The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 51

Ye Shuyan sat in front of his desk for a while before raising his hand and typing into the browser: “How to get over feelings for someone.”

The responses varied widely, but most of the reliable answers aligned with what he had in mind: Leave it to time, as time can fade everything.

Ye Shuyan stared intently at those words.

Yes, at the moment when his actions outpaced his thoughts and he pinned Tang Nuan against the wall, he finally realized that his so-called willpower was no match for his hormones. Just knowing she was in the same building as him made his heart constantly drawn to her, unable to resist.

This couldn’t continue—he needed time and space to think calmly.

When Assistant Wen came in to report on work, Ye Shuyan suddenly said, “Arrange a business trip for me.”

Assistant Wen was taken aback. Having a rest day at home is rare, yet still looking for a business trip? What kind of baffling behavior was this?

But his exceptional professionalism kept him from asking questions. He simply responded, “For how long?”

Ye Shuyan thought about the timing of the Nuanyang System handover. “Four—no, five days.” An extra day, just to be safe.

Assistant Wen glanced at the schedule, “The theme park collaboration in the U.S. was originally scheduled for a week later. It can be moved up.”

Ye Shuyan nodded, “Okay.”

Assistant Wen asked, “When do you want to leave? You still have quite a few things here that haven’t been dealt with.”

Ye Shuyan looked at the emails on his computer, “I’ll stay late tonight to handle it. Book a flight for early tomorrow morning. I’ll take Assistant Liu with me this time. For the rest, handle them as you see fit, and if something can’t be resolved, we’ll do it via video conference.”

He seemed so eager, almost as if something dangerous was chasing him. Assistant Wen looked at him with concern, hesitating to say something.

Ye Shuyan calmly said, “Don’t worry, it’s not that I’m questioning your work ability. You’re still my most trusted assistant. Go ahead and get busy.”

Assistant Wen couldn’t help but say, “Boss, when a girl is upset, you need to comfort her. Running away like this is a form of cold violence, and it’ll be even harder to make up when you return.” Does he even want to have a fiancée anymore?

Ye Shuyan paused and looked up at him, “You seem to know a lot about this.”

Assistant Wen replied, “Well, you did say I’m your most trusted assistant.” Please, just make up already and give us corporate slaves a break. Do you know how troublesome it is to adjust travel plans at the last minute?

“Alright,” Ye Shuyan said, “No problem. I’ll just tell her later that it was your lousy idea.”

Assistant Wen: …

Why did I have to open my mouth? Why did I care about this heartless capitalist? He should just end up single for the rest of his life!

When he returns, I’ll be waiting to see him make a fool of himself!

Ye Shuyan watched his assistant departing back, thinking, it had only been a day, and people had already figured out his mood. No wonder they said falling in love makes you vulnerable…

But he couldn’t afford to have weaknesses.

The last trace of expression disappeared from Ye Shuyan’s face as he lowered his head to continue working on his documents. He didn’t think about Tang Nuan again until his assistant came in to remind him it was time to leave. He hesitated for a moment but eventually picked up his phone to send a message to Tang Nuan: [You can head out first; I still have work to finish.]

Feelings are one thing, but fulfilling responsibilities is another.

After waiting for a while with no reply, Ye Shuyan set his phone aside and continued to focus on his work, pushing all other thoughts aside until he finished the last email late into the night.

He let out a sigh, stood up, and headed home.

As soon as he walked through the door, his phone rang. Instinctively, he pulled it out, and seeing the caller ID, he felt foolish for a moment. At this time, Tang Nuan was probably already asleep, so it couldn’t be a message from her. Besides, she never calls.

The phone rang for a long time before it automatically stopped, but it started up again almost immediately, clearly not ready to give up. Ye Shuyan frowned and answered the call.

Deng Qiong’s voice came through the phone, sounding hoarse as if she had been crying. After Ye Shuyan confirmed that she was merely heartbroken and not dealing with anything serious, he put the call on speakerphone and tossed the phone onto the table by the door, letting her talk without paying much attention. As long as she didn’t show up at his place, he didn’t really care.

Deng Qiong was used to his quiet nature, so even without any responses from him, she could continue rambling on and on by herself.

Meanwhile, Ye Shuyan kept the phone far enough away that he couldn’t hear what she was saying. Eventually, he just grabbed his bathrobe and headed into the bathroom.

Shortly after he went inside, Tang Nuan arrived at his doorstep, holding a freshly laundered shirt as an excuse to visit. The real reason she was there, though, was to settle the score.

That afternoon, Ye Shuyan’s sudden move had caught her off guard, leaving her flustered and with a mind blank. But the more she thought about it afterward, the angrier she became. She felt she hadn’t responded as she should have and decided to confront him about it.

To make her point, she deliberately wore a low-necked top that exposed the marks on her neck and shoulders, intending to use them as a conversation starter and strongly condemn his actions.

But as she stood outside his door, she wondered if he was deliberately avoiding her because he knew what he did was wrong. It was already past midnight, and he still hadn’t come home.

Tang Nuan decided that if he still wasn’t home, she’d just enter using the passcode and wait inside. She was determined to scare him when he finally returned!

Tang Nuan pressed the doorbell a few times, and when no one answered, she decided to enter the passcode and let herself in. However, as soon as she stepped inside, she realized something was off—she could hear voices. It sounded like Deng Qiong?

She immediately turned around, intending to leave. Deng Qiong had always looked down on her, and if she found out that Tang Nuan was here, who knew what kind of trouble she would stir up? Deng Qiong probably wouldn’t cause a big scene, but her nagging was unbearable.

But then, the words she overheard made Tang Nuan stop in her tracks:

“…Anyway, I’ll be staying in the US for a while. You should come over when you have time. I’ll introduce you to Bella. Since you’re not interested in relationships, it shouldn’t matter whether it’s Tang Nuan or Bella, right? No, wait, there is a difference—Bella is a better match for you, more equal in status, and she could bring you more benefits. In any case, Tang Nuan is definitely not suitable. Just look at how much trouble she’s caused you, how many jokes people have made about her…”

Tang Nuan stood there for a moment, listening, but she didn’t hear any words of disagreement. She suddenly let out a self-deprecating laugh, placed the neatly folded shirt on the entryway cabinet, and left quietly.

When Ye Shuyan came out of the bathroom, he thought he heard the door close, and a sense of joy he hadn’t even noticed before rose within him. He quickly walked to the door, but there was no one there. The neatly folded shirt on the cabinet was the only evidence that Tang Nuan had been there.

Ye Shuyan frowned, picked up the shirt, and hesitated for a moment. He ultimately decided not to go after her. What would he even say if he did? Besides, it was so late, and he feared that he might lose control again. He no longer trusted himself to maintain his self-discipline when it came to her.

“…Did you even hear what I said?”

The sudden sharp voice brought Ye Shuyan back to his senses. He realized that the phone, which was left on the table beside him, was still connected. He picked it up and casually responded with a few perfunctory words, and only then did Deng Qiong finally let him go to rest.

Lying in bed, Ye Shuyan picked up his phone and sent a message to Tang Nuan, letting her know about the business trip he had to take tomorrow. At this time, she should have already been asleep. By the time she saw the message tomorrow, he would have already left. He didn’t want to give himself a chance to back out.

[Business trip to the US… huh…]

Ye Shuyan paused for a moment. She wasn’t asleep yet?

And what’s with her tone? She didn’t seem very energetic.

[Well, that’s fine. When he gets back, I’ll have three or four million coming in. Enduring these two months was definitely worth it.]

Ye Shuyan frowned. What three or four million coming in? What’s going on in her head now?

Ye Shuyan focused and listened carefully, only to find that Tang Nuan had started chanting scriptures again, sounding as if she were ready to cut ties with the mortal world and embrace complete emptiness.

Ye Shuyan couldn’t help but laugh, and eventually, he fell asleep to the sound of her soft chanting…

The next day, Tang Nuan didn’t wake up until after nine o’clock. She looked at the messages on her phone and then at the marks on her neck in the mirror. Perhaps last night’s reading of the “Heart Sutra” had given her some insight, as she felt no more emotional turmoil.

Hadn’t this day been anticipated? In fact, Deng Qiong’s words were quite objective, marriages between mismatched families are difficult to harmonize. Tang Nuan was well aware of this herself, so she had long been prepared to call off the engagement.

However, she still had some attachment. After all, he was the best person she had encountered in the first twenty-some years of her life, especially recently, when he had been almost tirelessly attentive. Despite repeatedly reminding herself to call off the engagement, she found herself unable to actually say the words.

After discovering that he had never truly loved Jiang Miao, she even wondered if her situation might differ from the plot of the book, and whether she could continue. So, she kept dragging it out, becoming more and more reluctant to let go, until she had no choice but to wait for Ye Shuyan to break the silence first.

Just like when she had been drugged at Old Madam Ye’s birthday banquet, she couldn’t do it, so he had to push her away and extinguish her unrealistic fantasies himself.

Now that this day had finally arrived, it was time for her to say goodbye to that indecisive, unambitious version of herself.

On this day, both the Nuanyang System and the Ye Corporation’s evaluation team noticed a change in Tang Nuan.

Susan smiled and said, “You’re becoming more and more like your President Ye, especially with that serious expression.”

Tang Nuan glanced at her. “Recalculate the future profit model again, this time including the promotional benefits from the last livestream. Our Nuanyang System is no longer unknown, so the valuation should be higher.”

Speaking of this, Susan was still somewhat puzzled. “Why are you selling it to him? Isn’t he your fiancé? Why wouldn’t he look out for your interests?”

Tang Nuan didn’t say much and simply replied, “Whether it’s financing or acquisition, it’s beneficial for all of you. Just don’t worry about the rest.”

Susan shrugged and didn’t ask further, thinking it might be some sort of playful interaction between the couple.

After urging her team, Tang Nuan also pushed the evaluation team. The evaluation progress of the Nuanyang System was almost a third faster, meaning that if things continued at this pace, they could have a draft contract ready in three days.

Assistant Wen looked at the Nuanyang System’s evaluation progress report and then at the email sent back from Ye Shuyan’s side. He thought to himself, most couples argue and lose focus, going on trips to clear their minds. But these two, are they competing to see who can work harder?

The ones suffering are us, the employees!

He prayed silently, hoping they would reconcile soon, so the rest of them could have a few peaceful days.

Maybe his prayers were really heard, as Ye Shuyan unexpectedly decided to take a day off.

After completing the project inspection and finishing discussions with Mr. Norton, a well-dressed, elegant woman approached them.

Mr. Norton, who was usually stern and serious, immediately broke into a smile and introduced her, saying, “This is my wife, Rikki.”

Madam Rikki then took the opportunity to invite Ye Shuyan, “We’re celebrating our silver wedding anniversary, and we’d be delighted if you could join us.”

Ye Shuyan took the invitation and glanced at Mr. Norton, who was smiling happily in the picture. He was quite surprised. From his interactions with this real estate tycoon so far, he had seen him as decisive and efficient, not someone you’d expect to have such moments of joy.

Madam Rikki, clearly proud of the situation, said, “I forced him to smile. If he didn’t smile properly, I wouldn’t let him leave.”

Mr. Norton, evidently recalling the painful experience, shook his head helplessly.

Ye Shuyan complimented them, “You two have a really great relationship.”

Madam Rikki smiled and replied, “Well, it’s just like that. After all the ups and downs, we’ve made it to today.”

Ye Shuyan remembered that their marriage had also been an arranged one. Rarely curious, he asked, “Do you two argue often?”

Norton shrugged, not shying away from the question at all. “Very often. She’s a fiery pepper.”

Madam Rikki was quick to retort, “That’s right. If I wasn’t a bit fiery, with your calm demeanor that could face an alien invasion without a flinch, our home would probably become a graveyard.”

“So, you messed up my project?”

“Yes, and if you keep ignoring me, I can mess up even more. Do you believe me?”


Ye Shuyan watched as the usually reticent Mr. Norton and Madam Rikki bickered like children. Those seemingly serious matters were dismissed with just a few words of complaint from him, and in the end, the two left arm in arm, affectionate as ever.

He thought to himself that people in love really do act strangely, even those as wise as Mr. Norton, despite being over fifty.

Ye Shuyan decided to attend the banquet. He had already dealt with all the emails sent by Assistant Wen and needed something to occupy his time.

He hadn’t expected such a coincidence—to run into Deng Qiong at the event. She was holding the arm of a tall man, smiling like a young girl.

Ye Shuyan remembered that just a few days ago, she seemed to have just gone through a breakup.

He wanted to avoid her, but after being chatted up by a few enthusiastic women, he was eventually noticed.

Seeing her approach, Ye Shuyan decided not to dodge her. Otherwise, she might end up tracking him down to where he was staying. The two of them found a quiet corner to talk.

To his surprise, Deng Qiong seemed unusually cheerful. “I can’t believe you’re here! Why didn’t you contact me?”

Ye Shuyan replied, “I’m here on a business trip. I didn’t know you were here.”

Deng Qiong, with an expression that suggested she knew he was just being stubborn, uncharacteristically went along with him. “Okay, okay, I know you’re busy with work. But since you’re here today, why don’t you meet Bella? She’s here too.” As she spoke, she pulled out her phone to make a call.

Ye Shuyan immediately sensed something was off and grabbed her hand, “Who’s Bella?”

Deng Qiong replied, “I know you’re cautious and don’t trust easily, so you want to investigate for yourself. But no matter how much you dig, nothing beats direct interaction.”

The more Ye Shuyan listened, the more confused he became. “Investigate what? Interact with what? What are you even talking about?”

Deng Qiong explained, “Didn’t I mention it to you a few days ago? I wanted to introduce you to Bella. She’s outgoing, passionate, and, like you, dedicated to her work. She’s not the type to get jealous or petty, and she shares similar views on marriage.”

Ye Shuyan’s brow furrowed deeply. “I remember telling you that we respect each other’s boundaries, and my personal matters don’t need your involvement.”

“And besides, I’ve never had any intention of calling off my engagement. If you still have any hopes, I’ll make sure to get married as soon as I return, so you can stop worrying.”

Deng Qiong, frustrated, retorted, “Haven’t I respected you enough? I’ve even accepted your views on marriage. What more do you want?”

Her anger flared as she continued, “Yes, responsibility might last longer than love, but without love, how can that responsibility bring happiness to the other person?”

Ye Shuyan was momentarily stunned, recalling the incident with Jiang Miao. Back then, he thought he had fulfilled his duties as a fiancé, yet Tang Nuan was still hurt…

“In the end, you’re nothing but a coward!” Deng Qiong coldly scorned him. “I understand that things like studies and career can yield results with enough effort. Even if you fail, you can find the reasons and learn from them. But love doesn’t work that way; it’s too unpredictable. You feel like you can’t control it, you’re afraid of getting hurt, so you reject it outright, avoiding it altogether without even the courage to try! You’re just a coward!”

After her outburst, Deng Qiong noticed Ye Shuyan standing there in shock and was suddenly taken aback by her own words.

Her son had always looked at her with a cold, detached expression—when had she ever seen such a look on his face?

She cleared her throat, quickly steering the conversation away from the uncomfortable topic. Instead, she began discussing Ye Shuyan’s views on marriage. “Since you believe marriage is about finding a partner to collaborate with, there are other women in this circle besides Tang Nuan. Shouldn’t you choose the best one?”

“Bella’s father is a financial tycoon here, and she’s the only heir to her family. I’ve spoken with her, and her views align closely with yours. She’s focused on her career and doesn’t want to hold anyone back.”

“If you’re not considering feelings, then logically and rationally, you should realize that partnering with Bella would be better than staying with Tang Nuan…”

But he had never considered anyone else… His future wife—besides Tang Nuan, he had never thought about anyone else.

Ye Shuyan suddenly covered his eyes with his hand. His mother was right; if he were truly rational and logical, then when Tang Nuan repeatedly hinted at wanting to end the engagement, he should have decisively let her go instead of using those childish, ridiculous tricks to tease her—all of which were designed to keep her tied to him.

What was all this talk about finding the right partner and not wanting to waste energy looking for someone else? Those were just excuses. The truth was, he simply wanted to keep her by his side. His fiancée could only be her.

Coward? He never imagined that word would be associated with him. Yet his mother was also correct—he had seen too much, so he feared getting hurt, feared the uncertainty of the future, and chose to avoid it because he lacked confidence in himself.

Seeing that Ye Shuyan’s expression softened, Deng Qiong continued her emotional and logical persuasion. “Feelings are something no one can fully control. Even if you could control your own emotions, how can you guarantee that Tang Nuan can control hers? What if she falls in love with you? Would you divorce her, or continue the marriage?”

“If you divorce, it goes against your principles, doesn’t it? But if you stay married, and she loves you while you don’t love her, wouldn’t that hurt her even more? You’re afraid of getting hurt, so you hurt others instead. Do you really think that’s a responsible solution?”

Ye Shuyan thought of Tang Nuan’s inner struggles. She was clearly happy and had expectations of him, so why was she struggling?

It was because of his own inner conflict. She was so perceptive, naturally aware that his struggles could hurt her at any moment. Fearing pain, she was also trying to distance herself from him, yet in the end, she couldn’t bring herself to leave…

He didn’t believe that his so-called compensation could truly bind her.

Never before had Ye Shuyan so clearly realized how much of a jerk he had been.

Deng Qiong noticed his serious expression and cautiously continued, “Maybe you don’t agree with me, but…”

“You’re right,” Ye Shuyan suddenly said.

Deng Qiong’s eyes widened in surprise. She never expected Ye Shuyan to agree with her, and a burst of joy filled her heart. She immediately began dialing Bella’s number.

But before she could make the call, she heard him set down his glass and head straight for the exit. “Marriage isn’t just about responsibility; a truly happy marriage should have feelings involved.”

Deng Qiong was stunned. “Are you mocking me?”

A smile suddenly appeared in Ye Shuyan’s eyes. “No, I’m just saying that I never intended to end my engagement with Tang Nuan. I like her.”

Deng Qiong: !!!

Deng Qiong couldn’t help but feel suspicious, wondering if Ye Shuyan was playing with her. When she talked to him about love, he emphasized responsibility. Now that she discussed responsibility, he was talking about love.

But this reasoning left her completely unable to argue.

Ye Shuyan took out his phone and called his assistant. “Book me the earliest flight.”

With all his resistance gone, he realized how overwhelming his longing had become. The time he had filled with work and the emotions he had tried so hard to suppress had not diminished his feelings for her in the slightest. Instead, they had intensified, almost drowning him in yearning. He wanted to see her—immediately.

He went to bid farewell to Norton. Seeing Ye Shuyan’s expression, Norton smiled and asked, “Made up?”

Ye Shuyan was momentarily taken aback. Norton pointed to his forehead. “I look the same when I’m having a disagreement with my wife.”

“In marriage, there will, of course, be arguments. When two people completely open their hearts to each other, without any armor, it’s easy to get hurt. But that’s also where you find the most comfort. It’s the place where the emotions and frustrations we can’t express to others can be healed. Sacrificing some other things for that is certainly worth it.”

Ye Shuyan suddenly smiled. “Thank you. Next time, I’ll bring her to visit you.”

As he was leaving, he was once again blocked by Deng Qiong, who was accompanied by a young woman who was both beautiful and composed.

“Ye Shuyan, are you just trying to placate me or deceive me?” Deng Qiong still found it hard to believe that her son could genuinely like someone.

Ye Shuyan glanced at his watch. “I’ve booked the earliest flight back.”

Seeing the determined look on his face, Deng Qiong frowned and said, “Then at least apologize to Bella on my behalf. I’ve already spoken to her several times, and now that I’ve called her over, I owe her an explanation.”

Ye Shuyan turned to the young woman and said, “I’m sorry. I have a fiancée, and my mother misunderstood the situation. Please forgive the confusion.”

Bella, as composed and graceful as Deng Qiong had described, took his words in stride. With Ye Shuyan’s honest explanation, she saved face and responded graciously, “I wish you both the best.”

Ye Shuyan smiled, “Thank you.” With that, he hurried off toward the hotel.

However, he was unaware that in a secluded corner, someone discreetly raised a phone and captured the entire scene.

As the photographer gazed at the photo, a surge of resentment filled her eyes, especially as she realized she didn’t even know who to send the picture to. The hatred in her heart reached its peak.

If she posted it on Weibo, no one would dare discuss it. If she shared it in their social circle, the first person they’d mock wouldn’t be Tang Nuan—it would be her.

Why? Just because she loved Ye Shuyan, did she deserve to end up like this?

Yes, no one here knew her past, but by the same token, no one knew her! She loved the glamorous life of a celebrity, but the internet’s memory was too long. Even if she made a name for herself here, she could never truly go back…

“Jiang Miao?”

Jiang Miao turned around and forced a sorrowful smile at the man approaching her. “Shuchen…”

No, there was still a chance. As she looked at the man in front of her, she realized it was all about Ye Shuyan’s power. What if someone even stronger came along?

As long as she could step over them, she could still reclaim her place!

Before dancing with Ye Shuchen, Jiang Miao sent the photo to Jin Wenxia.

If she couldn’t have it easy, then neither could Tang Nuan.

“Could this be some kind of misunderstanding?” Ji Yun’s voice came through the phone. “I think they’re just talking business.”

“This reminds me so much of the photos Jiang Miao used to stir up rumors when she first returned to China,” she continued, her tone laced with impatience. “Jin Wenxia sent it out. I heard Jiang Miao is in the States, so it’s definitely her doing. Why can’t she just disappear? She can’t be happy unless she’s making you look bad.”

Tang Nuan stared at the photo on her phone, feeling a strange sense of closure.

How could Ye Shuyan be discussing business while accompanied by Deng Qiong? That woman was only interested in love and her art; nothing else mattered to her. And besides…

Tang Nuan’s fingers hovered over Ye Shuyan’s face on the screen. That gentle smile—he wouldn’t show it to just anyone.

“It’s okay. If it’s real, I’ll call off the engagement,” Tang Nuan said with a smile at Ji Yun. “Ye Shuyan would have to compensate me a lot, and I could invest in our film project with that money!”

Given Ye Shuyan’s personality, if he had truly decided, he would have been the first to break off the engagement.

“Hey, hey, hey…” Ji Yun called out, “Are you seriously talking like you’re ready to ascend to immortality?”

Tang Nuan chuckled. Exactly, she had already seen through everything.

After ending the call with Ji Yun, Tang Nuan noticed two missed calls from Ye Shuyan on her phone, likely because they hadn’t gone through. Since when had he been this eager? Out of a sense of irony, she opened their chat, and to her surprise, she saw a message from him: [I’ll be in Yan City at 5 PM tonight.]

Tang Nuan stared at the message for a long time, then sent a message to Tang Yue. She had originally planned to go tomorrow to finalize the contract, and once Ye Shuyan’s company formally transferred the payment, their ties would be completely severed.

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but admire how meticulous Ye Shuyan was in his planning. Even the timing for their breakup was perfectly calculated to ensure that once the engagement was called off, everything would be clean and precise. It was no wonder he could give his fiancée such a strong sense of security.

Yes, she was his fiancée, but not necessarily Tang Nuan.

Now, Tang Nuan had moved up the timing to the evening. Since he was in such a hurry, there was no need for her to delay.

Before the end of the workday at Ye Group, Tang Nuan and Tang Yue arrived at the company’s headquarters. Just as they sat down with the legal team at the conference table, the door to the meeting room was pushed open.

Tang Nuan turned around and was momentarily stunned. The person who entered had clearly just come straight from the airport, looking travel-worn and haggard. Was he really in that much of a hurry? Could he not wait even a moment?

Tang Yue, however, didn’t seem to notice anything else. She slammed the contract on the table and asked sternly, “What’s the meaning of this? An acquisition contract?” Her gaze then shifted to Ye Shuyan, her eyes narrowing.

Ye Shuyan paused slightly, realizing he had made a mistake. In his days of inner turmoil, he had completely forgotten about this.

Tang Yue’s gaze was sharp, while Tang Nuan’s eyes remained indifferent. Ye Shuyan’s eyes settled on Assistant Wen, and he asked in a low voice, “What’s going on? When did I ever say it should be an acquisition contract? Go get the financing contract!”

Assistant Wen stared back at him in shock, wide-eyed: …

Tang Yue’s focus shifted to Assistant Wen. “Assistant Wen, do you have some sort of issue with my sister?”

Assistant Wen: …

Curse the capitalist who can’t even marry a wife!

The author has something to say:
Assistant Wen: Wait until President Ye comes back, and see how he’s chased after Miss Tang!
Ye Shuyan: I’m back, but I’m severely injured. Help me carry the pot* first!
Assistant Wen: You’ve suffered a hundred million points of damage; without a bonus, it’s hopeless.
Ye Shuyan: Even if you had a bonus, what could I do? It’s only been three or four days, and the girl’s heart has turned to water, and the door is closed. Apologies, every day I can only blame myself, weeping.
*Note: “Carry the pot” is a Chinese idiom meaning to take the blame or responsibility for something.

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