again. “I swear, Wen Xingchuan and his girlfriend are a perfect match, like a pot and its lid. Just when I finally got rid of her, now he’s sticking to me.”

Tang Nuan emphasized, “Ex-girlfriend, ex-girlfriend.”

Tang Yue said, “I wish she were his current girlfriend. Lock them together for good.”

She continued, “The other day, I was clearly just acting out of anger, but he actually said I liked him. Then, a few days later, he came to confess to me, in a way that I couldn’t even refuse! It’s so ridiculous! When did I ever like him?”

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but feel amused. She didn’t believe that Tang Yue if she truly wanted to reject someone, couldn’t find a way to do it. There were plenty of ways to deal with an ex-girlfriend—why did she choose to admit to having a relationship?

But seeing Tang Yue’s expression, she didn’t dare say more. It looked like Assistant Wen would just have to try harder on his own.

“That shameless person even called our mom…” Tang Yue said, clearly exasperated, as if she had encountered a rogue with no sense of decency. “In any case, Mom is definitely going to ask you about it, but you don’t need to get involved.”

Tang Nuan nodded. Of course, she wouldn’t meddle in this, but she was happy that Tang Yue was opening up to her about it. Hugging her tightly, she joked, “How about I ask Ye Shuyan to give him more work, so he doesn’t have time to come find you?”

Tang Yue hugged her back and laughed, “That’s a great idea. Why didn’t I think of that sooner?”

“Alright, let’s stop talking about him. I’m so tired. Time to sleep.”

The two sisters fell asleep in each other’s arms, sleeping soundly through the night.

Early the next morning, Tang Nuan was woken up by the constant pinging of messages on her phone.

Still half-asleep, she reached for her phone and saw that the messages were from Ye Shuyan: [When are you coming back?]

[Breakfast is almost ready. There’s seafood congee and steamed soup dumplings.]

Tang Nuan immediately woke up fully, staring at her phone with a smile she couldn’t suppress.

Tang Yue, half-awake herself, noticed and chuckled. “Is it Ye Shuyan? I didn’t realize he was so clingy before. It’s so early.”

Tang Nuan felt a bit embarrassed by her teasing. “It’s nothing, he’s just asking what I want for breakfast.”

“Big Sister, why don’t you come with me?”

“I’ll pass, I don’t like being the third wheel,” Tang Yue pulled her sleep mask back down and turned over to continue sleeping. “Hurry back, though. I’m afraid he’ll come down here and disturb my beauty sleep.”

Tang Nuan sent Ye Shuyan a message saying she’d be up in half an hour, but after sending it, she quickly dashed upstairs. On the first day of their relationship, there was no way she could face him in her pajamas with messy hair.

After a quick wash and skincare routine, Tang Nuan stood in front of her wardrobe to choose an outfit. She finally picked a white shirt. Ye Shuyan wore white shirts and suit pants almost year-round, so today, she figured they could wear matching outfits.

Upstairs, Ye Shuyan was sitting on the sofa, waiting for her, and couldn’t help but smile when he heard her quick footsteps. He glanced down at his sweatshirt, then headed back to his closet to change into a white shirt. As he headed out, he thought to himself with a smile that he’d need to diversify his wardrobe in the future. Otherwise, his Nuan Nuan wouldn’t have many stylish outfits to match him.

Tang Nuan had just finished getting ready when the doorbell rang. She excitedly opened the door, and sure enough, Ye Shuyan was standing there, flashing her a smile that showed off his perfect row of white teeth.

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but smile back. “You look silly.”

Ye Shuyan stepped forward and gently pinched her cheek. “Right back at you.”

Once breakfast was set, Ye Shuyan sat down next to her, serving her a bowl of congee and placing the dumplings right in front of her.

Tang Nuan chuckled, “Am I a little kid in kindergarten? You might as well feed me.”

Without missing a beat, Ye Shuyan picked up a dumpling and offered it to her. “Say ah…”

Tang Nuan laughed and dodged. “That’s so cheesy!”

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but laugh too. He used to think couples feeding each other was ridiculous, but now that it was his turn, he understood the fun in it.

Halfway through the meal, Ye Shuyan asked, “What’s your plan for tonight?”

Tang Nuan, still a bit worried about Tang Yue, replied, “I’m going to come back early to spend time with my sister.”

Ye Shuyan frowned. “What’s going on with her?”

Tang Nuan briefly explained the situation. “She seems fine, but after going through something like that, it’s bound to leave some emotional scars. I’ll stay with her for a couple more days.”

“A couple more days?” Ye Shuyan echoed, clearly not thrilled about the idea.

Ye Shuyan said, “And what about her and Assistant Wen?” If possible, he could arrange for Assistant Wen to get off work early these days, ensuring he had plenty of time to pester Tang Yue.

Tang Nuan, unaware of his scheming thoughts, found the situation with Assistant Wen amusing and briefly recounted the drama between the two.

Ye Shuyan, however, realized that he might know more details than Tang Nuan. That so-called “confirmed relationship” at the law firm wasn’t just talk—he still remembered how Assistant Wen had spent his entire workday replaying that kiss in his mind.

Thinking about it, Tang Yue really was bold. If she and Assistant Wen truly ended up together, it would complicate things. Then if Ye Shuyan ordered Assistant Wen again…

Ye Shuyan hesitated. Maybe it would be better to keep him busy after all?

Tang Nuan laughed. “Assistant Wen is hilarious, even going as far as to call my mom. I don’t think my sister stands a chance against him. My mom really likes guys like him.”

Ye Shuyan casually replied, “I think your mom would like me more.” He decided it was better to keep Assistant Wen busy—prolonged pain was worse than short-term discomfort.

Tang Nuan burst out laughing again. “Oh, so now you’re competing for my mom’s affection too?”

Ye Shuyan, without missing a beat, picked up a dumpling and stuffed it into her mouth, then shifted to more serious matters. “Since we’ve made things official, I think it’s time to formally meet your parents and talk about renewing our engagement. What do you think?”

Under normal circumstances, she should have officially met his parents as soon as she returned to the family. Shen Jinhua had even mentioned this to Sun Wanqiu in a phone call, which showed that it was on her mind. However, at that time, Tang Nuan was still leaning toward breaking off the engagement, so Ye Shuyan never brought it up, and the matter was delayed until now.

Tang Nuan nodded in agreement.

Their situation was a bit unique. Although they had only confirmed their relationship less than a day ago, they had been engaged for three and a half years and knew each other very well.

Since Tang Nuan had decided to accept him, she wouldn’t hesitate anymore. This was a sign of respect for both of them and for Tang Jinxin and his wife.

“But how should we go about it? Will your parents take the lead, or will you handle it yourself?”

Tang Nuan actually preferred that Ye Shuyan handle it himself. Ye Zhenghong and Deng Qiong were a complicated pair, but leaving them out entirely felt disrespectful to Tang Jinxin and his wife.

Ye Shuyan smiled, gently patting her head. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything. I won’t let you feel wronged.”

Tang Nuan tilted her head and nuzzled against his hand with a smile, “Okay.”

Ye Shuyan, seeing her so trustingly and obediently, suddenly reached out and lifted her onto his lap.

Tang Nuan was startled. “What are you doing?”

Ye Shuyan kissed her cheek. “I feel like putting you in my pocket and taking you with me.”

“Why not let me put you in my pocket instead?” she countered.

“I’m fine with that too.”


After their playful moment, they finished breakfast, and each went off to work.

In the President’s office, everyone quickly noticed that Ye Shuyan was in an unusually good mood. Sensing the opportunity, they hurried to submit proposals that they had previously hesitated to bring up, fearing harsh criticism. Ye Shuyan was swamped with work but remained calm and composed, not sparing his Assistant Wen either. He made him stay close by to deal with everything on the spot.

Assistant Wen was so busy that he didn’t even have time to drink a sip of water, let alone contact Tang Yue. He had planned to reach out around noon after his work, but at 11:30, Ye Shuyan handed him another pile of tasks.

Assistant Wen looked at his boss, who was clearly enjoying himself, and after reflecting on what had happened last night, he had every reason to suspect this was intentional.

Ye Shuyan, without a change in expression, handed over the documents, but just then, his phone rang. When he saw the caller ID, his face turned serious. Clearing his throat, he answered, “Auntie.”

Assistant Wen immediately perked up his ears. The only person Ye Shuyan would address so respectfully as “Auntie” had to be Shen Jinhua.

“Shuyan,” Shen Jinhua began, “We heard a rumor that your younger brother is getting married before you two?”

Ye Shuyan was taken aback for a moment and quickly responded, “No, that’s not true.”

Shen Jinhua sighed in relief. “That’s good to hear. It must be something the internet made up. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be okay with it. There’s an order to things, if you’ve been engaged for over three years and haven’t married yet, how can your brother get married first?”

If Ye Shuyan were still single, it wouldn’t matter if Ye Shuchen married before him. But since Ye Shuyan already has a fiancée, for Ye Shuchen to marry first would be seen as disrespectful to both Ye Shuyan and Tang Nuan. Families with any sense of propriety wouldn’t allow that, and Tang Jinxin’s family certainly wouldn’t let Tang Nuan be treated unfairly.

Ye Shuyan reassured Shen Jinhua that such a situation would never happen. He subtly hinted that they would soon be formally visiting her to discuss the wedding plans with Tang Nuan. Only then did Shen Jinhua hang up contentedly.

Ye Shuyan put down his phone and immediately opened Weibo. Recently, with everything going smoothly for Tang Nuan, he hadn’t paid much attention to social media. But since Shen Jinhua had caught wind of something, there was likely some truth to it.

Assistant Wen, who had stayed nearby the whole time, had already pieced together most of the conversation from what he overheard. Suddenly, he spoke up, “President Ye, if we’re talking about the proper order of things, doesn’t that mean in Miss Tang’s family, Lawyer Tang has to get married before you two can?”

Ye Shuyan: …

He stared at Assistant Wen with a blank expression. “Lawyer Tang doesn’t even have a boyfriend yet. What kind of dream are you having?”

Assistant Wen replied, “She might not have one now, but what if she finds someone before you get married? And if things get serious…” Dreams should be pursued, and he was determined to make his come true!

Ye Shuyan was reminded of Assistant Wen’s knack for taking shortcuts and making things happen by any means necessary…

Assistant Wen subtly pushed the file in his hand back toward Ye Shuyan.

Ye Shuyan: …

The author has something to say:
President Ye: Should I take it or not? Assistant Wen wants to rebel!
Assistant Wen: The faster I move, the more advantageous it is for you!
President Ye: ……

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