The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 71

When Tang Nuan first saw the plan, her immediate reaction was to find it amusing. If it were an ordinary college student or a young person, she might not find it so out of place.

But this was Ye Shuyan, the heir to the Ye family, who handles projects worth at least several billion yuan, and was known as the work machine!

However, when he came in and she saw him, Tang Nuan’s heart inexplicably felt overwhelmingly sweet. Everything odd about today suddenly made sense: the inexplicable sunshade, the driver being sent away to help her drive, and the deliberately high books… All these childish yet painstaking arrangements were all for her.

Realizing this, Tang Nuan strangely no longer felt scared. Perhaps it was because she truly felt reassured. At that moment, she wasn’t thinking about the future or her concerns; she just suddenly wanted to call off the engagement…

So, when he sat down beside her, Tang Nuan, acting on impulse, pulled his chair closer without thinking.

She initially just wanted to tease him, but when she actually felt his breath and saw his suddenly dangerous gaze, Tang Nuan felt a bit intimidated.

Ye Shuyan asked her if she wanted to cancel the engagement. Tang Nuan, pretending to be calm, pushed his chest to lean back in the chair and hummed lightly, “I’ll consider it…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Ye Shuyan suddenly leaned in and covered her lips with his. Tang Nuan was so startled that her eyes widened, and she instinctively tried to push the chair back, but Ye Shuyan firmly grabbed the arms of the chair, keeping it firmly in place.

Not only that, after noticing her intentions, Ye Shuyan simply stood up, pressing his entire body down on her, and he also stepped on the lock for the caster wheels… Throughout it all, his lips never left hers.

Tang Nuan was trapped tightly between the chair and him, with no way to escape, only to endure his forceful advance.

But even so, Ye Shuyan did not seem satisfied. He pressed another button, causing the back of the chair to recline backward. Tang Nuan found herself pressed against the chair’s back by his lips, lying down. The sudden feeling of weightlessness made her afraid, and she kept worrying that the chair might tip over. She could only desperately cling to his collar and struggle.

However, Ye Shuyan not only ignored her but seemed to have found her weakness. He released the arm he had wrapped around her slim waist and instead supported himself on the armrests of the chair. Tang Nuan felt even less secure and could only try to lift her upper body to prevent the chair from tipping over, which only led her directly into his lips.

Ye Shuyan easily savored the offered pleasure, a satisfied, joyful chuckle escaping his nose. Tang Nuan clung to his clothes, not daring to let go, and could only angrily bite him.

As if anticipating this, Ye Shuyan tilted his head slightly to avoid her bite, resting his forehead against hers and laughing softly, “Are you a little puppy? Why are you biting?”

With a breathless and slightly hoarse voice that seemed to carry a touch of aggression, Tang Nuan felt a shiver run down her spine. Gasping, she couldn’t speak, only glaring at him in frustration. Little did she know that her eyes were now glistening and her cheeks flushed, making her look incredibly tempting. Ye Shuyan, who had initially considered letting her off, found his gaze darken before he lowered his head again.

Tang Nuan was startled, pressing her hands against his shoulders, and quickly resorted to her last resort, mentally reciting a mantra.

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form!!

Ye Shuyan’s movements indeed paused, and Tang Nuan felt a glimmer of hope, thinking of negotiating with him. However, he let out a soft laugh and, without hesitation, once again sealed her lips with his, his advance relentless.

Moreover, the bad guy pushed the back of the chair forcefully, causing Tang Nuan to be startled and lift her body up with all her strength. Her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, their chests and abdomens pressed closely together with almost no gap. Ye Shuyan paused for a moment, and Tang Nuan felt as if the person above her had transformed into a fierce beast, as though he was going to devour her. In this predicament, with danger in front and behind, Tang Nuan tensed every muscle and nerve in her body and her mind had long been blank.

After an unknown period, Tang Nuan finally felt herself being released and weakly fell back onto the lounge chair. Ye Shuyan looked at her with a light smile, lifted his hand to caress her lips with his thumb, and gently asked, “Will you withdraw from the engagement?”

Tang Nuan’s mind was still a bit fuzzy, but she instinctively didn’t want to give Ye Shuyan what he wanted. She responded angrily, “No, I won’t!”

“Oh~” Ye Shuyan chuckled, directly lifting her chin and covering her lips again. “If you don’t withdraw, then I’ll exercise my rights as your fiancé. I’ll go talk to your mother about the wedding tomorrow.”

As he spoke, his lips stayed pressed against hers, the soft friction causing a shivering, tingling sensation. Tang Nuan could no longer endure the teasing and urgently pushed against his shoulders, “Fine, fine, fine! I’ll withdraw!”

Ye Shuyan looked at her, his smile growing even more bigger. “So, you do like me, don’t you?” Without waiting for her response, he once again covered her lips with his own…

Tang Nuan was once again pulled into the vortex of passion.

When they finally parted, both gasping for breath, Tang Nuan glared at him angrily. “I said I’d withdraw from the engagement!”

Ye Shuyan reached out, pulling her slender waist and lifting her up. As he settled back into his own chair, he also placed Tang Nuan in his lap, gently smoothing her disheveled hair and laughing softly, “Yes, I know. So now we’re mutually affectionate, aren’t we?”

After speaking, he couldn’t resist leaning in to peck her lips once more, his eyes and brows filled with an unrestrained, joyful smile.

It seemed she had no opportunity to refute him at all. Tang Nuan, frustrated, gave him a playful smack, but couldn’t help but burst into laughter at his expression, scolding him, “You’re a rascal!”

Ye Shuyan laughed along, his arm tightening slightly, causing Tang Nuan to snuggle into his embrace and wrap her arms around his waist in return.

Ye Shuyan paused for a moment, running his hand through her long hair, and then lowered his head to place a kiss on her forehead gently. “Nuan Nuan.”

“I love you.”

Tang Nuan instinctively tightened her arms. She had always thought these three words were merely a clichéd expression from novels and dramas, a mechanical way to convey emotions without much significance.

However, hearing those words from Ye Shuyan made her realize that love was not so simple. At that moment, she felt as if she were completely enveloped and filled with happiness, so much so that she wanted to soar.

Unable to help herself, she hugged him tightly, looked up into his tender gaze, and leaned in to kiss his lips, softly murmuring, “I love you too…”

This time, Ye Shuyan was not at all anxious. With his head slightly lowered, he radiated boundless tenderness and affection. Tang Nuan felt as though she were melting away under his gaze.


Half an hour later, Tang Nuan glared at Ye Shuyan, “What did you say?”

All that tenderness and affection was just an illusion! Instead of feeling melted, she now felt like she was about to explode!

Ye Shuyan, holding her waist, started to head downstairs. “Since you’ve mentioned withdrawing from the engagement, according to the agreement, you need to return the gifts I gave you.” He pecked her lips, adding, “Couples should settle accounts clearly.”

Tang Nuan shoved his face away, “Get lost! Who’s the couple you!”

She put her hands on her hips, angrily arguing, “You proposed the withdrawal first, so if we’re counting, you’re the one who gave me the gifts!”

Ye Shuyan grasped her hand in his, looking as if he had a good temper, “Alright, let’s do it this way. Since I proposed the withdrawal first, the gifts I gave you are yours to keep. But now that you’re proposing the withdrawal, you not only need to return the gifts but also compensate me with something of equivalent value.”

“In that case, you owe me a set of jewelry.” As he spoke, he grabbed her with one hand and picked up a bag with the other, heading downstairs with a look of impatience.

Tang Nuan tried to pull him, attempting to stop him. “What kind of robbery logic is that? If you’re going to be so unreasonable, then I won’t withdraw from the engagement!”

Ye Shuyan turned around, being pulled back by her force, and embraced her again. He leaned down to kiss her lips and smiled, “It’s too late.”

Tang Nuan was exasperated by his shamelessness. “Why is it ‘too late’ just because you say so? I say it’s not too late!”

Ye Shuyan pretended not to hear her, lifting her up by the waist and carrying her into the elevator. Seeing her struggle, he warned her, “Be careful, roughhousing in the elevator can cause a malfunction.”

Tang Nuan, indeed, dared not move anymore. She could only curse under her breath as he “kidnapped” her to the nineteenth floor. After Ye Shuyan used his fingerprint to unlock the door, he headed straight for the walk-in closet.

Tang Nuan rushed in first, trying to grab a few pieces of her favorite jewelry. But when she turned around, she saw that Ye Shuyan wasn’t packing up everything. He seemed to have come prepared, selectively tossing some items into a bag with an expression of clear disdain.

Confused, Tang Nuan watched him, not understanding what he was up to. She saw him approach her and reach for the Nanyang gold pearl hairpin she was holding. “This one…”

Tang Nuan liked the Nanyang gold pearl hairpin and didn’t want to give it up. “This one is beautiful.”

Ye Shuyan clicked his tongue, then turned and handed her a black pearl hairpin. “Be good, this one looks even better.”

Tang Nuan took the black pearl hairpin but still held on to the Nanyang pearl hairpin. “I think I can keep both.”

Ye Shuyan sighed, gently patting her head. “Nuan Nuan, these items are from our previous engagement, which was more of a formality. Since we’re starting over, how about we officially say goodbye to these lack of sentimental things?”

Tang Nuan understood what he meant, feeling a bit sweet inside. Although she felt the jewelry was innocent, she was willing to make concessions if it mattered to him.

Ye Shuyan affectionately rubbed her head. “Good girl.”

He then continued to pack. Tang Nuan noticed that he was indeed picking out the gifts from Assistant Wen, and he was being very precise…

Wait a minute, the gifts were sent by Assistant Wen!

Tang Nuan looked down at the black pearl hairpin in her hand and then at the Nanyang gold pearl hairpin that Ye Shuyan had taken from her. Suddenly, she remembered how he had expressed his disdain for the Nanyang gold pearl hairpin at the charity dinner…

Ye Shuyan’s movements suddenly quickened. Tang Nuan squinted at his slightly reddened ears and suddenly smiled, “Brother Shuyan, are you jealous because you think the gifts lack sentiment or because Assistant Wen gave them to me?”

Ye Shuyan swiftly packed the last piece of jewelry into the bag, his face stern as he said lightly, “What Assistant Wen? It’s all my money; he’s just a porter at most.”

Tang Nuan responded, “Well, I thought about it, and since these are all your gifts, and considering that if it weren’t for these things I like from that cold and unfeeling engagement, we might not have come to where we are now. So, I think these things have their own significance…”

Ye Shuyan: …

What do you mean by a cold and unfeeling engagement?

However, seeing Tang Nuan’s expression, he instinctively felt that this topic was hard to refute. Noticing she was about to speak again, Ye Shuyan suddenly stepped forward, pressed her against the wall, and covered her mouth with his own…

When he finally released her, her body felt weak and her gaze dazed, he whispered, “If you like these, I have even more meaningful ones upstairs. Would you like to see them?”

Tang Nuan leaned against his chest and nodded gently.

Ye Shuyan smiled, thinking that Assistant Wen’s summary of the items had some usefulness, so perhaps it was just him who was inadequate.

In the end, Tang Nuan didn’t get to go upstairs with Ye Shuyan to see more meaningful jewelry, because she suddenly received a call from Shen Jinhua.

“Hello, Nuan Nuan. You should know Assistant Wen, right? What kind of person is he?”

Tang Nuan was puzzled. “Assistant Wen? He’s quite good. Why do you ask?”

Hearing her mention Assistant Wen, Ye Shuyan stepped forward and put her phone on speaker, so Shen Jinhua’s voice came through clearly. “I’m not asking about his work abilities or anything like that. I mean, what’s his family situation? Is his personal life clean? Does he have any relationship history?”

Tang Nuan was alarmed by her question. “Why are you suddenly asking about this?” Isn’t this something a mother-in-law would ask about a prospective son-in-law?

Could it be that her mom knew Assistant Wen had taken care of her more before and now thought Assistant Wen was better than Ye Shuyan?

Ye Shuyan gritted his teeth and tapped her on the head, thinking that she was overthinking things and that perhaps he hadn’t been affectionate enough.

Then Shen Jinhua’s voice came through, “Just that Assistant Wen suddenly called and said he wanted to take responsibility for your elder sister?”


Tang Nuan stared at Ye Shuyan in shock. Her first reaction was that Ye Shuyan was going to call Assistant Wen his brother-in-law?

Ye Shuyan: ……

The author has something to say:
President Ye: I’m a man of my word. Remember how I said if you wanted to withdraw from the engagement, you’d have to return the jewelry? I’ve been waiting for this day!
President Ye: Assistant Wen’s overall abilities are decent, but his personal abilities are lacking!
Assistant Wen: Lacking personal abilities? Just wait and see, I’ll make you call me ‘brother-in-law’! Hmph!

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