TIGR Chapter 95

The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 95 Case Closed

Wang Yanqing understood what Lu Heng had planned. He guessed that the real manuscript was in Jian Jun’s possession, but given Jian Jun’s meticulous nature, the manuscript was likely hidden in a very secretive place. The Imperial Guards might not have been able to find it if they searched recklessly.

So, Lu Heng took a step back, pretending not to notice Jian Jun’s unusual behavior, and searched the study with great fanfare. In reality, he had someone keep an eye on the Han residence, so if Jian Jun attempted to burn the material, Lu Heng’s men would seize them immediately.

This way, Lu Heng could obtain the secret manuscript without any effort.

Like the mantis that stalked the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. Jun’s murder plan was almost perfect. The reason it was “almost,” was that she had encountered Lu Heng.

Wang Yanqing once again felt that competing with Lu Heng was truly exhausting. Yet she was very curious and asked: “But, Brother, how can you be so sure that the real manuscript is with Jian Jun?”

Lu Heng slowly stroked Wang Yanqing’s waistline with his fingers and smiled meaningfully: “Qing Qing, it isn’t a good habit to reap benefits without some labor. If you ask me a question, shouldn’t there be a reward?”

When they were alone, he was always restless. Even in the daunting Imperial Guard office, he couldn’t rein in his base thoughts. Wang Yanqing was still shaken by what had happened in the study yesterday and didn’t want a repeat. She pushed Lu Heng’s hand away without mercy, stood up with a cold face, and said: “If you won’t tell me, then I’ll figure it out myself.”

Her voice rang cold, and her neck was held high, seeming tough, but her steps as she left held an edge like she was fleeing. Lu Heng saw through Wang Yanqing’s thoughts immediately. He was just trying to tease her and had no real intention of doing anything in South Fusi. He didn’t expect her to be more cautious with him than a wolf.

Lu Heng sighed deeply, realizing that he pushed too hard in the study last time and had scared the rabbit away. Next time, it wouldn’t be so easy to trick her.

Lu Heng silently calculated the wedding date. He had never felt that five months could be so long.

Lu Heng sighed for a moment, then got up and walked slowly toward the inner chamber. He turned past the screen and, sure enough, found Wang Yanqing standing at the foot of the bed, clearly in a dilemma.

Hearing footsteps, Wang Yanqing suddenly turned around and glared at him defensively. Lu Heng, unhurried and calm, said: “Qing Qing, it’s late, why aren’t you going to sleep?”

What was the point of running so fast when she was living in a wolf’s den, wouldn’t she just be walking into a trap?

This was a government office palace, even if there was a place to sleep, it couldn’t compare to the Lu residence. The inner chamber had no other bedding, the only bed was quite narrow, with only space for one person.

Wang Yanqing bit her lip, unable to speak for a long while, her face flushed from the effort. Lu Heng, smiling, picked her up and casually walked toward the bed: “Qing Qing, it’s getting late. You should rest.”

Lu Heng leaned down and placed her on the bed. This posture was very precarious, and Wang Yanqing immediately became alert, instinctively moving back. What was even more dangerous was that Lu Heng did not leave. He stayed bent over and reached out to caress Wang Yanqing’s face.

His fingertips brushed lightly against her cheek, and Wang Yanqing had a random intuition that he was hesitating.

In just a few moments, his resolve wavered.

Wang Yanqing’s alarm bells went off instantly, and she quickly pulled in her legs, trying to get out of bed from the other side: “Brother, there’s only one bed. It might not be appropriate for me to sleep here.”

Lu Heng loomed over her, completely overshadowing her. He pressed his hand to her shoulder, letting out a faint sigh.

He thought to himself that this was South Fusi, he was surrounded by his own men. What difference did it make where Wang Yanqing hid? This matter entirely depended on his conscience.

Lu Heng was surprised at himself. He never thought that one day his character could be so honorable.

He stopped her movements and said: “You’re a young lady, how could I let you sleep outside? Rest assured, I won’t go back on my word.”

Wang Yanqing hesitated, her instincts telling her that men often said such things offhandedly: “But…”

Lu Heng continued: “Sharing a bed will be inevitable, you might as well get used to it now.”

Wang Yanqing still furrowed her brows, clutching the bedding tightly, looking very distressed. Lu Heng thought to himself that tricking the rabbit was becoming increasingly difficult with each attempt, so he had to say: “I remember there’s a cot in the storeroom. I’ll have them bring it out in a while.”

Wang Yanqing breathed a sigh of relief, her delicate brows finally relaxing: “That’s good. Brother, why wasn’t the cot just placed here originally?”

Lu Heng smiled and replied earnestly: “It was probably an oversight by the staff.”

Or perhaps, it was just recently put away by him.


The Imperial Guards found it odd. When the commander was changing, he ordered them to remove the cot from the main hall. Why did he later request them to bring it back? They didn’t dare pry into the commander’s private matters, however, so they quickly placed the cot down and left with their heads bowed.

It was normal for Imperial Guards to stay up all night, and tonight was no different. They remained vigilant, ready to rush into the Han residence at the slightest sign of trouble. However, as dawn broke, the Han residence remained as quiet as ever, with no sign of unusual activity.

The Imperial Guards on surveillance could not help but wonder, had the commander’s judgment been wrong? The Imperial Guards reported back to South Fusi, and even before the sky had fully brightened, Lu Heng was already dressed and standing calmly under the eaves of the office corridor. After hearing his subordinates’ report, he raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled with interest: “She’s smarter than I anticipated. However, she won’t be able to deceive me with just that.”

“My lord, do you mean…?”

“I already know where she has hidden the papers.” Before the sky had fully brightened, Lu Heng’s voice cut through the autumn wind with a chilling edge, “Issue the orders, everyone is to stop lying in wait and act immediately to lock down the Han and Jian family.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Jian Jun had woken up early, but she didn’t dare to move. She waited until she heard people in the alley gradually come out to start their fires and prepare breakfast before she got up and dressed. She pushed open the door to begin her daily chores.

To avoid the smoke and flames, the stove and living quarters were built separately. The layout in the Han residence was similar, with two stoves built into the south wall and a simple kitchen constructed from boards and straw in the southwest corner. As usual, Jian Jun walked to the kitchen. She bent towards a pile of firewood, about to retrieve some kindling to start the fire, when she suddenly felt a cold and heavy sensation pressing against her neck.

Jian Jun clenched her fists, trying to remain calm, and said to the person behind her: “My lord, I confessed everything last night. Why do you still target a widow like me?”

“Really?” Despite the door not making a sound, a calm and indifferent male voice came from behind her, “Like how you are Zhulin Junzi?”

Jian Jun’s body tensed, and she nervously said: “My lord, I don’t understand.”

Lu Heng was no longer interested in beating around the bush and directly ordered: “Search the firewood pile and the stove.”

Unlike foolish people such as Chang Tinglan who would panic and jump out at the slightest sign of trouble, Jian Jun was clever and composed. Making a fire while it was dark was too conspicuous, how could she destroy the evidence without making a scene? The answer was obvious, by cooking.

The Imperial Guards, wielding their blades, rummaged through the firewood pile. Jian Jun closed her eyes in despair, knowing that everything was over.

This young and handsome Imperial Guard Commander was exceptionally intelligent.

It was completely normal for a writer’s home to have scrap paper, and the Imperial Guards quickly found the manuscript among the burnt paper. They cleaned the paper and respectfully handed it to Lu Heng. After glancing over it briefly, Lu Heng immediately confirmed that this was indeed the first draft.

He spoke indifferently: “This is the one. Collect all suspicious papers.”

Jian Jun stood to the side with her hands clasped, remaining silent. Lu Heng took the handkerchief offered by his subordinate and wiped the dust from his fingertips. He coldly asked: “Madam Jian, you conspired to murder your husband, framed others, and committed adultery. Do you know your crimes?”

Jian Jun remained calm when she heard the first two accusations, but when Lu Heng mentioned committing adultery, she scoffed derisively and said: “Since I have already been sentenced, why bother asking?”

“Murdering your husband and having an affair with another man. Either is enough to have you hung.” Lu Heng said, “You relied on the dead being unable to speak to claim the handwriting was Han Wenyuan’s. From what I see, the handwriting on the manuscript is clearly yours. Whether your life is worth anything depends on you.”

Jian Jun lowered her head. The conditions Lu Heng offered were tempting, but she considered the Imperial Guard’s nature, even demons would suffer in their hands. As a powerless and weak woman, why would she be worth the attention of the Imperial Guard Commander?

Making a deal with the tiger often resulted in death, and she would rather die quickly without revealing anything. If she made a deal with the Imperial Guards, she might not only get a worse fate but also bring trouble to her entire family.

Jian Jun understood her position well and remained unmoved, saying: “My lord, you overestimate me. I only recognize a few characters from being around my cousin, but I cannot write.”

Still not admitting it. Lu Heng gave a cold, unfeeling smile and said: “Bring a brush.”

An Imperial Guard quickly brought brush, ink, and water. Lu Heng gestured for them to be placed in front of Jian Jun and said: “A person’s handwriting doesn’t change easily. If you say it’s not you, then write a few characters to prove it.”

Jian Jun did not hesitate, taking up the pen with her right hand and calmly dipping it in ink. Her actions of grinding ink and moistening the brush seemed smooth and practiced, but the characters she wrote were crooked and uneven, like those of a novice just learning to use a brush. Additionally, she wrote completely out of order.

Lu Heng noticed her steady wrist and said calmly: “Switch to your left hand.”

Jian Jun’s fingertips quivered imperceptibly.

She didn’t start writing, but Lu Heng knew the intimidation had already been effective, there was no need to push any further. Lu Heng, with his hands behind his back, strolled leisurely around the courtyard and said: “I have never failed to accomplish what I mean to do. Your choices are simply to confess voluntarily or to confess after enduring severe torture. Don’t hope for death, there are many who wish to die in the imperial prison, and if I don’t allow it, even the King of Hell wouldn’t dare take you. Your two choices make no difference to me, what I wonder is whether others can withstand the Imperial Guard’s torture instruments.”

Jian Jun’s eyelashes fluttered as she understood Lu Heng’s threat. If she held out and said nothing, the torture would be inflicted on Ji Huan. She wasn’t afraid of death herself, but she couldn’t bear to see Ji Huan suffer.

Finally, with no other options left, Jian Jun’s shoulders sagged: “I will tell you whatever you wish.”


South Fusi was infamous for its dreadful reputation, even the toughest individuals who entered wouldn’t get a good night’s sleep. However, Wang Yanqing slept soundly, perhaps because she was surrounded by his presence.

When she woke up fully rested, she was surprised to find that it was still early, yet the main hall was empty. Hugging the blanket, Wang Yanqing sat up feeling puzzled.

Where was Lu Heng?

Wang Yanqing had slept fully dressed the previous night, so it was easy to get up. She re-tied her hair and looked down the silent main hall, unsure of what to do.

She knew very little about the South Fusi and didn’t know where she could find him. But it was still a government office, what would she do if she stayed, and someone came in to find Lu Heng?

Amongst her hesitation, the door pushed open. Lu Heng walked in from outside and, seeing that she was already awake, gestured for his subordinates to stop. He closed the door and walked over to Wang Yanqing, asking: “Didn’t you sleep well? Why are you up so early?”

Wang Yanqing thought that simply managing to fall asleep in the South Fusi was quite remarkable. If she had slept in any later, it would have been a sign of extraordinary mental fortitude. She asked: “Brother, did you go out?”

Lu Heng didn’t want to add to her concerns, so he replied vaguely: “I just went out walking.”

Given the dew on Lu Heng’s clothes, it was clear he had been out for quite some time. Wang Yanqing couldn’t help but sigh: “What time do you sleep and wake up every day?”

Last night, Lu Heng stayed up later than she did, and when she woke up this morning, Lu Heng had disappeared. Did he not need any sleep? Wang Yanqing couldn’t understand. How could he still be so energetic and lively with such a high workload and little sleep?

Lu Heng smiled and approached her, gently pressing his fingers against her temple: “Did you sleep well last night?”

Wang Yanqing nodded, though her expression was still somewhat drowsy. Lu Heng said: “I couldn’t leave last night, so it was harder for you. Do you want to have breakfast here or back home?”

Without hesitation, Wang Yanqing replied: “Back home.”

Lu Heng had already brought evidence and witnesses back to South Fusi. He also had Ji Huan, who was in contact with the Wuding Marquis Mansion, and Jian Yun, who wrote the book, so it was easy for him to ask them anything he needed. The most crucial step was already completed. The next tasks were merely organizing documents and questioning, which were routine and unimportant. Lu Heng was free and in good spirits, so he accompanied Wang Yanqing back home. After they had breakfast at the Lu Mansion, he would return to his duties in South Fusi.

On the way, Lu Heng chose to ride in the carriage instead of on a horse to keep Wang Yanqing company. He held her cold hand and asked: “We still have a bit of the journey left. Do you want to sleep for a while?”

Wang Yanqing shook her head. It was early autumn, and the morning light was cold. The chilly breeze had fully woken her up. Wang Yanqing asked: “Brother, have you finished your work?”

Lu Heng nodded with a smile. His energetic appearance clearly indicated that everything had gone very smoothly. Wang Yanqing had a hunch that he had indeed achieved his goal. She genuinely admired him. Everyone had wishes, but Lu Heng could turn those wishes into plans and fulfill them completely. His planning and execution abilities were truly impressive.

Wang Yanqing asked: “Can you tell me now how you determined that the writer was Jian Jun?”

Lu Heng made a soft “mmm” sound, still contemplating how to propose his conditions, when Wang Yanqing suddenly hugged his neck and kissed him lightly on the corner of his lips. Her action was so quick and light that, by the time she pulled away, Lu Heng hadn’t quite processed what happened.

Still stunned, Lu Heng heard Wang Yanqing ask softly: “Is this enough?”

Lu Heng’s brain, which had been momentarily offline, quickly rebooted. Seizing the opportunity, he responded: “I don’t usually take on apprentices so easily. This little bit of tuition is not enough.”

Lu Heng embraced Wang Yanqing’s waist and took his “tuition,” finally stopping though he wasn’t satisfied. Wang Yanqing was breathless and flustered, trying to fix her disheveled clothes. She demanded: “Are you going to tell me or not?”

“I will.” Lu Heng said, showing his knack for knowing when to be firm and when to yield, “Actually, I discovered it by chance. When you were checking the bookshelf, I casually picked up a pen and noticed that the inkstone was placed on the left side. Considering the wear on the desk, it must have been a frequently used spot. Pens, ink, paper, and inkstones would be placed in the most comfortable position. Especially with the amount of writing to compile a book, it would be awkward to reach to the left for ink every time. Wouldn’t it be inconvenient?”

Wang Yanqing thought back and realized that, as Lu Heng said, the inkstone in the Han study was indeed on the left side of the paper. She found it even more incredible: “How did you know she was left-handed?”

As Lu Heng was receiving his “apprenticeship tuition,” he casually removed a small pouch from her belt. Playing with the pouch, Lu Heng suddenly said: “Qing Qing, catch this.”

Wang Yanqing instinctively caught the pouch that flew toward her, and as she held it, a look of realization crossed her face. Seeing that she understood, Lu Heng said: “When we first entered the room, she wiped her tears with her left hand. At the time, I didn’t think much of it, but later, when I noticed the inkstone was placed on the left side of the paper, I suddenly realized something was off. So, I tested it with a piece of paper, and indeed, she caught it with her left hand.”

Wang Yanqing finally understood. She had been puzzled as to why Lu Heng would throw the evidence to the suspect, but now it became clear that his real aim was to determine her dominant hand, not to inquire about her handwriting. Wang Yanqing was genuinely impressed. Not only had Lu Heng completely observed the environment upon entering, but he had also noticed which hand a seemingly small character used to wipe her tears. It was quite intimidating to deal with someone like Lu Heng.

Thinking back, Wang Yanqing recalled that during their interrogation with Jian Jun yesterday afternoon, every time they talked about writing the book, Jian Jun used “we.”  At the time, she found it a bit odd but didn’t dwell on it. Reflecting now, it was clearly a subconscious slip.

The name “Jun” in Jian Jun, found in Zhulin Junzi, hinted at the truth from the very beginning.

Seeing Wang Yanqing’s expression, Lu Heng felt quite smug and couldn’t resist adding: “Actually, I think Ji Huan is also left-handed.”

Wang Yanqing’s eyes widened even more in surprise: “What?”

This time, Lu Heng was not willing to explain further. He said: “Relying on the teacher for everything doesn’t help you improve. Consider it an assignment, think it over yourself.”

Wang Yanqing’s eyebrows twitched slightly, and she pursed her lips, saying: “Aren’t you my cousin? When did you become my teacher?”

“How does it matter? I can be both.” Lu Heng replied, holding Wang Yanqing close. He remembered Jian Jun’s instructions and, even though he was used to dealing with hidden agendas, he couldn’t help but click his tongue, “These pair of couples are quite extraordinary.”

Wang Yanqing didn’t expect there to be more juicy details about the case. She quickly asked: “What happened?”

Looking into Lu Heng’s meaningful gaze, Wang Yanqing learned the full story.

Jian Jun had lost her father at a young age, and her mother, unable to make a living, took her to live with her brother. Jian Jun grew up in her uncle’s house. The Han family had only one son, Han Wenyuan, who was greatly favored by his uncle and aunt from a young age. They hired a tutor for him very early on. Jian Jun was about the same age as her cousin, and being influenced by him, she also learned to read and write.

However, as they grew older, Han Wenyuan refused to put in any effort, while Jian Jun developed a strong interest in literature. Since both she and her mother relied on her aunt’s goodwill, Jian Jun often wrote on behalf of her cousin. Initially, she copied books, then wrote assignments and essays for him, and eventually, even composed poetry and prose for Han Wenyuan’s social engagements.

With a shortcut at his disposal, Han Wenyuan became increasingly lazy and faded into mediocrity, while Jian Jun honed her literary skills. Jian Jun’s writing was signed with Han Wenyuan’s name, so their handwriting became very similar, and for many years, only the Han family knew of this. Once, at a poetry meeting in Qingzhou, Han Wenyuan brought back half a poem, and Jian Jun, feeling inspired, composed the second half.

This connection led to their acquaintance with Ji Huan. Ji Huan and Han Wenyuan corresponded through letters, but it was always Jian Jun who wrote them, though Ji Huan had no idea and thought his confidant was Han Wenyuan. Later, Ji Huan moved to the capital and Jian Jun, following her parents’ wishes, married Han Wenyuan. Han Wenyuan didn’t like her corresponding with other men, so Jian Jun’s letters to Ji Huan gradually stopped.

After many years, Jian Jun had almost forgotten those youthful days of ambition and the friend she had once made, not Han Wenyuan’s friend, but a friend she had truly connected with through her own talent and ideas. One day, after they moved to the capital, someone suddenly showed up at their door. Jian Jun answered and heard the visitor introduce himself as Ji Huan, looking for Zhulin Junzi.

The exquisite poems, essays, and strategies were all under Han Wenyuan’s name, but the name Zhulin Junzi belonged to Jian Jun.

Han Wenyuan and Ji Huan then resumed their correspondence. Unlike Han Wenyuan, who grew more mediocre with age, Ji Huan developed quite well later on. While he was not extraordinarily wealthy or noble, he lived comfortably. While catching up, he learned that Ji Huan had not only achieved fame and status but also had a beautiful wife by his side and had even earned the favor of the Marquis of Wuding.

Invited by Ji Huan, Han Wenyuan moved next door to the Ji residence. Ji Huan admired Han Wenyuan’s talent and firmly believed that Han Wenyuan’s talent surpassed his own, so he proactively assigned him tasks from the Marquis of Wuding. Han Wenyuan, not skilled in writing, naturally relied on Jian Jun to ghostwrite for him.

The Biography of Heroes was different from ordinary popular narratives. It was a story about the founding emperor, involving many princes, generals, conspiracies, and wars. Additionally, it was not easy to write in a manner that would satisfy the Marquis of Wuding. The Marquis dictated his requirements to Ji Huan and lent him some military books for reference. Ji Huan brought these back and, together with Han Wenyuan, worked on the manuscript, developing the chapters bit by bit.

Every time, Han Wenyuan would write after Ji Huan left and submit the draft to him the next day. Over time, Ji Huan could not help but notice that Jian Jun was the true author. Though interestingly enough, the Marquis of Wuding preferred Jian Jun’s writing style. As a result, most of the book was written by Jian Jun, while Ji Huan did the editing, revisions, and final copying before submitting it to the Marquis of Wuding.

Thus, they spent nearly half a year completing The Biography of Heroes.

During this time, as Jian Jun dedicated most of her energy to writing, Han Wenyuan had nothing to do. Feeling embarrassed as a husband, he started an affair with Chang Tinglan, who was equally idle next door. Jian Jun soon discovered this but was surprisingly indifferent.

She had also fallen in love with someone else.

The connection of the soul was more lasting than physical attraction. Though neither party had openly expressed it, Ji Huan knew that the person who truly engaged in literary friendship with him was Jian Jun, not Han Wenyuan. Unfortunately, he had taken another wife, and she had married as well. They continued to sit by the desk, discussing the next chapter and enjoying their time alone together, but no one dared to break the unspoken barrier.

Until one event disrupted their delicate balance.

One day, Ji Huan returned home early and found Han Wenyuan amidst an affair with Chang Tinglan. Hearing the commotion, Han Wenyuan hurriedly fled. Realizing that he might not be able to keep this matter hidden for much longer and not daring to offend Ji Huan, who was essential for his survival in the capital, Han Wenyuan came up with a desperate and absurd plan.

He used a sleeping drug to knock Jian Jun unconscious, and just as Ji Huan arrived to confront him, Han Wenyuan tearfully apologized to Ji Huan, saying he was deeply sorry. As compensation, he offered to give his wife to Ji Huan to appease his anger.

This act was both disgraceful and shameless, yet Ji Huan was tempted by the offer. He had long harbored feelings for Jian Jun and took the opportunity to agree. So, when Han Wenyuan left, Ji Huan took advantage of the unconscious Jian Jun. When Ji Huan returned home, he naturally had no interest in dealing with Chang Tinglan and pretended to scold her a few times to conclude the matter.

When Jian Jun woke up, she felt something was wrong with her body, but Han Wenyuan claimed that he had merely performed his proper marital duty while she was asleep. Although Jian Jun knew something was amiss, she had no way to refute it. Different people had different habits for such matters, and after falling unconscious a second time, Jian Jun finally realized what was happening.

The two parties maintained this strange and tacit agreement, living a seemingly peaceful and harmonious neighborly life. But people are inherently selfish, once they possess something, they will want to monopolize it. Three people cannot coexist in a relationship, let alone four.

The four individuals each harbored malicious intentions but remained silent, none willing to make the first move. The first to break the deadlock was Chang Tinglan. Since Ji Huan and Han Wenyuan would never disclose such a deal to a third party, even Jian Jun could only guess silently but kept it to herself. Chang Tinglan, completely in the dark, believed that her husband had forgiven her and was not pursuing the matter of her infidelity. However, as they say, if you walk down a dark path long enough, you will encounter ghosts. One night, Ji Huan called out Jian Jun’s name while dreaming.

Chang Tinglan had never anticipated that Ji Huan and Han Wenyuan were involved in such dealings behind the scenes. Naturally, she assumed her husband had lost interest in her and even began to show intentions of divorce and remarrying. Despite her affair, Chang Tinglan had never considered divorce. She was infuriated and, in her anger, bought arsenic from the black market, intending to poison the woman who had seduced her husband.

In the dark forest, once someone made the first attack, the situation could no longer be kept under control. Chang Tinglan forced Han Wenyuan to poison Jian Jun. Han Wenyuan, already discontent after seeing his wife in close contact with another man, reluctantly agreed after Chang Tinglan’s coaxing.

Jian Jun, who had been managing the household for years, was very familiar with Han Wenyuan. As soon as Han Wenyuan returned with the poison, Jian Jun almost immediately noticed it. Han Wenyuan, under the pretext of drinking, wanted to poison Jian Jun. Jian Jun saw through this and deliberately spilled the wine. Jian Jun realized that she could not wait any longer. Though she avoided it once, could she always be able to avoid it? What if Han Wenyan decided to strangle her while she was asleep?

Therefore, while cooking, Jian Jun added poison she had prepared earlier — deathcap mushroom, a highly toxic substance almost indistinguishable from normal mushrooms. Jian Jun had long planned to kill Han Wenyuan with the food and frame Chang Tinglan for it. After these two were dead, she and Ji Huan would be able to be together openly.

However, Ji Huan could not be in danger during this process. So, Jian Jun secretly warned Ji Huan that Han Wenyuan had poisoned her and that Chang Tinglan might also have poison, so Ji Huan should be careful. Because of Jian Jun’s warning, Ji Huan treated the situation with utmost caution, pretending to go out every day while keeping an eye on Chang Tinglan at the alley entrance.

After Jian Jun poisoned Han Wenyuan, she took meticulous care of him every day. Han Wenyan, remembering that this was his cousin, realized that it was his own folly that led him to give her to Ji Huan. Softening, he felt it was unfair to enjoy all the benefits alone, so he arranged to meet Chang Tinglan and threatened her to poison Ji Huan.

When Han Wenyuan went out, Jian Jun knew immediately who he was looking for and was unconcerned. Calculating the time, Han Wenyuan was close to death from poisoning. At this moment, Han Wenyuan was meeting with Chang Tinglan to actually help Jian Jun. Jian Jun deliberately invited Sister Sun, who talked the most in the alley, to spend the morning with her, providing her with a perfect alibi.

Unexpectedly, due to a twist of fate, Ji Huan, who was watching the alley, followed Chang Tinglan and overheard the conversation about killing them. With dual motives of personal vengeance and self-preservation, Ji Huan, seeing Han Wenyuan lying unconscious on the ground, was seized by malicious intent. Acting on impulse, he dragged Han Wenyuan to the river and pushed him in.

On the same day, a pair of young and beautiful cousins arrived at Jian’an Alley. Jian Jun had no intention of probing the authenticity of this pair but sensed that they were likely from the authorities. Therefore, she deliberately revealed suspicions about Han Wenyuan and Chang Tinglan. If Jian Jun had known earlier that they were from the Imperial Guards, she would have never taken the risk.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t change the past. Everything fell like dominoes, with jealousy and malice eventually escalating to a point where no one could control the outcome.

Lu Heng explained the case to Wang Yanqing, who went from shock to embarrassment and finally took on a blank expression. She finally understood why Lu Heng’s expression had been so peculiar when he mentioned the couple.

Wang Yanqing’s face was expressionless, though she was deeply embarrassed inside. Lu Heng, still relishing the moment, showed Wang Yanqing an image of the deathcap mushroom: “See, it’s this kind of mushroom. I specifically asked Jian Jun to show me. It looks very similar to edible mushrooms and doesn’t lose its toxicity when boiled or roasted. Once cooked, it’s nearly indistinguishable. Even I can’t guarantee I’d recognize it, so I’ve decided not to eat mushrooms anymore.”

Wang Yanqing couldn’t help but retort: “How many wrongdoings have you committed to be so afraid of others harming you?”

Lu Heng smiled and admitted seriously: “Thank you for the compliment. I suppose I have done quite a number.”

|| Author’s Note:

Lu Heng: When it comes to being unscrupulous, I never disappoint.

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