The Wealthy and Influential Fiancé Has the Ability to Read Minds

Chapter 45

After leaving the clubhouse, Tang Nuan and her family did indeed go to celebrate. Tang Fei had booked a table at a hot pot restaurant, and the food was excellent.

Tang Jinxin picked up a piece of tripe and placed it in Tang Nuan’s bowl. “We’ve been preoccupied these past few days, but now it’s finally settled. Once the household registration is switched back, we’ll have a proper feast!”

Tang Fei immediately started ordering, “Emperor Crab!”

Tang Ben quickly followed, “Buddha Jumps Over the Wall!”

Shen Jinhua knocked on Tang Fei’s head, “You’re always the most enthusiastic when it comes to food.”

Tang Yue also chimed in, “Charcoal-grilled matsutake mushrooms.”

Tang Jinxin laughed heartily, “Alright, alright.” Then he looked at Tang Nuan, “What about you, Nuan Nuan?”

Perhaps influenced by the lively atmosphere, Tang Nuan blurted out, “Sweet and sour pork ribs.”

This was her first time participating in their lively gathering, and it was visibly apparent how happy Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua were. Tang Jinxin said, “Great, I’ll personally pick the freshest ribs for you!”

Tang Nuan couldn’t help but smile. She realized that taking this step wasn’t as difficult as she had thought, and what she encountered wasn’t as scary as she had imagined.

So, when Tang Yue suggested inviting friends, Tang Nuan nodded in agreement.

“And Ye Shuyan,” Shen Jinhua suggested, “We’ve troubled him quite a bit these past few days. If he’s free, he should join us.”

Tang Jinxin nodded in agreement. Today’s events had changed their perception of Ye Shuyan. They had previously heard that Ye Shuyan didn’t care much for Tang Nuan, but now it seemed they might have misunderstood him. After all, he was the only one who remembered all of Tang Nuan’s important dates over the three years of their engagement. That alone was enough for them to be grateful, and his recent actions weren’t too bad either.

Tang Nuan knew they had misunderstood again, but she didn’t correct them. Her relationship with Ye Shuyan had become quite complicated. Nevertheless, she did owe him a proper thank you this time.

Thinking it over, Tang Nuan sent him a message and then couldn’t help but keep checking her phone.

“What’s up? He hasn’t replied yet?” Tang Yue suddenly asked.

Tang Nuan realized she was actually waiting for Ye Shuyan’s response and rubbed her forehead, “No, he’s usually very busy when he’s working and doesn’t check his phone often. He’ll reply when he sees it.”

These past few days, his prompt replies had spoiled her.

Tang Yue frowned but didn’t say anything, seeing how happy Tang Nuan was while eating.

In a luxury jewelry store, Ye Shuyan sat in an exclusive VIP room, repeatedly checking his phone. The message read: “After the household registration is changed, we should celebrate together. Are you free?”

Ye Shuyan thought, “I’m not free.” However, his finger hovered over the screen without replying.

“President Ye, all the hair accessory styles in the store are here,” the jewelry store manager said, knocking and entering with a product catalog.

Ye Shuyan took the catalog, reflecting that he had indeed paid too much attention to Tang Nuan lately. Now that her issues were thoroughly resolved, it was time for them to return to the more comfortable state they had before.

He slowly flipped through the catalog. Since he had taken charge of this matter personally, choosing a gift for her himself seemed fitting.

As he thought about it, a diamond hair clip in the shape of ginkgo leaves caught his eye. There were three clips of varying sizes and shapes lined up together, and he couldn’t help but imagine how Tang Nuan’s long hair would look with this clip, making her appear like a forest nymph.

Just as he was about to decide, his gaze shifted to a mother-of-pearl hairpin. The irregular U-shaped pin had an iridescent sheen, changing colors as it moved—unique and playful. He remembered that Tang Nuan seemed to prefer items with a touch of antiquity.

Ye Shuyan pondered for a moment and turned another page, spotting a hair clip with South Sea golden pearls.

The manager noticed his prolonged stare and smiled, beginning to introduce, “These South Sea pearls are exceptionally fine…”

However, before he could finish, Ye Shuyan curtly turned the page and said coldly, “No.”

Manager: …

He wondered if he had said something wrong to upset Ye Shuyan. After all, Assistant Wen had warned that he was capricious…

But then Ye Shuyan continued browsing nonchalantly as if nothing had happened

The manager waited nervously, thinking Assistant Wen was right—this guy was really hard to figure out.

An hour later, the manager happily emerged with the catalog to fetch the jewelry. Rich people, he thought, were understandably capricious. After all, they liked a lot of things, right?

One of the salesgirls clicked her tongue in surprise as she wrapped the jewelry, “Buying so many at once?”

The manager nodded happily and then reminded her, “Make a note that President Ye doesn’t seem to like South Sea pearls.”

The salesgirl was puzzled, “Why? South Sea pearls are so beautiful.”

The manager replied, “It’s just a quirk of rich people. Anyway, pearls, diamonds, gemstones, mother-of-pearl, they all look good.”

The salesgirl packed the six boxes, enviously saying, “Indeed.”


All negotiations with Tang Sheng’an were handled personally by Tang Jinxin and Shen Jinhua. As they put it, this was an adult matter, and children shouldn’t get involved.

It was as if they were treating Tang Nuan like she was only five or six years old. Though she muttered to herself, Tang Nuan was in a great mood. She spent two days eating, drinking, and having fun with Ji Yun and Li Qiuqiu. On the third morning, her phone beeped. Thinking it was a message from the family group chat, she checked it only to find a bank deposit notification instead.

Tang Nuan almost jumped out of bed immediately! Tang Sheng’an had just transferred the money time!

Initially, Tang Nuan hadn’t intended to take the money, considering it was meant to cover the costs Tang Jinxin’s family incurred raising Tang Xing. She felt uneasy accepting it, but Tang Jinxin and his family were adamant.

It was ultimately Tang Yue who convinced her. Tang Yue said, “Tang Nuan, relying on oneself is certainly important, but you also need to learn to rely on others. Isn’t the purpose of having parents, siblings, and close friends to support each other? Being self-reliant is being independent, but depending on others is being loved.”

“A strong, smart, and beautiful girl deserves to be loved, right?”

Shen Jinhua disagreed slightly, “Even children who aren’t strong or beautiful deserve to be loved. We gave birth to you, so of course, we love you.”

Tang Nuan suddenly remembered what Shen Jinhua had said before: she was born with the high hopes and expectations of her parents and siblings…

So, this money was rightfully hers.

Tang Nuan happily looked at the numbers in her account, counted twice, and confirmed it was indeed over fifteen million. She jumped up again. This is what it feels like to be rich? It’s amazing!

Tang Nuan hummed a tune as she wandered around the house, still unable to contain her excitement. She picked up her phone and instinctively opened the chat with Ye Shuyan…

Her fingers hovered over the keyboard, and she paused. Why was he the first person she wanted to share this news with?

She thought about it and realized that Ye Shuyan had seemed a bit off these past two days. No calls, no messages; even the text she sent him the day before yesterday hadn’t been replied to.

Tang Nuan shook her head, dismissing the thought. No, no, no, she was being overly sensitive. This was how Ye Shuyan always was; this was normal for him.

Still, she sent him a screenshot of the bank notification. Regardless, he had helped a lot with this matter. Without his presence, Tang Sheng’an’s side wouldn’t have settled things so smoothly. It made sense to tell him first.

After sending the message and waiting for a long time with no reply, Tang Nuan frowned. It was morning; Ye Shuyan should not have gone to work yet.

Just as the thought crossed her mind, messages from the “Loving Family” group chat started popping up. Today wasn’t just about the money arriving; they were also going to transfer the household registration and celebrate afterward.

Setting aside her thoughts about Ye Shuyan, Tang Nuan eagerly went to pick out an outfit for the day.

[…I’m a rich girl~~ Yippee… I’m a rich girl…] Tang Nuan’s off-key singing conveyed endless joy. Ye Shuyan took off his headphones and stepped off the treadmill, smiling as he looked at the screenshot she had sent. He felt an unusual sense of happiness, even though such an amount of money was insignificant to him.

Maybe it was because of some empathetic connection with Tang Nuan due to his mind-reading ability… perhaps.

Minimizing the image, his eyes fell on the invitation message she had sent earlier. He hesitated for a moment before replying: [Congratulations. I won’t be able to join the celebration; work has been quite busy lately.]

Downstairs, Tang Nuan received the reply. At first, she felt a surge of joy upon seeing the word “congratulations,” but her excitement dwindled when she read the rest of the message.

Realizing something, Tang Nuan took several deep breaths. She noticed that her thoughts had become somewhat dangerous lately. Ye Shuyan was only helping out of duty, she reminded herself. Don’t overthink it, don’t overthink it.

A wise person stays away from love, Amitabha Buddha.

Tang Nuan lifted her phone, looking at the balance displayed in her bank account, and couldn’t resist kissing the screen. This was her true love—money. Men were just fleeting distractions.

With this much money, she realized she wouldn’t have to worry about proposing a breakup. The funds would be enough to return the jewelry and cover any compensation.

Money really did provide a sense of empowerment. If Ye Shuyan ever upset her, she would suggest breaking off the engagement herself! Hmph, after all, she was rich now!

Ye Shuyan was standing in his dressing room, staring at the six jewelry boxes, contemplating which one to give. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind: (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

Perhaps he should attend today’s auction and bid on a collectible piece of jewelry, something worth tens of millions, he mused. Let’s see if she can afford to return that.

The author has something to say:
Tang Nuan: Having money gives you confidence! Swipe the bank card, and who wouldn’t love that!
Ye Shuyan: Just don’t drive her to bankruptcy.

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