TCPCHW Chapter 96

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 96          Appearance

In the imperial city, at Fengtian Gate.

As usual, the court officials arrived before dawn to wait for the grand court assembly. In the biting cold wind, the ministers pulled their hands into their sleeves, gathered in small groups, exhaling white mist, and whispered in hushed tones.

“I heard that Minister Du of the Ministry of Revenue saw the Taizi at the Princess Zhaoren Mansion yesterday?”

“The news is absolutely true. The Taizi Mansion is like an ironclad fortress, but the Princess Zhaoren Mansion, which is separated from the Taizi Mansion only by a wall, might be a potential breakthrough.”

“It seems that the Princess of Zhaoren and the Taizi have a deep relationship.”

“The Second Prince is on the rise. Where does Prime Minister Qin, who is the maternal uncle of the Second Prince, stand?”

“Look at you, don’t you know that the Princess of Zhaoren and Prime Minister Qin are like fire and water?”

“There’s also news from the Ministry of Revenue that Prime Minister Qin has divorced his original wife, Shen Shiying of the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion, who is the Princess of Zhaoren’s biological mother.”

“What, divorce?”

“It can’t be fake. According to colleagues in the Ministry of Revenue, Prime Minister Qin personally handled this matter, and the people from the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion urged the Ministry to move Madam Qin… I mean, now Miss Shen’s household registration back to the Duke Mansion.”

“The Princess of Zhaoren is closer to her maternal family, the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion. So does that mean the Duke Mansion supports the Taizi?”

“The Taizi is the eldest legitimate child of the Empress, the rightful heir to the throne. He has money, grain, and twenty thousand private troops. Even a fool knows which side to support.”

“With the current court situation, it’s not something that can be easily managed by just replacing one prince with another as the taizi. Even if the Empress Dowager supports the Second Prince with her in-law faction, people’s hearts are fickle; having real power in hand is what matters.”

“Ah, the Empress Dowager is getting old.”

“Did you see how Taizi treated the Empress Dowager at the Longevity Festival? Taizi clearly showed her no respect; she must be swallowing her anger.”

“Perhaps it’s also because they haven’t reached an agreement on the selection of the Crown Princess.”

“The Princess of Zhaoren is wealthy and influential, talented and beautiful. The Empress Dowager is…”


“His Majesty has arrived,” Li Fuquan announced loudly as he placed the feather duster on his arm.

The officials immediately bowed and knelt, “Long live Your Majesty!”

“Rise,” Li Fuquan’s sharp voice echoed at the palace doors.

The court officials entered the Fengtian Hall, where Emperor Hui ascended the throne to handle state affairs.

The atmosphere in the Feng Tian Hall was still grim, as the difficulties with finances and grain had caused a slow implementation of government affairs, leaving the Emperor with little to cheer about.

“Your Majesty, up to now, the fundraising for disaster relief has collected over one million taels of silver, but this is still far from enough.”

“Your Majesty, the wealthy families have stockpiled grain, most of which was purchased a month ago. However, the grain is now stored in the granaries set up by the Taizi in various provinces. I earnestly request Your Majesty to instruct the Taizi to release the grain.”

“Your Majesty, if the grain transportation is delayed any further, the losses will be even greater. The transportation of grain cannot be postponed any longer.”

“Your Majesty…”

Emperor Hui’s expression grew somber as he looked at the Second Prince, Feng Xian, “What is the status of the imperial grain shipments by sea?”

Feng Xian’s expression became slightly awkward. He answered stiffly, “Imperial Father, I am in negotiations with the Ji family in Xuzhou.”

What Feng Xian did not say was that, in reality, he had run into difficulties with Madam Ji Qi.

Feng Xian had met Madam Ji Qi once before, and the head of the Ji family had been relatively polite to him.

Feng Xian, being in power now, had thought that Madam Ji Qi would have no objections to his demands. However, the reply from the Ji family was, “The ships have already been booked by the Taizi Mansion.”

Feng Xian understood what this meant. Although the Crown Prince appeared to be quietly resting in his residence, he had secretly made numerous preparations.

Emperor Hui closed his eyes, still negotiating?

That meant nothing had been accomplished.

After the court session, Emperor Hui summoned several officials to the Imperial Study. Each of them advised His Majesty to request the Taizi’s return to assist in governing the country.

Emperor Hui understood that what they really wanted was for the Taizi to return to oversee the country.

At least during the Taizi’s regency, these officials did not have to use their own resources to support the treasury.

Emperor Hui was exhausted from dealing with the Empress Dowager, and given the current situation, it seemed the Taizi had no intention of showing any pretense to the Empress Dowager. Therefore, the Taizi would have to come back to manage the chaos.

Emperor Hui sighed deeply. A few years ago, the Taizi used the support of Empress Dowager and the old ministers to wrest power from him.

Now, he had to ask the Taizi to return to oversee the country.

To reach Feng Zhan’s level, the heir to the throne made even Emperor Hui secretly envious.

Well, so be it.


Due to the widespread disasters across the regions, the current Prime Minister Qin Wenzheng and the Minister of the Ministry of War, He Yanming, were trying to keep their children’s wedding arrangements as simple as possible. They wanted to avoid drawing attention during these sensitive times to prevent any criticism from the Imperial Censor Bureau.

Of course, by doing this, Prime Minister Qin could also reduce household expenses.

On the morning of Qin Nian and He Xiao’s wedding, the Prime Minister Qin Mansion was filled with festive decorations. However, Qin Wenzheng and Song Mei were both deeply concerned. The reason was that the dowry Qin Yan had promised for Qin Nian had not yet been delivered.

As the time for the wedding procession approached, Song Mei grew increasingly anxious.

“Prime Minister, should we send someone to inquire again with Qin Yan?”

Prime Minister Qin’s face was stern, and he did not respond.

Unable to sit still, Song Mei continued to plead, “Prime Minister…”

“Enough.” Qin Wenzheng, feeling impatient, was as anxious as anyone. He knew he should send someone to urge Qin Yan, but with the items in her possession, if she were angered, they might end up with nothing at all.

Moreover, Qin Wenzheng had to consider Qin Ming’s future. If he could mend the relationship between Qin Yan and the Prime Minister Mansion…

“Prime Minister, what about the old lady?” Song Mei’s voice interrupted Qin Wenzheng’s thoughts.

Qin Wenzheng’s brows furrowed even more deeply upon hearing this.

In recent days, to save on expenses, the household has cut down on various costs. However, organizing Qin Nian’s wedding was still a significant expenditure.

Qin Wenzheng had turned to Old Madam Qin to borrow from her private funds but had been flatly refused.

The old lady had spoken rather bluntly, “Why would you use a woman’s money?”

But once she said this, both Old Madam Qin and Prime Minister Qin were left awkwardly speechless.

They had used Shen Shiying’s money without hesitation for so many years.

The old lady was also tightening her purse. For her granddaughter Qin Nian’s dowry, she had only provided a single set of accessories.

Prime Minister Qin returned in frustration, but in the following days, Song Mei persistently urged him to ask the old lady for more dowry. Qin Wenzheng was increasingly vexed by this.


“The groom has arrived,” announced the servants outside sang loudly and joyfully.

Both Prime Minister Qin and Song Mei were momentarily taken aback.

With no time left, they had no choice but to proceed with sending Qin Nian out of the room first.

Although He Xiao was reluctant about the marriage, the situation was beyond his control. The He family could not afford to offend the Right Prime Minister’s family or cause them any embarrassment. Upon returning from Jiangnan, He Xiao was ordered by He Yanming to prepare for the wedding and come in person to welcome his bride.

However, He Xiao had secretly made a questionable move: he had sent a small carriage that morning to Shuyu Lane by Qianshui Lake to bring Nanxu into the He Mansion.

In other words, on the very day of He Xiao’s marriage, he took a beautiful concubine in advance.

He Yanming was helpless about this situation, but as long as He Xiao complied with the wedding arrangements, he considered it a blessing. He Yanming only requested that the matter of the concubine be kept quiet for now.

As the bridal procession made its way to the He Mansion amidst the celebration, guests at the event, though smiling on the surface, were buzzing with gossip and exchanging whispers.

“Did you hear? Second Young Lady Qin had a miscarriage in Yangzhou last month.”

“I hadn’t heard that. It’s all over the place. Since Second Young Lady Qin and Young Master He was married soon after arriving in the capital, the child she lost must have been his.”

“I attended the Mid-Autumn Night Banquet in the Imperial Garden and heard that Imperial Concubine Xian and Imperial Concubine Shu caught a pair of wild mandarin ducks that night. Could it have Young Master He and Second Young Lady Qin?”

“After that, Young Master He broke off his engagement with Young Lady Wang from the Left Prime Minister Mansion and immediately became betrothed to Second Young Lady Qin from the Right Prime Minister Mansion. It’s not a coincidence; clearly, Young Master He and Second Young Lady Qin must have been secretly involved before.”

“Although He Xiao has a notorious reputation, Second Young Lady Qin is no pushover. Her mother was a concubine who rose to a prominent position, and now she’s even been elevated to the status of an equal wife by Prime Minister Qin.”

“Taking the place of the Eldest Young Lady Wang, that’s quite something.”

“I heard Prime Minister Qin has even divorced his first wife, Shen Shiying from the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion.”

“Is that true…”



After the wedding ceremony was completed, the banquet began.

At the main entrance of the He Mansion, there was a bit of commotion.

The commotion was due to a gift sent by the Princess of Zhaoren Mansion, a substantial one at that.

A country estate and six shop deeds.

When this news reached the banquet hall, the Minister of the War, He Yanming, gratefully acknowledged the generous gift from the Princess of Zhaoren, repeatedly expressing his thanks.

However, Prime Minister Qin and Song Mei’s faces immediately darkened.

Indeed, Qin Yan had delivered on her promise by sending properties and shop deeds, but instead of adding to the dowry, she had sent a gift directly to the He family!

A country estate and six shops…

Song Mei suddenly realized that the quantity matched the properties they had gradually acquired over the years.

Qin Yan wasn’t just repaying; she was clearly severing ties with them.


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The guests at the banquet began to murmur among themselves.

“The Princess of Zhaoren truly lives up to her reputation for generosity, such a grand gift!”

“There were rumors that the Princess lacked manners and was as ugly as a she-demon, but who spread such nonsense?”

“Indeed, I had the privilege of seeing the Princess from afar, and her beauty is truly unmatched.”

“For the wedding of her sister, sending such a grand gift shows that the Princess is very considerate toward the Qin family.”

“With a daughter like that, Prime Minister Qin is truly fortunate…”


Xie Changyuan also took the time to attend the banquet and enjoy the festivities, but he wore a serious expression and drank his wine in silence.

Someone, having had a bit too much to drink, jested with Xie Changyuan, “Such a great beauty and generous dowry from the Princess of Zhaoren—are you regretting not having her as a betrothed, Xie Shizi?”

Xie Changyuan’s eyes grew cold. At that moment, a servant announced at the door, “Marquis of Yongding, and Madam Shizi.”

It was Xie An and Ye Qingli.

The guests stood up to greet the Marquis of Yongding.

Marquis of Yongding, Xie An, looked in good spirits today, while Ye Qingli, by his side, had shed her youthful innocence and gained a more mature charm.

If it weren’t known that Ye Qingli was Xie Changyuan’s wife, many might mistake the newly arrived couple for a loving older pair of husband and wife.

The guests couldn’t help but marvel at how well the daughter-in-law of the Marquis of Yongding Mansion seemed to get along with her father-in-law.

The crowd then cast their ambiguous glances toward Xie Changyuan, who remained seated and silent at the table.

Ye Qingli also followed the gaze of those around her, looking at her husband, Xie Changyuan, who had a sullen expression.

Seeing that he only cast a cold glance at her before turning his attention away, Ye Qingli forced a self-deprecating smile and allowed the servants of the He family to lead her to the women’s seating area.


Sharp-eyed guests immediately recognized that Madam Shizi Xie, the sister of the Emperor of Yizhou, was indeed the A Yan girl that Shizi Xie had frequently taken with him over the years.

They also recalled that on the Emperor’s longevity celebration, this A Yan, who was now Madam Shizi Xie, had embarrassed herself publicly and offended the Princess of Zhaoren and Master Yishan.

From the current situation, it seemed that Shizi Xie and his wife were not getting along well.

A Yan, however, was in high spirits. She paid no mind to the disdainful or inquisitive gazes of others. With her status as the sister of the Emperor of Yizhou and now Xie Changyuan’s legitimate wife, no one dared to gossip in her presence; they could only flatter and revere her.

As Ye Qingli picked up a small piece of steamed fish from her plate and put it in her mouth, a sudden wave of intense nausea surged through her.

She immediately covered her mouth and started to dry heave.

“What’s going on?”

“What happened to Madam Xie?”

“Quick, someone helps!”

Noticing the commotion, He Yanming hurried over, and beside him, the Marquis of Yongding, Xie An, quickly outpaced him to reach Ye Qingli’s side. He Yanming was momentarily stunned but soon followed.

Xie An reached Ye Qingli’s side, fighting the urge to touch her, and asked with concern and urgency, “What’s wrong? Where are you feeling unwell?”

Ye Qingli continued to dry heave and couldn’t speak.

As the He Mansion had many nobles present, they had already arranged for a doctor to be on standby. He Yanming immediately summoned the doctor and arranged a guest room for Ye Qingli to rest.

Xie An clenched his fists but eventually relaxed, turning his gaze to Xie Changyuan, who remained seated, calmly drinking as if nothing had happened.

Xie An was unable to follow Ye Qingli to the guest room of He Mansion. Apart from the female relatives, the only qualified person here was his son Xie Changyuan. However, Xie An strongly did not want Xie Changyuan to be in the same room as Ye Qingli. Amid the battle between heaven and man, Xie An ultimately returned to his seat without saying a word.

Within a short period, the doctor returned to the banquet and walked directly to Xie Changyuan.

“Congratulations, Shizi Xie. Your esteemed wife is with child.”

The doctor’s announcement was clear and unrestrained, confirming the guests’ suspicions based on Ye Qingli’s reaction.

“So, it was morning sickness after all.”

“Congratulations, Shizi Xie!”

“Congratulations, Shizi Xie!”


Xie Changyuan’s body stiffened abruptly, his eyes widening in shock. He then closed his eyes, trying to mask his pain and despair.

Xie An, meanwhile, struggled to suppress his joy, his calm demeanor failing to hide the trembling of his hands, revealing his inner emotions.

The child in Ye Qingli’s womb could indeed be…


At this moment, He Xiao had also left the bridal chamber and went to the banquet to drink. He happened to overhear the physician’s announcement to Xie Changyuan.

He Xiao was one of the few who knew the inside story and could understand Xie Changyuan’s feelings at this moment.

Despite He Xiao’s reputation, after the previous incident in Yangzhou where he lost a child by mistake, he had developed a certain sympathy and understanding for familial bonds.

He patted Xie Changyuan on the shoulder and leaned to whisper, “Nanxu is carrying my child. I’ve brought her into the mansion.”

Xie Changyuan turned to look at He Xiao, his brows slightly furrowed.

He Xiao sighed lightly and said, “Shizi Xie, everything is fate, and we have little control over it. Try to see it through.”

“Since Shizi Xie’s child and mine could be a boy and a girl, why not arrange a marriage between them?”

Then He Xiao suddenly remembered something and quickly added, “Of course, I’m referring to my legitimate child.”

Xie Changyuan’s eyes betrayed a trace of barely perceptible conflict and pain. He raised his drink and downed it in one gulp.

What Xie Changyuan was considering wasn’t really the issue of legitimacy or status.

It was that this child was coming at an inopportune time and really shouldn’t exist.

That night, He Xiao did not go to the bridal chamber but instead went to the side courtyard to Nanxu’s room.

Although Nanxu was pregnant and should not be overworked, He Xiao, perhaps due to his conscience awakening after the Yangzhou incident, felt a sense of responsibility as a father and even looked forward to the child in Nanxu’s womb.

Meanwhile, Qin Nian, who was left alone in the bridal chamber, had thrown several cups in frustration.

Even though she had no desire for more interaction with He Xiao, his actions humiliated her and turned her into a laughingstock on the first day of their marriage.

Of course, this would have to be settled later.


In the capital city, at the residence of the Princess of Zhaoren in the Xishan.

Inside the bedroom, a floor heater was burning, and a delicate incense was wafting through the air.

Qin Yan, clad in a thin, sheer garment, lay propped up on a couch, one hand supporting her head.

Across from her, Feng Zhan sat at a writing desk, his deep, penetrating eyes occasionally shifting from Qin Yan to the paper before him.

“Master, the Prime Minister has arrived and requested an audience,” came the voice of Shen Ying from outside.

At this, neither Qin Yan nor Feng Zhan changed their positions or reacted to Shen Ying’s announcement.

After a moment, Feng Zhan set down his brush.

Qin Yan slowly rose, her fair, delicate feet stepping onto the pleasantly warm floor.

She approached Feng Zhan’s side, resting her arm on his broad shoulder, and leaned over to look at the artwork on the desk.

Tsk, Taizi’s painting skills are indeed impressive.


Qin Yan leaned in closer, her lips brushing against Feng Zhan’s ear, her breath soft and warm.

“Your Highness, does this garment on me seem out of place in the painting?”

Feng Zhan’s eyes darkened. He drew Qin Yan into his embrace, bending down to press his lips to hers, his voice deep and hoarse.

“Such a sight of you  like this is not meant for anyone else to see.”

Qin Yan’s hand curled around Feng Zhan’s neck, and she smiled at his handsome face.

Feng Zhan’s gaze softened. He held the back of Qin Yan’s head and kissed her forcefully and possessively.

The room was filled with intimacy.

An hour later, after Shen Ying’s announcement, Qin Yan, now fully dressed, emerged from the room.

“Where is he?”

“Your Highness, Prime Minister Qin is still in the conference hall.”


In the hall, Prime Minister Qin’s expression grew darker as he waited. When Qin Yan finally arrived, her slow, deliberate movements only fueled his frustration further, though he could not vent it.

“Qin Yan, I have finalized the divorce with your mother, and you should keep your promise. What is the meaning of the property and shops you sent to the He Mansion today? Wasn’t it agreed that these would be part of your sister Qin Nian’s dowry?”

Qin Yan picked up her teacup, lightly sniffed it, took a small sip, then set it down and looked at Qin Wenzheng with an indifferent expression.

“Prime Minister Qin, there’s something you taught me.”

Qin Wenzheng was momentarily taken aback, not understanding what she meant.

Qin Yan continued calmly, “Marriage is a union of two. When a woman marries, her dowry becomes her husband’s. So why does it matter whether what I send is considered a dowry or a gift?”

Qin Wenzheng’s face twitched.


Qin Yan persisted in her calm tone, “Prime Minister Qin, didn’t my mother also give her dowry to her husband? So why should Qin Nian lack this awareness?”

“This fosters harmony between husband and wife. Prime Minister Qin, don’t you agree?”

Qin Wenzheng was left speechless, unable to counter Qin Yan’s words.

What more could he say?


When Prime Minister Qin returned to the city, the moon hung high in the sky.

Qin Wenzheng had a splitting headache, constantly rubbing his forehead in the swaying carriage.

He had little attachment to Qin Nian’s dowry. His main concern was that Ming’er would eventually need to marry, and according to Ming’er’s reports, Qin Yan, his eldest daughter, had been quite supportive. He hoped she would continue to assist Ming’er.

After returning to his mansion, his headache showed no signs of easing. He walked into the garden, hoping the night air would help clear his muddled mind.

Gazing at the high walls separating the garden from Xi Garden, he recalled the vibrant, radiant woman from back then.

Shiying, I wonder what our next meeting will be like.


At this moment, voices of an argument between a man and a woman suddenly emerged from the corner of the rock garden.

Qin Wenzheng frowned, thinking it was just some servants making a commotion.

But the increasingly familiar voices of the arguing pair left him frozen in shock.

“Why is Fourth Uncle here at the Prime Minister Mansion again? Wasn’t it agreed that you’d leave with the money and stay away from the family?”

“Mei Mei, just let me see Ming’er once more, just a glance from afar will do.”

“Fourth Uncle, isn’t the situation chaotic enough? Leave now, Wenzheng will be back soon.”

“If I leave now, who knows when I can return. Let me see him one last time—after all, Ming’er is my son…”

A loud crash of a broken flowerpot abruptly interrupted the man’s words.

Qin Wenzheng’s face turned ashen. He walked step by step toward the arguing pair.

“What do you mean, Ming’er is your son, Fourth Uncle?”

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