TIGR Chapter 100

The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 100 All Cards on the Table

Wang Yanqing felt as if she had just woken from a long dream.

In the dream, she never met her grandfather, and before she could even understand what “death” meant, her mother passed away. She relied on her grandmother for support, and from her, learned about her most important relative — her father. Her father fought on the battlefield, but when the war was over, he would come back home to see her.

But before her father returned, her grandmother passed away.

At just seven years old, while other children played carefree in their parents’ arms, she had to think about how to handle her grandmother’s funeral. In the end, with the help of neighbors and extended relatives, her grandmother was buried without incident. Wang Yanqing’s future though, became a significant problem.

Luck was stingy, however, and misfortune always followed one after the other. Just after her grandmother’s funeral, there was another knock at the Wang family door, and this time, she received news of her father’s death in battle.

The relatives no longer held back, openly fighting over the family’s inheritance and property in front of her. No one took a seven-year-old girl seriously. In the eyes of the clan, a child that young couldn’t possibly understand these matters, so they didn’t bother to conceal their ugly, twisted faces while battling for assets.

Wang Yanqing realized for the first time how poverty and greed could make people so ugly.

No one expected that before the clan uncle and aunt could settle who would get the family land, someone from the capital arrived. This time, they brought generous compensation and specifically requested to take Wang Yanqing away.

Thus began her entry into a world she could never have imagined. One where people wore luxurious silk, changed outfits daily, and women had long nails, with five or six servants just to help them wash their faces.

Upon arriving at the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion, she immediately understood that she was different from the other young ladies of the Fu family, even if the old marquis urged them to call each other sisters. She knew that the Madam and Chen Shi did not like her — if she were in their shoes, she wouldn’t have liked an outsider suddenly intruding into their home, a girl with nothing to offer but youth and beauty.

Wang Yanqing grew up wild and free in the fields. Even if her family struggled, she never worried about being less than others or fearing that her grandmother would abandon her for making mistakes. But now, in the Fu family, she felt fear at every turn. She feared angering others, worried that the old marquis would stop taking care of her. She was afraid of not measuring up to standards and Fu Tingzhou no longer wanting her as a playmate.

In two years, she grew taller and fairer, and from others’ attitudes, she easily recognized that she was quite attractive. However, this made her situation even more challenging. She had to deal with the critical young ladies of the Fu family and be cautious around the young noble men visiting the household. Every time one of those distinguished young masters looked at her with fascination, Wang Yanqing felt a wave of fear.

What did she represent in their eyes? A plaything, a forbidden treasure, a vase to be disposed of at will?

She understood that with the background of any of those young masters, they could easily imprison her or treat her as they pleased. And even if she died, the outside world would hardly notice. She felt like a leaf floating in the turbulent waters of power, the only thing she could grasp onto was Fu Tingzhou.

She hoped Second Brother would be different. He shared a childhood bond with her, and they held the favor of the old marquis. At the very least, he would be willing to marry her with the dignity of a legitimate wife. Unfortunately, she ultimately learned that he was no different from the others.

In the eyes of the powerful, a commoner’s life meant nothing, let alone their dignity.

Wang Yanqing had been in the capital for ten years and finally realized that she did not belong here. Just before she left, she reluctantly agreed to Second Brother’s request to meet his fiancée at the Dajue Temple.

The last image etched in her memory was falling into a ravine, the sky heavy with dark clouds, oppressive and foreboding, as the corner of a red garment slowly settled in front of her.

The flying fish robe and the embroidered spring dagger — any citizen of the Ming dynasty would recognize them.

The Chief Office of the Imperial Guards.

The dream stopped there, and when Wang Yanqing opened her eyes, the red garment from her dream seemed to linger in her vision, gradually blending with the vibrant red of the bed curtains.  She turned around and saw traces of red everywhere.

The heavy headpiece on her head had been removed, but she still wore the wedding dress. Wang Yanqing lowered her gaze, taking in the intricately embroidered robe on her body, and the anticipation and anxiety she had felt just moments ago vanished completely. Wang Yanqing leaned against the bedpost, staring vacantly at the double happiness characters on the window.

It was ironic that while she had learned to read lies in people’s expressions, she had been deceived by those around her. Her mind kept flashing back to the events that occurred after her memory loss. When she first woke up, the maid’s attitude had been distant and guarded, and Lu Heng sat outside the partition drinking tea. It was only after they learned of her amnesia that their demeanor changed.

Right, Lu Heng had stepped out for a while and then returned, claiming to be her brother. At that moment, she had been so desperate for a sense of security that she overlooked many oddities. This included her later belief that he was indeed her second brother, which led her to find excuses to rationalize all the inconsistencies.

The so-called brother-sister bond, the so-called true feelings, the idea of childhood sweethearts vowing never to marry anyone but each other, it was all a joke.

Lost in her thoughts, Wang Yanqing was startled when Lu Heng returned. He remained as gentle and composed as ever, moving at a measured pace, as if he were a caring brother visiting his sick sister. He still called her “Qing Qing,” inquiring about her condition with a familiarity that felt unsettling. Until the very last moment, his focus was on keeping her calm rather than revealing the truth.

Wang Yanqing thought to herself that she was truly a complete tragedy, held in their grasp until the end, like a puppet performing at their whim.

Lu Heng’s eyebrow involuntarily twitched when he heard her call him “Master Lu.” He realized that it was all over, she had regained her memory.

Instantly, he overturned his previous plans, deciding that saying less was safer and silence was best. He avoided any mention of the past, and softly advised: “Qing Qing, the doctor said you hurt your head. If you don’t take care of it properly, it could leave lasting effects. Just lie down and focus on getting better first.”

Wang Yanqing’s dark, clear eyes reflected his figure with startling clarity. Lu Heng felt a wave of unease at such a gaze, a sensation he had never experienced even when besieged in the court.

Having not eaten all day, her pale face appeared indifferent as she slowly spoke: “What have I done to deserve being cared for in Master Lu’s mansion?”

She certainly recognized that this was Lu Heng’s courtyard. He had previously set up their new home in his compound, using the excuse that they would live together after marriage, and had even moved her daily necessities there.

Listening to her tone, Lu Heng felt a jolt of fear. He feigned calmness and smiled, saying: “As husband and wife, what’s there to distinguish between yours and mine? Why would you speak like this?”

Husband and wife? Wang Yanqing found his words utterly ironic. She smiled faintly and replied: “Master Lu is looking to marry a foster sister who has been by your side since childhood, someone familiar and obedient. I’m afraid I don’t measure up to that.”

Lu Heng gave up, he realized that if he continued to pretend, he would return to a state of loneliness. He adapted and quickly lowered his head to apologize, saying: “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to deceive you. I intended to tell you the truth gradually.”

Wang Yanqing’s lips curled in a sarcastic smile as she asked: “When, exactly?”

Lu Heng swallowed hard, his voice a bit hoarse as he replied: “After the wedding.”

Wang Yanqing’s held an expression that spoke, “Sure you would have.” Lu Heng’s fingers clenched silently, a wave of bitterness rising within him.

He spoke the truth, but she no longer trusted him. He had indeed planned to gradually reveal the truth after their wedding. In any case, it wouldn’t have been like today’s reckless approach.

Turning her gaze, she was surrounded by vibrant red. The sight only deepened her discomfort. She lowered her eyes, intending to force a self-deprecating smile, but found she couldn’t even manage a fake one: “If Master Lu wishes to take revenge on Second Brother, why not just follow through with what happened in the study that day. Why go to such lengths to demean yourself and play this charade with me?”

Hearing this, Lu Heng realized that she had completely misunderstood his intentions. He barely had time to feel angry that she referred to Fu Tingzhou as “Second Brother” before he firmly grasped her hand, his voice low and earnest: “Qing Qing, it’s not what you think. Look at me and listen to what I have to say.”

The spot he touched burned like fire, and Wang Yanqing struggled fiercely against him. Lu Heng knew that this was not the time for politeness, if he let go now, the rift between them would never heal. He sat on the edge of the bed, wrapping his arms around her from behind, restraining her flailing arms: “Qing Qing, I admit, I initially had ulterior motives for using you, but over time, I developed genuine feelings. What I said was true, I want to marry you.”

No matter how hard she tried, Wang Yanqing couldn’t break free from his embrace. Gritting her teeth, she spat out: “Let go!”

But Lu Heng held on tighter: “The ambush that day was meant for Fu Tingzhou, but your fall was purely an accident. I’m sorry for causing your amnesia, but I swear my feelings for you are genuine. Can’t you tell the difference between truth and deception after all this time?”

Her struggle quickly drained her remaining strength, and while her movements stopped, tears streamed down her cheeks silently.

Lu Heng couldn’t see her face, but he felt a drop of her tear hit his hand. It felt scalding, and he tightened his grip, his fingers clenching until his knuckles turned white. Leaning his face against her temple, he whispered: “I’m sorry.”

Lu Heng realized he had truly shot himself in the foot. He had deceived her for two years, and now, even if he spoke the truth, she was unwilling to believe him.

Wang Yanqing’s tears flowed uncontrollably, she cried for a long time while Lu Heng held her, softly whispering apologies in her ear. After her initial outburst, her emotions gradually stabilized, yet she continued to resolutely push his hands away. Feeling that her body was no longer trembling, even though he was unwilling, he had to obey her wishes and let go.

He sat down facing her on a round stool by the bed. He could see the redness in her eyes and felt a pang of sorrow but dared not wipe her tears away. Instead, he cautiously asked: “Qing Qing, it was all my fault. Are you feeling any better now?”

Wang Yanqing’s eyes, still glistening from her recent tears, seemed to glow a bright light within the room. Coldly, she replied: “I’m just a commoner, orphaned and without possessions. I cannot dare reach for someone like Master Lu. I’m not worthy of being the wife of the Chief Commander. Since we haven’t officially wed, let’s forget about the marriage.”

Hearing her declare the marriage null and void made Lu Heng’s anger surge, but he forcefully held it back. Venting his emotions would only complicate matters further, he needed to resolve the issue without being swayed by his feelings. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he said in a calm and composed tone: “Who says the ceremony hasn’t taken place? Today’s proceedings were interrupted by assassins, but to outsiders, the wedding has already been completed. The guests here were all from noble families, high officials, and powerful lords. If this marriage were to be nullified, where would that leave my reputation?”

Wang Yanqing considered his words and realized that Lu Heng had sent out invitations, the entire court knew he was getting married. If he were to say it was off now, no one would be able to explain it. She retorted: “Then let “Wang” simply be declared deceased after a while. With Master Lu’s power, there are plenty of women in the capital willing to marry you as a second wife. An early deceased first wife won’t hinder your prospects at all.”

Lu Heng studied her expression carefully and chose his words carefully: “There are already rumors about me in court. If my wife were to die shortly after the wedding, those whispers would only grow more scandalous.”

This didn’t work, that didn’t work. Wang Yanqing’s patience wore thin. Wang Yanqing’s face grew cold, and she asked: “Then what do you want?”

With an audacious grin, Lu Heng replied: “I think it would be best to just make the best of this situation.”

Wang Yanqing couldn’t help but laugh in anger, a sarcastic huff escaping her lips: “Master Lu, I’ve followed your wishes, even injuring Second Brother and repeatedly helping you eliminate political rivals. Now that I’ve regained my memory and hold no more value for you, what are you still hoping for?”

“What if I have no ulterior motives?” Lu Heng’s tone shifted slightly as he heard her mention Fu Tingzhou, a hint of regret creeping in. Frustration flared within him, and he couldn’t control his voice, which became more intense, “Fu Tingzhou is already betrothed to Hong Wanqing, their wedding next month. You surely don’t want to return to being a concubine, do you? You can marry anyone, so why not marry me?”

Wang Yanqing felt her own anger rising: “The world isn’t made up of just two men! Why must I choose between you two? I’d rather remain unmarried for life!”

Wang Yanqing hadn’t eaten since yesterday afternoon, and after being tossed around during the wedding ceremony, she fainted in the afternoon. Now she suddenly felt lightheaded in her agitation. For a moment, everything went white, and she could barely steady herself. Lu Heng quickly moved to her side, taking hold of her hand: “Don’t get too worked up. Breathe slowly. Ling Xi, bring some ginger tea with brown sugar.”

Wang Yanqing leaned against something, gasping for breath for a while before finally feeling her heart resume to its normal rhythm and her vision clear. After she could see again, she realized she had been leaning on Lu Heng’s arm. Ling Xi had already brought the hot tea, and Lu Heng took it with one hand, intending to feed it to her: “You’re still injured, so don’t move too much. Drink this bowl of ginger tea first, and I’ll have someone bring in food.”

Wang Yanqing noticed his familiar demeanor, as if the deception and hurt between them was nonexistent. Anger welled up inside her, and she pushed his hand away with all her strength. Normally, Lu Heng would easily let go, but this time, her force didn’t budge him at all, the bowl in his hand didn’t even tremble.

She didn’t want to listen to him, but Lu Heng’s attitude was firm, leaving no room for her to sulk. She thought to herself that this was her own body, and there was no need to make things difficult. But she refused to let him feed her and said stiffly: “Just give me the bowl.”

With a quiet sigh, Lu Heng handed her the bowl and moved to the edge of the bed, creating some distance between them. The ginger tea was the perfect temperature, and the warm liquid filled her stomach, replenishing her hydration and energy. Her racing heart gradually settled, and her thoughts became clearer.

Once she seemed to regain her strength, Lu Heng had the bowl taken away. With just the two of them left in the room, he said: “I have no defense for deceiving you, and it’s only right for you to be angry. Whatever decision you make, I will have no complaints. But I don’t want you to return to the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion.”

Lu Heng couldn’t help but feel a pang of frustration. The thought of the woman he had carefully cared for over the past two years becoming a concubine for another man, living under someone else, was unbearable. If she truly intended to go through with it, he would have no choice but to cast aside whatever semblance of dignity he had left and use his power to force her to stay in the Lu Mansion.

Wang Yanqing leaned wearily against the bedpost, her voice strained: “That’s two different matters.”

She had planned to leave the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion even before losing her memory, but leaving Fu Tingzhou didn’t mean she had to endure Lu Heng’s deception. Both he and Fu Tingzhou were born with privilege, wielding power and influence, while she was just one among many beneath the clouds.

Since they didn’t live in the same world, there was no need to force a connection. She was determined to leave. From then on, they could marry their noble wives while she lived her ordinary life, each forgetting the other, returning to their respective places. The intrigues of the capital and the court would no longer concern her.

Lu Heng let out a breath of relief, she didn’t plan to go back to Fu Tingzhou. Otherwise, he would really have to consider staging an “accident” for Fu Tingzhou. Calculating his next steps, he cautiously asked: “What do you want to do then?”

He quickly added, wanting to clarify: “Take your time to think. I won’t pressure you. Whatever you decide, I won’t interfere.”

Lu Heng silently added a condition in his mind, so long as he found it reasonable.

His words were sincere, and in that moment, Wang Yanqing believed him. She said: “I want to leave the capital.”

Traveling required a permit, and her household registration and travel documents were still in the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion. She knew she couldn’t retrieve them on her own, but for Lu Heng, obtaining a permit was a simple task.

Hearing her intent to leave, Lu Heng clicked his tongue inwardly, realizing the situation was becoming serious. After pondering for a moment, he hesitated, saying: “Before today, it wouldn’t have been a problem, but now it might be a bit difficult.”

Wang Yanqing looked at him quietly, understanding dawning in her eyes: “You don’t really want to help me.”

The head of the entire court’s intelligence network found it difficult to arrange a travel permit. If he was unwilling, why make promises at all?

“That’s not it.” Lu Heng quickly clarified, adopting a serious demeanor, “I’m not lying. It truly is complicated. This afternoon, while you were unconscious, the news of unknown assassins attacking the Lu Mansion reached the palace. The emperor was furious and ordered the city gates to be sealed, prohibiting anyone from entering or leaving.”

Wang Yanqing frowned. In the past, she might not have understood, but the last two years with Lu Heng had taught her many court’s secrets. A citywide lockdown was not a command issued lightly.

She asked suspiciously: “The emperor ordered the city to be sealed?”

“Yes.” Lu Heng didn’t blink as he agreed on behalf of the emperor. It didn’t matter, the city gates would definitely be locked tomorrow. He was simply informing Wang Yanqing of the outcome in advance, which didn’t count as deception.

Wang Yanqing raised her eyebrows and asked: “Why?”

“Because the people today were not ordinary assassins.” Lu Heng said, “It is still uncertain, but from my judgment, most of them are from Japan.”

Wang Yanqing’s pupils dilated in surprise, foreign spies! This issue was related to the diplomacy between two countries, so it made sense for the city gates to be locked down.

She furrowed her brows, feeling quite awkward. If there was a war between two nations, it would be impossible to leave the city. If she left recklessly, she might even be suspected of being a spy herself. She initially wanted to return to her hometown, but now it seemed best to stay in the capital for the time being.

Then she had to consider her accommodations. Wang Yanqing was determined to cut ties with these people, whether it was the Imperial Guards or the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion. She couldn’t afford to provoke them, but she could still avoid them, right? She took a step back and said: “Then I want to move out of the Lu Mansion. You must promise me that you will never bother me again, and we’ll cut all ties.”

Lu Heng thought to himself that this was absolutely impossible. She was already his wife in both legal and social terms. How could she just decide to cut all ties by herself? But since she was clearly upset, he couldn’t provoke her. Pretending to think it over, Lu Heng reluctantly agreed: “Alright. It happens that the house you were married from was purchased in your name, so you can move there.”

What was the difference between living there and in the Lu Mansion? Wang Yanqing firmly rejected: “No way.”

“That’s my bottom line.” Lu Heng replied just as resolutely, “With assassins from Japan showing up at the wedding, who knows how many more are hiding in the city. How will you find a safe place to stay as a young beautiful girl, all alone in the capital. That house is already in your name, and I’ve taken care of everything inside and out, at least you can feel secure living there.”

Wang Yanqing understood very well that if she accepted this house, she would be using it, and Lu Heng could appear at her home at any time. In that case, her intended boundary would mean nothing. She insisted: “Whether it’s safe or not is my business, it has nothing to do with you.”

Hearing her say, “it has nothing to do with you,” made Lu Heng angry, but he held it back and continued to negotiate from a roundabout approach: “Your parents’ tablets are still in that house. If you don’t care about your own dignity, then what about your parents?”

Wang Yanqing’s expression froze at his words, and she coldly asked: “Are you threatening me?”

“That’s not it.” Without realizing it, Lu Heng had moved closer to Wang Yanqing. He covered the back of her hand, sighing as he said, “To be honest, no matter which house you buy or rent, I will definitely buy up the surrounding properties and arrange for people to protect you. It doesn’t really matter where you live. You might as well go to the house where the wedding was held, at least it will be comfortable.”

Wang Yanqing stared at him, so shocked that she forgot to pull her hand back. Just how shameless could a person be?

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2 thoughts on “TIGR Chapter 100”

  1. Ahahajhajhahahhaa ! She is back with her memories. Lu heng lies are too deep, I would not trust him anymore too. She is doing the right thing by rejecting anymore interaction with those two crazy men.

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