TCPCHW Chapter 103

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 103        Yours

Recently, while the Ministry of Rites was preparing for Taizi’s grand birthday celebration, they were also making arrangements for his upcoming marriage.

The news spread quickly, causing unrest throughout the court, as everyone speculated about which family’s daughter would become the Crown Princess.

An Shifeng, the Grand Scholar and Minister of Rites had not received any directives from the Emperor or the Taizi, so he didn’t dare reveal any information. Thus, even when repeatedly questioned by officials, An Shifeng remained tight-lipped, avoiding the topic.

Although the Crown Princess had not been officially decided, there were still the matters of selecting concubines and secondary consorts.

Ministers with eligible daughters were trying every means to send portraits of their daughters to the Taizi Mansion, but all were turned away.

They then shifted their focus to the Emperor’s desk and the Empress’s palace, Kunning Palace.

While the portraits were submitted, none of the families were summoned, except for Madam Wang of the Left Prime Minister Mansion, who had the rare chance to visit Kunning Palace once.

This raised further speculation, while Princess Zhaoren was originally the most favored candidate for Crown Princess, could it now be one of the two legitimate daughters from the Left Prime Minister Mansion?

Was it the eldest daughter, Wang Jingyi? Or the second daughter, Wang Jingyan?


In the Imperial City, Inner Palace, Kunning Palace.

Feng Yunchao had just finished copying a volume of Buddhist scriptures, set down her brush, and massaged her slightly sore wrist. She glanced at the Empress, who was sipping tea nearby, and asked, “Mother, is Madam Wang hoping for Cousin Jingyi to enter the Taizi Mansion?”

The Empress sipped her tea quietly, without responding.

Feng Yunchao picked up the crimson porcelain teacup beside her but didn’t bring it to her lips, “Cousin Jingyi is indeed gentle, virtuous, and graceful, but…”

Feng Yunchao’s brows furrowed slightly as she fiddled with the tea leaves in her cup lid, stopping mid-sentence, seemingly lost in thought.

The Empress looked up at Feng Yunchao and finished her thought for her, “But in the Taizi’s eyes, there’s no room for any other woman besides Qin Yan.”

Feng Yunchao set down the teacup and looked at the Empress with a serious expression.

“Imperial Mother, these matters must not reach Qin Yan’s ears. Otherwise, Brother Taizi will face more troubles.”

The Empress said nothing more, taking the Buddhist scriptures Feng Yunchao handed over and began flipping through them, her gaze downcast.

With so many ears and eyes in the palace, how could such things be kept hidden?

The Taizi, now the heir to the throne, would have many more women sent his way in the future.

It all depended on their fate.


Taizi Mansion in Xishan.

Last night, the guards sent by Feng Subei failed to locate the missing person. Later in the evening, his subordinates reported that the young lady’s carriage had been taken by people from Princess Zhaoren Mansion.

Feng Subei’s tense expression eased slightly, but he still didn’t return to the city, opting to spend the night at the Taizi Mansion.

This morning, after the Taizi returned from the Princess Mansion, Feng Subei learned from Song Zhi that it seemed a female guest had indeed stayed overnight at the Princess Mansion.

The morning court session ended early today. The Taizi with Song Zhi carrying a pile of memorials following behind, headed in the direction of the plum grove. He was clearly going to spend time with his soon-to-be fiancée again.

Feng Subei stepped forward and followed.

“Your Highness,” he called.

The Taizi turned to look at Feng Subei.

“Your Highness, may I accompany you to the Princess Mansion?” Feng Subei asked.

Feng Subei had already heard that a long line of people was waiting outside the Princess Mansion to submit their calling cards, and almost none had been granted entry. Hence, he sought to ride along with the Taizi.

The Taizi’s expression soured, but Song Zhi immediately understood the situation.

“Is Shizi hoping to seek out that young lady at the Princess Mansion?” Song Zhi inquired.

Seeing Taizi’s suspicion, Song Zhi quickly explained the situation about Feng Subei searching for a young woman who had taken shelter from the rain in just a few sentences.

Upon hearing this, Feng Zhan’s sharp brows furrowed slightly.

Anyone whom Qin Yan would allow to seek shelter at her mansion must be someone with a certain connection to her.

Feng Zhan looked at Feng Subei, his voice slightly grave, “No matter why you married in the first place, remember that there is already a Shizifei in your residence who is recorded in the imperial family’s genealogy.”

“The people of Princess Zhaoren Mansion are not ones you should provoke easily.”

Feng Subei’s expression turned serious, and his tone was equally earnest, “I only wish to see if it is truly her. Once I confirm her safety, I will leave.”

Feng Zhan shot a warning glance at Feng Subei, but in the end, he silently permitted him to follow.


Princess Zhaoren Mansion.

Qin Lin rose early and noticed that no one had come to inform her of a meeting with the princess. Not wanting to disturb anyone, she quietly waited in her room.

At the hour of Chen (7-9 am), there was a gentle knock on the door. The young maid opened it to reveal a refined man dressed in a moon-white brocade robe who took two steps inside.

Ji Nanfeng nodded slightly toward Qin Lin, “Young Lady Lin, my surname is Ji. I manage affairs here at the Princess Mansion.”

“Young Lady Lin is welcome to explore the mansion, or if you have other pastimes, I can arrange for them.”

Qin Lin paused briefly before asking Ji Nanfeng, “Mr. Ji, may I borrow a book?”

“A book?” Ji Nanfeng confirmed with a nod after obtaining approval from Qin Yan and led Qin Lin to the library.

The moment Qin Lin stepped into the library, she was overwhelmed by the vast collection of books. After browsing for a while, she discovered many rare and precious volumes that ordinary families could never hope to obtain. Qin Lin was even more impressed.

“The princess’ collection of books is truly remarkable,” she exclaimed.

Qin Lin, a book lover, was utterly captivated by the collection before her. Given her family’s status, many of the books in this library were items she would never have had the chance to touch. The opportunity today was a rare and valuable one.

Ji Nanfeng nodded, acknowledging her admiration without denying it.

In fact, there were even more precious volumes in his master’s study.

However, that study was not open to outsiders, as it was where his master handled her daily affairs. Lately, the Taizi had also been using that space to conduct some of his official duties.

And there was an even more delicate matter that sometimes, in that study, his master and the Taizi…

At this thought, a hint of melancholy crossed Ji Nanfeng’s expression.


When Madam Zhu and Qin Xi arrived by carriage at Princess Zhaoren Mansion, they were startled by the large crowd gathered outside the gates.

Madam Zhu glanced around and recognized several prominent figures among the crowd. Behind them, their servants were holding various brocade boxes and scrolls of all sizes.

It was clear that these people had come to visit the Princess Mansion.

However, their intentions differed from those of Madam Zhu. Some were here to pay respects to Princess Zhaoren herself, the glory of Yu Qingfeng drew others, and still others were seeking information about the future Crown Princess.

But all of them were left waiting outside, seemingly without an audience.

Madam Zhu couldn’t help but sigh, “My goodness, this is a case of ‘when poor, no one asks in the bustling city, but when wealthy, even those in the remote mountains have relatives.’”

“The commotion here in the outskirts is almost as lively as the western market in the city.”

Qin Xi, brimming with pride, chimed in, “Of course! Our eldest sister is so impressive.”

Madam Zhu handed over her calling card to the guards at the gate, who took a stack of cards into the mansion for review.

While waiting, Madam Zhu took the opportunity to discreetly observe the people around her and the gifts they had brought. Every brocade box was exquisite, though the contents were unknown, there were likely fine jade pieces. The scrolls in their hands were presumably famous paintings.

Madam Zhu glanced at the paintings her own servant was holding and felt a bit nervous.

What surprised Madam Zhu even more was the presence of several young, handsome gentlemen in the crowd. Judging by their attire and demeanor, they were either sons of officials or wealthy merchants, or they were here for the same reason as she was, to seek favor through beauty.

Madam Zhu quickly understood the situation. It seemed that everyone had received similar information about what to bring which were fine jade, paintings, and handsome young men, all chosen to cater to Princess Zhaoren’s tastes.

Before long, a young man approached in her direction, “Madam Qin, Miss Xi, please come inside.”

Madam Zhu was slightly taken aback, so soon?

With a mixture of pride and restrained joy, Madam Zhu and Qin Xi, along with their servants carrying brocade boxes, straightened their backs and entered the Princess Mansion, basking in the envious gazes of those still waiting outside.


In the Louyue Pavilion of Princess Zhaoren Mansion.

From the moment they entered the gates to stepping into this grand hall, both Madam Zhu and Qin Xi couldn’t help but express their admiration. The mansion was truly magnificent.

Qin Lin, having received word of her mother’s arrival, came over ahead of time to greet them.

Ji Nanfeng instructed the servants to serve tea to the mother and daughters and offered them seats.

Before long, Qin Yan gracefully entered the hall.

The three women quickly stood up to greet her, “Your humble commoner greets Princess Zhaoren,” they said in unison.

As the Taizi had been frequenting the mansion lately, two large chairs were placed side by side at the head of each hall.

Qin Yan nodded, walking to the top and choosing one of the chairs to sit in.

Qin Xi eyes were wide with admiration and she couldn’t help but gaze at Qin Yan. This elder sister of theirs, just a year older, was truly impressive and enviable.

Madam Zhu motioned for the servants to present the gift boxes, which were lined up neatly. She had them opened, revealing seven or eight exquisite jade pieces inside.

Madam Zhu bowed slightly and said, “A small gesture, I hope Princess will accept it with a smile.”

Qin Yan looked up at the brocade boxes but remained silent, her expression unreadable.

Madam Zhu immediately felt the pressure from her niece, Qin Yan. It was as if she were dealing with a high-ranking official, the weight of authority palpable.

Lowering her voice, Madam Zhu instructed her two daughters, “You two, step outside for a moment. I need to speak with Princess alone.”

Qin Xi and Qin Lin exchanged glances, then bowed respectfully to Qin Yan before leaving the hall.


Qin Xi and Qin Lin walked to a garden pavilion outside the Louyue Pavilion and sat down on the veranda.

Qin Xi pulled out a delicately embroidered pouch from her sleeve, loosened the drawstring, and took out a handful of sunflower seeds. Just as she was about to pop one into her mouth, she suddenly remembered her younger sister.

She spread out her hand, offering the seeds to Qin Lin, “Here…”

Qin Lin glanced briefly at the seeds in her sister’s hand, then turned her head to face the garden, “No need.”

Qin Xi retracted her hand and continued cracking the seeds by herself.

“Hey, Qin Lin, what do you think Mother is discussing with our eldest sister behind our backs?”

Qin Lin remained in the same posture, silent and unresponsive. If her guess was correct, their mother had something important to request from the princess, and sending them away meant it likely concerned them.

Suddenly, Qin Xi leaned closer, nudging Qin Lin with her elbow.

“Qin Lin, you better keep your mouth shut and not tell Mother where I went yesterday.”

Qin Lin gave Qin Xi a calm, indifferent look, “Just make sure you know what you’re doing and maintain proper boundaries.”

At that moment, a tall man dressed in a dark indigo brocade robe happened to walk to the other side of a clump of purple bamboo near the garden. Hearing a familiar voice, the man suddenly stopped in his tracks.


Qin Xi blinked at Qin Lin, mischief in her eyes.

“Hey, Qin Lin, do you think I should come up with a way to test just how sincere he is with me?”

Her words were vague, but Qin Lin knew exactly who she was referring to.

A handsome assistant minister from the Ministry of Works caught Qin Xi’s eye when he visited their mansion to discuss matters with their father. The two had secretly struck up a relationship, as Qin Xi worried their mother would disapprove of his lower status.

Qin Lin turned to face her sister, her tone serious, “If you’re only interested in a fleeting romance, then go ahead and test him as you like.”

“But if you truly want a future with him, it’s best to know when to stop.”

Qin Xi looked confused, “Why? Isn’t it more important to test him thoroughly if I want to be with him long-term?”

Qin Lin turned her gaze back to the garden and spoke in a calm voice, “People can’t withstand constant tests. In this world, which couple doesn’t face a messy reality?”

“It’s just a matter of being ‘blind’ and ‘deaf,’ turning a blind eye and settling for getting by.”

Qin Xi pouted, “Qin Lin, you’re more suited to shave your head and become a nun in a temple.”

Qin Lin didn’t turn around, nor did she respond.


Behind the purple bamboo, Feng Subei’s eyes gleamed with interest.

She was such a perceptive and insightful woman.

Qin Lin…

Her surname was Qin and was she related to Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan?

“Shizi,” a servant called out, startling all three people inside and outside the garden.

Qin Xi and Qin Lin stood up, looking toward the end of the pavilion.

A tall man in a dark indigo brocade robe emerged but he stopped at the far end of the corridor, seemingly not intending to come closer.

Qin Lin’s gaze suddenly locked on with Feng Subei’s.

Although Qin Xi and Qin Lin looked alike, Feng Subei easily recognized the woman who had repeatedly impressed him.

Just as Qin Xi and Qin Lin were about to greet him with a formal bow, Feng Subei abruptly turned and strode away.

Qin Xi’s eyes darted between the retreating figure of the man and the indifferent expression on Qin Lin’s face.

“Qin Lin, do you know him?” Qin Xi asked, her curiosity piqued.

Qin Lin withdrew her gaze, focusing instead on an old plum tree in the garden.

“No,” she replied calmly.

Qin Xi clicked her tongue in admiration, “That man is really quite good-looking…”

Before she could finish, her mouth dropped open in surprise.

Ahead of them, a tall, handsome man with a golden crown and dressed in a dark brocade robe was striding toward them with purposeful steps.

Qin Xi’s jaw practically hit the floor.

“This… this one is even better-looking…”

In that instant, Qin Xi marveled at her own naivety. How had she ever thought that charming little assistant minister was the pinnacle of attractiveness?

Feng Zhan, who had been reviewing memorials in Qin Yan’s study, was already feeling somewhat displeased at her prolonged absence. To make matters worse, his secret guard had reported that a long line had formed outside the Princess Mansion, with people delivering gifts to the princess and some even brazen enough to bring young men along.

Feng Zhan, already irritated by the thought of Qin Yan entertaining guests, threw down the memorials in frustration and strode swiftly toward her.

Radiating cold energy, he passed through the garden without sparing a glance, heading straight for the Louyue Pavilion.

Qin Xi and Qin Lin both overheard the servants greeting the man with a bow.

“Your Highness Taizi.”

Startled, Qin Xi and Qin Lin exchanged glances. The Taizi’s imposing demeanor suggested that something was amiss.

Without hesitation, the two sisters quickly followed him, sensing that the situation was about to escalate.


Just as Feng Zhan reached the entrance of the Louyue Pavilion, he overheard a woman’s obsequious voice inside, speaking to Qin Yan, “Princess, are these to your satisfaction? If it’s hard to judge from the portraits, I can bring the people here for you to select personally.”

“Your Highness Taizi,” Shen Ying greeted him with a bow.

Feng Zhan strode into the hall, he walked step by step towards Qin Yan.

Madam Zhu immediately knelt down, her voice trembling as she said, “Your humble servant greets Your Highness Taizi.”

Cold sweat broke out on her back as fear gripped her.

Qin Yan looked up at the arrival, slowly placing the scroll she had been holding onto the table beside her.

Feng Zhan stopped before Qin Yan, his icy gaze shifting from her delicate face to the scrolls beside her.

Reaching out with his defined hand, he picked up the topmost scroll, unrolled it, and glanced at the content. His eyes flashed with a sudden chill before he tossed the painting onto the table with a loud thud.

The sound startled Madam Zhu, who trembled in fear, her heart sinking.

Caught red-handed…

Feng Zhan’s deep eyes locked onto Qin Yan’s face as he reached out, lifting her flawless chin with a single finger. He leaned slightly closer, his voice low and rich, “Any better looking than me?”

Qin Yan’s brow arched slightly. She hadn’t paid much attention to the looks of the man in the painting and what had caught her interest was the skill of the artist.


Madam Zhu, still kneeling on the ground, was trembling uncontrollably. If the Taizi grew angry… she hadn’t even told Wenxuan or her two daughters about the gold and jewels she had hidden away.

At the doorway, Qin Xi and Qin Lin watched the entire scene unfold.

Qin Lin was somewhat surprised by the dynamic between the Taizi and the Princess. It was far more intimate than she had imagined.

Meanwhile, Qin Xi’s eyes sparkled with excitement. The Taizi and her eldest sister looked so perfect together which it was simply too sweet.

Instantly, she felt disdain for the young man who had accompanied her yesterday. That fool was nothing but a blockhead, what kind of ridiculous “romance” had she been pursuing?

However… those portraits…

Qin Xi nervously tugged on Qin Lin’s sleeve, whispering under her breath, “What do we do? Those portraits are of courtesans.”

Qin Lin frowned, her mind racing. She had no time to come up with a perfect solution, so she immediately grabbed Qin Xi’s hand, and they both entered the hall and knelt down.

“Your Highness, please forgive us. The Princess has exceptional taste, and our mother was simply seeking her guidance in choosing a husband for me,” Qin Lin said, her voice steady.

Feng Zhan gently rubbed Qin Yan’s soft, fair cheek with his thumb before retracting his hand and slowly standing up, though his gaze remained fixed on her.

Though everyone present knew Qin Lin was fabricating the story, the mention of the princess’s “exceptional taste” did soothe some of Feng Zhan’s irritation.

He looked at Qin Yan with a warm tone in his voice, “No visitors today. Come with me to review the memorials.”

With that, Feng Zhan casually took Qin Yan’s hand, and the two of them walked toward the door, leaving the hall together without a second thought.


Madam Zhu remained prostrate on the ground, trembling uncontrollably.

Qin Xi, still staring after the departing Taizi and Qin Yan, was filled with excitement, her face beaming.

Qin Lin quickly moved to help her mother up, gently patting her back in an attempt to calm her down.

Once Madam Zhu had somewhat regained her composure, Qin Lin stepped forward and unrolled several of the scrolls on the table. The paintings revealed handsome, delicate-looking men.

Qin Lin’s brows furrowed slightly, her mother had been terribly foolish in this matter.

She carefully rolled up the paintings and, with a steady demeanor, guided her mother and Qin Xi out of the residence.

Ji Nanfeng appeared to see them off, and Qin Lin asked him to relay her thanks to the princess. Ji Nanfeng nodded and added, “The master instructed that if the two young ladies ever find themselves near Xishan, they are welcome to stop by.”

He then handed two books to Qin Lin.

“The master also mentioned that if Miss Lin is interested in the books from the library, she is welcome to visit and read them at her leisure.”

Qin Lin accepted the books, recognizing them as the ones she had looked at earlier in the library. She was quietly astonished by the kindness shown. The rumors about the princess being distant and aloof didn’t align with her own experiences, where she had repeatedly felt a genuine thoughtfulness.

Qin Xi and Qin Lin gave a respectful bow to Ji Nanfeng.

“Thank you, Princess.”

Madam Zhu, meanwhile, was secretly delighted, believing this meant the princess had agreed to look after her daughters.

As they exited the mansion, they encountered soldiers from the Prince Mansion driving away the crowd outside the gates. The people who had been waiting to pay their respects hurriedly scattered, rushing to their carriages and speeding off.


Inside the tightly closed study of the Princess Mansion, Qin Yan and Feng Zhan were far from reviewing memorials.

Feng Zhan sat in a sandalwood chair, with Qin Yan sitting sideways on his solid thigh. One of his arms wrapped around her shoulder, while the other gently held her delicate hand. The two were intimately close, their faces brushing against one another.

Qin Yan half-closed her eyes, her red lips grazing Feng Zhan’s sharp nose as she slowly spoke, “Your Highness certainly has a lot of admirers, side imperial concubines, concubines, beauties…”

Feng Zhan pulled Qin Yan closer to him with a forceful grip, his voice tinged with a hint of menace, “And you, Princess Zhaoren, have quite the line of men being offered to you, don’t you?”

Qin Yan let out a soft murmur, skillfully changing the subject, “Have you decided what gift you’d like for your birthday, Your Highness?”

Feng Zhan’s hand paused for a moment, and he buried his face into the curve of her slender neck, his voice deep and husky, “On that day, you’re not allowed to say it hurts.”

Qin Yan tilted her fair neck slightly back, her fingers hooking onto Feng Zhan’s collar. She teased with her voice seductive, “Your Highness can do whatever you wish to me.”

“But… when will it be my turn to do what I want to you?”

Qin Yan undid Feng Zhan’s dark robe, revealing the white undergarments beneath, her hand slipping further inside…

Feng Zhan’s eyes darkened, filled with deep desire. Suddenly, he pressed Qin Yan firmly into his embrace, his lips grazing the curve of her ear, his voice low and entrancing:

“On the day we marry, I will be yours.”

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