TCPCHW Chapter 97

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 97          Difficult to Achieve

In the main hall of the Prime Minister Mansion.

The atmosphere was tense and oppressive. The door was firmly shut, and the three individuals inside were silent, creating an atmosphere where even the fall of a pin could be heard.

Seated at the head of the hall, Qin Wenzheng’s face was cold and stern. Sitting a short distance away, Song Mei sat with her hands clasped tightly together, her eyes lowered to hide the panic and anxiety she felt.

Qin Wenzheng looked at Fourth Master Qin, who was bound and kneeling in the hall, and spoke in a frosty tone, “What do you mean by saying that Ming’er is your son?”

Fourth Master Qin looked up, about to speak, but his gaze flicked toward Song Mei. He swallowed hard, the words he was about to say died in his throat, and he lowered his head to look at the floor again.

Song Mei gripped her left hand with her right, her nails digging into her palm, leaving deep white marks. She tried to maintain a calm demeanor, but her trembling body betrayed her inner turmoil.

Qin Wenzheng’s eyes narrowed suddenly. With a sharp motion, he hurled the blue-and-white porcelain teacup he was holding to the ground.


At the sound of the cup shattering, Song Mei quickly covered her face, letting out a startled cry.

Fourth Master Qin turned his head away, closing his eyes tightly. However, shards of porcelain and spilled tea still splattered onto his body and face.

Taking a deep breath, Fourth Master Qin looked up and spoke slowly to the head of the hall, “Wenzheng, Prime Minister, you must have misheard.”

Another crash followed as Qin Wenzheng swept the black lacquer tray from the table to the floor. Angrily, he said, “Misheard! Do you think I’m a fool?”

Qin Wenzheng’s chest heaved violently with rapid breathing. He clutched his chest with one hand and stared intensely at Fourth Master Qin, who remained bowed in silence.

Song Mei hurriedly stood up and looked at Qin Wenzheng, speaking urgently, “Prime Minister, you really did mishear. Prime Minister, please…”

Qin Wenzheng held his forehead, closing his eyes tightly. He raised his hand to cut off Song Mei’s words.

His head was pounding, and he had no desire to hear any more of their attempts to cover up the truth.

At this point, asking further questions would not yield any meaningful answers.


After a moment, Prime Minister Qin’s weary voice echoed through the hall, “Fourth Uncle, what’s this about your grain storage operation in Jiangnan? And why did you mortgage the shops and estates to Yu Qingfeng?”

Fourth Master Qin sighed with relief upon hearing this. It seemed that the issue with Ming’er might be temporarily set aside.

However, Song Mei’s grip on her fingers tightened even more. She hoped Fourth Uncle wouldn’t drag her into this.

Fourth Master Qin had heard about the Emperor’s command for the Imperial Court of Judicial Review to thoroughly investigate the grain merchants, and that the shops and estates mortgaged to Yu Qingfeng had not been retrieved.

Faced with the situation, Fourth Master Qin could only tell the truth.

“Previously, our business in the capital was targeted and suppressed maliciously by the Wen Trading Establishment, leading to continuous losses. Even though Madam repeatedly provided financial support, it was a drop in the bucket, futile and ineffective.”

Qin Wenzheng’s chest tightened at hearing Fourth Master Qin refer to Song Mei as “Madam.” He remembered that just earlier, in the garden, Fourth Uncle had called her “Mei Mei.”

Suppressing his anger, Qin Wenzheng listened as Fourth Master Qin continued to recount his blunders.

“I happened to hear you mention that the authorities had issued an order to stabilize grain prices.”

“So, I thought…”

“You thought you could make a fortune by hoarding grain?” Qin Wenzheng interrupted Fourth Master Qin coldly.

“And where is the money? Where is the grain?”

Fourth Master Qin swallowed hard and continued, “The money was all used to purchase the grain, and the grain was all taken by Taizi’s people.”

Had Fourth Master Qin known that the money he spent on grain had all flowed back into Qin Yan’s pocket, he would likely have spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Fourth Master Qin looked at Qin Wenzheng with deep regret and pleading in his eyes.

“Wenzheng, I was blinded by my own greed. Fourth Uncle made a mistake. Please forgive me this once.”


Qin Wenzheng furrowed his brows deeply, his mind racing to figure out the best course of action.

Despite his usual cautious approach, both Fourth Uncle and Song Mei had been with him in the capital for many years, handling numerous matters, yet they still acted recklessly, leaving him with this troublesome issue.

Hoarding grain wasn’t a severe crime by itself, but this year, due to the famine, the Emperor was particularly enraged, leading to heightened scrutiny.

Even so, according to the law, the worst punishment would be exile for two years.

However, if Fourth Uncle refused to cooperate with the Imperial Court of Judicial Review’s investigation, it could bring trouble to Qin Wenzheng. Though not major, the implication could still be significant. Moreover, if political enemies seized the opportunity to use this against him or if Fourth Uncle fled and was captured by rivals who could then coerce him into fabricating accusations against Qin Wenzheng, the situation could become even more complicated.

As for Song Mei’s suggestion of letting Fourth Uncle escape—such an idea was naive. Where could he possibly run to in this world?

If only Shiying were here, she would have offered sound advice…

Qin Wenzheng quickly shook off thoughts he shouldn’t have, realizing that Shiying would no longer be there to provide guidance. He had to deal with these troubles on his own.

Finally, Qin Wenzheng looked at Fourth Master Qin and made his decision.

“Fourth Uncle, I will turn you over to the Imperial Court of Judicial Review.”

Upon hearing this, both Song Mei and Fourth Master Qin were visibly shocked, staring at Qin Wenzheng in disbelief.

“Prime Minister…”


Qin Wenzheng raised his hand and spoke again, “Fourth Uncle, this is not a serious crime. It is best to let the Dali Temple handle it and settle the matter.”

“You only need to tell the truth to the Imperial Court of Judicial Review. I will do my best to help you and reduce your punishment.”

After finishing his statement, Qin Wenzheng called out to the door.


The butler, Zhang Quan, responded and entered the room.

“Prime Minister.”

Qin Wenzheng instructed, “Notify the Imperial Court of Judicial Review and have them send someone over to take Fourth Uncle into custody.”

With that, Qin Wenzheng stood up and walked briskly toward the door.

Zhang Quan summoned servants to escort Fourth Uncle.

“Wenzheng… Wenzheng…”

Fourth Uncle struggled, pleading with Qin Wenzheng, but Qin Wenzheng did not look back as he left the hall.


Song Mei quickly followed Qin Wenzheng out and called out to him in a corridor outside the hall:

“Prime Minister…”

Qin Wenzheng turned his cold gaze back at her.

Song Mei was taken aback by the menacing look in Qin Wenzheng’s eyes, and the words she had intended to use to explain were swallowed back down.

Qin Wenzheng looked down at Song Mei from the top of the two steps and spoke with an icy tone, “I’m giving you one more chance. Are you going to speak up or not?”

Song Mei’s heart skipped a beat. Was it about the stores? The grain hoarding? Or was he still fixated on Ming’er?

“Prime Minister, what do you want me to say? I…”

Song Mei’s voice trembled as she mumbled, but Qin Wenzheng cut her off sharply.


Qin Wenzheng was frustrated with Song Mei’s whining and had no patience for her evasive answers. He turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Song Mei standing alone in the corridor.

In the cold wind, Song Mei’s slender figure swayed as if about to fall. She reached out to steady herself against a nearby red-painted pillar, her hand pressed to her chest as she tried to steady her racing heart.

Although Song Mei was still anxious, she felt a bit more reassured now. No matter what Wenzheng suspected, as long as she denied everything firmly and there was no concrete evidence, there would be no way to pin anything on her.

It would be fine. Everything would be fine.


Qin Wenzheng turned on his heel and went to the study, where he sat alone for a long while.

After an hour, Qin Wenzheng called out to the door, “Zhang Quan.”

The steward Zhang Quan responded and entered.


“Send for the imperial physician,” Qin Wenzheng said, resting his elbows on the desk and pressing his hands to his forehead.

His head was pounding painfully, and his chest ached with every beat. Qin Wenzheng was determined not to let himself be overwhelmed just yet; there were still too many matters left unresolved. Even if he were to die, he wouldn’t do so until everything was clear.

Suddenly, Qin Wenzheng recalled the green outfit that Qin Yan had sent him during the banquet for Song Mei’s promotion to an equal wife.

Qin Yan—did she know something?


Meanwhile, Qin Yan was unaware of the dramatic events unfolding at the Prime Minister Qin Mansion.

Since the Minister of Revenue, Du Xian, had revealed that he had seen the Taizi at the Princess Zhaoren Mansion, many court officials immediately sent congratulatory messages to the Princess Mansion. Naturally, Qin Yan had declined to see guests, citing a need for rest.

However, the previous evening, an imperial edict had arrived from the palace, commanding Princess Zhaoren to meet the Emperor. With no grounds to refuse, Qin Yan had no choice but to accept the summons and prepare for her visit to the palace.

In the morning, after getting ready, Qin Yan stepped out, accompanied by the Taizi, Feng Zhan, who was heading toward the main gate as well.

Outside the Princess Mansion, an imperial carriage belonging to the Taizi was waiting in front of Qin Yan’s carriage.

Without asking about Feng Zhan’s schedule, Qin Yan simply boarded her carriage.

Feng Zhan followed closely, entering Qin Yan’s carriage.

Behind the two carriages were several dozen of the Taizi Mansion’s personal guards in dark armor and another several dozen of the Princess Mansion’s personal guards in silver armor, all in pristine military order and displaying an imposing presence.

Song Zhi rode his horse to Qin Yan’s carriage, while Shen Ying took the front seat, holding the reins. They followed the empty Taizi’s carriage into the city.

Inside the carriage, the two were dressed in elegant garments, having removed their heavy fur cloaks.

Feng Zhan leaned back against a soft cushion, half-reclining on a thick white fur blanket. He held Qin Yan in his arms, drawing another blanket over them both, and closed his eyes to rest.

After a short while, as the carriage entered the official road, Feng Zhan leaned in close to Qin Yan’s ear, his voice low and rumbling, “This carriage is more stable than last time, isn’t it? It’s been reinforced?”

Qin Yan felt a tickling sensation from the warmth of his breath against her ear. She shifted slightly, adjusting her position but kept her gaze lowered.

A moment later, her languid voice responded within the carriage, “I’m afraid of the cold.”

Feng Zhan chuckled softly, his chest vibrating slightly. He tightened his embrace around Qin Yan, pulling her closer to his body.

Feng Zhan couldn’t bear to see Qin Yan suffering in the cold weather; he was merely enjoying the rare tranquility of her company and teasing her a bit.


The Taizi’s carriage entered the city and subsequently into the palace with great fanfare, quickly became the talk of the capital.

Today, while inspecting the Imperial Palace, Xie Changyuan received news of the Taizi’s visit and immediately made his way to the palace.

As the Taizi’s and the Princess’s carriages entered the northern Shenwu Gate of the Imperial City, they encountered Xie Changyuan approaching them.

Recognizing the carriage behind the Taizi’s carriage belonged to Qin Yan, Xie Changyuan’s mind tightened. He approached the Taizi’s carriage and bowed respectfully, “Your Highness, I have a matter to discuss with you.”

There was no response from within the carriage. Song Zhi, coming around from the other side of a vehicle, spoke up, “Shizi Xie, His Highness is in the Princess’s carriage.”

Xie Changyuan’s heart skipped a beat. He quickly glanced back at the carriage.

The curtain on the side of Qin Yan’s carriage was lifted by a hand with distinct knuckles, revealing the Taizi’s angular profile through the window.

The curtain was quickly lowered again.

A low and somewhat gentle voice came from inside the carriage, “Cold?”

Then there was a soft, feminine sound.

It was Qin Yan.

Xie Changyuan’s breath caught in his throat, his heart feeling as if it were being tightly squeezed.

The Taizi’s voice came again from the carriage, “You go ahead; I will join you shortly.”

With that, the Taizi exited the carriage.

The half of the Taizi’s personal guards behind the carriage continued escorting Qin Yan’s carriage forward.

Struggling to suppress his desire to look at the departing carriage, Xie Changyuan addressed the Taizi, “Your Highness, I have an urgent matter.”

Feng Zhan dismissed those around him and looked at Xie Changyuan with a neutral expression.

Xie Changyuan steadied himself and spoke, “Your Highness, may I ask if the matter concerning my wife, Ye Qingli, could be postponed for the moment?”

Knowing the Taizi’s decisive nature, Xie Changyuan had thought it best to come immediately upon learning of his visit, hoping to prevent the Taizi from dealing with Ye Qingli’s matter right away.

Feng Zhan’s brows furrowed slightly, his eyes showing a hint of coldness.

With some embarrassment, Xie Changyuan reluctantly revealed the reason, “She is carrying my child.”


The Taizi’s brows knitted together as he regarded Xie Changyuan, his cousin. His heart was filled with both frustration at Xie Changyuan’s ineptitude and sorrow for his misfortune.

The Taizi spoke coldly, “Changyuan, with the kindness of a woman, it is difficult to achieve great things.”

Noticing the confusion on Xie Changyuan’s face, Feng Zhan called over Song Zhi, “Song Zhi.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Song Zhi responded.

The Taizi instructed Song Zhi while keeping his gaze on Xie Changyuan, “Tell Shizi Xie about his wife’s background.”

After giving this order, the Taizi turned and entered his carriage.

Song Zhi quickly conveyed the details of Ye Qingli’s past to Xie Changyuan. He concluded with, “Shizi Xie, pardon my frankness, but from the information we received, your wife indeed has ulterior motives.”

“Be cautious, Shizi Xie.”

With that, the Taizi’s carriage departed.

Xie Changyuan stood there, shocked and grieving, frozen in place for a long while.

The information Song Zhi provided was something he had been unable to uncover despite sending people to Yizhou for an extended period, likely due to it being tightly concealed by the Emperor of Yizhou.

Xie Changyuan’s heart was filled with pain and sorrow. The realization that Ye Qingli was the illegitimate daughter he despised the most struck him deeply.

He wondered what kind of person he must be to have repeatedly missed the chance with Qin Yan, his rightful fiancée.

He had missed out on Qin Yan’s past and the future he could have had with her.

He felt he had wronged Qin Yan, his mother, and most of all, himself.


When Qin Yan entered the imperial study, Emperor Hui was busy inscribing characters behind his desk.

Emperor Hui instructed Li Fuquan, “Show her a seat.”

Qin Yan took her place at the lower end, and Li Fuquan served her tea before stepping aside.

As Emperor Hui glanced at Qin Yan’s face, which bore a slight resemblance to Shen Shiying, he seemed momentarily lost in thought.

Qin Yan, however, couldn’t help but notice the emperor’s increasing frailty.

After a brief silence, Emperor Hui finally spoke, broaching the subject for which he had summoned Qin Yan, “I have heard about your mother…”

Before he could continue, the voice of a eunuch outside interrupted, “Taizi has arrived.”

At the sound, Taizi Feng Zhan entered, his presence emanating a chill. He walked directly to the large chair beside Qin Yan and took his seat.

Emperor Hui swallowed the words he had yet to utter, leaving the question hanging in the air.


In the Imperial City, within the palace, at Shou’an Palace.

The Empress Dowager sat on a soft couch, while two rows of prominent officials were seated in the hall.

A yellow-robed eunuch quickly walked in and whispered something into the ear of the Chief Eunuch, Xia Ying, and then exited swiftly.

Xia Ying then moved to the side of the Empress Dowager and whispered, “Empress Dowager, His Highness Taizi and Princess Zhaoren have just spent half an hour with the Emperor in the Imperial Study and have now left the palace.”

After speaking, Xia Ying steps aside.

Empress Dowager Xiao’s expression was serious as she looked at the officials in the hall and said, “Do you all believe that the court cannot function without the Taizi?”

The officials in the hall were all taken aback, but remained silent with their heads lowered.

Among them were elders who have served through two reigns and rising new figures, all summoned by the Empress Dowager to discuss state affairs at Shou’an Palace.

Empress Dowager Xiao was granted permission to establish a small court in the Shou’an Palace to discuss national affairs since the late emperor of the previous dynasty. To this day, she was able to meet with external officials at Shou’an Palace without concern for accusations of meddling in politics from the imperial harem. This demonstrated the high status and accumulated power of Empress Dowager Xiao.

However, the officials are only constrained by politeness; in their hearts, they understand the principle of “one dynasty, one set of officials.”

Who wouldn’t want to survive through several reigns? The Empress Dowager would eventually retire. If the throne was not taken by the Second Prince but offended the Taizi instead, then once the Taizi ascended to the throne, the first to be dealt with would be the followers of the Empress Dowager. Seeing the situation, it was better to switch allegiance quickly.


The Empress Dowager, increasingly weary, raised her hand and dismissed the officials.

With the hall empty except for Empress Dowager and the Chief Eunuch Xia Ying, Xia Ying began to massage her shoulders, cautiously speaking, “Your Majesty, there’s no need to overexert yourself. Your health is important.”

The Empress Dowager’s tone was marked by displeasure, “Even you think I am being unnecessary?”

Xia Ying immediately knelt and slapped his own face twice, saying, “Forgive me, Empress Dowager. I spoke out of turn.”

“Enough.” The Empress Dowager had no intention of venting her frustration on her loyal servant.

She turned her gaze to the portrait of the late Emperor on one side of the hall and gave a sarcastic smile.

“Xia Ying, you’ve served me for so many years. Do you know why I have ordered portraits of the late Emperor to be hung in every hall of Shou’an Palace?”

Xia Ying shivered slightly. He knew the answer but could not speak it aloud.

“Forgive me, Empress Dowager. I do not know.”

The Empress Dowager paid no heed to Xia Ying’s evasion and continued speaking to herself, “I need to constantly remind myself that Feng Ji was so ruthless.”

“Feng Ji deprived me of the chance to be a mother and left me childless for life. But this world should have been half mine.”

“Tell me, how can I be content?”

“The Taizi is also disobedient now…”

Feng Ji was the name of the late Emperor. Xia Ying would carry this royal secret to his grave. He quietly listened to the Empress Dowager’s ramblings and then stood up, bowing as he moved to support her.

“Empress Dowager, it’s time to rest.”

The Empress Dowager, exhausted, said nothing more and allowed Xia Ying to help her back to her chambers, where he attended to her rest.

But the Empress Dowager did not wish to sleep. Over the years, she had often found herself restless at night.

The Empress Dowager disliked how her dreams were occasionally haunted by her former husband, Emperor Feng Ji, who had used and feared her, and whom she had sent on his way before he could face her again.

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