TCPCHW Chapter 107

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 107        Winter Solstice

On the day of the winter solstice, the yin energy reaches its peak, and the yang energy begins to rise.

According to tradition, on this day, the emperor should lead a ceremony in the southern suburbs of the capital to offer sacrifices to the heavens, praying for peace and prosperity in the coming year.

Emperor Hui, citing poor health, delegated the task to Taizi Feng Zhan, who would preside over the sacrificial ceremony in his place.

Two days before the ceremony, the Taizi had to travel to the Imperial Ancestral Temple, escorted by ceremonial guards, and spend the night there to prepare for the event.

Feng Zhan was displeased with the detailed schedule set out by the Ministry of Rites, though Qin Yan, on the other hand, was more than happy to enjoy a bit of leisure. However, shortly after Feng Zhan departed, Qin Yan received an imperial decree from Emperor Hui, summoning her to the palace on the day of the winter solstice.

Qin Yan had some suspicions. In the Imperial Study that day, the Emperor had left something unsaid…

On the day before the ceremony, Taizi Feng Zhan arrived at the fasting palace to observe ritual purification through fasting and bathing.

The Imperial Ministry of Rites notified various government offices to prepare for the suburban sacrifices. Starting at noon, they began setting up the altar and raising the celestial lantern poles. From that time onward, nearby temples were prohibited from ringing bells or beating drums to maintain an atmosphere of utmost reverence and sincerity.

On the day of the winter solstice, in the dead of night, everything was silent, with only the faint sound of the wind brushing against the ceremonial ornaments.

The Taizi, wearing a golden crown and a blue ceremonial robe, draped in a black cloak, set out for the suburban altar.

As the drums and music resounded, the arrival of the Heavenly Emperor to receive the sacrifices was announced.

The sacrificial ceremony began with the sound of music, as civil and military officials, dressed in their court robes, stood solemnly, listening to the praises. The atmosphere was one of dignity and reverence.

After the main sacrifice to the heavens, additional sacrifices were made to the Twelve Palace Gods and the Hundred Stars.

Following the conclusion of the ceremonies, the Taizi returned to the fasting palace. By then, dawn was breaking. After rewarding his officials and attendants, the Taizi set out to return to the capital.

During this period, thanks to the Taizi Mansion’s efforts in opening the granaries to distribute food, grain prices had returned to their levels at the beginning of the year. With funds being gradually allocated to various departments, the government was beginning to operate smoothly again, and the common people resumed their usual winter routines, feeling a sense of ease and comfort. This allowed them to embrace the winter solstice festivities with a more relaxed heart, celebrating the traditional Winter Greetings.

From today, the court officials would be on a three-day holiday. Along the Taizi’s return route, the streets stretched for tens of miles, lined not only with tents prepared for his rest but also with pavilions set up by officials and wealthy merchants, creating a lively scene.

Among the gathered crowds, some could be heard whispering:

“During the sacrificial ceremony, it was the Taizi who represented the Emperor in the northern suburbs for the rituals. And today, he’s presiding over the winter solstice ceremony, which should have been led by the Emperor himself. Even if it’s only symbolic, it’s clear the Taizi has firmly secured his position as heir.”

“Not to mention, the newly appointed Taizifei, Princess Zhaoren, is backed by both the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion and the Right Prime Minister Mansion. She’s also favored by the Emperor and controls the largest bank in the Great Xia. She holds power and wealth in both hands, making the Taizi’s position even stronger.”

“I’ve heard that Princess Zhaoren is also an unparalleled beauty. The Taizi truly is truly blessed!”

“Exactly, which man wouldn’t be envious of marrying such a woman?”


A few lower-ranking officials, who had been whispering among themselves, fell silent for a moment before one spoke up again:

“But now that the Taizi has secured his official consort, he’ll probably start taking secondary consorts and concubines. There are plenty of people with their eyes on that opportunity.”

“I used to hear that the Taizi wasn’t interested in women, and there were even rumors that he had a preference for men. Recently, though, the word in court is that he’s deeply fond of Princess Zhaoren. It’s said he’s been staying at her residence for days now. So, picking out suitable women for him would surely be welcomed.”

“Any man would grow tired of looking at the same woman after a while. Once the Taizi gets over the excitement of having the Taizifei, do you think he wouldn’t accept the women sent to his mansion?”

“Hmm? Then we should be looking for someone with a similar appearance to Princess Zhaoren?”

“You’re dreaming! Where are you going to find someone like her? Even if someone tried to imitate her, they probably wouldn’t do it well enough. And you’re thinking of finding one?”


“Looks like you’ll have to take a different approach…”



The Taizi’s ceremonial entourage arrived at the East Gate of the Imperial City, where, according to custom, the winter solstice amnesty also known as the “Suburban Amnesty” was to be proclaimed.

A court official read aloud the imperial decree of amnesty, announcing the names of the prisoners to be pardoned.

The Imperial Court of Judicial Review’s supervisors, having been notified in advance, lined up the guilty in front of the East Gate.

After the decree was announced, drums were beaten as a signal, and the prison guards removed the shackles from the prisoners. In unison, the crowd shouted in gratitude, “Long live the Emperor, long live His Highness the Taizi!”

Afterward, the Taizi’s procession entered the East Gate and proceeded further into the city.

This amnesty covered a wide range of offenders, including some prisoners originally being sent to Lingnan for relatively minor crimes.

Among those listed for pardon was Fourth Master Qin.

When the news reached the escort team en route to Lingnan, there were many sighs and murmurs of disbelief.

“How could Fourth Master Qin have lost hope so quickly? If he had just held on a bit longer, he would’ve been pardoned.”

Only the lead officer quietly rejoiced, thinking, Good thing I acted swiftly. Had the imperial decree reached us before I handled Prime Minister Qin’s orders, things would have become much more difficult to carry out.


Inside the Imperial Study of the Imperial City.

Occasionally, the clear sound of chess pieces being placed echoed through the hall, interrupted by the occasional light cough.

Emperor Hui sat with one hand clenched in a fist, pressed against his lips, while the other held a chess piece. Opposite him, Taizi Feng Zhan was his opponent.

The Emperor had delegated the responsibility of presiding over the winter solstice ceremony to the Taizi, not as a way to pave the way for him but because he had genuinely caught a cold that hadn’t improved, leaving him increasingly fatigued and lethargic.

Before long, the game ended with the Taizi winning yet again.

Emperor Hui sighed, accepting the cup of tea adorned with a subtle yellow dragon pattern handed to him by Li Fuquan. He took a sip.

After drinking, Emperor Hui looked at the Taizi and slowly said, “I hear that you’ve been spending your nights at Princess Zhaoren Mansion lately?”

Feng Zhan didn’t respond immediately, his half-lidded eyes revealing no clear emotion.

Sensing the slight awkwardness in his own words, Emperor Hui added, “As Taizi, you should still show some restraint.”

Feng Zhan lifted his gaze, looking at the Emperor’s slightly puffy eyelids, and replied coolly, “Is Father lacking restraint?”

Emperor Hui was momentarily stunned by Feng Zhan’s response, and a flash of anger welled up within him. However, he ultimately calmed himself by drinking another cup of tea.

The Taizi, though usually quiet, had a way of rendering others speechless when he did speak. Emperor Hui decided it was best not to continue down this line of questioning, knowing it would only lead to more frustration on his part.

The real reason he had called Feng Zhan today was to discuss something else, so he shifted to the main topic.

“I’ve heard that Prime Minister Qin has been acting out of sorts lately, seemingly due to some personal matters. Do you know why?” the Emperor asked.

Feng Zhan raised his eyes slightly to glance at the Emperor as he lifted his own teacup. He then continued to sip his tea without answering.

Emperor Hui had gotten this information from Left Prime Minister Wang Xian, who often clashed with Qin Wenzheng, but he knew the report wasn’t fabricated. The Emperor also wondered if this had something to do with Shen Shiying, a matter he had long been curious about.

It was a perfect opportunity to see if he could extract any information from the Taizi regarding Shen Shiying.

However, even after finishing his tea, Feng Zhan showed no inclination to speak. Realizing that no answers would come from his son, Emperor Hui understood that there was little point in pressing further.


Feng Zhan set down his teacup and turned to Emperor Hui, offering a brief but pointed assessment of Prime Minister Qin, who was also his father-in-law.

“Prime Minister Qin’s approach is overly conservative, even bordering on being too rigid.”

He then asked, “Imperial Father, did you appoint him simply to balance Wang Xian?”

Emperor Hui coughed a few times, took another sip of tea, and replied, “Dividing power between the two prime ministers is indeed a strategy for balance.”

“In order to maintain stability among the noble families of the capital, one of the prime ministerial positions must be held by someone from one of those influential families.”

“Left Prime Minister Wang Xian, coming from a long line of advisors, possesses exceptional knowledge and insight. He’s also connected to the imperial family by marriage. Though he can be arrogant, he remains the best choice for chancellor.”

“As for Right Prime Minister Qin Wenzheng, his cautious and meticulous nature perfectly counterbalances Wang Xian’s more aggressive tendencies.”

“More importantly, Qin Wenzheng represents the southern literati. His appointment serves to keep the southern aristocracy in check.”

Feng Zhan understood the underlying principle that when dividing power between the two prime ministers, it was customary to choose one representative from the north and one from the south.

However, during that time, there had been no shortage of talented southern scholars from the Hanlin Academy. Emperor Hui’s choice of Qin Wenzheng seemed insufficiently justified by that reasoning alone.

Emperor Hui lifted his teacup again, masking the fleeting expression in his eyes.

What he hadn’t revealed was that part of the reason he had chosen Qin Wenzheng as prime minister back then was because of Shen Shiying. With Qin Wenzheng in such a high position, Shen Shiying, as his legitimate wife, would be granted the title of a first-rank noblewoman. That meant she would have to attend numerous palace banquets and ceremonies, making it impossible for her to avoid the court.

The Emperor coughed again, raising his hand to stop Li Fuquan from coming forward to offer assistance. He then asked, “Has the Taizi taken a liking to that young man from the An family?”

Feng Zhan remained silent, though it seemed he had noticed his father’s attempt to divert the conversation. Based on the information he had gathered, it was clear the Emperor’s inquiries had something to do with Qin Yan’s mother, Shen Shiying.

Recalling the outlandish behavior of Miss Shen in the past, Feng Zhan’s brows furrowed slightly.

Fortunately, Qin Yan had been separated from her mother for over a decade. Otherwise, who knew what ideas Shen Shiying might have instilled in her daughter?

The Emperor asked again, “Do you already have someone in mind for the South?”

Feng Zhan’s only response was a slight furrowing of his sword-like brows, still offering no verbal answer.

The Emperor didn’t press further. He trusted the Taizi’s judgment. Feng Zhan had always been reliable and steady in his actions. There was no need for excessive interference.

Besides, with his health in decline, Emperor Hui was more than willing to leave state affairs in the capable hands of the Taizi, allowing him to focus his attention elsewhere.

As Feng Zhan exited the Imperial Study and was about to step into his carriage, Song Zhi approached, speaking in a low voice, “Your Highness, Lord Ji has sent word requesting an audience with you.”

A short while later, the Taizi’s carriage departed from the East Gate, heading toward Qianshui Lake in the southern part of the city.


At this moment, Qin Yan was just getting out of her carriage at Shenwu Gate in the imperial city, preparing to switch to the sedan chair that Li Fuquan had arranged for her to use, heading toward the Imperial Study.

Not long after, she encountered the sedan chair of Imperial Concubine Shu coming from the opposite direction.

It had been over half a year since they last found themselves in a similar situation.

At that time, Qin Yan’s status was merely that of a princess, and by protocol, she was supposed to pay respects to Consort Shu.

But now, Qin Yan was the Taizifei. If Imperial Concubine Shu were not one of the Four Imperial Concubines, she would have to be the one bowing to Qin Yan.

After the palace attendants on both sides exchanged greetings for their respective mistresses, the procession continued forward.

As they passed each other, Qin Yan suddenly spoke in a calm voice, “Stop.”

At the sound, all the attendants on both sides halted.

Both women turned to look at each other, their gazes meeting, filled with coldness.

Imperial Concubine Shu had no illusions that Qin Yan intended to exchange pleasantries with her, waiting quietly to see what Qin Yan was about to do.

Though the weather was clear today, it was still the depths of winter, and the air was filled with the frosty breath of everyone present. While the palace attendants didn’t feel it much while walking, standing still in the biting wind made them shiver.

Qin Yan parted her red lips, her voice cold and clear, “I hear there’s a famous tea from Jingzhou called Songfeng Yulu?”

Imperial Concubine Shu was a little puzzled, what was Qin Yan talking about? But then her pupils suddenly constricted in realization.

Qin Yan didn’t miss the abrupt change in Imperial Concubine Shu’s expression, further confirming her suspicions. She withdrew her gaze and lightly raised her hand, signaling for the procession to continue toward the Imperial Study.

As Qin Yan’s sedan chair moved away, Imperial Concubine Shu turned her head, staring at Qin Yan’s retreating figure, a growing sense of unease in her heart.

Qin Yan mentioned Jingzhou, had she discovered something?

Back then, all those involved had met their end. It should have been impossible for Qin Yan to trace it back.

Qin Yan must be testing her…

With the Taizi now firmly in power and Qin Yan having become the Taizifei, she couldn’t afford to oppose her anymore.

Her only hope now was that His Majesty would soon release her son, Xian’er, her sole remaining support…


 Outside the Imperial Study, Qin Yan could hear a few light coughs from within. After Li Fuquan announced her presence, she stepped inside and saw Li Fuquan gently patting Emperor Hui’s back, further confirming that the Emperor was indeed unwell.

After paying her respects, Qin Yan took a seat below the imperial desk.

Following a brief exchange of pleasantries, Emperor Hui got straight to the point, “Do you know where your mother is?”

Qin Yan had already prepared herself for this question on her way to the palace, so she wasn’t surprised by it.

Seeing Qin Yan remain silent, the Emperor softened his tone and added, “You need not worry. I have no intention of harming your mother.”

Qin Yan didn’t doubt this. If her suspicions were correct, the Emperor had more personal feelings toward her mother than anything else…

The Emperor continued, “Is she coming back?”

This time, Qin Yan didn’t remain silent. She gave a single, clear response, “Yes.”

Emperor Hui received the answer he sought, but there was little more that could be discussed with this younger generation on such sensitive matters.

The hall fell into a brief silence, with both Emperor Hui and Qin Yan sipping tea, the atmosphere somewhat heavy.

The Emperor, recalling Imperial Concubine Shu’s recent request, decided to bring up a lighter topic to ease the tension.

“Imperial Concubine Shu just came to see me,” he mentioned casually. “She suggested that with the Taizi’s marriage approaching, perhaps it’s time to arrange marriages and titles for the second and third princes as well, and send them to their respective fiefdoms.”

“What do you think?”

This was not a matter that typically required Taizifei’s input. However, given Qin Yan’s background as the former Governor of Gu City and her current involvement in handling intelligence from the Northwest, the Emperor did not feel the need to exclude her from discussions on state affairs.

Initially, Qin Yan had no intention of weighing in on political matters, but hearing that the suggestion came from Imperial Concubine Shu?

Sending the second prince away to build his own base of power?

If something were to happen to the Emperor, Imperial Concubine Shu would likely follow the second prince to his fief, consolidating her influence. Perhaps even more than that…

Heh, Imperial Concubine Shu hoped to escape unscathed after all this?


As Qin Yan exited the Imperial Study, she encountered Feng Yuyao, who was rubbing her hands together, exhaling warm breath into the cold air.

Feng Yuyao stomped her feet and hurried over, her voice urgent, “Yan Yan, quickly, come with me to Qianshui Lake to watch the commoners’ ice skating. It’s getting dark earlier these days, and if we wait any longer, we’ll miss it.”

Qin Yan, her expression calm, continued to rub the gilded hand warmer in her hands, without replying.

Seeing that Qin Yan appeared uninterested, Feng Yuyao decided to up the stakes, “I just ran into Feng Subei, Shizi of Duan Wang Mansion, coming out of Kunning Palace. I think I overheard him saying he’s going to Qianshui Lake to find Taizi.”

“Yan Yan, aren’t you worried that some little temptress might steal your Imperial Brother Taizi’s heart?”

Noticing the gleam in Feng Yuyao’s eyes and the barely concealed excitement on her face, how could Qin Yan not see through her little scheme?

This girl was looking forward to some drama, specifically, Qin Yan’s drama.

Qin Yan’s expression remained calm and composed. She didn’t believe that just anyone would sway Feng Zhan.

Still, a temptress by Qianshui Lake?

Qin Yan chuckled softly, and Feng Yuyao immediately understood. That smile was as good as a yes.

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