The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 67

Everyone anticipated that Tang Nuan would directly confront Ye Zhenghong with a sharp retort, and they were prepared to mediate the situation. However, to their surprise, she simply smiled and agreed, “Uncle Ye, you’re absolutely right.”

She then glanced at Ye Shuyan, who understood the cue immediately. He said to the crowd, “Please continue the conversation. We’ll excuse ourselves for a moment.”

With that, Ye Shuyan took Tang Nuan’s arm and they left. Ye Zhenghong was left feeling awkwardly suspended, unable to move forward or backward. Watching Tang Nuan’s retreating figure, he couldn’t help but fume, “Some young people these days really don’t know how to behave. They only know how to praise and not criticize.”

Reflecting on her derogatory comments about Ye Shuchen and her seemingly helpless expression towards Xie Jianzhong and others, he added, “You’ve seen for yourselves. This girl is quick with her words, but her temper is something else. Just recently, she threw over two billion in a fit of pique and still didn’t win the argument…”

“What’s the matter?” He looked at Ye Shuchen who was tugging at him and asked in confusion. Ye Shuchen awkwardly replied, “It’s okay…”

Ye Zhenghong still worked up, continued his complaint to the crowd, “She’s going to be our future daughter-in-law, and she’s done something so outrageous. I should be allowed to voice my concerns, shouldn’t I?” He then recalled the reprimand from Shen Jinhua, saying, “Her mother even called me a gossip…”

Everyone: …

Director Li couldn’t help but burst out laughing, and soon the others joined in, laughing heartily. The cause of their amusement became blurred.

Feeling a bit disoriented by the laughter, Ye Zhenghong heard Xie Jianzhong, still chuckling, advise, “Come on, Old Ye, you’re the bigger person here. Why bother arguing with a woman?” His description seemed quite apt, suggesting that Tang Nuan had inherited her mother’s temper.

Jiang Miao felt that they were mocking Tang Nuan and felt a sense of relief. She leaned on Ye Shuchen’s arm and steered the conversation back, “Actually, investing is not that simple. Besides the project, the team and operations are even more crucial. If it were as simple as Tang Nuan says, why would everyone praise Uncle and Auntie so much?”

The others just smiled and didn’t speak. Tang Nuan’s simplicity was due to the conclusions she had drawn after thorough research. Any pattern might seem simple once understood, but not everyone can summarize it.

Moreover, their admiration for those they look up to is not based on Ye Shuchen’s type of investment.

Indeed, Ye Shuchen might be somewhat clever and perceptive, and while his approach is not as straightforward as Tang Nuan’s “copy-paste” method, it still has some reference cases.

This is different from completely pioneering a new project. Data analysis and judgment are not straightforward; every decision is unknown, and a small mistake can lead to severe consequences. Even experienced investors face tremendous pressure and self-doubt before things succeed.

In this light, Tang Nuan’s recent marketing for the Jiang family displayed some leadership qualities. Before she succeeded, everyone thought she would lose money. They believed she couldn’t have been without pressure, but she managed to make it work, demonstrating a level of determination that not everyone possesses.

It’s often those who have only a superficial understanding who think they’re unbeatable after a little success.

Seeing everyone laugh at Ye Shuchen, Jiang Miao shook his arm and said, “Right, Shuchen?”

She didn’t notice Ye Shuchen’s somewhat stiff expression. Meanwhile, Ye Zhenghong continued to praise him, “Indeed, doing a project not only tests vision but also the ability to stay calm.” He pointedly added, “Those who get easily flustered, no matter how much they know, can’t handle the real situation. Otherwise, one word from them could lead to billions being wasted.”

Ye Shuchen, unable to tolerate it any longer, snapped, “Dad!” His tone carried some irritation.

Ye Zhenghong was puzzled, but Ye Shuchen could no longer stay. He awkwardly addressed the crowd, “Uncle, Auntie, we have something to attend to, so we’ll excuse ourselves.”

He then pulled Ye Zhenghong and Jiang Miao away.

“Why leave in the middle of a conversation? What’s wrong?” Ye Zhenghong asked, confused. Jiang Miao also disagreed, “You should have taken this opportunity to restore your image after Tang Nuan discredited you. Now, by leaving, they might really think you’re lacking in capability.”

Ye Shuchen had no way to express his difficulties. He was part of the “Fathers’ Worries Alliance” group, so he knew very well about Tang Nuan’s scheme against the Jiang family that cost them a billion. At that time, he and Jiang Miao were getting along, and since Jiang Miao had a negative impression of Tang Nuan, he didn’t bring it up to avoid upsetting her.

The Jiang family themselves wished the incident had never happened, and generally, people in their circle wouldn’t bring up such sensitive issues, so neither the Ye family nor Jiang Miao knew about it until now.

However, not talking about it doesn’t mean being unaware. The expressions of the people just now clearly indicated that they knew what had happened, but his father kept bringing it up…

Ye Shuchen felt embarrassed and wished he could just disappear, but seeing his father’s expression, he couldn’t bring himself to explain. His father cared too much about his reputation, and if he knew the truth, he might hide upstairs for the rest of the night, too embarrassed to come down.

He sighed inwardly and said, “We’ve talked enough here. There’s not much point in continuing.” He gestured to them to look not far away, “Let’s not trail behind them. If Tang Nuan keeps pulling this kind of stunt, your efforts today will be in vain.”

Ye Zhenghong and Jiang Miao saw that, in just a short time, Ye Shuyan had gathered four or five more people around him, with Tang Nuan standing in the middle, chatting and laughing.

Ye Zhenghong’s anger flared up. “What is your older brother trying to do? Does he really have to overshadow you like this?”

Ye Shuchen replied, “Dad, this isn’t the time to be petty. We should focus on our own matters.”

Realizing that he was indeed helpless in this situation and unable to chase them away, Ye Zhenghong had no choice but to follow Ye Shuchen’s advice. It was better to act proactively than to trail behind them and try to explain.

Jiang Miao sneered, “Actually, there’s no need to worry too much. It’s just Tang Nuan trying to show off. Everyone is just being polite to Ye Shuyan. I don’t believe they don’t know about Tang Nuan’s foolishness. She thinks that a few words will win everyone’s favor, but she’s just a clown.”

The real clowns are now them. Ye Shuchen felt bitter inside and urged, “Let’s not mention Tang Nuan anymore.”

Before he could finish, Jiang Miao disagreed, “Why? What if she talks badly about you again? Shouldn’t we be able to address the foolish things she’s done?”

“You’ve already said it yourself. Everyone knows about her foolishness. If we talk more about it, it’ll just make us seem petty. That would be giving her too much credit.” Ye Shuchen, seeing their expressions soften, quickly added, “And we’re running out of time today. Let’s not waste energy on her.”

Ye Zhenghong accepted this explanation, especially seeing how Ye Shuyan and Tang Nuan were chatting animatedly with others, making him anxious. He quickly redirected his efforts to introduce Ye Shuchen to other important figures.

However, he couldn’t help but feel frustrated. What should have been a relaxed event now felt like a hectic race, and they were too rushed to properly showcase Xiao Chen’s abilities…

Unbeknownst to them, they were about to face another challenge. While Ye Shuchen was focused on managing Ye Zhenghong and Jiang Miao, he had forgotten about Sun Wanqiu.

Sun Wanqu was originally in high spirits today, feeling extremely pleased with herself.

Her initial schemes to create connections between Jiang Miao and her son seemed to be paying off. With the prospect of her son marrying into the Jiang family and gaining their support, she and Old Ye could put in more effort. After today, she believed that with her son’s intelligence, he would soon surpass Ye Shuyan.

However, she hadn’t anticipated that Ye Shuyan would come to stir things up, overshadowing her son’s welcome banquet.

Watching Ye Shuyan and Tang Nuan actively mingling and making a fuss in the hall, Sun Wanqiu gritted her teeth in frustration. A cold smile appeared on her face; since they were being so tactless, she decided not to hold back.

No matter how impressive Ye Shuyan was, wasn’t he being held back by Tang Nuan?

Sun Wanqiu took a glass of champagne and approached a few ladies, engaging in light conversation before pretending to just notice Tang Nuan in the distance. She sighed dramatically, “Some young people these days really…”

“Just to prove a point, throwing away two hundred million as if it’s nothing. Now, having squandered that money, she’s acting like it’s no big deal, still smiling and joking. I don’t understand how Shuyan can tolerate this. He’s actually allowing her.”

Seeing the other ladies exchange glances without speaking, Sun Wanqiu thought they were unaware of the situation. She proceeded to elaborate on the matter, explaining how Tang Nuan, out of spite towards Jiang Ji, had wasted two hundred million trying to ruin the Jiang family’s shopping platform. The result, of course, was that she lost the money while the Jiang family ended up profiting significantly.

Sun Wanqiu shook her head and sighed, “…Just think about it. How could anyone with a bit of sense come up with such a crazy idea? It’s a shame Shuyan has money to burn, but even so, this kind of spending isn’t right. What if in the future, he treats company projects as a joke? What would the shareholders think…”

She kept her eyes on Tang Nuan, and upon seeing Ye Shuyan leave, leaving Tang Nuan alone, an idea formed in her mind. She didn’t notice the strange expressions of the few ladies around her, nor did she see the looks of admiration directed at Tang Nuan. Feeling increasingly uneasy, she decided to intervene and walked over decisively, “I need to check on this. They all guests invited by Old Ye and can’t let our guests be offended.”

“Ah! Mrs. Ye!” A kind-hearted lady tried to stop her, but Sun Wanqiu was determined to make trouble for Tang Nuan and brushed past her.

Several ladies couldn’t help but shake their heads in disapproval.

“Gee, the Ye family really, I don’t know what to say…”

“Indeed. They say Ye Shuyan can’t tolerate Ye Shuchen, but who actually can’t tolerate whom?”

“I didn’t expect Tang Nuan to be so capable. If she’s properly nurtured and works well with Ye Shuyan, the Ye family could really reach new heights.”

“Heh.” One of them glanced at Sun Wanqiu’s swaying figure, “But that requires the family to be united.”

“Ah, if she causes a scene, it’ll be interesting to see how Tang Nuan handles it.”

The group exchanged glances and couldn’t help but keep a close watch.

Tang Nuan was chatting happily with several big shots. After her initial success, she seemed much more at ease, and everyone was in high spirits. Just then, she heard Sun Wanqiu’s soft voice behind her, “Tang Nuan, what are you still doing here? Ols Madam is looking for you.”

Tang Nuan was speechless. She thought to herself that it was no wonder they were a couple; they even found the same excuses. However, Sun Wanqiu was much more insidious than Ye Zhenghong. With a worried look on her face, she said, “Don’t be afraid. We’re not short of that two billion. Old Madan is just upset because of your recklessness.”

“You know her temper. If you had just admitted your mistake when you came back, it would have been over. But you’ve dragged it out for so long…”

Tang Nuan furrowed her brows, glancing awkwardly at the people around them. She sighed and said, “Auntie Sun, let’s talk about this later. I’m in the middle of a conversation with the uncles and aunts.”

Sun Wanqu, mistaking Tang Nuan’s reluctance for fear, felt a pang of secret satisfaction but maintained a facade of concern. “How much longer do you plan to delay? You need to apologize when you make a mistake. Hurry up, or you’ll just be making a joke out of yourself in front of the uncles and aunts.”

Tang Nuan remained standing, her face showing a look of grievance, but she spoke with a hint of stubbornness, “Auntie Sun, I understand. I’ll talk to you after the party.”

Still hoping to cling to the party? Such a naive thought. Sun Wanqiu sneered inwardly but kept her tone gentle, “There’s no need to wait for the party to end. Avoiding the issue isn’t the solution. Didn’t your parents teach you to apologize when you’re wrong?”

This statement finally provoked Tang Nuan. Her eyes flashed with anger, but she still managed to control her temper. “My parents taught me that no one has the right to hold my head down if I haven’t made a mistake.”

She glanced around at the onlookers, her eyes filled with a mix of grievance and determination. Ultimately, however, she seemed to lower her head to maintain the Ye family’s face, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Tang Nuan’s appearance was truly heartbreaking.

However, Sun Wanqu was also infuriated by Tang Nuan’s defiance. “What do you mean by this? Are you saying that I’m wrongfully accusing you?”

Tang Nuan remained silent with her head lowered. Finally, someone couldn’t stand it any longer and spoke up, “I say, Mrs. Ye, we all know what you’re talking about. You’re just wronging the child.”

“Yes, we’re delighted to have a child like this in our family. Mrs. Ye, you’re reprimanding her. Speaking of which, children do have their pride. Even if she did make a mistake, where is it appropriate to scold her in public?”

Tang Nuan raised her head, her eyes red, and thanked the kind-hearted woman, “Thank you, Auntie.”

The woman’s heart ached even more. “When it comes to caring for a child, you’re nowhere to be found. But when it’s time for discipline, you’re overly enthusiastic. Thankfully, everyone knows what’s going on. Otherwise, the child would have been wronged beyond measure.”

Sun Wanqiu, feeling the disapproval of the crowd, sensed something was amiss. She instinctively defended herself, “I’m not unaware. This child threw away two billion just to compete with someone…”

“Is that so?” A cold voice interrupted. Ye Shuyan descended the stairs, his gaze icy as he looked at Sun Wanqiu. He then turned to the people from the Jiang and Ye families who had gathered, directly addressing Jiang Zhan, “Jiang Zhan, did Tang Nuan lose two billion just because she wanted to compete with you?”

“You’re the person involved. Please clarify.”

“You don’t need to explain further. Just say ‘yes,’ and I will not only make Tang Nuan apologize to Dad and Grandma but also to your Jiang family. How does that sound?”

Jiang Zhan’s face turned black and could not find a response.

Ye Shuyan’s voice suddenly turned stern. “Is it so difficult to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’?”

The room fell into a dead silence. Everyone was taken aback by Ye Shuyan’s intense anger. Given how openly they were being bullied by the Ye family in front of everyone, it was easy to imagine how things might be handled in private.

Sun Wanqiu’s reputation for being vicious and cunning was not unearned.

All eyes turned to Jiang Zhan, who was caught in an uncomfortable position. A few people considered trying to mediate, but Ye Shuyan’s cold gaze silenced them, leaving the scrutiny and discomfort squarely on the Jiang family.

At this moment, Jiang Zhan was trapped between the choices of speaking up or staying silent. Staying silent would be seen as completely dismissive while speaking up would at least only result in public embarrassment.

Balancing the pros and cons, Jiang Zhan gritted his teeth in frustration. Just as he was about to speak, Tang Nuan intervened, her voice filled with barely restrained hurt, “Shuyan, please stop asking. Shuchen is about to get married to the Jiang family…”

“Anyway, I’ve… I’ve gotten used to it…”

Jiang Zhan’s gaze shifted sharply toward Tang Nuan, his fists clenched tightly.

The author has something to say:

Tang Nuan: I, I’m used to it… I’m used to you being defeated by me, hehe. Well, the skill of playing the victim that I learned from President Ye is quite effective. Top of Form

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