The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 63

That was a relaxed demeanor Tang Nuan had never seen before. The warmth in his eyes seemed to have a magnetic pull, drawing her gaze and making it hard for her to look away.

Ye Shuyan soon leaned in, and Tang Nuan felt herself enveloped by his familiar male scent. She instinctively tried to pull away, but he lazily said, “Don’t move. Let me hold you for a while. We haven’t seen each other for eighteen days.” His voice carried an unmistakable weariness.

Tang Nuan’s heart softened unconsciously. She leaned gently against his shoulder and stayed still. Eighteen days—she remembered that too.

As the car smoothly drove through the night, the two in the back seat leaned on each other, the warmth mingling with a hint of sweetness, creating an intoxicating atmosphere.

Perhaps the mood was too good, as Tang Nuan didn’t notice anything unusual while Ye Shuyan held her hand and led her upstairs.

It wasn’t until they entered the elevator that Ye Shuyan pressed the button for the twentieth floor without bothering with the nineteenth. Tang Nuan looked at him in confusion.

Ye Shuyan said, “Aunt Shen asked you to take care of me today. I had a drink.”

Tang Nuan was immediately amused and exasperated, “Don’t push your luck. You only had one drink today, and it was beer.”

She pulled her hand away and pressed the button for the nineteenth floor. Ye Shuyan said nothing, simply watching her silently with an expectant look in his eyes—hoping she might change her mind.

As they approached the nineteenth floor and saw that Tang Nuan remained firm, Ye Shuyan sighed and spoke in a gently plaintive tone, “Well then, you rest well. Don’t worry about me.” His voice carried just the right amount of feigned grievance.

Tang Nuan: …

So now he’s using his sob story on her?

“Don’t try that,” she said with a blank expression, “it won’t work on me.”

Ye Shuyan didn’t say anything, simply watching her in silence. When the elevator doors opened on the nineteenth floor, he waved at her with a forced smile, “Goodbye.”

Tang Nuan: …

Determined, she quickened her pace and hurried back home, deciding that out of sight would mean out of mind.

When she finished washing up and was about to go to bed, Ye Shuyan’s call came through again. “Nuan Nuan, I think I have a bit of a fever. My throat feels sore.”

Tang Nuan: …

He was so lively before, who is he trying to fool? Tang Nuan replied coldly, “Call the family doctor. I’m not a doctor.”

“Oh.” Ye Shuyan replied pitifully and hung up the phone.

Tang Nuan, still waiting for him to try and play the victim, stared at the phone and then burst out laughing in frustration. She wasn’t falling for his tricks!

Ten minutes later, Tang Nuan stood by Ye Shuyan’s bed, expressionless, holding a hair dryer and drying his hair.

Ye Shuyan was in his pajamas, propped up against the headboard. Whether his fever was real or fake was unclear, but he had a fever-reducing patch on his forehead. When Tang Nuan arrived, he had just finished a shower, his hair still damp as he was about to lie down.

Reluctantly, Tang Nuan took on the task of drying his hair.

His hair wasn’t very long, but it was surprisingly soft and smooth. Usually, it’s all combed back, but now, as it dried and fell over his forehead, he looked like a well-behaved young man, starkly different from the cold and aloof Ye Shuyan.

Of course, it wasn’t just his appearance; his behavior was odd as well. He tilted his head slightly, gazing at her and continuously smiling.

“What are you smiling about?” Tang Nuan, her cheeks flushed from his gaze, set the hair dryer down, shoved a water cup into his hand, and said angrily, “I’m just here to return the favor for the care you gave me last time. If you keep smiling like that, I’m leaving!”

Ye Shuyan immediately flattened his smile and tilted his head back to drink the water, but his eyes still followed her, the amusement in them almost spilling over.

Tang Nuan, blushing and frustrated, glared at him and took the water cup back. “Alright, now we’re even. Rest well, I’m leaving.” She turned to go.

However, her wrist was suddenly grabbed, and she found herself pulled backward uncontrollably. Her waist was caught, and everything spun around. By the time she regained her bearings, Ye Shuyan had already pressed her onto the bed.

Just moments ago, Ye Shuyan, who had appeared weak and well-behaved, was now leaning over her, looking aggrieved, and said, “I took care of you all night last time. You haven’t even paid back the interest, let alone the principal.”

Tang Nuan pushed against his chest with a cold smile. “You remember that clearly, don’t you?”

Ye Shuyan gently brushed the hair from her face and smiled, “I’ll never forget it…”

She had intended to criticize him for being petty but was unexpectedly met with romantic words.

Tang Nuan was choked for a moment. Ye Shuyan, noticing her reaction, continued with a smile, “Speaking of which, we met the parents today. Our engagement is officially settled, right?” As he spoke, he pressed his body down further, startling Tang Nuan. He then innocently added, “Is it because I’m sick? My arms feel a bit weak.”

Tang Nuan glared at him. Now, only a small gap separated their bodies. Ye Shuyan’s warmth seeped through her thin silk pajamas, and Tang Nuan felt like if she breathed a bit more heavily, she might touch him…

Seeing him struggling to hold himself up, she quickly placed her hand on his chest, anxiously saying, “The Ye family hasn’t agreed yet, right? If you’re feeling weak, just lie down properly!”

Ye Shuyan covered her hand with his own and said, “I almost forgot about that. I heard Sun Wanqiu made things difficult for you?”

He gently squeezed her hand and promised, “I’ll make sure to help you settle that score in a couple of days.”

Tang Nuan had been a bit flustered, but upon hearing his words, she couldn’t help but laugh. The idea of “settling scores” sounded quite amusing coming from Ye Shuyan.

Ye Shuyan watched her laugh and couldn’t resist quickly pecking her on the tip of the nose. “Stay with me, okay? I’m afraid I might have a fever tonight.”

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but internally criticize him, thinking it was fever or just a bit of acting?

Ye Shuyan narrowed his eyes and started leaning closer, seemingly preparing to act out his role.

Tang Nuan’s eyes widened as she continued to recite the Heart Sutra.

Ye Shuyan halted, adjusted his position, and lay down beside her, wrapping one arm around her waist to keep her from leaving. “Really, what if it gets worse?” He even pretended to cough dramatically.

Tang Nuan immediately rolled to the side. “Don’t infect me.”

Ye Shuyan: …

But in the end, Tang Nuan stayed. She placed an extra pillow in the middle of the bed. “Don’t cross over, or I’ll leave right away.”

Ye Shuyan happily settled down, looking extremely obedient, and gazed at her with hopeful eyes. “Don’t worry, I won’t cross over.”

He resembled a child who desperately wanted ice cream but was sensible enough to say he didn’t want it.

Tang Nuan turned her back to him, deciding that out of sight was out of mind.

As the lights dimmed, she didn’t know how much time had passed before she felt someone leaning close to her, almost like a dog sneaking up. After a while, there were no further actions, so she thought he was keeping his distance. But just as she was drifting into a half-asleep state, she turned over and ended up in his embrace, with his arm naturally draped over her waist.

Tang Nuan: …

Perhaps she was too tired or perhaps it felt somewhat comfortable, but she gave up struggling and simply nestled into his chest, falling asleep again.

She slept deeply and sweetly. When she finally groggily opened her eyes again, she saw Ye Shuyan leaning against the headboard of the bed, working on his tablet. He seemed to have just showered, his hair still damp and his silk pajamas clinging to his body from the moisture, faintly revealing his muscle contours.

Tang Nuan was still half-asleep and stared at him, wondering why he was showering at what seemed to be the early morning.

Ye Shuyan didn’t look up from his tablet, but his other hand reached over to pull the blanket up over Tang Nuan’s face.

Tang Nuan: …

She tried to pull it down, but Ye Shuyan held on firmly. “Don’t try to seduce me first thing in the morning. I’m still sick and don’t want to take another shower.”

“Who’s seducing people…” Tang Nuan was irritated and then realized what he meant, her cheeks immediately heating up. She tried to pull the blanket down with a bit more force.

But Ye Shuyan suddenly let go, and Tang Nuan, pulling too hard, ended up pulling the blanket down to her waist. Ye Shuyan’s gaze fell on her waist.

When Tang Nuan got up, she was wearing a two-piece silk pajama set. When standing, it was naturally well-fitted, but after rolling around in bed for a night, it had become disheveled. Two buttons on the chest were undone, exposing a small section of her waist.

She instinctively sensed something was wrong and quickly pulled the blanket back over herself, covering her face as well. “What time is it? Aren’t you going to the gym?”

There was no response from beside her, only the faint sinking of the mattress. Tang Nuan thought he must have gotten out of bed to go to the gym, so she was about to sneakily pull down the blanket to check when she was once again pressed down.

Confused, she felt something press against her lips.

Even through the silk blanket, she could sense the soft, warm touch and the heated breath.

Realizing what was happening, Tang Nuan held her breath, her heart pounding loudly in the enclosed space under the blanket.

After what felt like an eternity, the pressure on her lips finally disappeared. Tang Nuan remained still until she heard movement beside her. Only then did she cautiously pull down the blanket.

Ye Shuyan was already at the bedroom door and didn’t turn back. “I need to go to the office early today. You can sleep a bit longer.”

Seeing his slightly flushed ears, Tang Nuan burrowed back into the blanket.

The author has something to say:
President Ye: From now on, I have mastered the secret code to make my wife soft-hearted. First, let’s have a sweet time. In the next chapter, President Ye will take his wife to find a place to fight.

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