TCPCHW Chapter 105

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 105        The Game

In the 29th year of Yonghe, on the 20th day of the Winter Month, the title of Taizifei was formally announced to the Heaven and Earth Ancestral Temple.

Inside the Taizifei Mansion, a ceremonial table was set up in the inner hall. To the south of it was an incense table, while female musicians performed at the top of the hall steps. The usual ceremonial guard was in place, with two female officials assigned to assist with the ritual and the leading of the ceremony.

At Princess Zhaoren Mansion, tables were prepared for the chief and deputy envoys, as well as incense, imperial edict, ceremonial, and jade offerings. The items included bundles of silk and ceremonial horses, among others.

On the 21st day of the Winter Month, the birthday of the Taizi, Feng Zhan, also known as the Grand Birthday Celebration.

In the Imperial City, at the Fengtian Hall, a grand procession and ceremonial sedan chairs were arranged with accompanying music.

At the hour of Mao (5-7 am), Emperor Hui ascended the throne, appointing Ning Wang, Feng Sui, as chief envoy and Grand Scholar and Minister of Rites An Shifeng as deputy envoy. They were tasked with leading the procession to Princess Zhaoren Mansion to perform the Nazheng (formal engagement) and Gaoqi (wedding date announcement) ceremonies.

After performing the four formal bows to the Emperor, the chief and deputy envoys, along with the ceremonial guard and betrothal gifts, departed the Fengtian Hall and headed towards Princess Zhaoren Mansion. The Northern Yamen Imperial Army escorted them along the way.

The grand betrothal procession, leaving the western Xihua Gate of the Imperial City, stretched as far as the eye could see, its magnificence leaving the gathered onlookers in awe.

Meanwhile, two additional groups departed from Xihua Gate, one heading towards the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion, and the other to the Prime Minister Qin Mansion.


At the Prime Minister Qin Mansion, Qin Wenzheng and the Old Madam, both dressed in their formal court attire, were preparing to leave for the palace to attend the Taizi’s Grand Birthday Celebration and the ceremony to officially confer the title of Crown Princess.

According to protocol, the imperial family was set to deliver the formal betrothal gifts to the Crown Princess’s mansion today. However, up to this moment, no notification had been sent to the Qin Mansion instructing them to prepare for the arrival of the envoys.

It was now abundantly clear that Qin Wenzheng’s mansion would not be involved in this crucial step of the imperial wedding rites. Both Qin Wenzheng and the Old Madam had dark expressions, as this slight was unmistakable.

The only communication they had received from the Ministry of Rites in recent days was a message informing them that due to the high status of today’s celebration, only Qin Wenzheng and the Old Madam, as a first-rank noblewoman, would be allowed to attend the Grand Birthday ceremony at the Fengtian Hall.

Upon hearing this, Song Mei, Qin Wenzheng’s equal wife, and their son Qin Ming were left speechless.

As Qin Wenzheng’s equal wife, Song Mei had often been treated as the main wife, especially since the passing of Qin Wenzheng’s first wife, Shen Shiying. In the past, out of respect for Qin Wenzheng, most people had turned a blind eye to Song Mei’s status as an equal wife and allowed her to attend high-ranking events, including the Emperor’s own birthday banquet at the Fengtian Hall.

However, being excluded from today’s Crown Prince celebration enraged Song Mei. She was convinced that it was Qin Yan, the soon-to-be Crown Princess, who had deliberately humiliated her.

Qin Ming, on the other hand, was deeply disappointed that he would not be able to witness his elder sister’s conferment as the Crown Princess (Taizifei).

Only Qin Wenzheng understood the underlying reason. This was likely the Taizi’s decision. After all, Shen Shiying had left the family because of Song Mei. Given Taizi’s devotion to Qin Yan, it was likely that these factors had influenced his decision.

As Qin Wenzheng reflected on this, he felt conflicted. As Qin Yan’s father, he should feel pride, but their estranged relationship left him with a sense of unease. If the Crown Prince were to ascend the throne, Qin Wenzheng feared that his future might not be as comfortable as it once was.


At the hour of Chen (7-9 am), just as Qin Wenzheng and the Old Madam were preparing to leave the main hall, the steward, Zhang Quan, came to report that palace officials had arrived, seemingly bringing wedding gifts.

Qin Wenzheng was puzzled, while the Old Madam couldn’t hide the smug and slightly sarcastic expression on her face.

Hmph, no matter how arrogant Qin Yan may be, she still has to follow the proper customs in the end.

Qin Wenzheng and the Old Madam stepped out to greet the visitors and saw palace officials directing servants to carry several large gift chests into the front courtyard of the Qin Mansion.

The head palace attendant bowed to Qin Wenzheng and said, “Prime Minister Qin, these are gifts from His Highness Taizi, in preparation for his marriage to the Crown Princess. Please accept them.”

Qin Wenzheng glanced around but noticed the absence of Ning Wang, the chief envoy, and Grand Scholar, An Shifeng, the deputy envoy, which only deepened his confusion.

If this were the formal engagement procession delivering the betrothal gifts, he thought, where are the envoys? Why is this just a gift delivery?

Before Qin Wenzheng could speak, the Old Madam asked, “Are these betrothal gifts?”

The palace official respectfully replied, “Old Madam Qin, the official procession for delivering the betrothal gifts has already gone to Princess Zhaoren Mansion. These are not the betrothal gifts but rather tokens of gratitude from the Taizi to your mansion.”

Qin Wenzheng and the Old Madam were momentarily taken aback.

Not betrothal gifts, but tokens of gratitude? What does this mean?

The palace official bowed once more and excused himself, “Prime Minister Qin, Old Madam Qin, I will take my leave now.”


Qin Wenzheng quickly concealed his unease, instructing the steward, Zhang Quan, to hand over a pouch of silver to the palace official as a reward.

Although the palace official was aware of the tension between the Taizi and Prime Minister Qin Mansion, he knew better than to offend the family of the Taizi’s future father-in-law. Qin Wenzheng might one day become the Emperor’s father-in-law, a powerful figure in the court.

With a smile, the palace official accepted the silver with both hands, “Thank you, Prime Minister Qin.”

Just as the official was about to leave, Qin Wenzheng called out, “Please wait a moment.”

The palace official turned back, looking at Qin Wenzheng, “Prime Minister Qin, do you have any further instructions?”

Qin Wenzheng hesitated for a brief moment, then asked, “May I ask, where have the palace gifts been sent today?”

The palace official paused in surprise, then smiled and replied, “Prime Minister, aside from the Taizi’s formal betrothal gifts, which have been sent to Princess Zhaoren Mansion, the only other gifts today were the tokens of appreciation from the Taizi, which were delivered to Duke Zhenguo Mansion and your own.”

“Prime Minister, I must return to the palace to report back. I take my leave.”

“Take care,” Qin Wenzheng replied, offering the necessary farewell.


As Qin Wenzheng turned around, he saw the Old Madam squinting at the gift list that the palace official had delivered, reading aloud, “Twenty fine horses, two hundred taels of gold, twenty thousand taels of silver, a thousand bolts of silk, twenty chests of precious treasures…”

The Old Madam’s cloudy eyes widened in disbelief as she looked at Qin Wenzheng, “This is just a token of gratitude?”

“Then what must the betrothal gifts be like…”

Qin Wenzheng noticed the trace of greed in the Old Madam’s eyes. Just as he was about to dissuade her from any unrealistic expectations, she interrupted, speaking urgently, “Wenzheng, we must ask Qin Yan to send those betrothal gifts back to our residence. They should have been delivered to the Prime Minister Qin Mansion in the first place. Wenzheng…”

“Mother, are you truly thinking of returning to Yangzhou?” Qin Wenzheng’s voice turned cold, cutting off the Old Madam.

At first, the Old Madam looked confused, but then she suddenly recalled the threats Qin Yan had made to her previously.

She was about to lash out, but the realization struck her that Qin Yan was no longer merely a daughter of the Qin Mansion. She was a titled princess, personally appointed by the Emperor, and soon to be the Crown Princess, perhaps even the future Empress.

Swallowing her words, the Old Madam awkwardly refrained from speaking further.

Qin Wenzheng, however, had already grasped the true nature of the gifts sent to the Qin Mansion. These tokens of gratitude were Taizi’s way of honoring Qin Yan, ensuring her father’s mansion received some benefit due to her name. They were benefiting from the association with her, nothing more.

As for his mother’s suggestion of demanding betrothal gifts from Qin Yan, Qin Wenzheng knew it was impossible. Even if they could retrieve those gifts, what would it achieve? Leave them for Qin Ming, the son of his equal wife?

The thought sent a chill through him.

After Qin Wenzheng and the Old Madam departed the mansion for the palace, Song Mei, hearing the news from the front courtyard, rushed over in excitement.

While directing the servants to carefully inventory the gifts according to the list and store them in the mansion’s warehouse, she struggled to contain her joy in her heart.

It had been difficult running this household, and now, at least, there would be some financial relief.

However, as she gazed at the numerous chests filled with gold, silver, and treasures, a slight pang of bitterness welled up in her heart.

Why is Qin Yan so fortunate? she thought.

If only it had been my Nian Nian…


The imperial betrothal procession, carrying the Taizi’s betrothal gifts, was led by none other than Xie Changyuan, the commander of the Northern Yamen Imperial Army, accompanied by ten thousand heavily armored and impeccably disciplined imperial soldiers. Xie Changyuan sat atop his horse, his face stern and unreadable.

Originally, the task of escorting the betrothal procession was assigned to a deputy commander. However, at dawn, Xie Changyuan abruptly changed the plan, deciding to personally lead the escort and also oversee the procession that would bring the Crown Princess to the palace.

The deputy commander, upon receiving the news, was perplexed. Princess Zhaoren, the soon-to-be Crown Princess, had once been Xie Changyuan’s fiancée. What was the commander thinking, insisting on escorting the betrothal gifts himself?

Wasn’t this just tormenting himself?

The deputy’s confusion mirrored Xie Changyuan’s own. Even he couldn’t fully understand what had driven him to take on this role. What was it inside him that compelled him to be here today?

As Xie Changyuan rode, his mind drifted several times into reverie.

If his engagement to Qin Yan had not been broken, perhaps he would be riding a fine horse to her mansion today as well. But in that case, it wouldn’t be to escort another man’s betrothal gifts, it would be to welcome her as his bride…

As commander of the Northern Yamen Imperial Army, his duty today was to ensure that no incidents occurred along the route, that the procession would arrive on time for the auspicious hour determined by the Imperial Observatory Bureau.

But as Xie Changyuan, the man himself, he almost wished this journey would never reach its end…


In the Nazheng* procession, Ning Wang, Feng Sui, clad in his dark green ceremonial robe, sat atop a black stallion, his eyes half-closed, concealing the growing chill within.

(Nazheng* – the man’s family sends the betrothal gifts to the woman’s family)

Today, once again, he was heading to Princess Zhaoren Mansion to conduct another step in the imperial wedding rites, drawing closer to the moment when Qin Yan would officially become the Crown Princess, Feng Zhan’s rightful Taizifei.

This is what power can do.

With power, one can easily grasp everything they desire, freedom, wealth, status, and even women.

Feng Sui fully understood why Qin Yan held a special place in his heart.

Since childhood, he had been confined to Wanning Temple by Empress Dowager Xiao, while his mother had been forced to accompany the late Emperor in death at the Empress Dowager’s command. The Empress Dowager had become the nightmare of his childhood.

For over a decade, every day and night, Feng Sui had imagined what it would be like to finally confront Empress Dowager Xiao.

Yet, on that fateful day in the Fengtian Hall, he witnessed a young, beautiful woman standing face to face with the Empress Dowager, her presence and aura in no way inferior to that of the once all-powerful dowager.

Qin Yan was truly remarkable.

And soon, she would address him as… Uncle Ning Wang.


The Nazheng procession arrived at Princess Zhaoren Mansion. From the ceremonial sedan, the envoys retrieved the imperial decree, ceremonial memorial, jade, and silk offerings, placing them on the ceremonial table. The Crown Princess’s ceremonial attire and betrothal gifts were then carried into the main hall.

The Duke of Zhenguo, Shen Changshan, dressed in formal court robes, stepped forward to receive the procession.

The endless flow of betrothal gifts into the residence was so great that the main hall could not contain them all. Thus, they were temporarily placed in the courtyard, which fortunately was bright and clear on this auspicious day.

The ceremonial official entered the main hall and announced, “By imperial decree, we are here to confer the title of Taizifei and perform the Nazheng and Gaoqi* ceremonies.”

(Gaoqi* – announcement date of the wedding ceremony; the man’s family will send someone to the woman’s family to inform them about the date of the wedding)

The ceremonial official held the jade and silk document case, while Ning Wang, as the chief envoy, retrieved the imperial decree and Nazheng memorial. Deputy envoy, Grand Scholar An Shifeng, took the Gaoqi decree. Duke of Zhenguo Shen Changshan followed them as they proceeded into the hall.

Female attendants carried the Crown Princess’s jewelry and ceremonial attire into the inner hall, where they were placed in Qin Yan’s bedroom.

Half an hour later, Qin Yan emerged from her bedroom, adorned in her intricate ceremonial attire, moving with grace and poise.

For a brief moment, a flash of admiration crossed Ning Wang Feng Sui’s eyes, though it quickly vanished.

Qin Yan was truly stunning.

She possessed not only a noble family background and power but also extraordinary beauty. Truly, she was favored by the heavens.

Qin Yan exited her mansion and stepped onto the ceremonial carriage of the Crown Princess. Xie Changyuan assembled his troops and led the procession eastward, toward the Imperial City.

Riding atop his horse, Xie Changyuan’s expression was filled with melancholy.

Not once had Qin Yan cast a glance his way.

And now, Xie Changyuan was escorting her to another man, someone whose power and status far surpassed his own, someone he could never compete with.

Was this how it would end between them?


Fengtian Hall in the Imperial City,

Emperor Hui, the Empress, and Taizi Feng Zhan, all dressed in their formal ceremonial robes, sat atop the grand dais in the hall. Everyone present was well aware that the Empress Dowager had been confined to Shou’an Palace by the Taizi, so her absence from today’s proceedings came as no surprise.

A grand banquet had been set in the Fengtian Hall, with royal relatives and court officials of the fourth rank and above, along with their spouses, seated for the ceremony.

At the hour of Si (9-11 am), the ceremonial officer announced, “Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan, enter the hall.”

All eyes turned toward the entrance.

There, standing at the entrance, was Qin Yan, adorned in a nine dragons and four phoenixes golden crown. She wore a dark green ceremonial gown embroidered with cloud and phoenix patterns in gold. Step by step, she walked into the hall, illuminated by the light behind her as she moved gracefully to the front of the hall.

Qin Yan, who normally dressed simply and with minimal adornment, appeared in such grand attire for the first time in public.

Every person in the hall was struck with awe at her majestic and regal presence, not to mention her breathtaking beauty.

To win such a woman, what more could one ask for in life? many thought.

Feng Zhan’s gaze was fixed on Qin Yan as she approached. He could feel his heart pounding loudly in his chest with each step she took.

Thud, thud, thud.

Feng Zhan’s eyes darkened with intensity. This woman, his woman, was about to become his rightful Taizifei.

The usually calm and composed Taizi felt a sudden, wild urge to take her away from this place immediately, an irrational impulse that he barely managed to restrain.


As Qin Yan approached the front of the hall, Li Fuquan stepped forward to announce the imperial decree, “The mandate of the Emperor governs the world, and the foundation of the nation is rooted in the stability of marriage, ensuring the prosperity of future generations. It is with great care that we select a virtuous consort for the heir to the throne, a union that will bring great blessings to the empire and secure the future of the imperial lineage. This is the ancient tradition, unchanged from past to present.”

“My eldest son, Taizi Feng Zhan, endowed with natural talent and wisdom, is now in his prime and is suitable to start a family. You, Qin Yan, daughter of Right Prime Minister Qin Wenzheng, possess exceptional beauty and virtue, raised in accordance with the highest teachings. The time has come for your marriage, an auspicious match destined by heaven. Therefore, I bestow upon you this golden decree and name you the Taizifei.”

With these words, the imperial decree was officially read, conferring upon Qin Yan the title of Taizifei.

“Accept this honor with reverence. Diligently uphold the virtues of a wife. Serve your elders with devotion and sincerity, and manage your household with diligence and frugality. Always maintain vigilance and humility, cultivating kindness and grace to bring forth heirs and continue the prosperity of the royal family. May your contributions bring glory to the inner court. Be respectful and mindful always!”

“As prescribed by ancient rites, marriage is traditionally conducted in early spring, symbolizing the harmonious balance of heaven and earth and the flourishing of all things. The Ministry of Rites and the Imperial Observatory Bureau have selected an auspicious date for the grand wedding ceremony, which will take place in the 3rd lunar month of the following year.”

“Thus, it is decreed.”

The ceremonial officer held the golden scroll and the imperial seal, approaching Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan.

The Crown Princess’s Golden Scroll was crafted with two gold leaves, weighing a hundred taels. Each leaf measured one foot two inches in height and five inches in width. The scroll was bound with red silk threads, resting upon layers of ornate brocade, and wrapped in red silk embroidered with gold phoenix patterns. Its intricate design reflected the immense care and attention the imperial family placed on this momentous occasion.

Qin Yan accepted the scroll with both hands, bowing deeply to express her gratitude for the imperial favor.

Though the wedding had yet to be held, with the presentation of the golden scroll, the title of Taizifei was now officially bestowed. Her name would be recorded in the imperial genealogy by the Office of Ancestral Records.

From this moment onward, Qin Yan was formally recognized as Taizi Feng Zhan’s betrothed Taizifei.

Afterward, Qin Yan ascended to her seat, positioned just below Taizi Feng Zhan’s on the right.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Qin Yan gracefully made her way to the Taizifei’s seat and sat down in the place that so many others in the hall had dreamed of occupying. Her eyes briefly met Feng Zhan’s, and a flicker of subtle emotion flickered in both of their eyes before they composed themselves and turned their gazes back toward the front of the hall.

The ceremonial official then led the princesses, noblewomen, and titled ladies forward to offer their formal congratulations to the newly appointed Taizifei.

Among them was An Yanxi, the Shizifei of Duan Wang Mansion, who stood behind the two princesses, waiting her turn to bow before Qin Yan.

Qin Yan maintained a calm demeanor, her expression unreadable, showing no hint of joy or pride. An Yanxi couldn’t detect even the slightest trace of delight or vanity.

An Yanxi had never minded the simplicity of her own wedding, but seeing the grandeur of Qin Yan’s coronation ceremony, and knowing the scale of the wedding that was yet to come, left her with a bitter feeling.

She glanced up at Taizi Feng Zhan, magnificent in his gold dragon-embroidered robes, and her heart sank. Qin Yan had effortlessly obtained everything An Yanxi had ever wanted, yet she remained so indifferent, which only made An Yanxi feel even more unsettled.

The person she cherished, the position she had longed for and Qin Yan had attained them without effort, and yet never seemed to truly value them.

It made An Yanxi’s own obsessions seem all the more foolish by comparison.

An Wenjing’s eyes were fixed on An Yanxi, watching her closely until she returned to her seat. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Yanxi still understood the importance of the situation.

After returning to her seat, An Yanxi glanced at Feng Subei, sitting beside her.

Feng Subei had indeed been acting strangely lately, his patience and kindness toward her seemed to be slowly fading.

Could it be true that Feng Subei had taken a concubine?

When the noblewomen paid their respects to the Taizifei, Old Madam Qin followed all the formalities, though her expression was clearly one of reluctance. However, the distinction between monarch and subject was clear, this was not a place for her to assert her authority as an elder.

Afterward, the assembly offered their congratulations to the Taizi on his grand birthday.

Second Prince Feng Xian kept his gaze downcast. Today’s celebrations had nothing to do with him, yet he had no choice but to attend, offer his congratulations, and witness the event.

He harbored resentment over his lower birth status, knowing he could never compare to the Taizi, who was born the legitimate eldest son. Everything fell easily into Taizi’s lap.

Such a fate.

Third Prince Feng Yi had also been summoned back to the palace. He glanced at Feng Xian, whose expression was grim, and smirked inwardly.

Ha, ever since Empress Dowager Xiao’s downfall, Feng Xian has become a laughingstock.

Then, Feng Yi turned his gaze toward Taizi and Qin Yan, his lips curling into a cold smile.

How lucky the Taizi is, he thought. Gaining Qin Yan means acquiring Yu Qingfeng’s wealth, the support of the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion, and breathtaking beauty.


The ceremony in the Fengtian Hall had high standards, and thus, the number of attendees was limited. The ceremony and banquet did not last long.

After the Emperor and Empress had left, the Taizi and Taizifei also left together. Qin Yan and Feng Zhan boarded Taizi’s carriage, followed closely by the carriage from Princess Zhaoren Mansion. The Taizi Mansion and the Princess Mansion’s guards rode on horseback, accompanying them as they made their way out of the city and towards the Princess Mansion in Xishan.

Inside the carriage, Feng Zhan carefully removed Qin Yan’s intricate headpiece and hairpins, then helped her out of her cold ceremonial robe. He wrapped her in a thick, warm blanket, gently pulling her into his arms so she could rest.

As the carriage left the city and the road became rougher, the vehicle shook more noticeably. Qin Yan furrowed her brow and shifted slightly. A moment later, she spoke with a slightly cold tone, “3rd lunar month of next year?”

Feng Zhan frowned slightly, understanding that Qin Yan was displeased with the date set for their wedding.

He also knew why she was unhappy.

His warm, dry hand gently massaged her delicate fingers as he spoke softly, trying to soothe her, “Recently, the Turkic imperial family and the Western Rong Emperor have been in frequent communication. The floods and famine in Great Xia over the past few months have made them think they have an opportunity to strike.”

“Next 3rd lunar month is the Empress Dowager’s sixtieth birthday. Setting our wedding at that time, under the guise of two grand ceremonies, will allow us to invite the imperial families of various nations to Great Xia, where we can observe their intentions.”

Feng Zhan looked down at the woman resting in his arms, her eyes still closed. His voice softened, carrying a trace of guilt as he spoke, “Qin Yan, the wedding I will give you won’t be purely for us. Do you blame me for that?”

Qin Yan’s eyes half-opened, her tone cool and indifferent as she replied, “Having entered the imperial family, I’ve accepted the reality of what that means.”

Feng Zhan tightened his hold on her, gazing into her eyes with seriousness as he continued, “Qin Yan, after investigating, we found that the horses from Mulan Racecourse used during the autumn hunt were tampered with, and it likely ties back to the Empress Dowager.”

“The assassination attempt in the western suburbs also bears her involvement. It’s still unclear whether her target was you, me, or even the one on the throne.”

Upon hearing this, a cold glint flashed in Qin Yan’s eyes.

As expected, Feng Zhan’s words confirmed her earlier suspicions.

It was no wonder Taizi, despite once leveraging Empress Dowager Xiao’s power, had decided to take action against her.

The Empress Dowager’s recent actions were reckless and dangerous.

Ah, Empress Dowager Xiao certainly doesn’t live up to her title of “pure and virtuous”.

Qin Yan looked at Feng Zhan, her expression serious as she said, “The Empress Dowager may have had a hand in what happened to my mother.”

Feng Zhan’s eyes narrowed sharply. Qin Yan was referring to the incident where she and her mother fell off the cliff. This meant that Qin Yan’s previous concerns were tied to the Empress Dowager.

Feng Zhan’s gaze grew intense as he spoke in a low, steady voice, “Qin Yan, the Empress Dowager must remain safe and undisturbed in the palace until her birthday next year. You understand this, don’t you?”

Qin Yan didn’t respond immediately. Instead, she withdrew her gaze, closed her eyes, and wrapped herself tightly in the blanket once more.

It didn’t matter. When Miss Shen returned, she would settle her own old scores.

As for Miss Shen’s old enemies, they would be left for her to deal with.


Feng Zhan sensed the coldness in Qin Yan’s demeanor and understood she was displeased. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers, and Qin Yan did not resist. Their lips intertwined, and the heat in the carriage gradually rose.

After a moment, Feng Zhan carefully fixed Qin Yan’s tousled hair and straightened her disheveled clothing.

By this time, the carriage was nearing the gates of Princess Zhaoren Mansion.

Wrapping Qin Yan in the warm blanket, Feng Zhan lifted her in his arms and stepped out of the carriage, striding toward the entrance of the Princess Mansion.

Waiting outside, Ji Nanfeng saw the Taizi and Qin Yan disembark. He approached them and said, “Your Highness Taizi, Master, the hot spring is ready.”

Ji Nanfeng knew that after returning from outings, Qin Yan preferred to bathe, so he had made arrangements in advance. However, he hadn’t expected to witness such an intimate moment.

Feng Zhan nodded, still carrying Qin Yan as he strode into the mansion.


Through the misty steam of the hot spring, a hazy yet stunningly beautiful couple could be seen, the scene almost surreal and dreamlike.

An hour later, Feng Zhan carried Qin Yan out of the hot spring, and the two returned to the bedroom.

Inside, Qin Yan changed into a thin, translucent robe. Turning around, she reached out, hooking Feng Zhan’s belt with a teasing smile.

“Your Highness, shall we play a game?”

Feng Zhan’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Oh?”

With a soft smile, Qin Yan pushed Feng Zhan onto the bed. She grabbed a silk ribbon and swiftly bound his wrists, tying them to the bedpost.

As soon as Feng Zhan realized something was off and tried to sit up, his body tensed sharply.

Two muffled groans echoed in the room simultaneously.

Feng Zhan’s pupils constricted, sweat forming on his brow.

Qin Yan dared to…

Suddenly, with a tearing sound, Feng Zhan ripped through the silk that bound his wrists. His eyes were filled with a burning rage as he glared at the audacious woman before him.

In a swift motion, Feng Zhan flipped her beneath him, pinning her down. His voice was both hoarse and harsh with fury.

“This is the game you were talking about?”

Without waiting for a response, he leaned down, pressing a forceful, possessive kiss onto her lips…

The intensity between them carried on late into the night, the bedroom still far from calm.

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