TCPCHW Chapter 106

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 106        Really

Feng Zhan scooped up Qin Yan from the bed, and by that time, Qin Yan’s body was already weak and limp.

Feng Zhan ordered Shen Ying to replace all the silk bedding on the bed, then carried Qin Yan and strode toward the adjacent bathhouse.

In the hot spring pool, Feng Zhan’s self-control, which he always prided himself on, was severely tested.

His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, his body taut with tension, but he ultimately managed to suppress his impulses.

The warm water in the pool eased the exhaustion from both of their bodies. By the time Feng Zhan lifted Qin Yan out of the pool, she had regained some of her strength.

When they returned to the sleeping hall, the room had clearly been ventilated, and a faint, elegant incense was burning.

Feng Zhan gently placed Qin Yan on the newly changed bed, then lay down beside her, pulling her into his arms.

Qin Yan shifted slightly, and in a slightly hoarse voice, she softly spoke, “Your Highness still has so much energy?”

Feng Zhan’s chin gently brushed against the top of Qin Yan’s head as a faint smile tugged at his lips. His voice, deep and rich, carried a husky tone, “Weren’t you the one who started the fire, hmm?”


The next day, at dawn.

Despite their exhaustion from the previous night, Feng Zhan and Qin Yan naturally awoke, as they were both accustomed to rising at this hour to attend to their duties.

Feng Zhan glanced at the woman in his arms, her eyes half-open, and lowered his head to press a kiss on her forehead.

Qin Yan nestled against him, then closed her eyes once more.

Feng Zhan twirled a strand of her dark hair between his fingers, leaned in close to her ear, and whispered softly, “I’m off to handle official affairs.”


Qin Yan let out a soft murmur.

Feng Zhan slowly rose, tucking the blanket around her before stepping out. Song Zhi entered to assist the Taizi in washing and dressing.

Feng Zhan donned a dark robe embroidered with subtle gold patterns, tied his hair, and placed a golden crown on his head.

He then turned and glanced through the jade screen depicting mountains and rivers, catching sight of the woman still asleep on the bed.

Song Zhi draped a black cloak over Feng Zhan’s shoulders, and the two of them exited, one behind the other.

At this hour, the night had yet to fully retreat, and the biting cold wind swept in. Amidst the drizzle, tiny snowflakes seemed to dance in the air, the wind stinging faintly against their faces.

Song Zhi held the umbrella for the Taizi as they walked toward the plum grove. When they reached the base of the slope, Song Zhi, after much hesitation, finally voiced the question that had been circling in his mind.

“Your Highness, should a contraceptive tonic be prepared?”

The Taizi abruptly halted in his tracks and slowly turned to face Song Zhi. His gaze was filled with a chilling murderous intent.

Song Zhi immediately felt that the cold emanating from his master was far more piercing than the freezing rain around them. Every hair on his body stood on end, and a deep sense of dread filled his heart.

Feng Zhan’s narrow eyes dangerously narrowed as he spoke in a cold, harsh voice, “I do not wish to hear that question a second time.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Song Zhi immediately replied.

Feng Zhan’s icy gaze remained fixed on Song Zhi’s face as he sternly said, “How many strikes of the rod should you receive? You decide.”

Song Zhi, knowing that his words had enraged the Crown Prince, lowered his head and responded, not daring to meet his master’s gaze.


“Fifty!” Song Zhi decided to heavily punish himself, recognizing his lack of tact and hoping to quickly appease the Taizi’s anger.

However, Song Zhi had merely followed palace protocol by asking this question. Just as the night before, after Shen Ying had arranged for the bedding in the sleeping hall to be replaced, Song Zhi had also dutifully collected the red stain from the bed and sent it back to the Taizi Mansion overnight.

These were all standard palace customs. The Taizi had never been with a woman before, so this was the first time Song Zhi had posed such a question, not expecting it to be met with such a harsh response.

Feng Zhan said nothing further, turning and continuing toward the plum grove.

Song Zhi held the umbrella and hurriedly followed behind him.


Taizi Mansion in Xishan.

Originally, due to Taizi’s upcoming marriage to the Taizifei, the entire court was granted a three-day leave. However, with state affairs piling up, Left Prime Minister Wang Xian and Right Prime Minister Qin Wenzheng were still summoned to the Taizi Mansion.

After reviewing the reports compiled by the two ministers, along with memorials from various departments and the Hanlin Academy, Feng Zhan assigned them their tasks before heading to the study in Chenghua Hall.

Inside the study, Feng Zhan set aside a series of confidential letters from different regions and glanced up at Song Zhi, whose face was twitching slightly.

“The people sent to the Emperor of Yizhou, have they arrived?” Feng Zhan asked.

Enduring the severe pain in his back, Song Zhi responded, “Your Highness, the secret guard who delivered the message returned to report that the Emperor of Yizhou expressed his gratitude for sparing his life.”

Feng Zhan looked toward the large map of the Great Xia Dynasty hanging on the side wall. After a moment of contemplation, he spoke:

“Keep a close watch on Yizhou.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Song Zhi replied.


Princess Zhaoren Mansion.

Qin Yan didn’t rise until late in the morning. The moment she stepped off the bed, her legs gave way, and she nearly collapsed back onto it, her legs soft and unsteady.

After a brief pause, Qin Yan managed to stand again. While her posture was not overly awkward, her steps were noticeably slower than usual.

She made her way to the bathhouse where Shen Ying had already prepared a fragrant bath. Qin Yan enjoyed a relaxing soak, then donned a light robe upon emerging and accepted a teacup from Shen Ying.

The taste of the tea was unfamiliar, and Qin Yan frowned slightly.

Shen Ying explained, “My lady, this is a medicinal tonic specifically prepared by Mr. Ji to help you recover from fatigue.”

Qin Yan furrowed her brows but drank it all.

Setting down the cup, she spoke in a calm tone, “Is Mr. Ji still in the mansion?”

“Mr. Ji said he is waiting for you in the study,” Shen Ying replied.


Usually, by this time, Mr. Ji would head into the city to inspect the Yu Qingfeng bank and pawnshops, but since the lady woke up a bit later today, Mr. Ji was still waiting in the mansion to first handle affairs with her, as was their routine.

Qin Yan changed into a light moon-white brocade robe embroidered with silver clouds and draped a silver fox fur cloak over her shoulders. She left the bedroom and made her way to the study.

Inside the study, Ji Nanfeng stood in front of the desk, his gaze seemingly fixed on the antique shelves, though his eyes appeared somewhat unfocused.

It wasn’t until Qin Yan entered and approached that Ji Nanfeng noticed her presence, turning to greet her.


Qin Yan nodded and sat behind the desk. She picked up the letters that Ji Nanfeng had neatly organized and placed on the desk, scanning through them one by one.

Before long, she set down the papers and picked up a teacup. Observing its color, taking in the fragrance, she sipped slowly and thoughtfully.

After setting the teacup down, Qin Yan gave a satisfied glance to Ji Nanfeng, “Mr. Ji, is this Jin Junmei?”

“Yes, Master,” Ji Nanfeng replied.


Qin Yan noticed that Mr. Ji was quieter than usual today, as if something was weighing on his mind.

However, as long as the affairs they were managing were progressing smoothly, Qin Yan never interfered in her subordinates’ personal matters, so she didn’t ask.

Ji Nanfeng looked at Qin Yan for a moment, hesitated, and then spoke up, “Master, do you require a contraceptive tonic?”

Qin Yan paused, then rested her chin on one hand, appearing to contemplate.

With all the commotion in her sleeping quarters last night, and Shen Ying giving orders to change the bedding in the middle of the night, how could Ji Nanfeng, as the steward of the mansion, not be aware of what was happening?

After a moment, Qin Yan spoke in a calm voice, “That won’t be necessary.”

At this moment, there was a softness in Qin Yan’s gaze that was rarely seen.

A child with Feng Zhan would likely be very beautiful.

Ji Nanfeng lowered his gaze, hiding emotions that should not be revealed.

“How is the situation at Shenxi Valley?” Qin Yan asked, turning her attention to him.

Ji Nanfeng quickly refocused his thoughts and replied, “Everything is running smoothly.”


“Mm.” Qin Yan rubbed the letter on the table between her fingers and continued, “Send a message to my mother, informing her that the wedding is set for 3rd lunar month of next year. If she is free, I would be honored if she would attend.”

“Yes, Master,” Ji Nanfeng responded.

Just as he was about to leave, Shen Huai entered, “Master, Prime Minister Qin has come to visit.”

Qin Yan frowned. Lately, Prime Minister Qin has been visiting the Princess Mansion more frequently.

She had no interest in letting anyone meddle in her personal affairs, which was why she hadn’t bothered keeping him at the gate.

But what was the purpose of his visit today?

Judging by the time, Qin Yan was due for her lunch, followed by her usual afternoon nap.

In winter, curling up for a nap in a warm room was such a comforting thought.

Qin Yan sighed softly, deciding she might as well hear what Prime Minister Qin had to say this time.

He had better clear up all the messes he’d been involved with before her mother returned, lest it sully Miss Shen’s reputation.


Council Hall in Princess Zhaoren Mansion,

Prime Minister Qin had come straight from the Taizi Mansion, weighed down by the matter pressing on his mind. He had wrestled with it for a long time, and to his surprise, the only person he could turn to for advice now was Qin Yan, his daughter with whom he shared the most strained relationship.

He sipped teacup after cup, but no matter how fine the leaves, there was no pleasure in the taste, only bitterness filled his mouth.

Reflecting on the past six months, one event after another, he could not think of a single thing that didn’t leave him feeling as if a sharp bone was lodged in his throat.

And now, he had to face an even more awkward and humiliating situation.

When Qin Yan entered the hall, she cast a glance at her father before walking swiftly to the main seat.

Prime Minister Qin looked up and called out softly, “Qin Yan.”

Then, as if suddenly remembering something, he stood and gave a slight bow, “I have met the Taizifei.”

Upon hearing this unfamiliar title, Qin Yan raised an eyebrow and looked at Qin Wenzheng.

Although the coronation ceremony had taken place the day before in the grand hall, where she had received the golden scroll and seal, and her name had already been entered into the jade registry, she had not officially married yet. In formal terms, this was still just a betrothal.

Though she was deserving of the title “Taizifei,” it was not yet the appropriate time for it to be used.

Raising her hand, she signaled Qin Wenzheng to sit back down.

After Qin Wenzheng sat down, his conflicted expression lingered, and he remained silent. This irritated Qin Yan slightly as she had no patience to waste time with him in this manner.

“What business does the Prime Minister have?” Qin Yan asked.

Hearing the formal way she addressed him, Qin Wenzheng felt a deep bitterness in his heart.

Given the current circumstances, Qin Yan might have been his only biological child, yet they had grown so distant.

Qin Wenzheng looked at her and spoke slowly, “Your brother…”

He suddenly paused and changed his wording, “Qin Ming’s situation, please don’t make it public just yet.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Yan smiled.

Make it public?

She had absolutely no interest in the sordid affairs of the Prime Minister Qin Mansion.

However, since Qin Wenzheng had come to her, she asked casually, “Is he really not your son?”

Qin Wenzheng’s face showed embarrassment, yet he was at a loss for words.

This question had been haunting him for some time now.

No one wanted to know the answer more than he did, whether Qin Ming was truly his son or not. But at the same time, he was afraid to know the truth. If the child he had nurtured and cultivated for over a decade turned out not to be his, it would be a deep humiliation. He had no idea how he would face such a reality.

Qin Wenzheng had secretly tasked his trusted steward, Zhang Quan, to discreetly consult various folk doctors, disguised in common clothing, on how to determine whether a child was truly one’s own. The methods they suggested were bizarre and varied, but the most frequently mentioned was the blood-drop test.

Qin Wenzheng had heard of this method before but was uncertain of its reliability. If it wasn’t trustworthy, how could he bear the consequences of a potentially false result?

He wouldn’t dare ask the Imperial Medical Bureau for help either. The officials there were talented and politically astute. Even if he claimed to be asking on behalf of someone else, the gossip would spread at lightning speed, and he would become the subject of ridicule.

Qin Wenzheng could already imagine the mocking expression on the face of Left Prime Minister Wang Xian if this scandal came to light.

He had to admit, his daughter Qin Yan was indeed quite capable.

He had delayed this matter until today, finally steeling himself to seek Qin Yan’s counsel. If Qin Ming and Qin Nian turned out not to be his children, then perhaps this could serve as an opportunity to mend his relationship with Qin Yan by humbling himself.

For him, it would be a win-win situation.


Qin Wenzheng asked Qin Yan, “Qin Yan, do you know any doctors who can determine whether a child is biologically related?”

Upon hearing this, Qin Yan smiled slightly. So, he wasn’t even certain yet.

She looked at Qin Wenzheng, recalling the first time she saw her father after returning. It was at the stands of Xi Garden polo field.

In just half a year, Prime Minister Qin seemed to have aged ten years.

Qin Yan no longer wanted to waste time on this matter and said, “I do know someone.”

Qin Wenzheng looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

Qin Yan did not hesitate and went on, “The steward in my residence, Mr. Ji, hails from the Medicine King Valley. You can trust his judgment to some extent, Prime Minister.”

Qin Wenzheng’s eyes widened in surprise and, soon after, with a hint of excitement.

Medicine King Valley?

The renowned Medicine King Valley, known for producing miracle doctors?

And this person worked under Qin Yan?

Once again, Qin Wenzheng couldn’t help but marvel at how capable his daughter truly was.

Just as Qin Yan was about to rise and leave, Shen Ying’s voice came from outside the door.

“Your Highness Taizi.”

As her voice fell, Feng Zhan entered, bringing with him the cold from outside, his gaze immediately landing on Qin Yan seated in the main chair.

Qin Wenzheng quickly stood and bowed, “Your Highness Taizi.”

Feng Zhan gave a nod in acknowledgment.

He walked toward Qin Yan and stopped in front of her, his voice warm and gentle, “Are you finished with the conversation?”

Qin Yan nodded.

Feng Zhan extended his hand, taking hers and leading her away.

Qin Wenzheng kept his head bowed until their figures disappeared through the hall’s entrance.

Inwardly, Qin Wenzheng thought, it seems Taizi treats Qin Yan very well, but whether this will be a blessing, or a curse remains to be seen.


After their lunch, Feng Zhan and Qin Yan noticed that the rain had begun to ease, and they leisurely strolled out into the garden.

Feng Zhan gently pulled Qin Yan’s hand into his cloak, lightly kneading her fingers.

Qin Yan quietly enjoyed the warmth inside his cloak, letting him continue without protest.

When they reached the edge of the lotus pond, Feng Zhan stopped and looked at her. “The political situation has gradually stabilized. Would you be interested in a hunt this winter?”

“Hmm?” Qin Yan didn’t show much interest in the suggestion.

Feng Zhan continued, “The autumn hunt was full of mishaps, which dampened your mood. After the winter solstice, accompany me to the hunting grounds in the western suburbs.”

Qin Yan did not voice any objection, so Feng Zhan took it as her agreement.

He had his own reasons for the invitation. The hunting grounds in the western suburbs held special meaning where they had their first intimate encounter. It was a location with great significance to him.

Moreover, this would be a good opportunity to allow Qin Yan to relax for a while.

“You have a habit of taking afternoon naps?” Feng Zhan asked, his gaze soft as he looked at her.

Qin Yan raised an eyebrow in response, meeting his gaze but remaining silent.

Feng Zhan pulled Qin Yan into his embrace, lowering his head to whisper into her ear, “I didn’t have this habit before, but from now on, I’ll nap with you.”

A moment later, Qin Yan’s muffled voice emerged from within his arms, “Is that what Your Highness means?”

Feng Zhan, rubbing his clean-shaven chin against her neck, replied with a touch of grievance in his voice, “Who was it that insisted on taking things seriously back then?”

Qin Yan…

This man who just started eating meat is truly frightening.

Yet, she still allowed him to lead her back in the direction they came from.

As they walked, Qin Yan couldn’t help but ask, “What happened to Song Zhi?”

She was referring to the occasional painful expressions on Song Zhi’s face and his slightly awkward walking posture.

Feng Zhan shot a cold glance at Song Zhi.

Song Zhi immediately bowed to Qin Yan and explained, “In response to Taizifei, I just fell in the plum grove this morning.”

Qin Yan raised an eyebrow. A fall?

Though the answer seemed a bit far-fetched, she didn’t press further.

And so, Qin Yan and Feng Zhan spent a lazy and comfortable afternoon together in the warmth of the bedroom, only getting up for a bath and dinner late into the night.


Prime Minister Qin sat in the carriage on the way back to the city, his brows tightly furrowed.

Just now, Mr. Ji had informed him that the method of testing parentage through blood was not entirely reliable and could easily yield inaccurate results.

Mr. Ji advised Qin Wenzheng to use the method with caution.

Moreover, Mr. Ji had also mentioned that there was no truly foolproof way to determine parentage. It was best to wait until the child grew up and see if there were any resemblances in appearance.

The carriage swayed as it traveled, leaving Qin Wenzheng feeling dizzy and exhausted as he returned to the Prime Minister Mansion.

As soon as he got off the carriage, the steward, Zhang Quan, approached him, “Prime Minister, Fourth Master Qin has passed.”

Qin Wenzheng narrowed his eyes, his expression somewhat complicated.

However, this outcome was not unexpected.

After a brief pause, Qin Wenzheng gave instructions to Zhang Quan, “Fourth Uncle has worked for the Qin family for many years. Even if there were no great achievements, there were still many hardships. Ensure proper arrangements are made for his funeral.”

“Find a painter who was familiar with Fourth Uncle and have them create a portrait of him. When the time comes, we will send it along with his coffin back to Yangzhou for the family to pay their respects,” Qin Wenzheng instructed.

Zhang Quan was a bit puzzled. He was one of the few who knew the full story behind the scandal. Given the enormity of the disgrace, why would the Prime Minister still show such sentiment toward Fourth Master Qin?

Then, a thought suddenly struck Zhang Quan, the portrait…

Could it be that the Prime Minister intended to use the likeness to confirm the biological father of Young Master Ming?


That night, Song Mei lay alone on the bed, unable to find peace in sleep.

In her dreams, she returned to her childhood, back when she was still in Yangzhou, and both her parents were alive.

At that time, Wenzheng was a handsome young man with extraordinary literary talent and ambition.

Back then, Wenzheng’s eyes were only for her. They often discussed poetry and songs, speaking of the life they would have in the future.

Those were her most cherished moments, so beautiful that Song Mei didn’t want to wake from the dream.

But, eventually, she did.

Lying flat, Song Mei turned to her side, and in the hazy state between sleep and wakefulness, she thought she saw someone standing beside her bed, illuminated by the faint moonlight filtering through the curtains.

As her mind became clearer, her eyes opened wider. Finally, she was certain she wasn’t mistaken.

There really was someone standing by the bed, and it seemed that person was staring at her.

“Ah…” Song Mei gasped.

A piercing scream echoed from the room.

“Someone, help…”

Song Mei’s legs frantically kicked, retreating into the farthest corner of the bed, pulling the blanket over herself in fear as she repeatedly shouted for help.

Outside, Madam Li, who had been dozing off, was startled awake and quickly entered the room, letting in a gust of cold wind as the door opened.


“Prime Minister.”

Li Mama had been keeping watch inside earlier, but the Prime Minister had unexpectedly come in the middle of the night and sent her away.

She lit the lamp and stood quietly by the side, awaiting instructions from the Prime Minister and Madam Song.

Song Mei’s wide, terrified eyes glanced toward the door, and upon hearing Li Mama enter, some of the fear in her heart subsided.

Was it the Prime Minister?

Had the Prime Minister finally come to see her?

Song Mei cautiously lifted the bed curtain, and seeing that it was indeed Qin Wenzheng, she felt a bit of relief.

Just as she was about to speak, Qin Wenzheng’s cold voice cut through the air, “Leave.”

Li Mama knew that the Prime Minister was referring to her, so she quickly exited the room and closed the door behind her.

Song Mei, trembling, stepped out of bed and cautiously approached Qin Wenzheng.

“Prime Minister…” she began.

Qin Wenzheng cut her off coldly, “Fourth Master Qin, while being transported to Lingnan, threw himself into the water. He’s gone.”

Song Mei’s eyes widened in shock. Fourth Uncle… gone?

She was overwhelmed with both fear and surprise. The way Qin Wenzheng was acting…

Qin Wenzheng continued, “You will arrange for Fourth Master Qin’s coffin to be sent back to the ancestral home in Yangzhou.”

Song Mei didn’t immediately respond. She was still trying to process the news.

Seeing her hesitate, Qin Wenzheng narrowed his eyes and spoke slowly, emphasizing each word, “Let me ask you again, is Qin Ming truly my son?”

Song Mei’s heart clenched. Just as she was about to speak, the door suddenly burst open with a loud bang.

“What do you mean, am I not my father’s child?”


Qin Wenzheng and Song Mei both turned toward the doorway, where Qin Ming stood.

Recently, Qin Ming had overheard some of the young noblemen talking about the upcoming royal winter hunt, which traditionally took place around this time of year. He had never been invited before, but now, as the legitimate son of the Prime Minister, he was eligible to participate.

Excited by the prospect, especially since his eldest sister would likely be attending too, Qin Ming had been practicing martial arts in his courtyard, unable to sleep for several days due to his anticipation. Suddenly, he heard a woman’s scream.

The sound, and its direction, seemed to come from his mother’s courtyard.

Without hesitation, Qin Ming rushed over.

When he entered the courtyard, he found Li Mama dozing off outside his mother’s bedroom. As he approached the door, he overheard his father’s cold voice asking his mother, “Is Qin Ming really my son?”

Qin Ming was shocked. Why would his father ask such a question?

Could it be true that he wasn’t his father’s son?


Song Mei hadn’t expected Qin Ming to show up, especially at such an awkward moment. Panicking, she hurriedly spoke up, “Ming’er, no, listen to Mother…”

Both Qin Ming and Qin Wenzheng turned to Song Mei, waiting to hear what she had to say.

Dressed only in thin layers, Song Mei shivered as the cold wind from outside swept through the room, her eyes quickly welling up with tears.

“Prime Minister, it’s truly a misunderstanding. I carried Ming’er for ten long months, enduring great difficulty to give birth to him… I almost lost my life…”

“Enough,” Qin Wenzheng interrupted coldly.

It was always the same. Every time, Song Mei would bring up the hardship of childbirth. Qin Wenzheng had heard it so many times that he had grown numb to it. Moreover, even if the birth had been difficult, he could no longer be sure whether this child was truly his.

Qin Wenzheng had stopped expecting any truth from Song Mei’s mouth. He had personally overheard Fourth Master Qin’s heated words with Song Mei, where he had said, “Ming’er is my son.”

Qin Wenzheng had also heard the testimony of one of Fourth Master Qin’s concubines, who had revealed the sordid affair between Song Mei and Fourth Master Qin.

The fact that Song Mei and Fourth Master Qin had been involved was undeniable. Now, the only thing on his mind was whether this son was truly his.

Qin Wenzheng glanced at Qin Ming. “Go back.”

Qin Ming felt a growing unease, “Father…”

“Go back,” Qin Wenzheng repeated sternly.

Qin Ming hesitated, looking at his mother before reluctantly turning to leave.

Qin Wenzheng turned his gaze back to Song Mei, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and disappointment. “Song Mei, have I ever treated you unfairly?”

Song Mei said nothing, tears streaming down her face.

Qin Wenzheng let out a weary sigh, then turned and walked out of the room with long strides.

Song Mei took a few steps toward the door, her voice full of sorrow as she called out, “Prime Minister…”


But Qin Wenzheng didn’t hesitate for a moment, striding out of the courtyard without looking back.

As he walked into the cold wind, his heart grew increasingly heavy and bitter.

What had possessed him to become entangled with this woman again? He had let Shen Shiying leave in anger, and she had been gone for more than ten years.

Was it for love?

And now, Song Mei had betrayed him.

Was it for a son?

This son might not even be his.

If Shiying were to return…

If she came back, would she forgive him?

Could they start over?


But Prime Minister Qin, fate was always fleeting and was already scattered by rain and wind.

How could you be so delusional as to think that Miss Shen would still be waiting for you?

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