The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 55

Someone suddenly exclaimed in the “Father’s Worry Alliance” group chat, “Whoa! Major news! Look what I’ve discovered!!”

Immediately, a video was shared.

In a neon-lit bar, the chaotic crowd in front looked like a group of mischievous students who had just been caught by the principal. One by one, they stopped what they were doing, obediently made way, and retreated. Those who seemed unaware of what was happening were quickly pulled back by their friends to join the others.

The crowd automatically parted, revealing a tall and imposing man at the end of the path.

[What’s going on? This is so dramatic, are they filming a movie?]

[Haha, I recognize quite a few familiar faces. Your shocked expressions are so genuine, have you all changed careers to become actors?]

Xie Feizhe, the top playboy in Yan City’s circles, was hosting the opening of his bar, so naturally, many of the playboys in the group were there to show support. As a result, they were all familiar with one another.

The person filming the video mysteriously said: [This isn’t a movie. Today, I finally understood that art truly imitates life. Some people just make others nervous by their mere presence. Can you guess who it is?]

Since only a silhouette was visible, and the lighting kept flashing, the video didn’t clearly show who it was—just a tall and imposing figure. Everyone started guessing:

[Even if it were a top movie star, your reactions wouldn’t be this extreme, right?]

[To scare this group so badly, could it be a parent coming to catch their kid?]

[What parent could be that young? Besides, what trouble could they cause in Second Young Master Xie’s bar?]

[It really does look like someone is here to catch their kid. Has anyone gotten into trouble recently?]


Finally, someone suggested: [Could it be Young Master Ye?]

This was followed by a wave of laughter from everyone:

[Impossible! My brother once said that apart from work, he only works out—his idea of relaxation is playing golf or horseback riding. He would never go to a bar.]

[Have you forgotten? Young Master Ye doesn’t even drink at banquets. Why would he go to a bar? To dance?]

Everyone imagined that scenario, which seemed even more frightening than the video itself.

The first person to make the guess said: [I meant he’s there to catch Tang Nuan! Didn’t someone share a video of her dancing earlier?]

Everyone continued to deny it:

[Even if someone had to be caught, there’s no need for Young Master Ye to go in person. Just a word, and Second Young Master Xie would help send her back, wouldn’t he?]

[There’s no need for Second Young Master Xie to get involved. Sending a driver or an assistant to call her would already be giving face. Probably just a phone call would scare her enough to obediently return.]

[Going in person is for picking someone up, not catching them, okay?]

[Picking her up? Haha, is Young Master Ye going to a bar to pick up Tang Nuan? What a joke.]

With that, the topic completely went off track.

[I must say, Tang Nuan is quite bold to dare go there to have fun. Does she think her position as Mrs. Ye is already secure?]

[Even if it was secure, wouldn’t her little stunt have made it unstable? Isn’t Young Master Ye known to hate women like that?]

[Poor thing, she used to be someone who loved having fun. Maybe she’s been suppressing herself for too long, or she’s under some kind of pressure. It really shows that marriage should be between equals. Otherwise, what looks glamorous on the outside is really like drinking water—you’re the only one who knows if it’s hot or cold…]

[Exactly, otherwise, how could someone as calculating as Tang Nuan make such a big mistake?]

[By the way, do you think Young Master Ye has seen the earlier video?]

Everyone was heatedly discussing, with some darkly hoping that Tang Nuan might get dumped. Then the person who filmed the video sent another photo.

This was followed by a chorus of:




[What’s going on? Is this for real?]

The lighting in the corridor on the second floor of the bar was no longer dim. In the photo, the man they had been guessing about was standing at the door of a private room, and his profile was very clear.

He was undeniably handsome—it was actually Ye Shuyan!!

[So, it really is Young Master Ye himself coming to catch someone? Why do I suddenly feel bad about watching this unfold?]

[Wasn’t it said that if he came in person, it would be to pick someone up?]

[Catching someone is barely imaginable, but picking someone up is beyond imagination.]

For a moment, the group chat was filled with various @ mentions, calling their friends who were either invisible or had their notifications muted to come and see—because whether he was there to catch someone or pick someone up, it was definitely the biggest gossip of the year, not to be missed.

The person filming was like a paparazzo on the front lines, and everyone could even sense the excitement from the short video—it was about to reach a climax!

In fact, the situation was even more explosive than everyone imagined. In the video, just as Ye Shuyan pushed open the door to the private room, the sound of glass shattering could be heard, and Tang Nuan’s voice was faintly heard saying, “He wouldn’t come anyway.”


[Whoa, what’s happening? Is there a fight? Who’s fighting whom?]

[I’ve realized that Tang Nuan always manages to surprise people. I thought dancing on the line of Young Master Ye’s bottom line was already bold enough, but I never imagined she’d also get into a fight.]

Someone revealed: [She was a school bully in high school, so she’s probably pretty experienced at fighting, right?]

Those who weren’t in the same year were incredulous: [Every time she’s around Young Master Ye, she’s so dignified and quiet. You’d never be able to tell, right?]

[In that livestream where she was talking about some system, she also had that elite vibe, didn’t she?]

[If it’s true, then keeping up that act for so many years must have been really hard.]

Other people couldn’t even focus on the discussion anymore and hurriedly urged the person filming to keep sending videos: [Where is she? What happened next? Hurry up, hurry up, send it quickly.]

However, after a long while, the person finally sent another video, and this time, the distance was noticeably farther away.

Once again, the development of events exceeded everyone’s expectations. Ye Shuyan wasn’t in the private room but was instead standing at the door. Beside him was Second Young Master Xie, who had a look of amusement on his face as he watched Ye Shuyan.

The person filming excitedly said: [Second Young Master Xie stepped in and blocked the view, so I couldn’t capture the most exciting part! You won’t believe it—Young Master Ye actually closed the door and came out directly!]

This was followed by a string of question marks: ???

[Why did he back out? Could it be that the person fighting inside wasn’t Tang Nuan?]

Someone else suggested a rather outlandish theory: [Could it be that Tang Nuan was the one getting hit, and Young Master Ye decided not to interfere, wanting her to learn a lesson?]


The chat was filled with all sorts of wild speculations. After making fun of Ye Shuyan, even Xie Feizhe couldn’t understand, “Why didn’t you go in?”

Ye Shuyan calmly replied, “It’s a class reunion. It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to go in.”

Just as he finished speaking, there was a loud “bang” from behind the door of the private room.

Xie Feizhe: …

He looked at Ye Shuyan and said, “Is it a generation gap? I don’t remember our class reunions being this wild?”

Ye Shuyan didn’t respond, just stood there quietly with a composed expression.

However, Xie Feizhe seemed to notice something. He looked Ye Shuyan up and down and then suddenly smirked mischievously. “Oh, so the God Ye has descended to the mortal world?”

Ye Shuyan gave him a faint glance but didn’t confirm or deny it.

Xie Feizhe laughed, slipped off two rings from his own hand, and grabbed Ye Shuyan’s hand as if to put them on.

Ye Shuyan instinctively pulled his hand back, looking at Xie Feizhe with disdain, noticing his outlandish accessories: seven rings of various designs on his ten fingers, several necklaces around his neck, one of which resembled a dog chain. Ye Shuyan couldn’t understand why anyone would dress like that to go to a nightclub. What was supposed to be attractive about it?

Xie Feizhe wasn’t offended. He toyed with the rings in his hand and said, “If you’re going to change, go all the way. Don’t you know that a complete image makeover can leave people stunned?”

“Being stunning is the most effective weapon for making someone fall in love at first sight and keeping the relationship fresh.”

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but ponder. He felt like Xie Feizhe might be trying to fool him, but at the same time, there seemed to be some logic to it. While he hesitated, Xie Feizhe swiftly slipped two rings onto his fingers.

Ye Shuyan looked at them—silver rings with unique patterns, but not overly flashy—so he didn’t refuse.

Xie Feizhe then cheerfully took off a wolf tooth necklace from around his neck.

Since it wasn’t the dog chain, Ye Shuyan hesitated only briefly before lowering his head to put it on.

Xie Feizhe also rolled up Ye Shuyan’s sleeves two turns, revealing his strong, muscular forearms. Finally, he looked him over and excitedly whistled, “Perfect.”

Ye Shuyan didn’t move, but instead, coldly turned to look at someone nearby holding up a phone.

The person quickly lowered their phone in fear, but not before one last photo was sent out.

The group chat exploded again:

[Now I understand why I didn’t recognize Young Master Ye at first glance. When has he ever worn such… youthful and stylish clothes?!]

[It’s not that exaggerated, just a looser shirt with some embroidery, right?]

[But… this cold yet wild style is so handsome! Gasp… I’m actually having some rebellious thoughts…]

Xie Feizhe wasn’t lying—his makeover of Ye Shuyan was a great success.

When Tang Nuan walked out of the private room with a cold expression, she visibly froze when her gaze fell on Ye Shuyan, a look of amazement flashing in her eyes.

Ye Shuyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, unable to suppress a slight smile as he beckoned her over.

Tang Nuan slowly walked toward him, followed by the others who trickled out of the room as well.

Although they were curious about how Ye Shuyan would react after discovering Tang Nuan’s wild side, they didn’t dare to linger. They merely nodded in greeting toward Ye Shuyan before quickly making their exit.

Ye Shuyan, however, didn’t spare any of them a glance, focusing entirely on Tang Nuan until Xiao Tianye emerged.

This overly confident young man, sensing the tension, wisely tried to blend into the crowd and sneak away. Clearly, he knew he had overstepped with Tang Nuan, especially considering…

Tang Nuan suddenly recalled what Xiao Tianye had said earlier, and anger surged within her. She lifted her foot and kicked him, shouting, “Xiao Tianye, come on, say what you just said again!”

No one expected Tang Nuan to explode with such fury, leaving everyone momentarily stunned. Xiao Tianye, having been kicked into the wall, instinctively looked up, only to meet Ye Shuyan’s icy gaze. He mumbled, “Sorry, I didn’t mean what I said,” and quickly fled.

Watching him slip away only made Tang Nuan even more furious. “Ye Shuyan’s rival? You piece of trash dare to think that!?”

Ye Shuyan, seeing her puffed up with anger like a pufferfish, found himself filled with amusement rather than anger. He hadn’t expected her to be so upset on his behalf—her burning rage wasn’t for herself but because the other guy had insulted him.

“Alright,” Ye Shuyan gently stroked her back, speaking in a soft voice, “Don’t take it to heart.”

The warmth of his hand on her back and his gentle voice caused a wave of deep-seated grievance to swell up within Tang Nuan.

Seeing her pout and looking like she was about to cry, Ye Shuyan couldn’t resist pulling her into his arms, softly comforting her. “There, there, don’t be angry. Be good.”

Tang Nuan clutched his shirt tightly and buried her head in his chest, refusing to look up.

The onlookers found this scene utterly ridiculous. They glanced at the fleeing Xiao Tianye and then at Zhu Xianli, who was still struggling to get up, completely unsure who had just been wronged.

Finally, Zhu Xianli was helped out by two lackeys. Her waist and back ached, her dress was soaked in alcohol, and she looked utterly disheveled. She had been counting on Ye Shuyan to reprimand Tang Nuan, but seeing this scene nearly made her explode with anger.

“Why?!” She couldn’t contain her jealousy and bitterness and demanded, “Young Master Ye, didn’t you see her hitting people?”

Ye Shuyan gently stroked Tang Nuan’s head and calmly replied, “I didn’t see anything.”

He then looked Zhu Xianli up and down and added, “Why is it that out of all your classmates, you’re the only one who’s not feeling well?”

Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu turned their backs, shoulders shaking as they struggled to hold back their laughter.

Class reunion? Not feeling well? Hahaha.

Right, why is it that out of everyone, you’re the only one who got hit? Isn’t it because you brought it upon yourself?

Zhu Xianli bit her lip hard, trying not to break down and scream, but in the end, she couldn’t hold back, “Young Master Ye, why are you protecting her like this? What do you even see in her?”

Ye Shuyan lowered his gaze, looking at Tang Nuan with warmth in his eyes and a slight smile on his lips. He was about to speak when suddenly a hand reached out and covered his mouth.

“Don’t say it!” Tang Nuan looked up, warned Ye Shuyan, then swept her gaze over the crowd of onlookers, finally fixing it on the furious Zhu Xianli. With a mischievous smile, she said, “I’m not telling you! Go ahead and be mad!”

The crowd & Zhu Xianli: …

Xie Feizhe couldn’t help but burst into laughter, “Haha, Tang Nuan, you’re so funny!”

Ye Shuyan also couldn’t help but smile. He gently pulled her hand down, rubbed her head, and said, “Alright, let’s go home?”

Tang Nuan hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

Ye Shuyan’s eyes were full of affection as he wrapped his arm around her and turned back to look at Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu. “Ask Xie Feizhe to take you both home later.”

The two were flattered, surprised that Ye Shuyan even remembered them.

Xie Feizhe whistled as he watched the two leave.

Tang Nuan had drunk quickly earlier, and after getting angry, the alcohol finally hit her. Sitting in the car, she couldn’t help but glance at Ye Shuyan beside her, from his clothes to his fingers.

Ye Shuyan found it amusing and teasingly extended his hand with the ring towards her.

Sure enough, Tang Nuan instinctively grabbed it and started fiddling with his ring. Watching her, Ye Shuyan felt a stirring in his heart. He tucked the necklace back under his shirt and said, “This…”

Tang Nuan immediately turned her head to look at his collar.

Today, he was wearing a loose casual shirt with the top two buttons undone. The wolf tooth on the necklace was hidden further down, and to see it, she’d have to unbutton another button.

Seeing Tang Nuan lean closer, Ye Shuyan’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he lowered his gaze and remained still, afraid of startling her.


As he watched Tang Nuan so close to him, he started feeling a bit tight and, trying to suppress a cough, asked, “What are you doing?”

Tang Nuan tightly crossed both sides of his collar to ensure it was completely covered and said coldly, “It doesn’t look good. Button it up!”

So uptight, who are you trying to seduce? Not adhering to proper male virtue; you shouldn’t be showing this to anyone else!

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but laugh. He lifted his arm slightly, and without holding back, gently pulled her into his embrace.

It seemed Tang Nuan was indeed a bit drunk, as she obediently leaned against his chest without moving.

Ye Shuyan felt like his heart was melting completely.

But this only lasted for about twenty minutes. By the time they got home, the situation had completely changed.

He supported her up to the door on the 19th floor, and suddenly, Tang Nuan became wary again. She pushed him away, one hand covering the lock, the other entering the passcode while occasionally glaring at him, as if afraid he might see.

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but chuckle and patiently leaned against the wall, watching as she fumbled through the code several times before finally getting the door open.

He first helped her to the bedroom, and when he returned with a glass of honey water from the kitchen, he found Tang Nuan tightly wrapped in a blanket, sitting on the bed, staring intently at the door.

When she saw him enter, her eyes clearly lit up, but as he approached, her expression turned wary again. “Leave it there, I’ll drink it myself.”

Ye Shuyan placed the glass on the bedside table and casually asked, “Do you really not like me at all?”

Tang Nuan suddenly became angry. “I don’t like you. Why should I?”

Tang Nuan glared at Ye Shuyan, her voice sharp, “You say I shouldn’t like you, so I can’t? You say I should like you, so I must? Who do you think you are?”

“You have no idea how much determination it took for me. I worked so hard; I had everything figured out. And just because you casually say you like me, everything I’ve planned gets overturned? Why?”

She then said coldly, “Liking someone is the most unreliable thing ever! How long do you think your so-called ‘liking’ will last?”

Ye Shuyan was surprised. It turned out her concerns were similar to his own. Were they truly made for each other?

But he knew he had hurt her deeply in this matter. “I’m sorry, that was my fault.”

“It’s not your fault.” Tang Nuan, still wrapped in her blanket, seemed lost in thought. Her eyes were distant as she said, “My grandmother once told me that she and my grandfather were deeply in love. Even though she couldn’t have children, he insisted on marrying her, and they were very happy together…”

Ye Shuyan realized she was talking about the matriarch of the Tang family.

“But then what happened?” Tang Nuan said with a hint of bitterness, “It lasted only five years before my grandfather brought home Tang Sheng’an. My grandmother, who had given her whole heart, ended up having to live under the shadow of Tang Sheng’an, needing to look up to him for the rest of her life.”

Ye Shuyan was taken aback. Tang Sheng’an was an illegitimate child? The Tang family had kept this secret well.

“Just like me…” Tang Nuan murmured, “Everything I have depends on you. The honors, the respect I receive in social circles—most of it is because of you.”

“Without you, I’m nothing. Like today, when they knew you wouldn’t come, they mocked me, looked down on me. But when facing you, they all acted like obedient quails, not daring to say a word. Do you know why? Because you’re powerful.”

“If one day you change your mind, I’ll not only lose everything but will also be trampled by them.”

Ye Shuyan hadn’t realized how insecure she felt inside. “That won’t happen. You…”

Before he could finish, Tang Nuan suddenly sat up straight, raising her fist in the air and declaring, “I want to become strong! I want to rely on myself! I want them to see me and feel the same fear and respect they do when they see you!”

Ye Shuyan almost got hit by her fist, leaning back to avoid it. He couldn’t help but laugh. He realized he was wrong—she was actually braver than he was. While he had been avoiding his fears, needing his mother’s guidance to face them, she already knew exactly what she needed to do.

“Yes, you will…”

“I don’t want to like you!!!” She shouted this so loudly that it echoed through the room.

Ye Shuyan: …

He couldn’t help but grit his teeth, “Is it that you just can’t handle a little praise?”

Tang Nuan suddenly deflated like a balloon losing air.

Ye Shuyan sighed and fetched a towel from the bathroom. As he gently wiped her face, he asked, “What’s wrong now?”

Tang Nuan pouted in frustration, “I can’t become strong… Director Feng said my project isn’t good enough.”

Ye Shuyan frowned, “Who says it’s not good enough? I think it’s great.”

Tang Nuan gave him a glance, her expression full of disdain. “You’re not a professional.” Then she slumped again, “Neither am I…”

“If I lose money… I’ll be broke! Am I just not capable?”

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but ruffle her hair. She always seemed so confident, but thinking about it, she was just a recent graduate. Taking on such a big project was bound to come with a lot of pressure.

“It’s okay, don’t worry. You still have me,” he said. “If you lose money, it’ll be my loss.”

He meant to reassure her, to ease her burden, but Tang Nuan reacted as if she had been jolted awake. She suddenly became determined, “No, no, no, it can’t be your loss. It’s my responsibility.” Her eyes shone with determination as if she was ready to face any challenge head-on. “I can definitely do it!”

Ye Shuyan: …

What was she thinking?

To her, was his help like some kind of terrifying monster?

The author has something to say:
Tang Nuan: When I become strong, you have to respect me. If you dare to change your mind, I will dump you first!
Ye Shuyan: Don’t feel pressured, I will support you!
Tang Nuan:!!!!
This is a sugar-coated talk! Dog Ye really has ulterior motives! Don’t let your will be corrupted! Charge!!
Nuan Nuan is going to pursue a career.

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