The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 52

When Ye Shuyan said those words, not only was Assistant Wen stunned, but Tang Nuan also widened her eyes in surprise.

She never expected Ye Shuyan to push the blame onto Assistant Wen.

Tang Nuan admitted that she had deliberately not told Tang Yue the specifics of the contract. First, she wasn’t sure how to explain it and had planned to let Ye Shuyan deal with the headache himself. Second, she wanted to vent a little frustration before the engagement was called off—was that too much to ask?

But she hadn’t expected Ye Shuyan to change his mind at the last minute. What did this mean? Was he backing down?

No, why would he back down?

Wait, the fact that Ye Shuyan would back down? That’s almost laughable.

Could it be because he did something wrong to her and changed the contract as a form of compensation?

Hmm, possibly. After all, in a certain sense, he’s still her fiancé, and secretly going on a blind date behind her back is indeed quite wrong.

Ye Shuyan frowned as he listened to her inner thoughts. What compensation? A blind date? What nonsense is this? What happened that made her so eager to come and sign the contract?

He glanced at his watch, “It’s already after office hours, and the contract isn’t something that can be clarified in a short time.”

“Assistant Wen can take this opportunity to restructure the contract. If Lawyer Tang is concerned, she can discuss it with him.” Finally, his gaze fell on Tang Nuan, and his tone involuntarily softened, “Tang Nuan, come with me.”

Tang Nuan knew it was time to talk business. She took a deep breath and, after greeting Tang Yue, followed Ye Shuyan out.

As Ye Shuyan was closing the door, he glanced at the still-stunned Assistant Wen, feeling a rare moment of guilt. Taking advantage of the fact that Tang Nuan and Tang Yue weren’t paying attention, he quickly mouthed something.

Assistant Wen was once again shocked. His boss actually made such a gesture? When he finally understood what his boss was trying to say, his spirits lifted immediately.

A good subordinate, of course, knows when to take the blame for the boss! Assistant Wen turned to meet Tang Yue’s gaze. No matter how difficult she was, he was determined to handle her.

For the bonus! No, for the boss!

Tang Nuan was unaware of the undercurrents behind her. After stepping out, she noticed Ye Shuyan walking quickly ahead, forcing her to almost jog to catch up.

For the nth time, she felt Ye Shuyan’s urgency. Just how perfect was that other woman…?

The elevator doors opened, and Ye Shuyan immediately stepped in, with Tang Nuan following closely behind.

But to her surprise, Ye Shuyan only took a single step inside before stopping abruptly and turning around. Tang Nuan, not expecting this, nearly collided with him. Startled, she leaned back, almost falling out of the elevator.

A strong arm swiftly wrapped around her waist, pulling her back in. Due to the momentum, Tang Nuan ended up crashing right into Ye Shuyan’s chest.

Still shaken, Tang Nuan didn’t regain her composure until she felt a large hand gently stroke the back of her head. His deep voice sounded above her, “Are you okay?” She couldn’t help but think she detected a hint of amusement in his tone.

Tang Nuan didn’t look up. She just struggled slightly, pushing against Ye Shuyan’s chest. How could he be so oblivious to her? He walked into the elevator without even thinking about the person behind him?

Ye Shuyan sighed inwardly. Why did she always interpret things in the opposite way? He knew, however, that this was part of her self-protection mechanism, a way to keep herself ready to pull away at any moment.

At this moment, Ye Shuyan knew he couldn’t rush things, or she would definitely flee. But with the warm, soft person he had been yearning for day and night now in his arms, it was incredibly difficult for him to let go.

Feeling her pushing more firmly against his chest, Ye Shuyan looked down at the top of her head… and finally took a step back.

Noticing his movement, Tang Nuan felt a slight sense of relief. Just as she was about to straighten up, she saw the man in front of her seemingly stumble as he stepped back. His arm, still wrapped around her waist, didn’t loosen in time, and they both tumbled backward together.

Tang Nuan, losing control of her body, leaned forward and, in her fright, closed her eyes tightly, instinctively holding onto his waist…

But after a moment, nothing happened. Slowly opening her eyes, Tang Nuan realized that Ye Shuyan was standing perfectly straight, having not fallen at all. Instead, she was still clinging tightly to his chest.

Embarrassed, Tang Nuan quickly tried to stand upright, but the arm around her waist held her tightly, like an iron band.

She had no choice but to tilt her head up to look at him. However, Ye Shuyan wasn’t looking down; she could only see his sharply defined jawline.

“Sorry,” he murmured, his voice slightly hoarse, with his eyelids lowered, hiding most of his eyes from view. Tang Nuan couldn’t make out his expression at all. “Are you okay?”

Tang Nuan shook her head and tried pushing him away again. This time, his arm slowly released her, as if reluctant, taking its time as if he was concerned, she might lose her balance.

A tingling sensation spread across her skin, and Tang Nuan forced herself to steady her breathing. She took a step forward to stand in front of him.

Just as she was secretly taking a deep breath, his arm suddenly stretched out from above her shoulder. Tang Nuan could feel him close behind her, his breath brushing against her ear.

Startled, she turned her head quickly, only to see his handsome profile. He turned his head to look at her at the same time, and in that moment when their eyes met, Tang Nuan felt as if she were enveloped by his presence, surrounded by his masculine scent.

Instinctively, she took a step to the side and forward, her voice small but forceful, “What are you doing?”

Ye Shuyan straightened up and gestured toward the elevator panel. “Press the button.”

Tang Nuan finally realized that ever since they had stepped into the elevator, they had been caught up in one situation after another and hadn’t even managed to press the button.

She couldn’t help but glance at Ye Shuyan again. He stood there with a perfectly composed expression, showing no signs of anything being amiss. Was she just overthinking things?

If Ye Shuyan had lifted his eyelids, she would have seen the storm of emotions swirling in his eyes—it might have scared her.

Ye Shuyan silently thought to himself that he had embraced her before, but it was entirely different now…

He should have restrained himself more. Now that he had tasted the sweetness, standing right in front of him, she had become an irresistible temptation…

[Namo Amitabha, Namo Amitabha, form is emptiness, emptiness is form… All phenomena are void of inherent nature, neither arising nor ceasing, neither pure nor impure, neither increasing nor decreasing…]

Ye Shuyan: …

He looked at Tang Nuan’s back, torn between laughter and frustration. Why did it seem like she was reciting the sutra even more fluently now?

But his amusement didn’t last long. He realized with a bit of concern that his fiancée might be on the verge of becoming a nun, given how fervently she was reciting the sutra.

Back in the office, Ye Shuyan asked his secretary to bring in a fruit platter for Tang Nuan while she waited. He then excused himself and went to the bathroom to take a quick, cold shower, trying to collect himself.

After nearly twelve hours on the plane, Ye Shuyan had originally planned to go home and see her. But as soon as he landed, he received a call from Assistant Wen, saying that she suddenly wanted to come to the company to finalize the contract. He had no choice but to head straight to the office.

Before stepping out, he glanced in the mirror, considering his appearance. He took off his tie and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. She seemed to like his Adam’s apple…

But when he walked out, he was met with Tang Nuan’s stern, expressionless face, her mind apparently still reciting a sutra, completely free of any distracting thoughts.

Ye Shuyan was both amused and exasperated. “What are you thinking about?”

[I’m thinking about when you’ll bring up breaking the engagement, how much compensation you’ll give me, and getting my account ready.]

She was within three meters of him, thinking without any reservations. Ye Shuyan looked at her serene, almost transcendental face and finally realized that something significant must have happened.

“Let’s go eat first,” Ye Shuyan said, pulling her up by the hand. “I haven’t eaten in over ten hours.”

On the way to the restaurant, he quickly scrolled through Weibo and Tang Nuan’s social media but didn’t find anything unusual. After some thought, he asked Assistant Wen for Ji Yun’s WeChat.

By the time they arrived at the restaurant, Ye Shuyan had finally seen the photo.

He looked across the table at Tang Nuan, who was silently eating her food with the calm demeanor of an otherworldly sage. He held up his phone, showing her the image. “Is it because of this?”

Tang Nuan glanced at the photo briefly and responded flatly, “No, it’s not because of that.”

“It’s just a misunderstanding,” Ye Shuyan explained helplessly. “I was simply attending a silver wedding anniversary celebration for a business partner. I didn’t expect my mother to be there as well. You know how she is…”

Tang Nuan took another bite of the bamboo shoot and replied, “Yes, I know. There’s no misunderstanding.”

That doesn’t seem like the reaction of someone who hasn’t misunderstood, Ye Shuyan thought.

He sighed and continued to try and clarify, “We’ve been engaged for three years. You should know me well enough to know I wouldn’t do something like that.”

As Tang Nuan looked at him, she felt an inexplicable exhaustion. She had thought they could quietly acknowledge what was happening without needing to speak it out loud.

She put down her chopsticks and spoke directly, “Brother Shuyan, that day when I brought the shirt to you, I overheard what Madam Deng said.”

It took Ye Shuyan a moment to recall the incident she was referring to. No wonder she had quietly left the shirt and walked away. Given how Deng Qiong had behaved when they ran into her yesterday, he could guess what she might have said.

“And your so-called business trip,” Tang Nuan continued, “was just an excuse to avoid me, wasn’t it? Ever since I finished negotiating with Tang Sheng’an’s family, you’ve been avoiding me.”

Ye Shuyan smiled bitterly. He had almost forgotten how smart and perceptive she was. She understood everything.

And because she understood, she believed he would call off the engagement.

If he were entirely rational, things might indeed have gone as she expected, but both of them had underestimated the variable of emotions.

Ye Shuyan decided there was no point in further futile explanations. He simply said, “If you don’t believe me, then let’s get married.”

Tang Nuan, who had been calmly drinking water, suddenly choked, coughing violently. Ye Shuyan quickly moved to pat her back, trying to help her breathe, “Careful.”

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but glare at him.

Because of the intense coughing, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were slightly misty. Ye Shuyan’s fingers twitched, and he couldn’t resist reaching out to gently wipe the corner of her eye. “That way, if I ever go back on my word, the entire Ye Group’s hotel management division will be yours.”

“Really?” Tang Nuan’s previous serene demeanor vanished, replaced by a look of surprise and delight. “Then let’s sign the contract as soon as possible?”

After all, that’s a project worth billions. Even if he doesn’t want to back out, she’ll find a way to make him regret it.

Tang Nuan thought she might truly have a talent for playing the role of the scheming antagonist.

Ye Shuyan gritted his teeth and couldn’t resist messing up her hair with a firm rub. Then, narrowing his eyes, he asked, “You’re so eager to call off the engagement—is it because you like me?”

Tang Nuan immediately retorted, “Don’t flatter yourself! Who said anything about liking you? I’ve already made it clear that I will never like you.”

Ye Shuyan said, “So, if you don’t like me, that means you won’t be breaking off the engagement, right?”

Tang Nuan hesitated, feeling like there was some kind of trap hidden in his words.

Ye Shuyan sat down next to her, looking as if he had finally relaxed. “I have indeed been avoiding you lately because I realized I couldn’t control myself and ended up liking you. I went on that trip to get some distance, to calm down and think things over,” he glanced at her shoulder, “Otherwise, I might not be able to resist forbidding you from wearing dresses and shorts…”

His words were a bit alarming, and an image of him biting her shoulders and then moving on to her legs suddenly popped into Tang Nuan’s mind…

Ye Shuyan: …

Is she secretly a hooligan?

Realizing where her thoughts had wandered, Tang Nuan quickly resorted to reciting sutras to chase away the strange images in her mind and maintained her calm composure.

Ye Shuyan cleared his throat and continued, “But it didn’t really help; it just confirmed that I like you.”

Tang Nuan looked at Ye Shuyan, thinking that only someone like him could make a confession sound so casual. Should she have expected anything less from the great Ye Shuyan?

But Tang Nuan remained unmoved. “So, you’re planning to break off the engagement, right?”

Ye Shuyan sighed deeply and leaned back in his chair. “But isn’t it fortunate that I have you?” He looked at Tang Nuan. “Calling off the engagement is a mutual decision, and I’ve already said before that it’s up to you whether we break it off or not.”

“Since you haven’t developed any feelings for me, it seems like the engagement can’t be called off.” He stood up and sat back down across from Tang Nuan, looking at her seriously. “Don’t feel burdened by it. I can handle it.”

Tang Nuan: …

Where did this shameless rogue come from?!!!

The author has something to say:
Ye Shuyan: Learning from you.
Ye Shuyan (pursuing Tang Nuan): Hug hug
Tang Nuan: Amitabha.
Ye Shuyan: Kiss kiss
Tang Nuan: Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.
Ye Shuyan: Sleep?
Tang Nuan: The body is just a pink skeleton, what’s there to be obsessed with?
Ye Shuyan: (▼ヘ▼#) Even if it’s a pink skeleton, who said it doesn’t have any other functions?! I can’t accept this.

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2 thoughts on “TWAIFHTATRM Chapter 52”

  1. Thanks for the quick updates! This is one of my favorite Chinese mindreader stories. I read the mtl long ago and loved it but this good translation just makes the story better!

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