TCPCHW Chapter 111

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 111        Staging a Scene

Qin Yan took a step up, climbed a couple of steps, and approached Ning Wang. She said in a calm voice, “Ning Wang.”

Ning Wang Feng Sui nodded slightly, looking at Qin Yan with a clear, crisp tone, “Taizifei.”

Qin Yan glanced ahead where illuminated by a nearby palace lantern, she could see Taizi Feng Zhan standing under an old plum tree, also draped in a dark cloak.

In front of Feng Zhan, separated by Song Zhi, was a woman wrapped in a white fox fur cloak.

Qin Yan slightly raised her eyebrows, holding a gilded warming stove in her hand. She stood leisurely in the dimly lit area, watching the scene with an air of detached curiosity.

Ning Wang Feng Sui turned his gaze from Qin Yan’s face and looked towards the blooming plum blossom grove where the Taizi was. He spoke softly, “Taizi’s entourages are always more, not less.”

Qin Yan didn’t respond. Although she had seen Ning Wang on a few public occasions before, today was the first time they were speaking privately. She wasn’t familiar enough with him to engage in personal discussions about her husband.


After finishing his discussions in the Southern Study, Taizi Feng Zhan was summoned by the Empress to Kunning Palace.

After several delays, he finally exited the palace gates at dusk.

As he watched the nightfall and the snowflakes drift down, Feng Zhan regretted letting Qin Yan go to Taiye Pool for the ice festivities today.

Is she cold?

Instead of taking his carriage, Feng Zhan mounted a tall steed and rode swiftly towards the Xi Garden, with Song Zhi immediately following on horseback.

Upon entering the Xi Garden, Feng Zhan dismounted and began walking quickly towards Taiye Pool. Suddenly, a woman emerged from a side path and ran towards him. Song Zhi immediately stepped in, intercepting her about five or six steps away from the Taizi.

The woman, upon seeing the Taizi, attempted to curtsy but, having run too quickly twisted her ankle and fell to the ground with a cry.

Song Zhi instinctively reached out to help her but quickly withdrew his hand, taking a step back as he realized it might be inappropriate.

Seeing who it was, Song Zhi said, “Second Young Lady An?”

The woman was indeed An Suyue, the second daughter of the Grand Scholar An Shi Feng. At seventeen years old, she was the half-sister of the eldest daughter, An Yanxi, as they shared the same father but had different mothers.

Despite the pain in her ankle, An Suyue forced herself to stand and continued to bow to the Taizi with a trembling voice, “Thank you, Your Highness Taizi.”

Standing nearby, Song Zhi was puzzled.

What exactly was Young Lady An thanking the Taizi for? Shouldn’t she be thanking me instead?

Song Zhi quickly recalled the recent incident with Imperial Concubine Ning and felt uneasy.

Fortunately, the Taizifei wasn’t present to witness this scene…

Feng Zhan glanced briefly at An Suyue’s cloak, then withdrew his gaze and continued to stride forward.

Seeing this, An Suyue quickly hopped sideways on one foot, positioning herself in front of the Taizi to block his path.

Feng Zhan’s eyes narrowed dangerously, and a chill emanated from him.

Song Zhi stepped forward quickly, preparing to escort the clueless Young Lady An away. However, before he could act, An Suyue spoke up in a delicate voice, “Your Highness Taizi, have you seen a little rabbit come this way? It’s a small rabbit with an injured leg. If we don’t find it tonight, it will surely freeze to death in the snow. It’s so pitiful…”

An Suyue, not particularly tall, looked up with a worried expression at the Taizi, who was only two steps away from her.

Song Zhi, who had dealt with numerous women vying for Taizi’s attention over the years, recognized the situation immediately. Young Lady An was clearly here intending to catch Taizi’s eye.

Song Zhi noticed that Taizi’s expression was getting darker and darker. Taizi was likely restraining his anger out of respect for Grand Scholar An. Just as Song Zhi was about to step forward, a familiar, mocking female voice rang out from not far away, “An injured little rabbit?”

Feng Zhan lifted his gaze. As soon as he saw Qin Yan, the coldness in his eyes transformed into warmth.

However, when he noticed the man standing next to Qin Yan, his eyes grew suddenly cold again.

Ning Wang.

Feng Zhan bypassed An Suyue and strode quickly toward Qin Yan, stopping just a step away from her.

He extended a large hand, pulling Qin Yan into his embrace and looking down at her, “We are going back.”

Ning Wang maintained a composed demeanor, aware that he had no standing to challenge the Taizi in this moment. He bowed slightly and addressed him, “Taizi.”

Taizi tightened his grip on the pure white silver fox fur cloak draped over Qin Yan’s shoulders, then looked up at Ning Wang with a frosty gaze.

Feng Zhan nodded toward Ning Wang, then took Qin Yan by the hand and started walking in the direction they had come from.

An Suyue remained by the side of the path. Seeing Taizi and Qin Yan approaching, she quickly curtsied and said, “Your Highness Taizi, Taizifei.”

Feng Zhan did not pause and continued walking with Qin Yan.

Qin Yan glanced at An Suyue’s cloak, which was quite similar to her own but with some discoloration.

She halted, then turned her head to meet Feng Zhan’s gaze, her tone cool, “In this icy world, an injured rabbit indeed doesn’t have much of a chance to survive.”

An Suyue looked up in response to Qin Yan’s words, “Taizi…”

But Qin Yan’s voice continued, cutting off An Suyue’s attempt to speak, “Shen Ying.”

“Master.” Shen Ying stepped forward.

Qin Yan instructed Shen Ying, but her gaze remained fixed on An Suyue’s face.

“Send someone to find that poor rabbit and have it sent to the Princess Mansion. Let the kitchen roast it tonight and serve it as a late-night snack for me and His Highness Taizi.”

An Suyue’s eyes widened in shock, her face showing disbelief.

Qin Yan then turned to Feng Zhan, “Your Highness, what do you think?”

Shen Ying knew that her master would never actually eat a rabbit of unknown origin. Besides, it was uncertain whether there was even a rabbit in the Xi Garden as the young lady had described.

Shen Ying turned to arrange for a few guards to search for the rabbit.

An Suyue seemed both anxious and heartbroken, “Taizifei, the little rabbit is already so pitiful. How can you be so cruel…”

Taizi’s cold gaze shot toward An Suyue. She immediately shivered and fell silent.

Feng Zhan gently squeezed Qin Yan’s delicate hands, looking down at her with a soft tone, “I haven’t eaten yet.”

Qin Yan…

Haven’t eaten yet…

Feng Zhan continued to lead Qin Yan away with purposeful strides.

After Qin Yan and Taizi had moved further away, An Suyue let go of her previously worried expression.

It seemed that Taizifei Qin Yan was indeed as domineering and cold as the rumors suggested.

Such a woman would eventually make the Taizi unable to bear it.

One wondered whether the Taizi would remember today how different An Suyue was from Qin Yan, with her innocence and kindness.

Men, after all, are often attracted to novelty…

One must act the part well. An Suyue continued to call out softly as she walked toward the plum blossom grove.

“Little bunny…”

As for Ning Wang, he did not withdraw his gaze until the Taizi and Qin Yan’s figures had disappeared from view. He then turned and continued his way toward the Taiye Pool.

Qin Yan…

Do you understand the filth and corruption of the imperial family…


On the way back, as soon as they got into the carriage, Feng Zhan forcefully kissed Qin Yan, and soon after, things inside the carriage became uncontrollable.

Feng Zhan left his mark on Qin Yan, his scent, and everything about him.

Outside the carriage, Shen Ying and Song Zhi, who were sitting on horseback, could hear the commotion coming from inside and were somewhat flushed and embarrassed.

It wasn’t until they arrived at the entrance of the Princess Mansion that the Taizi and Qin Yan finally got out of the carriage.

The two of them then proceeded directly to the bathhouse.

Soaking in the steaming pool, Feng Zhan noticed that Qin Yan’s mood seemed off.

Feng Zhan leaned in and softly spoke near Qin Yan’s ear as he continued his movements, “Yan Yan, what’s wrong?”

Qin Yan was silent for a moment before slowly speaking, “Today at Taiye Pool, someone took action against the Qin sisters because of me.”

Feng Zhan was somewhat troubled that Qin Yan remained clear-headed at such a moment, but he understood the implication of her words.

That day, when Madam Zhu, the wife of the Minister of Works, visited the Princess Mansion to deliver gifts to Qin Yan, Feng Zhan, upon seeing the portraits of various men she had brought, instructed Song Zhi to investigate the situation. This led him to understand roughly why the Qin sisters had encountered their current predicament.

Feng Zhan cupped Qin Yan’s delicate face in his large hands, his deep-set eyes fixed on her beautiful phoenix eyes, and said in a low, serious tone, “They brought this upon themselves. If they seek benefits, they must also be aware of the risks that come with them.”

Qin Yan sighed softly, then spoke, “If one day I lose power…”

Feng Zhan’s long, dark eyes narrowed slightly. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers in a deep kiss.

As their lips parted, Feng Zhan murmured, “With me here, you don’t need to worry about anything.”

“You only need to just think of me.”

Feng Zhan continued his movements, and as the water in the bath splashed higher, the room became enveloped in a tender and intoxicating atmosphere.


The next day, at the Qin Mansion of the Minister of Works.

Though Qin Lin had fallen into the ice pool yesterday, her health was robust. She had only caught a slight chill, and there were no serious consequences.

Wrapped in blankets, with her back resting against a soft pillow, Qin Lin gazed at the drapes beside her bed with her thoughts wandering.

Before leaving the Xi Garden yesterday, Feng Subei had called her over, dismissed everyone else, and spoke with her privately.

The man had been straightforward, not beating around the bush. His voice was low and pleasant, and his gaze was as focused and earnest as it had been before.

“Qin Lin, would you be willing to become my concubine?”

Qin Lin was stunned on the spot. Feng Subei was so direct.

Her heart raced, and though reason told her she should refuse decisively, she couldn’t bring herself to do so.

Feng Subei noticed Qin Lin’s hesitation but was relieved that she hadn’t immediately refused, “I will give you time to consider.”

Feng Subei’s words echoed in Qin Lin’s mind, over and over.

Feng Subei, the only son of the Duan Wang, had a noble status. His demeanor, cultivation, and appearance were all impeccable.

When he looked at her with such focused attention, it was easy to get lost in his gentle gaze.

Yesterday, Feng Subei had shielded her with such speed at the Taiye Pool, even falling into the lake with her, leaving no time for him to think things through.

Qin Lin knew that Feng Subei had more than just a slight interest in her; at least, it seemed so at the moment.

Such a man was hard to ignore.


Did Feng Subei also look at the Shizifei of Duan Wang Mansion with the same gaze?


A few knocks on the door interrupted Qin Lin’s thoughts.

Qin Xi entered with a bamboo basket full of walnuts and moved a small embroidered stool to sit by Qin Lin’s bed.

Qin Xi glanced at Qin Lin’s complexion and then nodded with satisfaction, saying, “You’re looking quite well.”

She then began to carefully shell the walnuts with a pair of pincers.

“Mother sent me to shell some walnuts for you, saying I should keep you company and not let you go out and play.”

“Ridiculous, when have I ever gone out to play without bringing you along? Without you covering for me, how could I have enjoyed myself?”

“I was supposed to go to Qianshui Lake to play on the ice with Su Qing today, but I canceled to stay with you.”

At this, Qin Lin turned her gaze to Qin Xi with a somewhat serious tone, “If you go out with Su Qing, make sure to bring proper guards and don’t discuss the affairs of the mansion with him.”

“Got it, got it,” Qin Xi interrupted Qin Lin’s scolding as she continued to shell walnuts and pop them into her own mouth.

“Hey Qin Lin, yesterday, you did push me a bit too hard, but it was thoughtful of you.”

Qin Xi suddenly gave Qin Lin a mischievous smile and asked with a hint of mystery, “You said you didn’t know the Shizi of Duan Wang before, but if you really didn’t know him, would he have jumped into the pool to save you in such cold weather without hesitation?”

“Come on, tell me, how did you two actually meet?”

Qin Lin lowered her gaze to the basket of walnuts on Qin Xi’s lap and asked, “Aren’t these walnuts that Mother asked you to shell meant for me?”

Qin Xi was momentarily stunned, then grinned and said, “Oops, I almost forgot.”

“Come, I feel sorry for you, Sister.”

Qin Xi immediately shelled a handful of walnuts and handed them to Qin Lin.

Qin Lin took them with her delicate white hand, and popped one into her mouth, but found it slightly bitter, probably because of the thin skin on the walnut.

Qin Xi, who was easily distracted, forgot about the previous topic once the conversation shifted.

After munching on a handful of walnuts, Qin Xi suddenly remembered something and asked, “Qin Lin, since you’re still unwell, will you be able to go on the winter hunt?”

Qin Lin didn’t respond.

Qin Xi continued on her own, “We missed the autumn hunt, but I definitely want to go see the winter hunt.”

“It would be great if I could personally hunt a deer and use it for hot pot.”

Qin Xie daydreamed for a moment, then suddenly excitedly said, “Look at my memory, today I heard some truly good news.”

Qin Xie’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Qin Lin with a “come on, ask me” expression.

Seeing that Qin Lin only gave her an indifferent look without saying anything, Qin Xie pouted and said, “Yesterday, our elder sister, the Taizifei, dealt with several young masters and young ladies after the ice festival. It turns out it was them who pushed the ice sculpture into us.”

“I heard those people were pushed into the icy waters of the Taiye Pool by the Northern Imperial Army guards and were kept there for an entire incense stick’s worth of time.”

“One of the girls had a high fever last night and almost didn’t make it through.”

“Tsk, tsk, really satisfying.”

“I’ll tell you, Qin Lin, those people were indeed Qin Nian and Qin Ming’s little followers. They must have been jealous of how close we are to our elder sister.”

“Do they really think it’s worth it? If they had the ability, they should also send handsome men to our elder sister…”

“Winter hunting, let’s be careful.” Qin Xie’s words were interrupted by Qin Lin.

“Who’s afraid of whom?” Qin Xie raised her chin defiantly, but then suddenly changed her tone.


“Eh, Qin Lin, are you still going?”

Qin Lin didn’t answer. Even with her illness, she still wanted to go on the winter hunt in the western suburbs, and she was well aware of her own reasons.

Qin Xi continued peeling walnuts and chatting away, while Qin Lin’s thoughts were far from the gossip.

Due to their mother’s merchant background, they often heard people gossiping behind their backs, filled with disdain and contempt.

As a result, they rarely attended the banquets hosted by the wives of high-ranking officials.

Now, even though their father had been promoted to the position of Minister, their situation in the capital, where high-ranking families were numerous, wouldn’t see much improvement.

The idle chatter they heard yesterday, and even the underhanded actions taken against them, were indeed due to envy over their proximity to the Taizifei.

Qin Lin knew in her heart that even if their mother didn’t ask the Taizifei to take care of them, they would still be targeted.

As the family members of an official in the capital, and especially as relatives of the Taizifei, there was never a notion of staying out of trouble. They would always be caught in the whirlpool.

If they didn’t strive to rise above, would they just be trampled on by others…

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