The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 70

It turns out that sharing an umbrella isn’t limited to rainy days; there are also sun umbrellas.

Ye Shuyan remembered that Tang Nuan would be going to the film base in the suburbs for a set inspection the next day… he gave himself a mental pat on the back for his cleverness.

The next day at the film base, under the blazing sun, Ji Yun and Tang Nuan were chatting with an experienced set designer from a film crew.

In truth, as a project leader, Tang Nuan didn’t need to get involved in such detailed matters. However, since she had newly graduated with limited experience, and her only previous work had been on the basic setup of a warm sun system, she needed to immerse herself in the details of these projects to build up her experience and knowledge as success in any project often hinges on these minute details.

After she had worked on a few projects and accumulated enough experience, she wouldn’t need to be so hands-on. In every industry, the depth often lies in these small details.

While she was in the middle of the conversation, Tang Nuan suddenly received a call from Ye Shuyan, saying he was in the vicinity on business and was just outside the film base, so he thought he’d drop by to see her.

Tang Nuan looked at the phone with some confusion, wondering what he could be doing here since this area was mostly film sets.

Ji Yun teased with a smile, “What could he be doing? Most likely, President Ye just misses you and came specifically to see you.” She added playfully, “I didn’t expect President Ye to be so clingy in a relationship.”

Tang Nuan felt a bit embarrassed by her words. Although she wanted to retort, she couldn’t think of any other reason for him to be here at this time other than to see her.

Her lips involuntarily curled into a smile, and she walked out with a light step to meet him.

When Tang Nuan reached the entrance of the film base, she saw Ye Shuyan already standing by the car. As she approached, she heard him instructing the driver to head back.

Tang Nuan asked with some confusion, “What will you do if Driver Liu leaves? Aren’t you going back later?”

Ye Shuyan replied, “Aren’t you driving?”

He said it so naturally that it wasn’t until Driver Liu had started the car and left that Tang Nuan realized, “What does me driving have to do with whether you go back or not? I still have work to do. Aren’t you busy?”

Ye Shuyan said, “I’ve been busy for a long time. I just want to relax a bit.” As he spoke, he glanced at the blazing sun overhead and then pulled out a small sun umbrella.

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but laugh, “When did you prepare this?” As she reached to take it, Ye Shuyan opened the umbrella and placed it over his own head.

Tang Nuan: ???

Ye Shuyan then extended his arm and pulled her under the umbrella naturally and effortlessly, saying, “Be careful, don’t get sunburned.”

Tang Nuan blinked, looking up at the small umbrella and then at Ye Shuyan, who had squeezed himself in next to her, and said helplessly, “Since when did you become so meticulous?”

The key point is, since you also need shade, shouldn’t you use two umbrellas? This one looks too small for a girl.

Ye Shuyan paid no mind to her thoughts. Instead, he pulled her closer into his arms under the umbrella. “Come closer, or you’ll get sunburned.”

To anyone unaware, it might have seemed like it was raining.

Tang Nuan found herself both amused and exasperated. She pushed him lightly and said, “It’s not that exaggerated.”

Ye Shuyan pretended to casually touch her cheek, which had been exposed to the sun. Before Tang Nuan could react, he said, “It’s not an exaggeration. When I’m with you, I have to be meticulous; otherwise, I might not be good enough for you.”

Tang Nuan instinctively touched the spot where his fingers had brushed her cheek and looked around at the curious glances they were receiving. She sighed, “I think, in their eyes, you already don’t measure up.”

Ye Shuyan was puzzled when he heard someone nearby thinking, this man looks decent, but he’s actually fighting with a girl for an umbrella. Is he out of his mind? Or is he just a friend? If so, it makes sense…

Ye Shuyan: …

Damn it, a friend?!

He begrudgingly stuffed the umbrella to Tang Nuan.

Although Tang Nuan didn’t know exactly what he had heard, she could tell from his expression that the thoughts of passersby were probably quite amusing, and she couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Ye Shuyan, using his height advantage, kept the umbrella low over her head, completely obscuring her face, and said with a straight face, “Make sure you’re covered properly.”

Tang Nuan, unable to see the road, laughed all the way as he guided her, and only regained her composure when they reunited with Ji Yun.

Since Ye Shuyan was here, Tang Nuan naturally made use of his presence, having him speak with a few people on her behalf. Ye Shuyan was indeed efficient; within two hours, they had all the information they needed for the day, and they were ready to head back.

Ji Yun drove her own car back to the studio to continue arranging things for the actors, while Tang Nuan returned home to sort out the materials.

When they were leaving, Ye Shuyan asked Tang Nuan for her car keys, and she didn’t refuse; the two of them had a tacit understanding when it came to such small matters.

But then Ye Shuyan encountered a paradox.

He first helped Tang Nuan open the passenger door and let her in, but by the time he walked around to the driver’s seat, the extremely cautious Tang Nuan had already fastened her seatbelt herself.

Ye Shuyan: …

There was absolutely no room for him to show off!

“What’s wrong?” Tang Nuan looked at him in confusion, sensing an air of melancholy in his gaze. Had she done something wrong today?

Ye Shuyan took a deep breath and said, “Nothing. Let’s go.” He still had preparations at home; he wasn’t going to let today end without making progress.

As the car drove back to the community, Ye Shuyan said before they went upstairs, “I’ve prepared the Zhang family’s information you requested. I have some other things to handle; how about we go to my place?”

Tang Nuan nodded. Since Ye Shuyan had helped her with additional lessons after the welcome party for Ye Shuchen, she often consulted him about various matters. He usually came to her study, so it was nothing unusual for her to visit his place this time.

So, the two went up to the twentieth floor together.

In Ye Shuyan’s study, there were two chairs already placed side by side behind the desk, clearly prepared in advance.

Ye Shuyan pulled out one of the chairs and said, “Sit.” After Tang Nuan was seated, he sat down beside her and added, “You get started on your work. I need to handle a few emails.”

Tang Nuan nodded and, trusting him, opened her computer to organize the information she had gathered that day.

The study was quiet, with only the sounds of typing and mouse clicks filling the room.

After dealing with two emails, Ye Shuyan turned his attention to Tang Nuan, his gaze falling on the armrest of her chair.

Today, in the video titled ‘Girl’s Heartbeat Moment’, there was a scene where the male lead unexpectedly pulled the female lead’s rolling chair towards him. Due to the inertia, the female lead ended up falling into the male lead’s arms, their gazes locking, breaths mingling, and lips almost touching.

Ye Shuyan thought that while the latter part might be a bit ambitious, achieving eye contact and shared breath was already a win in itself.

With this in mind, he reached out his hand.

Tang Nuan noticed his movement and looked over in confusion. Ye Shuyan quickly grabbed the armrest of her chair and yanked it towards him…

Tang Nuan watched in disbelief as Ye Shuyan rolled toward him, startled into leaning back.

Ye Shuyan exerted force to stop himself, and they both ended up leaning back from each other.

Ye Shuyan: …

Not only did they not achieve shared breath, they didn’t even manage to lock eyes!

Tang Nuan, coming to her senses, patted her chest and said, “Fortunately, I’m used to locking the wheels.”

Ye Shuyan: …

No wonder her chair didn’t budge at all. If she hadn’t mentioned it today, he wouldn’t have known that his chair’s wheels had a locking feature. How many little habits does she have?

Seeing his resentful expression reappear, Tang Nuan asked in confusion, “What’s wrong?”

Ye Shuyan took a deep breath, maintaining a straight face, and said, “Nothing. I just wanted to let you know that I’m done with my work and called you over.”

Tang Nuan glanced at his hand resting on the armrest of her chair, wondering why he needed to be so forceful. If Ye Shuyan had reacted even a moment slower, they might have bumped into each other!

Ye Shuyan remained unfazed and said, “There’s a book called ‘Economic Table’ on the bookshelf. Could you bring it over?”

Tang Nuan, a bit dazed, nodded and got up to walk toward the bookshelf.

Ye Shuyan watched her back intently. As she reached the bookshelf, he quickly got up and walked over, determined not to give her any chance for another mishap!

He positioned himself between her and the bookshelf to grab the book, creating the simplest and most common kind of romantic tension. He was convinced it wouldn’t fail this time!

As Tang Nuan stood in front of the bookshelf, looking left and right among a row of economic books, she couldn’t find the book he mentioned. Just as she was about to turn around to ask Ye Shuyan where it was, she sensed someone approaching from behind.

In the room, besides Ye Shuyan, there was no one else. Tang Nuan turned around and immediately faced a broad chest, forcing her to take a small step back and lean against the bookshelf.

Ye Shuyan’s body was almost pressed against her chest. With a long reach, he took the book from the top shelf.

He didn’t step away, and as Tang Nuan looked up, Ye Shuyan looked down. Finally, their eyes met.

Ye Shuyan: …

He couldn’t see any signs of excitement, shyness, or fluttering emotions on her face.

Tang Nuan said, “Brother Shuyan, did you place the book incorrectly? The economics books are on this shelf.” Is there some secret hidden inside? Why put it so high?

Ye Shuyan: …

So, was there a reason Tang Yue doubted Assistance Wen’s abilities? It wasn’t surprising he got hit; he was simply inadequate.

Ye Shuyan handed the book to Tang Nuan, then turned and left, saying, “You look at it first, I’ll get a glass of water.”

Tang Nuan watched his retreating figure with confusion. Why did it seem like he was fleeing? Today, Ye Shuyan’s behavior was truly strange—what on earth was he trying to do?

Recently, he had become increasingly unpredictable.

Tang Nuan was heading back with the book, and since Ye Shuyan wasn’t around, she took a shortcut by walking past the side where Ye Shuyan had been sitting.

As she turned a corner, her knee accidentally bumped into the edge of the desk drawer, causing her to bend down in pain. The corner of the bottom drawer was pushed open by her knee, and as she was about to close it, she noticed a stack of documents. She didn’t look closely, but she saw the name of an idol drama she had just watched a few days ago on the documents.

Thinking that Ye Shuyan had prepared it for her, since aside from her project, this sort of thing seemed completely unrelated to him, she reached out to take it out…

Ye Shuyan, who had hurried to the door, suddenly slammed on the brakes, feeling a mix of frustration and despair. He covered his face for a moment before dragging himself to the kitchen, needing some time to escape.

The situation happened too abruptly; he had specifically put that document in the bottom drawer to avoid it being seen by accident…

Hahahahaha… Did Ye Shuyan do this? I can’t stop laughing. I’m going to die laughing!

Ye Shuyan wiped his face and tried to comfort himself. If her first reaction was to laugh, it meant she at least didn’t completely reject his actions… So, maybe there was still hope?

There’s no hope, hahahaha… I wondered why he was so weird today; turns out he was just being overly sweet. Oh my, he’s really a complete disaster in this regard! Hahaha…

Ye Shuyan: ……

How can this person be so cute? Hahaha…

As Ye Shuyan listened to her increasingly hysterical laughter, he took a deep breath, adjusted his expression, and carried the water cup back to the study.

When he entered, he saw Tang Nuan bent over the desk, her head buried in her arms, her shoulders shaking with laughter. Ye Shuyan was worried she might laugh herself into a fit.

He knocked on the door. Tang Nuan suddenly straightened up, biting her lip tightly, her cheeks flushed, eyes sparkling with unshed tears, and her voice full of uncontrollable mirth, “Brother Shuyan.”

Ye Shuyan responded with a neutral tone, placing the water cup in front of her. “Drink some water and take a break.” He hoped she would stop laughing soon; she might actually hurt herself from laughing too much.

He then nonchalantly returned to his chair, planning to focus on seriously teaching Tang Nuan and filling her mind with knowledge and project details, making sure she had no time to think about anything else.

“This is Director Zhang’s project…” Before he could finish, Tang Nuan suddenly reached out and grabbed the armrests of his chair, pulling forcefully!

Ye Shuyan’s chair moved slightly toward her direction, but what moved more dramatically was Tang Nuan’s own chair. Her caster wheels had apparently been unlocked at some point, causing her chair to swiftly roll toward him. As it was about to crash into him, Ye Shuyan hurriedly reached out to grasp her armrests. However, Tang Nuan, driven by inertia, ended up falling directly into his arms.

Ye Shuyan almost clumsily caught her by the shoulders, his voice filled with concern, “It’s okay…”

But he couldn’t finish his last word. He stared fixedly at her eyes, which were now just inches away. The tears from holding back laughter had turned into alluring glimmers, and her breath was scented like orchids…

She looked at him with a light smile, her sweet breath almost mingling with his lips, “Didn’t I say that if you seduce me, I might call off the engagement?”

Ye Shuyan gazed at her slightly parted red lips and softly responded, “So, will you or won’t you?”

The author has something to say:
Ye Shuyan: Today, having eye contact and sharing breaths is a victory!
Ye Shuyan: Come on, let’s say it together—Wen Xingchuan’s skills are lacking!
Tang Nuan: Although I’m not very romantic, I still get it. When two people are in love, romance comes naturally.

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