The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 58

By the time all the agreements were signed, it was nearly September. Both the Southern Capital APP and Jiang’s platform launched their promotions simultaneously.

In September, with the Mid-Autumn Festival approaching, Southern Capital used “heritage” as its theme, featuring nostalgic ads with cosmetics used by grandmothers and mothers. The campaign had a great effect.

Meanwhile, Jiang’s platform themed their campaign “September Reunion Month,” covering a broader audience with an extensive promotional push.

A week later, on September 1st, the event officially began. Tang Nuan, Ji Yun, and Li Qiuqiu arrived early at the Beihua warehouse.

To prevent platform cheating and for everyone’s convenience, the orders for the promotional gifts were directly transferred to Beihua for shipping.

When they arrived, the warehouse was already buzzing with activity. Dozens of machines were churning out orders non-stop. Sister Zhang, who had been on-site, was beaming with joy. Seeing Tang Nuan, she excitedly said, “Beihua hasn’t shipped out this much in a long time.” Her voice choked up with emotion as she continued, “This not only lets everyone know about Beihua’s quality but also makes a big profit to revive the factory.”

At this moment, Tang Nuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although she had appeared confident, she wasn’t sure until the last moment if this approach would work. Now it seemed to be a success!

Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu were much simpler. Ji Yun couldn’t help but jump and hug Tang Nuan, exclaiming, “Ahhh, we’re making money!”

Li Qiuqiu, on the other hand, was concerned about another issue. “Are there more orders from Jiang’s platform or Southern Capital?”

Tang Nuan smiled. Ji Yun clasped her hands together and prayed, “I hope there are more from Jiang’s side.” After all, Jiang’s profits were three times those of Southern Capital!

Sister Zhang chuckled, “We’ll have to wait until tonight to tally everything. It’s too early to tell right now.”

The three of them weren’t in a hurry. They stood beside the warehouse, thoroughly enjoying watching the machines churn out orders. After all, every order meant more money!

When Tang Nuan received the data from Sister Zhang that evening, Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu quickly gathered around her. Yes, these two hadn’t gone home; they were staying to share in the joy of making money with Tang Nuan.

“Southern Capital had 800,000 orders, while Jiang’s had 1 million,” Ji Yun excitedly calculated. “Made 3.2 million from Southern Capital and 12 million from the Jiang!”

She then mimicked Tang Nuan’s earlier pose and knelt on the sofa, earnestly expressing her gratitude. “Thank you, God of Wealth from the Jiang family!”

Tang Nuan laughed heartily. “This is just the beginning. The biggest push will be in the coming week.”

As she had anticipated, the orders continued to increase every day. But it wasn’t just them who were paying attention.

The “Father’s Worries Alliance” group was buzzing with activity during this period, thanks to Jin Wenxia’s loud proclamations. Everyone knew that Tang Nuan was spending money to challenge the Jiang family.

Initially, the biggest topic of discussion wasn’t how much Tang Nuan might lose but rather that the Jiang family was also giving away Beihua’s cosmetic sets for free.

Even though Tang Nuan had stated that she wouldn’t provide Beihua products to Jiang’s platform.

Yet, the Jiang family had not only chosen to offer Beihua products but had done so explicitly, clearly aiming to slap Tang Nuan in the face.

Jin Wenxia, even more pleased, flaunted the number of fan benefits offered by Jiang’s platform and Southern Capital APP that day.

During such promotional events, figures like order volumes and sales aren’t considered company secrets. Instead, they serve as proof of a platform’s strength and the scale of the promotion. Even if Jin Wenxia didn’t mention it, the platform would eventually publish these statistics.

Once everyone learned from Jin Wenxia that Tang Nuan’s cost per order was seven yuan, their focus shifted to how much Tang Nuan might lose.

[It’s been a week, right? Southern Capital’s average daily orders are around a million. With a month-long event and thirty million orders, at seven yuan per order…]

[Hiss… Two hundred million? Is she really not worried about being bankrupted? Will Young Master Ye cover for her?]

[Her parents are quite wealthy, aren’t they? They should be able to cover it, right?]

[Being able to cover it and actually throwing money away are two different things. The Jiang family is in this for business, and Tang Nuan’s calculations might not be adding up…]

Everyone was speculating about whether Tang Nuan was going to be driven to despair, and Jin Wenxia felt it wasn’t enough: [@Tang Nuan, can you deliver to Southern Capital’s side?]

[I heard Beihua’s production capacity is limited and can only supply Jiang’s. If they can’t meet the demand, will you have to prepare for a breach of contract penalty?]

Tang Nuan, Ji Yun, and Li Qiuqiu were sitting side by side on the sofa, looking at the messages in the group with blank expressions.

Ji Yun sighed and said, “Is this what it feels like to be the only sober one among a crowd of drunks?” She suddenly burst into laughter. “It’s so satisfying! I really want to see their faces when they realize we’re making money!”

Tang Nuan emphasized with a straight face, “It’s me, not us. Thank you.”

Li Qiuqiu remarked thoughtfully, “I’m starting to understand why industry elites ignore people like this. It’s really too childish and boring.”

Ji Yun added, “Speaking of which, do you think Jin Wenxia might be the Jiang family’s enemy? If she keeps up this provocative behavior, the Jiang family might end up in a tough spot.”

Ji Yun laughed heartily, “Exactly! If she hadn’t provoked us like this, we wouldn’t have had such a good opportunity to slap them in the face. It wouldn’t have looked good to just suddenly announce our profits. It would’ve seemed too tacky, haha.”

The others wanted to downplay their success, letting their achievements speak for themselves. That would truly be the mark of successful boasting—showing everyone that the Jiang family had fallen victim to Tang Nuan’s strategy.

Seeing Tang Nuan frown, Ji Yun’s heart skipped a beat. “What’s wrong? Is there a problem?”

Tang Nuan said, “I’m worried that Jiang’s might think I won’t be able to supply Southern Capital and that they’ll scale back their promotional efforts.”

This was a very real concern. In online shopping, aside from product quality, logistics service plays a crucial role. Even if the Southern Capital APP promised to offer free gifts to users, the experience of immediate delivery versus a delay of ten days or more could be significantly different.

If this happened, the so-called competitive edge of Southern Capital’s free gifts would be practically nullified.

Li Qiuqiu agreed, “That’s true. If the opponent is too weak, it becomes a form of support in itself, and their promotional effort wouldn’t need to be as strong.”

“This won’t do!” Tang Nuan squinted and started typing furiously on her phone: [@Jin Wenxia Don’t worry about me breaching the contract. Beihua’s production capacity is limited, but haven’t you heard of outsourcing?]

The Jiang family was right in its thinking—Beihua’s factory was running around the clock in three shifts and still couldn’t keep up with the order volume. They had even sent people to oversee the production, likely fearing that Tang Nuan might resort to tricks. That’s why they were so confident.

But they seemed to have forgotten that every industry has outsourcing.

Having worked in this industry for a lifetime, Sister Zhang had a significant network. Many products marketed online don’t have their own production lines; they rely entirely on outsourcing, which is very reliable.

Or perhaps they didn’t consider that after Tang Nuan’s initial losses, she would be willing to spend even more to find outsourcers: [So don’t worry, there won’t be any breach of contract, and Southern Capital APP’s orders will be delivered very, very, very promptly! You all need to keep up the good work!]

Once she sent the message, the group exploded with excitement: [Wow, this is insane!]

[Sending out tens of millions more? But then again, spending two billion, a few tens of millions isn’t much…]

[This is truly a case of throwing money just to save face. Two billion just tossed away like that?]


After ensuring that Jiang’s could maintain their promotional efforts, Tang Nuan stepped back. Li Qiuqiu contacted a well-known scriptwriter she knew to work on the script with Director Xiao, Ji Yun began preparing the team, and Tang Nuan started creating detailed plans and handling some preliminary tasks.

It was only when she actually got started that Tang Nuan realized how many details there were to handle and how diverse the processes could be. As a first-timer, she was naturally cautious and even accompanied Xie Feizhe to meet and learn from some producers, staying incredibly busy.

As for Ye Shuyan, he had completely stepped back as promised and left everything to Tang Nuan. He seemed very busy as well; initially, he would come down every day with breakfast to eat with Tang Nuan, but later he began traveling frequently, moving from one city to another and even going abroad.

This was his usual routine, and Tang Nuan had long been accustomed to it over the past three years. However, for some reason this time, she found it hard to muster enthusiasm. The daily growth in orders no longer excited her.

It wasn’t until the end of the event, when tallying the orders and settling accounts, that Tang Nuan regained her energy! Especially when Jin Wenxia once again @ her in the group, Tang Nuan was full of anticipation. After a month of relentless provocation, the moment for the final comeback had arrived.

However, she didn’t respond immediately. Instead, she first attended a marketing seminar. Given the success of the project, it was only right to let everyone know! Especially the Jiang family—she wanted them to understand her genuine gratitude.

In fact, discussions about the matter in the group had already dwindled about two weeks earlier. The situation was clear, and there were no further controversies. Without Tang Nuan appearing and with only Jin Wenxia’s one-sided mockery, it had lost its appeal.

But in recent days, the group had become lively again. With the event concluded and the final results about to be revealed, everyone was eager to find out how much Tang Nuan ultimately lost, and more importantly, what the subsequent consequences would be.

What about Young Master Ye? What’s the Ye family’s stance? From what they’ve heard, both Chairman Ye and Old Madam Ye are quite displeased with Tang Nuan’s extravagant behavior. It’s uncertain whether Young Master Ye will still stand by her this time.

Jin Wenxia was almost impatient to release the data.

The momentum was strong in the early stages of the event, but it gradually weakened in the later stages. As a result, the Southern Capital APP’s fan benefits ended up with a total of 20 million orders, and there were 5 million orders for the cosmetics and brand APP.

[25 million orders, with a cost of 7 yuan each—that’s 175 million! Adding outsourcing costs, it’s really over 200 million, damn!]

Jin Wenxia kept @Tang Nuan in the group, determined not to let up until she responded: [@Tang Nuan, did we get the calculations right? Why aren’t you speaking? Have you already fainted from crying?]

Meanwhile, Tang Nuan, whom Jin Wenxia thought was crying, was actually grinning from ear to ear.

She had just returned from the marketing seminar when she received the payment from Sister Zhang.

Aside from the erroneous assumption that Tang Nuan would lose money, Jin Wenxia’s reported data was accurate. With 25 million orders on Southern Capital and other APPs and a profit of 4 yuan per order, they netted 100 million.

Of course, Tang Nuan didn’t get all this money. Before finalizing the plan with Sister Zhang, they had signed a separate agreement. If the project failed, Tang Nuan would bear part of the risk. However, if successful, she was entitled to 20% of the event’s profit as a planning and cooperation fee, since she handled the negotiations with the courier and the platform.

So, out of the 100 million, she made 20 million.

Of course, the biggest chunk came from the Jiang family’s side. Under Tang Nuan’s influence, their promotional efforts remained strong, and they ended up with 3 million more orders than Southern Capital.

With 23 million orders and a profit of 12 yuan per order, the Jiang family’s total came to 276 million yuan. For this part, Tang Nuan had made a separate agreement with Sister Zhang, as she was the one who spurred on the increased procurement and promotion. Therefore, she was entitled to 40% of the Jiang family’s portion.

In other words, she earned 110 million yuan from the Jiang family alone!

Tang Nuan was so excited she jumped up and down, her joy overflowing. She couldn’t contain her excitement and began typing a message to Ye Shuyan.

After sending it, Ye Shuyan called almost immediately. Tang Nuan realized, with some surprise, that her first reaction to making such a substantial amount of money was to tell Ye Shuyan.

Feeling a bit awkward as she looked at the phone, she hesitated, but since she had initiated the message, she felt it would be rude not to answer. Clearing her throat, she picked up the call, “Hello?”

There was no response from the other end. Tang Nuan checked her phone, noting that the call was indeed connected, and she could hear some background noise, as if from a conference venue. “Did I accidentally dial the number?”

“No,” came a deep, pleasant voice that Tang Nuan found particularly attractive. She unconsciously touched her ear and softened her tone, “Then why aren’t you speaking?”

Ye Shuyan chuckled lightly. “I was just thinking about you. Did you receive the payment?”

Tang Nuan snorted, “Actually, I received it a while ago. I just wanted to let you know so you don’t have any trouble at the Ye family’s side.”

Ye Shuyan, seeing the timestamp on the screenshot she sent, heard her add, “It’s the duty of a fiancée.”

He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, I’ll be back the day after tomorrow. Does being a fiancée also come with the duty of picking me up at the airport?” He couldn’t resist adding, “I miss you.”

Tang Nuan replied with a straight face, “Don’t try to seduce me. Just so you know, I have money now. Be careful or I might call off the engagement.”

Ye Shuyan smoothly adjusted his response. “Oh, I meant I miss your money.”

Tang Nuan: …

She couldn’t help but laugh. “I hate people who only think about my money.”

Ye Shuyan laughed as well. “That’s a shame then. No canceling the engagement.”


After a few more playful exchanges, Tang Nuan ended the call, still smiling. How could he be so childish?

Then she glanced at the group messages and was a bit surprised by what she saw.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

They probably thought she was quite miserable. Maybe Jin Wenxia’s daily provocations had become so annoying that some people started defending her:

[@Jin Wenxia, enough already. She’s lost so much, have a bit of sympathy.]

[Yeah, it’s the Jiang family’s fault who didn’t allow others to invest in her project and forced her into this situation. What more do you want?]

Jin Wenxia, unwilling to back down, replied: [Who’s stopping her from doing projects? There are plenty of directors and actors in the entertainment industry she could work with.]

[Isn’t she the one who targeted the Jiang family first? She got herself into this mess by overestimating her capabilities, and now she doesn’t want people to talk about it?]

Others supported Jin Wenxia: [We’re all adults. It’s about taking responsibility for one’s actions. What’s there to pity? She made the claims, she should stand by them!]

[She made the claims and delivered, so why keep attacking? Sometimes it’s better to let things go.]

Jin Wenxia commented: [I’m enjoying myself, and you all have no say in it!]

Tang Nuan narrowed her eyes and started typing: [I’m enjoying myself too.]

Then she sent a 10,000 yuan red envelope.

Everyone was taken aback by her high-profile gesture. As they scrambled to grab the red envelope, they commented: [What’s going on? Has she gone crazy from the shock?]

Soon after, Tang Nuan posted a bank transfer screenshot. The critical details were blurred out, but the payer, Beihua Cosmetics Co., Ltd., was clearly visible. The transferred amount was prominently circled in red, and the digits were highlighted in red text to ensure there was no mistake.

Everyone: …

Typical Tang Nuan style. The amount was clear and unmistakable: 110 million yuan.

Before anyone could fully grasp what was happening, Tang Nuan followed up with a “heavenly flower shower” emoji: [Earned too much last month, spreading some wealth. Please accept.]

The group fell silent for a moment. After a long pause, someone cautiously commented: [So, she really has gone crazy.]

[The ultimate form of saving face—losing 200 million and then throwing out 100 million to save face…】

Jin Wenxia, of course, didn’t believe it and mocked: [Tang Nuan, you don’t need to go this far. We’re not fools.]

Tang Nuan promptly shared the link to the marketing seminar she attended, which was livestreamed and also available for replay.

She added a helpful reminder: [The relevant part starts at 23 minutes and 50 seconds. It didn’t take long—about ten minutes or so. You really need to believe that I sincerely thank the Jiang family.]

Everyone clicked on the video and saw Tang Nuan in a sharp business suit, presenting the case study.

The situation was straightforward. For most people, there might have been a need for further explanation, but after a month of following the discussions, even the group’s less informed members had a pretty good grasp of e-commerce marketing strategies.

They understood it well. What was particularly amusing was the host’s final summary:

“…This is a marketing plan with a very large scope. In this plan, everyone benefits: users receive free products; the shopping platform absorbs and increases user engagement at a low cost; the courier company gets a massive order; and of course, Beihua benefits the most. They effortlessly delivered their products to tens of millions of people and gained working capital. If their products are truly excellent, this free distribution to fifty million people will serve as seeds for future marketing, making subsequent promotions much more effective. Their revival can be anticipated!”

“The Jiang family and Southern Capital shopping platform are the unsung heroes supporting domestic brands indirectly. Perhaps this is the responsibility and significance of big enterprises!”

The group fell into complete silence.

Tang Nuan leisurely posted: [@Jin Wenxia, do you believe it now? I am truly grateful to the Jiang family for their generosity!]

Several “thank you, boss” emojis followed.

Everyone: …

Why did they even speak up for this person just now?! They were the ones who should be pitied!

However, some smart individuals did the math based on Tang Nuan’s explanation: [Even with a 20% cut, it shouldn’t be 110 million yuan. Shouldn’t it be around 50 million?]

Tang Nuan cheerfully explained: [I really have to thank the Jiang family for their generosity. They covered 8 yuan per order out of their own pocket, and the orders were specifically for my benefit. Beihua was also reluctant to take more from me…]

Finally, someone realized: [So, you’re saying the 110 million yuan is just the Jiang family platform’s share?! The Southern Capital portion isn’t included?]

Tang Nuan: [Oh, I’m not very familiar with them, so I only transferred about 20 million yuan to the rest.]

The group fell into silence once again. They felt it was time to let Jin Wenxia have her moment.

Sure enough, this time Jin Wenxia couldn’t hold back. Probably driven mad with anger, she didn’t type but instead used a voice message in a flustered tone, “Tang Nuan!! You’re despicable, playing dirty tricks!”

Tang Nuan responded calmly: [Ms. Jin, how is this a dirty trick? At most, it’s just a bold strategy.]

[And I didn’t let your Jiang family suffer any losses. We’re benefiting each other; harmony brings wealth!]

[Anyway, thanks to the Jiang family sponsorship, I can now freely throw money around in the entertainment industry!]

Jin Wenxia: ……

She was so furious she couldn’t find the words, hesitating whether to send the video to Jiang Zhan.

She suddenly realized she might have caused a big problem. If she hadn’t spread rumors everywhere, people would only know that Tang Nuan clashed with the Jiang family, but they wouldn’t have known the final result so clearly.

Even if the Jiang family was vague about it, no one would believe Tang Nuan could outsmart them like this. But now……

She clutched her phone and hurried to find her mother……

However, she was still too naïve. Even without her, Tang Nuan would have found another way. Tang Nuan was not someone who would keep a low profile—after winning a battle, how could she not brag about it?

As for whether to inform Jiang Zhan, she didn’t need to worry about that.

At the International Summit of Chinese Entrepreneurs, during a break, Ye Shuyan was watching a video on his phone.

This summit was the largest gathering of top entrepreneurs in China, and as the head of the wealthy Ye family, Ye Shuyan was naturally in the spotlight.

Someone approached with a smile and asked, “President Ye, what are you watching?”

Ye Shuyan looked up and smiled, “This case is quite interesting.”

When he said it was interesting, it surely was, so the person responded, “What case? Could you share it with me?”

Ye Shuyan generously sent it over, and when others saw it, they also wanted to watch. So, Ye Shuyan decided to share it in the group chat.

Jiang Zhan came out of the restroom and saw everyone huddled over their phones, occasionally catching a comment like “Even President Ye thinks it’s a good case.”

He furrowed his brow in confusion and continued to the VIP room, only to find that almost all the prominent figures he was familiar with in China were engrossed in watching on their phones.

One person commented, “This girl looks young, but she’s bold and meticulous. She’s bound to achieve great things in the future.”

Another person added, “The younger generation is really impressive.”

For these bigwigs, Tang Nuan’s case was relatively trivial, so they valued her creativity and decisiveness at such a young age. After all, besides products, the most important aspect of a company is its talent.

Someone asked Ye Shuyan, “Where is this video from? Does President Ye know this girl? Is she from your company? If not, we should look into it.”

Then everyone watched in surprise as the usually stoic and aloof Ye Shuyan suddenly straightened his back, slightly lowered his chin, and with a smile in his eyes and a curve at the corner of his lips, said, “Yes, she’s my fiancée.” His voice softened noticeably.

Everyone: …

We were just looking for talent, not expecting to be fed dog food!

However, seeing Ye Shuyan’s subtly proud expression was amusing, and they suddenly realized that he was still a young man who wasn’t married yet—how charming!

“Ah, President Jiang!” someone spotted Jiang Zhan and, holding up their phone, said, “Here’s the real protagonist of the event.”

Jiang Zhan finally saw the video. Naturally, he didn’t need to calculate like the members of the “Father’s Worries Alliance” group. He knew the whole story best. The realization that the low cost he was so proud of had ended up in Tang Nuan’s pocket left him feeling choked up with indignation.

Meanwhile, someone gave Jiang Zhan a thumbs-up and said, “Well done! You’ve not only gained benefits but also saved a national brand. This event was really worth it.”

“Not just that.” Ye Shuyan stood up and walked over to him, extending his hand.

Jiang Zhan gritted his teeth in frustration but had no choice but to shake hands in front of everyone. Ye Shuyan smiled faintly and said, “Tang Nuan’s film project doesn’t have to worry about funding anymore. Thank you very much.” His tone and eyes were surprisingly sincere!

Jiang Zhan was left speechless.

The author has something to say:
After Jiang Zhan dies, Jiang Ji dies. After Jiang Ji dies, Chairman Ye dies. As a couple, all villains must be defeated.

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