The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 47

Ye Shuyan took a deep breath and got out of the car, intending to go back inside. He felt like he needed a moment to calm down.

However, someone didn’t seem inclined to give him that time. After getting out of the car, Tang Nuan suddenly remembered something, went around to the back, and opened the trunk, taking out a bunch of gifts. “Brother Shuyan, can you help me carry these?”

Ye Shuyan had no choice but to help her carry the bags upstairs.

When the elevator reached the 19th floor, Ye Shuyan set the bags down and was about to leave.

Tang Nuan turned around, puzzled, “Aren’t you coming in to sit for a bit?”

Ye Shuyan replied calmly, “I still have work to do. You should rest.”

Tang Nuan nodded with an understanding expression on her face, “Okay, work is important. You go ahead and get busy.”

[Liar! How can he be busy with work and still come home before six?]

Ye Shuyan: …

He rubbed his forehead and realized that one of the fatal flaws of being emotional was that intelligence could really decline.

[What’s going on with him lately? It’s clear he’s avoiding me. Did I do something to upset him?]

[Hmph, if he’s ignoring me, I’ll ignore him too. I’ll never speak to him again! If he dares, he can break off the engagement!]

Ye Shuyan: …

Ye Shuyan watched Tang Nuan’s smiling face, completely unable to tell that she was so angry inside. Forcing himself to retreat into the elevator, he went back upstairs, telling himself that he needed to calm down first before speaking.

[Oh, this one’s from my elder sister. Ah, this perfume smells really nice…]

[This one’s from my second brother, isn’t it? Of course, it is. It’s really pretty too…]

[Wow, Tang Ben really knows how to pick gifts!]

[This one’s from Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu…]

[And Ye Shuyan, that big jerk, didn’t give me anything!]

Ye Shuyan stared at the jewelry box in front of him and couldn’t help but raise his hand to cover his eyes. He had specifically brought it along, planning to casually hand it to her in the elevator, making it a natural gesture—both the gift and the sentiment would be delivered without requiring too much interaction…

But when the perfect opportunity presented itself, he completely forgot.

When had he ever made such a rookie mistake?

Ye Shuyan sighed and decided to let it go for now. He could give her the gift another day—it would be the same. Today, he really needed some time to calm down.

[Maybe he’s looking down on my parents? Saying he’s too busy to come over, when he’s obviously not. He probably thinks our family is too shabby. Hmph! If he’s looking down on them, well, I’m looking down on him too! Just wait, I’m definitely going to break off the engagement!]

[Why didn’t Assistant Wen remind him this time? And to think I even posted on my Moments about it. Assistant Wen’s work performance is getting a bad review from me!]


Ye Shuyan closed his eyes, feeling like this girl was deliberately trying to get under his skin, especially with how active her thoughts were today. He opened a document, trying to focus and block out the noise in his head. He had a lot of work piled up, and work always helped him calm down…

[No, no, no, I shouldn’t think about him. Ye Shuyan isn’t a good person and I’m not marrying him anyway, brain, brain, listen up—stop thinking about him.]

[The wise don’t fall in love, only fools do! Yes, Tang Nuan, remember that! Fools are scary… You could end up like Jiang Miao, or like what happened in that book…]

Ye Shuyan: …

Ye Shuyan rubbed his forehead, realizing that she was also…

As the computer screen dimmed again, Ye Shuyan stared at the reflection of himself on the darkened monitor. The slight curl of his lips and the rare hint of amusement in his eyes made him feel a rare sense of exasperation. He buried his face in his hands.

The second fatal flaw of being emotional is insincerity which could turn him into a fool. It was truly terrifying.

After who knows how long, he finally composed himself and turned the computer back on. If Tang Nuan was thinking the same way he was, then that was perfect. He would have to work hard too.

Just like Tang Nuan had said, it was likely just the effect of hormones. They had spent way too much time together recently. Once they cooled off for a while, things should go back to normal, and everything could return to how it was…

“Ah!” Another scream echoed from below.

Ye Shuyan pretended not to hear and continued reading his files. But then, there was no further sound. He couldn’t help but listen more intently, but still, there was nothing.

What’s going on? Could something have happened? It was possible, considering she had been drinking… Or maybe she had just fallen asleep?

After all, she was usually cautious and careful about her safety. She wouldn’t have gotten herself into trouble…

Ye Shuyan’s fingers twitched, and suddenly, he stood up, heading downstairs. Before leaving, he made sure to tuck the gift box back into his pocket.

Gritting his teeth, Ye Shuyan thought bitterly: the third fatal flaw of being emotional—being inconsistent and losing control of the actions.

When he reached the door downstairs, he realized that he could have just called her instead. But of course, he had left his phone behind…

He stared at the keypad lock on the door, feeling a bit resigned. Well, he was already here, and he was definitely in the midst of a foolish phase anyway…

He punched in the code and entered the apartment. The room was quiet—no lights on, no sounds at all.

Frowning, Ye Shuyan quickly made his way to the bedroom. He pushed open the door and saw Tang Nuan lying motionless on the bed.

His heart skipped a beat, and he rushed forward, “Tang Nuan!”

Tang Nuan, startled awake, opened her eyes and sat up in surprise. “Brother Shuyan, what are you doing… Ah!”

It turned out that the foot of her bed was cluttered with various gift boxes. In his haste to check on her, Ye Shuyan didn’t notice what was underfoot, slipped, and tumbled toward her.

The body Tang Nuan had just propped up was suddenly pressed back down as she stared up, wide-eyed, at the man now hovering over her.

In the dim light, their eyes met, and the weak light from outside reflected in his pupils, making them look like they were filled with stars. Tang Nuan’s gaze seemed glued to his, completely couldn’t look away.

Suddenly, the room lit up, revealing towering trees, fresh green grass, free-flying birds, and fluttering butterflies. The sound of a babbling brook and cheerful birdsong filled the air. For a moment, Ye Shuyan felt as if he were standing in a vast forest, and the girl beneath him was a spirit that had emerged from the forest.

A tickle rose in his throat, but he didn’t move. Instead, he kept his eyes on Tang Nuan’s face and softly asked, “Are you okay? What is this?”

“I’m fine, just a bit sleepy,” Tang Nuan murmured, subconsciously licking her lips. “It’s a gift from Tang Ben…” As if trying to avoid something, she tilted her head towards the bedside, indicating to Ye Shuyan to look.

Ye Shuyan finally broke his gaze away from her face and noticed a levitating projection lamp on the bedside table. The magical scene was being cast from it.

Tang Nuan suddenly let out a soft “Ah,” echoing the sound he had heard earlier from upstairs.

“What’s wrong?”

Tang Nuan winced, turning her head slightly, “I got poked—something was digging into me earlier.”

Ye Shuyan’s eyes darkened as he looked at her slender neck, stretched out as she turned her head. A dangerous thought flickered in his mind—what if he bit down on it…

Tang Nuan seemed to sense the danger, quickly raising her hand to push against his arm that was propped beside her. Ye Shuyan snapped back to reality, exhaled quietly, and rolled off to sit beside her. He then reached out, slipping his hand behind her neck, and gently but firmly helped her sit up.

It was only then that he noticed what had been bothering her. The back of her head had been pressing against a hairpin. Today, instead of letting her hair down, she had it styled in a bun secured with a U-shaped pin and adorned with two pearl hairpins.

Naturally, lying flat on her back would cause her to be poked by the hairpins, and she must have lain down to admire the scenery without thinking about it, only to get poked. She seemed unfazed, simply turning on her side to continue sleeping, which only made him worry and ultimately brought him down to her level…

Ye Shuyan reached up to remove the hairpins.

Tang Nuan was momentarily surprised, but Ye Shuyan calmly instructed, “Don’t move.”

Obediently, Tang Nuan stayed still. Thanks to the jewelry store visit a few days ago, Ye Shuyan had a general idea of how these hair accessories worked, and he quickly removed the two hairpins.

Tang Nuan turned her head and softly said, “Thank you…”

But before she could finish, she felt a sudden looseness in her hair—it turned out Ye Shuyan had also removed the U-shaped hairpin holding her bun together.

As her bundled hair joyfully unfurled, Tang Nuan instinctively shook her head, causing the remaining tangled strands to bounce and then cascade down.

Ye Shuyan didn’t look at Tang Nuan directly; instead, he ran his fingers through her hair, smoothing down the rebellious strands. Some strands at the front were particularly mischievous, swinging down to cover most of her pale face. From Ye Shuyan’s angle, all he could see was her delicate chin and… her soft, rosy lips.

Suppressing the itch in his throat, Ye Shuyan reached into his pocket and pulled out a small palm-sized box. He opened it and took out the largest silver ginkgo leaf-shaped diamond hairpin. With a slightly awkward motion, he tucked the unruly strands of her hair behind her ear and gently fastened the hairpin there.

During this time, Tang Nuan remained completely still, her wide eyes unblinking as she stared at him.

Ye Shuyan’s willpower finally succumbed to instinct as their gazes locked. Seeing his own reflection in her eyes, he paused before placing the remaining two small hairpins in her hand. “You can do the rest yourself,” he said.

Tang Nuan softly asked, “What is this?”

Ye Shuyan replied, “A congratulatory gift,” his voice noticeably hoarse.

Tang Nuan pressed her lips together and stood up, intending to go to the dressing table. But as she took a step, her foot suddenly landed on something round and unstable, causing her to lose her balance and fall backward.

Ye Shuyan quickly reached out, remembering how she had complained about her clumsy falls at the last banquet. He extended his arm and caught her around the waist, pulling her into his embrace with a slight exertion.

The pose was similar to the one they had found themselves in at the banquet, but this time they were even closer—nose to nose. Ye Shuyan could almost feel her breath on his lips, and it would take only a slight tilt of his head to…

Tang Nuan instinctively swallowed as she watched Ye Shuyan’s Adam’s apple move. Her heart was racing. Today had been a day of brave firsts—putting her registration page into Tang Jinxin’s family register, visiting the Tang family home for the first time, calling someone “Mom” and “Dad” for the first time… fully relaxing with her family and friends for the first time. She had been taking courageous steps all day, so now…

As the man in front of her closed his eyes in restraint, his throat moving in a way that tempted her, Tang Nuan couldn’t resist anymore. She leaned in and gently pressed her lips against his, those lips she had been longing to touch, now so close.

The moment their soft lips met, it felt like a jolt of electricity shot down her spine, making her shudder.

The projection lamp’s light dimmed as it prepared for the next dreamlike scene. Realizing what she had done, Tang Nuan began to pull away.

But the arm around her waist suddenly tightened, and another large hand pressed against the back of her head, holding her firmly in place. In an instant, she went from being the one who initiated the kiss to the one being captured, unable to pull away.

Unlike the time at Ye Shuyan’s grandmother’s birthday banquet, when he had gently allowed her to explore, this time he took control, his kisses aggressive and commanding in the darkness.

Tang Nuan had no strength to resist. It felt as if all her energy was drained, and in her desperate attempt to steady herself, her hand fumbled for and gripped onto a tie, pulling it in a panic…

The author has something to say:
Ye Shuyan: I need to calm down.
Tang Nuan: Help me carry something.
Ye Shuyan: I need to calm down.
Tang Nuan: Hmph! Ye Shuyan, you nig bully.
Ye Shuyan: I need to calm down.
Tang Nuan: Kiss me.
Ye Shuyan: ……

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