The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 54

As Ye Shuyan reached the 19th floor, he overheard the other person’s excited thoughts, “Ah, how can there be such a handsome man in this world?!”

“Who cares about just feeling heartbeats? I could even feel my baby kick for him!”

Ye Shuyan: ??? (▼へ▼メ)

He gritted his teeth and stepped forward to ring the doorbell, but after waiting for a while, no one came to open the door—it turned out this person was pretending not to be home.

Ye Shuyan chuckled in frustration. Just as he was about to enter the password to unlock the door, he heard her huff inwardly: “I want to see if he’ll really use the password to get in!”

“Anyway, I’ve already changed the password, there’s no way he’s getting in.”

Ye Shuyan paused, narrowing his eyes, and stopped knocking. Instead, he leaned against the wall nearby, waiting.

Sure enough, within two minutes, there was movement at the door. Ye Shuyan watched as she sneakily opened the door just a crack, peeking out like a little hamster.

The moment their eyes met, Tang Nuan quickly pulled her head back and tried to close the door, but Ye Shuyan swiftly stepped forward, blocking it with a smile. “You came out just to see me? Are you worried about me?”

Tang Nuan stood blocking the door, refusing to let him in. “Don’t flatter yourself. I was just checking to see if my takeout had arrived.”

However, her strength was no match for Ye Shuyan’s. He easily pushed the door open, forcing her inside, and casually remarked, “Hmm, I knew you heard me ring the doorbell, you just took your time coming.”

Tang Nuan felt inexplicably guilty at his words, but couldn’t help glaring at him. “How are you so shameless?”

Ye Shuyan smiled faintly, “I learned it from you, didn’t I? You know how proper I used to be.”

Tang Nuan was speechless with anger. So, it was somehow her fault?

Ye Shuyan reached out and gently ruffled her hair, a doting smile on his face. “Alright, stop making a fuss. I brought you some food.”

He leaned in and glanced around the room. The TV was on, and he realized that the earlier excitement was about a character being handsome. His gaze fell on the paused screen, and he scrutinized the actor with a critical eye—probably not very tall, with a slightly oversized head, and a body with overly exaggerated muscles. Overall, not impressive.

Satisfied that the actor was no competition, he headed towards the kitchen. As he walked away, he casually asked, “Did you really change the door lock’s password? What is it?”

Tang Nuan huffed and naturally didn’t answer, but Ye Shuyan caught the fleeting thought of a sequence of numbers—it was the date from two days ago.

So, the day he confessed was special to her? Ye Shuyan’s lips curled into a pleased smile as he packed the snacks and beer onto a tray and brought them out.

Tang Nuan was already back on the sofa, watching TV, clearly pretending not to notice him.

Ye Shuyan sat down beside her as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Tang Nuan snorted, scooting a little farther away, making Ye Shuyan chuckle. He picked up a chicken foot and handed it to her, knowing she particularly liked them.

“Did you open my fridge?” Tang Nuan complained, though her hand was quick to accept the offering.

The pickled pepper chicken feet made by Tang Jinxin were simply the best. Knowing how much she liked them, he would make a batch every so often. Tang Nuan, in an effort to control herself, would portion them out, only taking one serving at a time. Otherwise, she’d easily finish them all in one go.

Ye Shuyan opened a beer and handed it to her. “It tastes better with this.”

Tang Nuan, not suspecting anything, took a sip, and immediately felt a sense of relaxation wash over her—if only he weren’t there to ruin it.

Ye Shuyan smiled faintly, feeling something hard pressing against his back. He reached behind and pulled out a notebook. Flipping it open, he saw that the pages were filled with the names of various TV dramas. Though the notes were a bit messy, they clearly detailed the genres, promotional strategies, reviews, analyses, and final performance data of each show.

So, she was doing research.

Ye Shuyan knew that she wanted to work on a film project with Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu. His thoughts suddenly drifted to the Nuanyang System. To have perfected the system’s functions so thoroughly, she must have tried out every type of hotel herself back then.

Just this level of dedication…


Ye Shuyan was startled out of his thoughts and turned to see the person he was just about to praise staring intently at the TV.” …So handsome! So this something I can watch for free?”

Ye Shuyan looked at the actor on the screen who had just taken off his shirt: ……

“Those pecs, those abs, those V-lines…” Tang Nuan was watching very attentively.

Ye Shuyan took a deep breath and shoved the wine glass in his hand into the one that had just thrown away a chicken bone.

“What are you doing?” Tang Nuan asked, puzzled, and wrinkled her nose in annoyance at her greasy fingers. Despite her complaints, her eyes never left the screen, which was glowing with excitement.

“Hold this for me,” Ye Shuyan said nonchalantly.

Tang Nuan was too engrossed in the scene to question why he couldn’t just set the glass on the coffee table. The male lead was injured, the female lead was treating his wounds, and the director had shot the scene beautifully… She was so absorbed that she didn’t notice anything unusual.

Just as a smile started to creep onto her face, she suddenly felt a tightness around her waist and was pulled sideways, losing control of her balance.

A casual voice reminded her from above, “Careful with the glass. It’s hard to clean if it spills.”

Tang Nuan instinctively tried to keep the glass steady, but by the time she realized what was happening, she found herself lying on Ye Shuyan’s chest. It looked as if she was throwing herself into his arms, with both hands still holding onto the wine glasses.

“Ye Shuyan!” Tang Nuan angrily lifted her head, “What are you trying to… do?!” Her tone involuntarily changed at the end.

She watched as Ye Shuyan reached out, loosened his tie, and with his long, slender fingers, unbuttoned the top button of his perfectly neat shirt, revealing a tantalizing Adam’s apple.

Tang Nuan instinctively swallowed, quickly lowering her gaze. “Hey, don’t be a rogue!”

But Ye Shuyan didn’t pause for even a moment. He continued to undo the second button, and Tang Nuan couldn’t help but catch glimpses of his collarbone and the faint outline of his muscles below…

A deep voice resonated above her, “Who’s trying to be a rogue? You wanted to see, didn’t you? Why look elsewhere? I told you, I’ll fulfill all your needs—it’s my duty as your fiancé.”

Tang Nuan: …

Seeing him about to undo the third button, Tang Nuan struggled to get up. However, with both hands holding wine glasses, she had no leverage, and Ye Shuyan easily held her down with just one hand.

Tang Nuan gritted her teeth and looked up at him, “You’d better stop…” Her voice softened.

Ye Shuyan had somehow lowered his head closer to hers, their breaths mingling. His usually calm eyes held a storm she had never seen before, and she sensed danger.

Sure enough, Ye Shuyan, driven by that storm, lowered his head bit by bit. Just half a centimeter more, and he could taste what he longed for…

“Lust is emptiness! Emptiness is lust! Master, please hold back!! Master, wake up!!”

Ye Shuyan paused, looking into her innocent eyes, then released her, both amused and exasperated.

Tang Nuan seized the opportunity, pushing against his chest with her elbow to sit up. She smirked, thinking, did he really believe she wouldn’t be prepared after falling for it once? Tang Nuan wouldn’t trip over the same stone twice!

Try anything again, and I’ll make sure you join the monastery.

Ye Shuyan chuckled in exasperation and couldn’t resist giving Tang Nuan a light tap on the head.

Tang Nuan turned back to the TV, ignoring him. With a sigh, Ye Shuyan picked up the wine glass she had just set on the coffee table, gesturing for her to clink glasses with him.

But Tang Nuan suddenly became cautious. “I’m not drinking,” she said, snatching his glass away too. “And you shouldn’t either. If you get drunk, I can’t carry you.” Bringing alcohol out of the blue was definitely suspicious.

Ye Shuyan looked at his now empty hands and nearly forgot that she was always overly cautious when it came to her safety. With no other choice, he resigned himself to munching on a bag of chips with her, watching two episodes of the drama to prove that he really had come just to see her and had no ulterior motives.

In the end, his plan to get her tipsy and talkative failed miserably.

And before he could come up with another approach, Tang Nuan disappeared on him.

The next morning, Ye Shuyan read a message on his phone that made him both frustrated and amused: “I feel like my place isn’t very safe. I’m going to stay at a friend’s house for a few days. Don’t contact me unless it’s important.”

Yesterday, she had acted like nothing was wrong, but apparently, that was just to make him lower his guard.

Ye Shuyan realized that he might have been too eager. Relationships weren’t like work; you couldn’t just identify a problem and solve it quickly. Emotions needed time to be processed. Wasn’t he the same way just a few days ago?

Being a person who quickly corrects his mistakes, Ye Shuyan understood that Tang Nuan needed space. So, he focused back on work, refraining from doing anything that might pressure her.

…but she was avoiding him a little too thoroughly!

It had been almost a week since he last saw her. She was supposed to come in and sign some contracts this week, but Tang Nuan had delegated everything to Tang Yue. He didn’t even catch a glimpse of her at the office.

Ye Shuyan was starting to feel frustrated. He was debating whether he should keep waiting or take action. If he kept waiting, what if she never came around? But if he acted too soon…

Just then, a video made the decision for him. He had to go find her himself.

Someone in the “Father’s Worry Alliance” group had @mentioned him, which surprised him.

He had asked Ji Yun to add him to this group last time because it was where the photo with Bella— the one that led to Tang Nuan’s misunderstanding—was first shared.

Ji Yun had mentioned that this group was the go-to source for firsthand gossip in wealthy circles. So, just in case, Ye Shuyan had joined, even using an inconspicuous nickname. He never expected someone would take notice of him.

When he clicked on the video, he saw the very person who had been on his mind constantly—Tang Nuan—dancing freely under the neon lights in a nightclub. She was wearing a tank top and jeans, her long hair flowing freely as she bounced and twirled. Her bright smile was almost blinding.

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but grit his teeth.

He scrolled up and down, quickly finding useful information. The bar was newly opened by Xie Feizhe, and tonight was its grand opening, attracting a lot of people to celebrate.

Ye Shuyan glanced at his watch—it was 7 PM. He tidied up his desk and got ready to leave.

The group chat was buzzing with messages about the video. Many didn’t realize the person being @mentioned was him; instead, they were all praising Xie Feizhe, complimenting his taste in fashion, calling him “casually sexy,” and other such things. This made Ye Shuyan recall how Tang Nuan had once teased him for not being lively enough…

Ye Shuyan looked down at his clothes and, after a moment of thought, told the driver, “Head home first.”

Tang Nuan had no idea that Ye Shuyan was coming to get her in person. She was having a blast with Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu, completely letting loose. When she received Xie Feizhe’s invitation a few days ago, she hadn’t hesitated to come.

It had been a long time since she had let herself have fun like this. The last time she had been this carefree was before her sophomore year of college. After getting engaged to Ye Shuyan, she had to start acting more reserved, and soon after, she got busy with the Nuanyang System, leaving her with no free time at all.

With the stress of their upcoming film project, the three of them needed to blow off some steam, so they decided to come out together.

It wasn’t until they were exhausted from dancing that they finally left the dance floor and headed to the bar to rest.

As they ordered three drinks, Ji Yun couldn’t help but bring up today’s situation again, “I still feel like something’s off about all this.”

“Director Feng was all in just before, and now, right when we’re about to sign the contract, he suddenly backs out…” Ji Yun complained, her frustration growing.

Ji Yun had always wanted to start an entertainment and film company, so this time, Tang Nuan was mainly funding and planning while Ji Yun handled the nitty-gritty. When it comes to making a good film, aside from the script, the director and their team are crucial.

Ji Yun gathered information, Tang Nuan conducted analysis, and after all this time, they had unanimously agreed that Director Feng was the best fit for Li Qiuqiu’s script.

Feng’s filming style was meticulous, with top-tier aesthetics. In his early years, he had made some excellent films, but as the fan economy took off, he often found himself swayed by capital, churning out bad films for years. So, when Ji Yun approached him, it seemed like a perfect match.

But just as Ji Yun was preparing for the next steps, he suddenly backed out, which significantly disrupted their work.

“He said, after thinking it over, this project wasn’t suitable.” Ji Yun slammed the table. “Bullshit! Sure, right now, cutesy rom-coms and nonsensical comedies are trending. But I think Tang Nuan’s analysis is spot on.”

“Those genres are fine, but there’s still a demand for authentic wuxia dramas, it’s just that no one is doing them justice anymore.”

Li Qiuqiu, who was well-versed in the industry, chimed in, “With the internet booming, investors only care about quick profits from fan-driven economies. Even the best scripts, if paired with a popular but mediocre actor, and meddling investors, end up with mismatched costumes, illogical plots, and just plain awful execution…”

Several of her scripts had been butchered beyond recognition.

Li Qiuqiu took a swig of her drink. The reason she often sold her work without much follow-up was partly because she couldn’t bear to see her hard work ruined. But there was nothing she could do about it, so she chose to turn a blind eye.

“Exactly,” Ji Yun added, “Wouldn’t directors want to make a genuinely good film? We’re the kind of investors who are hands-off, just here for the dream. We’re way better than those early coal mine investors, right?”

Tang Nuan took a sip of her drink and corrected her, “We’re not exactly flush with cash.”

Ji Yun choked on her words for a moment before recovering with a sheepish grin. “Well, we haven’t started raising funds yet, right?” She then added with a flattering smile, “Come on, with you as our big backer, how could we ever be short on cash?”

Tang Nuan didn’t directly respond but instead reminded her, “Aren’t you still planning to cast the male lead? That’s no small task either.”

Ji Yun: ……

“Come on, my Brother Xiao’s acting is top-notch! He’s only been blacklisted because he offended some higher-ups. I’ve looked into it—his contract is about to expire. As long as we produce a good film, he can make a comeback, and our movie will be a huge hit. It’s a win-win situation!”

Tang Nuan lazily summed up, “So, basically, we need more money.”

Ji Yun, thick-skinned as ever, replied, “Yeah, just six or seven million more should do.”

Before Tang Nuan could roll her eyes and respond, a sarcastic voice chimed in from behind them. “Oh, someone’s about to become Mrs. Ye, and suddenly, her tone is different. So confident, huh?”

The three of them turned around to see a group of men and women standing behind them. Leading the group was a short, slightly plump girl with a smirk that didn’t reach her eyes. “I thought it looked like you, and it is! Tang Nuan, now that you’ve flown up and become a phoenix, you shouldn’t be hanging out with us commoners anymore. Isn’t this a bit beneath you?”

Ji Yun, mimicking her sarcastic tone, shot back, “Oh, who do we have here? Isn’t it our school’s very own ‘Second Brother’ who’s neither human inside nor out?”

Zhu Xianli’s face darkened.

Tang Nuan chuckled. Zhu Xianli was their high school classmate, someone who loved to stir up trouble and was notorious for causing drama. After a few incidents, she earned the nickname “Pigsy”—from the saying “Pigsy looking in the mirror, neither human inside nor out.”

After she cried about it a few times, people started calling her “Second Brother,” which sounded more polite but meant the same thing.

Tang Nuan didn’t want to waste time on someone so insignificant, so she stood up and smiled. “Second Young Master Xie was so insistent, I just had to come.” She took a step forward, looking down at Zhu Xianli. “No matter which branch I perch on, you’ve certainly stayed firmly on your own branch, which is admirable.”

She glanced at Ji Yun, who immediately caught on and stepped forward to support Tang Nuan in an exaggerated manner, “Oh, be careful!”

Tang Nuan gave Zhu Xianli a reserved smile and, with the air of a hostess, said, “Don’t be too reserved, have fun. I’m leaving now. Bye-bye.”

After saying that, Tang Nuan held onto Ji Yun and called for Li Qiuqiu to head up to a private room on the second floor.

Watching them leave, Zhu Xianli stomped her foot in frustration. “Look at her, acting all smug!”

Someone beside her added indignantly, “How do you think Young Master Ye ever took a liking to her? Back in high school, she used to bully others by leveraging the boys who chased after her. And now she’s not even officially Mrs. Ye yet, and her nose is already in the air. Imagine how she’ll act once she really becomes Mrs. Ye!”

“Honestly, her scheming is truly admirable. People used to say Young Master Ye didn’t care about her, but ever since the Jiang Miao incident, he seems to treat her differently. I even heard he stood up for her personally when the Tang family tried to give her trouble.”

“Is she playing the ‘innocent flower’ role in front of Young Master Ye now?”

Zhu Xianli glanced at her phone, her chat window open, and let out a cold laugh. “Whether she’s pretending to be an innocent flower or a master manipulator, I’d like to see how long she can keep up the act.”

Someone nearby asked skeptically, “Are you sure it’s really Young Master Ye in the group? And even if it is, would he even pay attention to messages? He’s got a busy schedule—why would he bother joining this group if he wasn’t interested?”

Zhu Xianli confidently replied, “My source is reliable—it’s definitely Young Master Ye. And if he wasn’t reading the messages, why would he join the group in the first place?”

Another person speculated, “Maybe he’s realized Tang Nuan’s true nature and is secretly observing her from the group?”

This theory was quickly accepted by the others, who exchanged knowing looks, eager to see how things would unfold.

Suddenly, Zhu Xianli noticed something and exclaimed, “Hey! Isn’t that Xiao Tianye over there?”

“The same Xiao Tianye who used to chase after Tang Nuan? Wow, there are so many familiar faces here—it’s practically a class reunion.”

As they craned their necks to confirm, Zhu Xianli suddenly smiled. “Let’s go say hi.”

In the private room, Ji Yun was still laughing, “Haha, you should have seen Zhu Xianli’s expression. She must be furious!”

“I mean, it’s been so many years. Why is she still like that? Jealous of others’ happiness and not caring about her own life?”

Li Qiuqiu leaned back on the sofa, taking a sip of her drink. “That’s why her family doesn’t let her work in the company to avoid offending people. She’s left to irritate people and seek attention like a fly.”

Tang Nuan propped her legs on the coffee table, holding her drink like a king. “If no one’s jealous, then I must be mediocre. What can I say? I was just too outstanding back then.”

Ji Yun laughed, “Exactly. She looked like a school bully but had the best grades.”

To put it simply, those people were just envious. Among them, Tang Nuan’s family background was the poorest, with pitiful pocket money. Yet she was beautiful, smart, and had the qualities of both a school bully and a top student. At that age, she had a unique charm, and many boys pursued her.

“Speaking of which, I saw Xiao Tianye is here too,” Ji Yun said. “I remember he was quite persistent when he pursued you. Everyone thought he was so devoted, and when you didn’t accept him, it was as if you were ungrateful. How did you finally deal with him?”

Tang Nuan reminisced about that time with a chuckle. “As for dealing with a clingy pest…”

Before she could finish, the door to the private room was pushed open. “See, I wasn’t lying. The future Mrs. Ye is right here.”

It was Zhu Xianli, who had now expanded her entourage to more than a dozen people, all former high school classmates.

Two of them, who had been on good terms with Tang Nuan, approached her happily. “Tang Nuan, Ji Yun, Qiuqiu, it’s been a long time.”

Tang Nuan smiled and hugged them. Meanwhile, Zhu Xianli had ushered everyone inside, making it seem like she was hosting the event.

She looked at Tang Nuan and said, “I told them we’d run into you, but they didn’t believe it. They said, with you becoming Mrs. Ye soon, you shouldn’t be hanging out in places like this. Young Master Ye might get angry if he finds out.”

Tang Nuan leaned in, slowly pouring herself a drink, and then took a sip, raising an eyebrow at Zhu Xianli. “So, is it that you’re hanging out in nightclubs because you can’t get married, or did your fiancé dump you for frequenting them?”

Zhu Xianli was taken aback and retorted angrily, “You!”

A young man nearby suddenly chuckled, “Nuan Nuan, you’re still the same as before.” It was Xiao Tianye.

Xiao Tianye was quite good-looking, once considered a campus heartthrob with a refined and elegant demeanor, wearing gold-rimmed glasses. His family owned a hospital, which gave him a certain detached confidence as if no one could dislike him.

Hearing his voice, Tang Nuan felt a wave of disgust. “Xiao Tianye, stop calling me that. It’s making me sick.”

Xiao Tianye responded with a good-natured smile, but a few people around him started teasing her. “Oh, it’s been so many years. Tang Nuan, you’re still as heartless as ever.”

They then turned to Xiao Tianye, “Tianye, you’d better be careful. Tang Nuan is now Young Master Ye’s fiancée. Watch out or Young Master Ye might get jealous and make things difficult for you.”

Their words were also a dig at Tang Nuan for climbing the social ladder, but Xiao Tianye looked at Tang Nuan with a romantic gaze and said, “To be a rival of Young Master Ye is also an honor for me.”

Tang Nuan’s eyes turned cold.

Ji Yun sneered, “Rival of Young Master Ye? Peacock Xiao, you’re really giving yourself too much credit. Do you even deserve that title?”

Tang Nuan found a few glasses and began to slowly pour from the largest bottle of liquor.

Zhu Xianli, thinking she was serving drinks for everyone, stepped forward and handed a glass to Xiao Tianye with a smile. “It’s all in the past from high school, Tang Nuan. Why are you so eager to distance yourself? Are you really afraid of Young Master Ye finding out? Don’t worry, Young Master Ye probably won’t come here. As long as you keep it under wraps, it’ll be fine.”

She then picked up another glass of liquor and offered it to Tang Nuan, “I remember there was some unpleasantness between you two back then. Since we’ve run into each other today, why not have a cup together and let bygones be bygones?”

Xiao Tianye actually took a step forward, but when he saw Tang Nuan remaining still, Zhu Xianli continued holding up her glass, “What’s the matter? Could it be that you’re feeling guilty? Are you afraid of Young Master Ye?”

Tang Nuan just kept pouring from the bottle.

Two classmates who were close to Tang Nuan noticed the awkward atmosphere and quickly intervened, “Hey, Second Senior Brother, what are you stirring up trouble for? We’re just here to catch up with old friends. What’s with all this drama?”

Zhu Xianli, who always liked to cause trouble, was trying to make a scene, knowing that even if Ye Shuyan knew about this, he wouldn’t bother with someone like her. So, she took extra pleasure in annoying people.

Hearing the way her old classmates referred to her, Zhu Xianli’s face darkened slightly, but she held her glass up as if trying to make Tang Nuan uncomfortable.

One of Zhu Xianli’s lackeys said, “It’s just a drink. Miss Tang, now that you’re with the Ye family, do you look down on your old classmates?”

Xiao Tianye, with a worried expression, raised his glass towards Tang Nuan, “Nuan Nuan, you see…”

“Xiao Tianye.” Tang Nuan suddenly smiled, “You’re still the same, always not understanding what people say.”

Seeing her expression, Xiao Tianye suddenly had a bad premonition. He tried to retract his hand, but it was too late. Tang Nuan swung the empty bottle like a baseball bat, aiming straight for his hand holding the glass…

The back of his hand felt like it had been shattered, and Xiao Tianye screamed in pain, his face contorted, losing all its former elegance.

Zhu Xianli, who was hit by a flying glass, also cried out in pain, as the glass smashed into her waist, causing not only intense pain but also spilling the liquor all over her.

Tang Nuan shook the bottle and gave her a faint smile, “Still not too rusty.” Then she turned to Ji Yun and said, “Curious about how I deal with these clingy pests?”

“Clingy pests? Well, you just need to rip them off directly!”

Tang Nuan turned to Zhu Xianli and said, “Stirring up trouble? That should apply here too, right?”

Zhu Xianli was so frightened that she ran towards the door, exclaiming, “Tang Nuan! Are you this barbaric? Young Master Ye will find out and might even break off the engagement with you!”

Tang Nuan’s response was to throw the bottle she was holding with force. It hit Zhu Xianli’s back and shattered at her feet with a loud crash.

Zhu Xianli fell to the ground, stunned and in pain, unable to make a sound.

Everyone was stunned by Tang Nuan’s actions.

Tang Nuan smiled and said, “It’s fine, isn’t it? You said yourself that he wouldn’t come.”

Before she could finish her sentence, the door to the private room was pushed open. A tall, aloof man stood at the entrance, staring intently at Tang Nuan.

Tang Nuan: …

Zhu Xianli, finally regaining her composure, looked up and saw that it was indeed Ye Shuyan. Seeing him as a savior, she exclaimed in delight, “Young Master Ye! Help me, it’s Tang Nuan…”

Before she could finish, the door was shut again, as if he had never been there.

Tang Nuan: …

Everyone: …

The author has something to say:
Tang Nuan: It’s okay, he won’t come anyway.
Ye Shuyan: Should I leave? If I’m here, it’s hard for her to fully express herself. You can call me back in afterward.
Second Senior Brother: Did I hallucinate what I just heard?

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