The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 66

The reason why prominent families are so invested in social events is that many projects begin to take shape through these gatherings.

Especially with guests like those invited by Ye Zhenghong today, who are either heads of wealthy families or their heirs. These people are well-versed, do not lack funds, and are interested in good projects.

At the level of large corporations, projects often involve diverse developments. For these big players, networking with peers of the same level, exchanging information, and brainstorming leads to more efficient project creation.

Another crucial point is that they can thoroughly vet each other. They can gather comprehensive information about the other party’s financial situation and personal capabilities. After all, even the best project is worthless if the person in charge is unreliable.

For example, if the collaborator were Ye Shuyan, they would push the project forward without hesitation. But if it were Ye Shuchen, they would opt for cautious observation, as he has yet to demonstrate any tangible capabilities domestically.

Therefore, this welcome banquet is an opportunity for Ye Zhenghong to let everyone observe and recognize the value Ye Shuchen brings.

So, as soon as the welcome and thank-you speeches were over, Ye Zhenghong began introducing Ye Shuchen to the key figures of each family.

Given Ye Shuchen’s previous reputation as a playboy, and the fact that he had never dealt with these influential figures in a serious manner, Ye Zhenghong was understandably concerned and chose to accompany him personally.

Jiang Miao, holding Ye Shuchen’s arm, followed closely beside him. When they stopped next to a certain influential figure, she cast a smug glance at Tang Nuan.

Tang Nuan: …

Why did she suddenly feel motivated? Ugh, she was too easily provoked.

Ye Shuyan glanced at her with a smile and put his arm around her shoulders. “Let’s go.”

Tang Nuan looked at him, wondering why he seemed so enthusiastic as well.

As she watched him mingle with various guests, Tang Nuan confirmed that he was indeed in high spirits.

Ye Shuyan effortlessly joined in on others’ conversations, quickly drawing several influential figures into discussions.

One of them was Xie Feizhe’s father, Xie Jianzhong.

He resembled Xie Feizhe to some extent and spoke in a gentle manner. After Ye Shuyan introduced them, Tang Nuan quickly called out, “Uncle Xie.”

Xie Jianzhong, smiling warmly, said, “You must be Tang Nuan. Feizhe often mentions you. It’s nice to finally meet you. That kid has improved a lot recently; thank you for looking after him.”

Tang Nuan relaxed at the familiarity and replied with a smile, “Not at all. Second Brother Xie is already very capable; he’s helped me a lot as well.”

Xie Jianzhong’s smile broadened, and he took the opportunity to address the others, “See, she’s being modest. To be able to develop the Nuanyang System at such a young age is quite impressive. Don’t forget to give me a discount when the time comes.”

The clear praise from Xie Jianzhong was naturally well-received by the crowd. They also gave Ye Shuyan a face and began to inquire about the Nuanyang System. Tang Nuan was thus drawn into the conversation.

Initially, everyone focused on discussing the system to accommodate her, but they soon realized that Tang Nuan was extremely knowledgeable about the projects their corporates were involved in. The conversation naturally expanded to various topics from around the world.

Most of the time, Tang Nuan listened quietly but managed to join the conversation at the right moments. Her points were not only insightful but occasionally introduced fresh perspectives. This piqued the interest of the crowd, and they began to engage with her more.

Indeed, some of her views were still somewhat immature, but considering her age, she was already impressive. The big players were generous with their advice and feedback.

Tang Nuan had long forgotten her nervousness and was thoroughly enjoying the conversation.

However, due to the large number of people and the significant presence of major figures, Ye Zhenghong quickly arrived with Ye Shuchen.

“Old Xie,” Ye Zhenghong interjected with a smile, “Xiao Chen, come over and meet Uncle Xie.” He then said to Ye Shuyan, “Shuyan, it’s been a while since your grandmother has seen you. Go and visit her.”

It was clear he was trying to divert Ye Shuyan’s attention to avoid overshadowing Ye Shuchen.

Tang Nuan felt a bit annoyed. Ye Shuyan patted her back reassuringly and said calmly, “I know. I’ll go in a bit,” but he remained where he was, continuing to chat with others.

Ye Zhenghong couldn’t push too hard, so he made an effort to focus on Ye Shuchen. “Xiao Chen…”

Ye Shuchen, today dressed in a more subdued suit and with a serious demeanor, presented himself as a competent and responsible member of the family.

As the hosts and main figures of the day, they were naturally given plenty of respect.

Ye Zhenghong made a few pleasantries with the guests before discussing the film and cultural city project Ye Shuchen planned to undertake. “This project is quite significant and has plenty of collaboration opportunities. However, he is still young and will need the guidance of old friends.”

Everyone smiled and agreed, though whether they would offer support depended on his actual capabilities. These prominent figures were not in the business of making losing investments.

Ye Shuchen, however, was clearly well-prepared and spoke about the project with clarity and confidence. He started by addressing the Xie family, explaining that to build a film and cultural theme park, the first requirement was land. Although the Ye family had plenty of land, the suitable plot was under Ye Shuyan’s control. Ye Shuchen didn’t want to compete with his brother, so he sought to cooperate with the Xie family.

Xie Jianzhong, though appearing kindly, was a seasoned negotiator. Instead of giving a direct answer, he laughed and drew several people related to the project into the conversation.

The discussion among these old foxes seemed lively, but to Tang Nuan’s ears, it was all surface-level and lacked substance. She found it less engaging than the previous advice she had received.

Standing next to her, Director Zhang, who seemed uninterested in participating in such superficial chatter, continued discussing the topic they had started earlier with Tang Nuan. She was more than happy to engage with him. The insights from a practical veteran like Director Zhang were far more valuable than her own extensive study. One enjoyed speaking, the other enjoyed listening, and they conversed comfortably.

Jiang Miao, who was clinging to Ye Shuchen’s arm, kept an eye on Tang Nuan. Seeing her persistently engaging Director Zhang with much deference and attentiveness, Jiang Miao couldn’t help but sneer inwardly. She herself wouldn’t dare speak casually in front of these big names.

It was evident that Tang Nuan was desperately trying to elevate her status, shamelessly clinging to Director Zhang. Although the Nuanyang System might impress peers, it meant little to these major players. If not for Ye Shuyan’s presence, Director Zhang likely wouldn’t have paid her any attention.

Jiang Miao, pondering this, subtly tugged at Ye Shuchen’s sleeve. Following her cue, Ye Shuchen noticed Tang Nuan and Director Zhang. Clearly sharing Jiang Miao’s sentiment, he decided to “rescue” Director Zhang by intervening, “Uncle Zhang, what are you two discussing?”

The conversation between Tang Nuan and Director Zhang was interrupted. Director Zhang smiled and said, “Oh, it’s nothing much, just some casual talk.”

Ye Shuchen continued, “I recall Uncle Zhang had purchased many buses and was involved in automotive projects. The film and cultural city project…”

Before he could finish, Director Zhang’s smile faded, and Tang Nuan couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle.

Ye Shuchen frowned at Tang Nuan, who directly said, “President Second Ye, Uncle Zhang is running an airline. Buying buses was meant to offer additional services to clients, not to expand into passenger transport.”

Then, without waiting for Ye Shuchen to respond, Tang Nuan turned to Director Zhang and continued, “Speaking of strategic planning, Uncle Zhang, your move was simply brilliant. At first, I wondered why an airline would buy so many buses and get into the automotive sector. It wasn’t until I saw your profit model that I realized your strategic vision was outstanding!” She couldn’t help but give him a thumbs-up.

Director Zhang smiled in return.

Ye Shuchen, feeling a bit embarrassed, quickly apologized, “Uncle Zhang, I’m sorry…”

But Tang Nuan didn’t wait for him to say more. She turned to a middle-aged woman who Ye Shuchen had been closely engaging with and said, “By the way, Aunt Li, your collaboration with the telecommunications company was simply amazing! I always thought that network communications were replacing traditional methods, but you turned this flow of traffic into direct revenue…”

Aunt Li also smiled. Tang Nuan continued, “I’ve been impressed by your insights and strategies.” She elaborated on several other prominent figures’ unique approaches, providing detailed praise.

Ye Shuchen stood by, unable to contribute to the conversation, as he had no real understanding of these projects.

A person’s energy is limited, and since Ye Shuchen had spent so much time on frivolities, he couldn’t possibly have delved deeply into a project. His so-called capabilities were merely about investing money wisely.

Yet, the key to a project’s success involves many factors. If Ye Shuyan wasn’t smart enough, why would he work so hard for the Ye family? Ye Shuchen, on the other hand, seemed to be merely speculating and playing around with family money without genuinely understanding the work involved. What made him a credible leader?

Tang Nuan, fueled by frustration, let her enthusiasm shine. She made everyone smile broadly. People enjoy being praised, and Tang Nuan’s accurate and insightful comments, though they might be flattery, were genuinely appreciated.

At least she truly understood their achievements. In comparison, Ye Shuchen seemed to be nothing more than a decorative figure. The true effectiveness of his so-called success was still in question. After all, Ye Zhenghong might have exaggerated to boost his younger son’s image.

Although the big shots kept their reactions under control, Ye Shuchen was clearly left speechless and lost his confidence after Tang Nuan’s relentless commentary. Ye Zhenghong, feeling a pang of frustration, could only force a smile and attempt to smooth things over. “This child has always wanted to achieve something on his own without affecting the family, so he’s been investing abroad. Naturally, his understanding of domestic information is somewhat limited. As for the projects he’s currently investing in…”

Tang Nuan, with a beaming smile, cut in, “The projects he’s investing in are indeed quite smart.”

Ye Zhenghong frowned, sensing that Tang Nuan was not about to offer any praise, and was about to speak when Xie Jianzhong interrupted with interest, “Oh? How so?”

Tang Nuan explained, “While researching industry development trends recently, I discovered an interesting pattern: Every country’s economic development path from emerging to developed is remarkably similar.”

“For instance, take infrastructure. Sixty years ago, in Flower Country, real estate boomed alongside the development of roads, highways, and railways—these are necessary steps in social and economic progress.”

“So, investing in infrastructure projects in countries that are decades behind us in development is a surefire way to make a profit,” she said, looking at Ye Shuchen. “The projects you’re investing in in Acacia Country are precisely these types, right?”

Ye Shuchen was at a loss for words. Indeed, he was investing in these kinds of projects, but Tang Nuan’s comments made it seem as if his investments were mere opportunistic gambles.

Tang Nuan continued with a slight smile, “In addition to infrastructure, another typical example is technology. For instance, Silicon Valley in the United States can serve as a reference for advanced technological needs, such as instant messaging and gaming, which have already been proven successful.” She then looked at Ye Shuchen again. “The emerging companies you’re investing in domestically have mature counterparts in the U.S., right?” She gave him a thumbs-up. “So, investing in these areas is bound to be a good bet. You’re very smart.”

It was clear that her words were laced with sarcasm!

Ye Shuchen’s face turned ashen. Tang Nuan’s implication was clear: his achievements were nothing more than copying and pasting, leveraging others’ insights without any real ability of his own.

Seeing Ye Shuchen at a loss for words, Jiang Miao couldn’t help but sneer, “So, you’re saying that you could also make precise investments and earn billions in two or three years?”

Tang Nuan responded bluntly, “I can’t.”

Jiang Miao was about to mock her further when Tang Nuan continued, “Because I don’t have money!”

At this point, Tang Nuan’s gaze became sharp as she turned to Ye Shuchen, “Speaking of which, don’t just talk about the profits. How much did you actually invest? Don’t tell me you invested twenty billion and made ten billion in returns.”

Her words were a blatant insult. Ye Shuchen, enraged, retorted, “What nonsense are you spouting?”

Tang Nuan said, “Then tell us how much you invested. All the uncles and aunties here are knowledgeable; they’ll understand as soon as you mention the figures.”

“Whether it’s infrastructure or technology, the capital investment is substantial. Just relying on dividends from your and Auntie Sun’s investments wouldn’t be enough,” she said with a smile, turning to Ye Zhenghong, “So, Uncle Ye, how much have you subsidized him?”

Ye Zhenghong, caught off guard by Tang Nuan’s direct challenge, felt his pride wounded and retorted angrily, “These are major projects worth billions. Who can make that kind of money without capital?”

Suddenly, Tang Nuan laughed, her smile radiant and full of delight.

Everyone silently observed Ye Zhenghong, Ye Shuchen, and Jiang Miao.

Here was someone who, without any capital investment, had earned over a hundred million in just a month from the Jiang family’s resources.

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