The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 69

Ye Shuyan naturally folded his arms over his chest and looked at Tang Nuan with a smile.

“Now you should have some confidence, right? Even Director Zhang said you’re a formidable talent with a bright future. Who knows, in a few years you might even catch up to me. So, should I congratulate you in advance, Director Tang?”

The emphasis on “catch up to me” was noticeable. While Ye Shuyan’s praise made Tang Nuan’s heart flutter with joy, she was also self-aware enough to respond humbly.

“I definitely can’t compare to you,” she said with a smile. “I’m just performing exceptionally well today. Of course, the main reason is that a great teacher produces outstanding students.”

Ye Shuyan lowered his gaze, listening intently. It was clear she had completely forgotten her earlier thoughts.

So, the idea of being mutually affectionate with him wasn’t important to her at all?!

Tang Nuan noticed that Ye Shuyan seemed upset, which confused her. Everything had been fine just a moment ago. Why was he suddenly unhappy? What had she done to annoy him?

She leaned in, hoping for an explanation.

In response, Ye Shuyan simply turned his head to look out the window, remaining silent.

Tang Nuan: ……

Tang Nuan racked her brain, trying to recall what might have gone wrong. The only thing she was sure of was that she must have upset him somehow, likely after she said something.

She looked at Ye Shuyan, thinking: Was it the “great teacher produces outstanding students” comment?

Ye Shuyan remained indifferent.

Tang Nuan reasoned that the comment shouldn’t have been offensive. After all, her performance today didn’t embarrass him in any way.

What could it be? She tried to trace back her steps… Was it when Director Xie and Director Zhang praised her potential? Could it be that Ye Shuyan was jealous of others complimenting her? But wasn’t he the one who brought up the topic?

Ye Shuyan turned to glare at her.

Alright, maybe it wasn’t that. He wasn’t that petty, after all. So, what was it? She looked at him with a puzzled expression, trying to understand.

Ye Shuyan turned his head away again.

Tang Nuan: …

She wanted to tug at his sleeve but noticed his arms were crossed over his chest. A thought crossed her mind, could it be…

Ye Shuyan turned his head back to look at her.

Tang Nuan wondered if something was wrong with his arm, if he was feeling unwell. Had she missed something important? Thinking this, she reached out to check his arm.

Ye Shuyan relaxed his arms, allowing her to see, but remained silent.

Tang Nuan inspected his arms carefully, and unable to resist, she finally asked, “Is everything okay? What’s wrong?”

Ye Shuyan looked at her innocent eyes and felt a strong urge to ask directly. However, doing so would reveal his ability to read minds.

Though she was aware of his mind-reading ability, she had some misconceptions about its range. After all, he could currently reach her thoughts from at least ten meters away…

And at this moment, confessing… Ye Shuyan considered the implications. Revealing his mind-reading ability might also expose that she knew about it.

Given her cautious and sensitive nature, the slightest hint of this revelation might extinguish the budding connection they had.

That was unacceptable! He had to protect this small spark!

So, Ye Shuyan suddenly appeared to have recovered, looking at her with a smile. “It’s nothing. I was just a bit tired earlier.”

Tang Nuan: ???

Who said women’s minds are hard to guess? Men’s minds can be hard to guess, too!

Even though Ye Shuyan said everything was fine, his emotions were clearly noticeable, which left Tang Nuan puzzling over his behavior all night after returning home.

Upstairs, Ye Shuyan listened to her thoughts throughout the night and realized that what she had might not be a spark but more like a tiny ember! He even started reflecting on their interactions from the moment they left, noting that her excitement about being recognized and other positive aspects was overshadowed by her concern about his mood. Yet, she had completely overlooked the core issue before leaving.

Ye Shuyan sat up angrily. If he wasn’t certain about his mind-reading ability, he might have thought the last thought he heard before the party ended was just an illusion.

She was so preoccupied with him, yet she didn’t think about being with him seriously? Wasn’t having potential enough?

How frustrated!

But there was still hope.

Ye Shuyan took a deep breath. Even if it was just a tiny ember, at least it was something. After all, wasn’t a blazing fire started from a small ember?

Now he just needed to find a way to stoke that ember into a full blaze.

Even during work hours, Ye Shuyan was still preoccupied with the issue. It was clear that Tang Nuan had feelings for him, but right now…

As long as I can make her fall for me uncontrollably!

Ye Shuyan was momentarily stunned, lifting his gaze from the documents to look at Assistant Wen, who stood in front of him with a serious expression, seemingly waiting for instructions. Yet, …

Women are really impossible to understand. Even though she kissed me first, she specifically hinted at me to confess my feelings to her. I followed through with the confession, so why did she reject me?

Rejected? Perhaps due to a sense of empathy, Ye Shuyan felt a rare pang of sympathy for his own situation.

What? Doubting my abilities to confess?

Haha, even my boss can’t question my abilities, so what right does she have? That infuriating woman! Let her see what I can do!

Ye Shuyan’s lips twitched. It sounded less like a lover’s lament and more like a rival’s challenge.

I’ve come up with a plan to make her heart race these past few days. Let’s see how it goes, I refuse to believe I can’t win her over!

Oh, also, adding some underwater romance could be a nice touch! Underwater kisses… Hehe, I’ll add that to the plan shortly.

Ye Shuyan: …

Wen Xingchuan, what exactly did you put in that plan? And kissing? What kind of ability are you trying to showcase?

Handing over the signed documents to Assistant Wen, Ye Shuyan suddenly asked, “Where is the plan?”

“It’s…” In the last drawer at the bottom left. I’ll review it later and try out the effects at noon.

Assistant Wen instinctively thought this but then realized the boss’s question was a bit odd. “What plan?”

Ye Shuyan remained composed. “The organizational restructuring plan for the group. Are there any updates?”

Assistant Wen replied, “Everything is proceeding according to plan. The adjustments will be completed within six months at the latest.”

Ye Shuyan nodded to acknowledge. “Go ahead to the meeting. I need to handle something temporarily here and will join in ten minutes.”

Assistant Wen, trusting him, went off to the meeting.

A few minutes after he left, Ye Shuyan confirmed the meeting had started and then went to Assistant Wen’s office…

By the time the restructuring meeting ended and it was noon, Assistant Wen told Ye Shuyan, “President Ye, I have some personal matters to attend to and will return after two. If there’s anything urgent, please call me.”

Ye Shuyan responded agreeably, “Sure, go ahead. There’s no rush. You can come back later.”

“Assistant Wen, what are you looking for? Do you need any help?” came the voice of Assistant Wen’s secretary from the next room.

“Did anyone come into my office while I was in the meeting?”

Ye Shuyan paused slightly, then continued to read his emails.

Secretary Zhao replied, “President Ye went in to look for a document.”

“Oh, I see.”

Ye Shuyan glanced at the door. It seemed that Assistant Wen had stopped searching and was busy drafting a new document.

Only after the office next door fell completely silent did Ye Shuyan pull open the drawer and pull out a thick stack of documents, thinking to himself, this is quite a lot. Is it really necessary?

As he began flipping through the papers, he realized that the methods outlined were summarized from novels and idol dramas. To help him better understand the scenarios, some sections even included excerpts from novels, such as descriptions like, “In the darkness, XX suddenly appeared behind YY, embracing them. The dense, ambiguous atmosphere filled the air, both their hearts raced, unable to control themselves…”—highlighting that unexpected moments are more likely to stir emotions.

Ye Shuyan clicked his tongue in disdain and snapped the file shut with a thud. What a mess.

However, after lunch, he couldn’t help but reopen the file and flipped to the next section. This part consisted of idol drama scenes and included search keywords like [Super Charming Male Lead] and [High Sweet Moments Between Leads].

Ye Shuyan hesitated for a moment and typed into the computer…

Ten minutes later, he expressionlessly closed the browser and continued flipping through the documents. He found that the last page contained a summary:

  1. Tender and Thoughtful Details: Small gestures like helping her carry bags, opening bottle caps, and giving her small gifts are most likely to touch a woman’s heart.
  2. Subtle Physical Contact: Light, seemingly accidental touches can make a woman’s heart race. Refer to [Female Lead’s Heart Flutter Moments] videos; common scenarios include sharing an umbrella after the rain, the man taking off his suit jacket to cover both from the rain, buckling her seatbelt, or camping together in a tent.

He had just thought of underwater kissing, which probably needs to be added here, but it’s not very suitable for him since Tang Nuan is afraid of water…

Ye Shuyan cleared his throat and continued reading:

  1. Unexpected Assertiveness: Acts of surprising assertiveness can significantly increase a woman’s heartbeat. This includes, but is not limited to, hugging from behind, carrying her in a princess carry, unexpected hugs and kisses, and other physical contact. Combining multiple actions, such as wall slams and bed slams, can have the best effect.

Ye Shuyan frowned and looked up “wall slam” and “bed slam” in the browser.

Upon seeing “bed slam,” he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. He had apparently done that before. That time, Tang Nuan seemed to have kissed him uncontrollably right after he had done a bed slam… Ye Shuyan subconsciously touched his lips, noting that this summary might actually be useful.

After reviewing everything, he made a final summary: The third approach was the most effective, the best in results, and the hardest to resist.

Moreover, he and Tang Nuan lived in an upper and lower unit, with frequent daily interactions, which gave him a significant advantage…

Ye Shuyan’s mind was preoccupied with various scenarios as he went through the afternoon’s meetings. When he saw Assistant Wen’s wrist plastered with a bandage, he asked, “What happened?”

Assistant Wen casually pulled his sleeve down to cover the bandage and replied, “Nothing much, I accidentally twisted it.”

In Ye Shuyan’s mind, he could hear Assistant Wen’s frustrated thoughts, are idol dramas misleading, or is Tang Yue just not a woman? That wall slam was so standard, and she actually twisted my arm!

Ye Shuyan: …

So, it turned out that high efficiency might also come with high risk? Ye Shuyan began to reflect on the second point in the summary.

During the meeting, he took out his phone and checked the recent weather. It had been sunny all week with no drizzles, so sharing an umbrella seemed unlikely to work. So, he had to think of another approach…

The author has something to say:
President Ye is angry! President Ye not only coaxed himself into a good mood but also made himself full of energy!

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