TIGR Chapter 90

The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 90 Unfaithful

While investigating a banned book, Lu Heng encountered a murder case. He had only planned to casually look into it, but unexpectedly, the man who died, in fact, had some connection to the book written by Guo Xun. Lu Heng smiled and remarked with a hint of a sigh: “In the end, it’s only a matter of who wrote it. We’ll find out by asking.”

Wang Yanqing turned around and looked at the crowded courtyard, frowning slightly: “But there are too many people here.”

Han Wenyuan’s residence was now packed with spectators. All words and actions were being watched by many, making an investigation difficult. Lu Heng glanced around and said: “No need to worry. If it’s inconvenient in here, then let’s bring it outside.”

Wang Yanqing felt there was a deeper meaning to his words. Sure enough, when she looked up, she saw that Lu Heng had already gotten into character. Wang Yanqing noticed various fine expressions take over his face, including compassion, regret, and a warm-hearted enthusiasm. She watched Lu Heng silently as he approached Ji Huan with heavy steps and said softly: “Brother Ji, may I have a word with you?”

Ji Huan was standing among the crowd in a daze when he heard Lu Heng’s voice. He was momentarily stunned, perhaps surprised that they had not left yet. Seeing Lu Heng’s solemn expression, which did not seem to be joking, Ji Huan felt a sense of unease and couldn’t bring himself to dismiss the matter lightly. He took on a serious manner and followed closely on Lu Heng’s heels.

Wang Yanqing clicked her tongue inwardly and quietly started after Lu Heng. Lu Heng took Ji Huan to a secluded spot and with an earnest expression, said: “Brother Ji, as a fellow scholar, it pains me deeply to see a talented individual like your brother die so young without achieving any significant accomplishments. To be honest, I occasionally help people write up lawsuits and I have some connections within the Shuntian Prefecture. According to my acquaintances, it seems that your brother’s death might not have been an accident.”

When Ji Huan heard this, he widened his eyes in surprise and said: “What, is there such a thing?”

Lu Heng nodded gravely. He clasped his hands and said: “I’ve offered advice and written lawsuits for others and have been fortunate enough to win a few cases. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the situation of the Han family, but if it’s convenient, I can try to offer some assistance.”

Ji Huan promptly returned an official greeting and said: “I didn’t realize Master Lu was a lawyer. I apologize for my ignorance. However, I left early this morning and only just returned, so I’m afraid I might not be able to provide much information…

“That’s fine.” Lu Heng replied, “All you need to do is tell me about Han Wenyuan’s character. As his closest friend, your insights will be the most valuable. I will pass this information to my contacts, and they will be able to make a decision.”

When Ji Huan heard this, he said: “Thank you, Master Lu, for your honorable assistance. But this is not a suitable place to talk. Please, both of you, come inside.”

Ji Huan opened his front door and invited Wang Yanqing and Lu Heng inside. The interior of the house was still in the same state as when they had left and the tea on the table had already gone cold. Ji Huan quickly said: “I apologize for the inconvenience. Please excuse the mess. I’ll go prepare some hot tea.”

Ji Huan quickly went next door to fetch Chang Tinglan to entertain the guests. While Ji Huan was away, Wang Yanqing leaned closer and whispered to Lu Heng: “How did you become a lawyer again?”

Just now, he was an unsuccessful scholar, and now he was already a lawyer with connections in the Shuntian Prefecture. The change in his character was quite drastic.

Lu Heng softly replied: “I feel that someone like me, even if I don’t succeed in the imperial exams, shouldn’t remain unsuccessful, so I made some adjustments.”

Wang Yanqing snorted lightly, saying: “Cousin, your frequent changes are making things difficult for me.”

How was she supposed to cooperate when he was constantly altering his role and story?

Lu Heng held Wang Yanqing’s hand, his gaze tender and affectionate, and said: “Don’t worry, everything I say to you is genuine.”

At this moment, Ji Huan and Chang Tinglan returned and, seeing the two of them holding hands, paused in surprise. Wang Yanqing quickly pulled her hand back from Lu Heng’s grasp, stood up awkwardly, and said: “Master Ji, Madam Chang, you’re back.”

Chang Tinglan pressed her lips together, smiled, and said: “You two cousins have such a good relationship.”

Wang Yanqing was so embarrassed that she didn’t know how to respond. Lu Heng calmly stood by her side and nodded: “My cousin and I have grown up together and are inseparable. Please forgive us.”

The straightforwardness of the person involved made Chang Tinglan, who had been joking, blush instead as she looked down, smiling. She took this opportunity to remove the cold tea and quickly left the room. Ji Huan remained in the room and dryly said: “You two are a perfect match, childhood sweethearts, it’s truly enviable. I wonder if the two of you are married yet?”

Wang Yanqing, dressed as a young maiden, clearly had not yet married. She was extremely embarrassed and continuously pinched Lu Heng’s hand from behind. Lu Heng responded by holding her fingers, and calmly said: “Not yet, but we will marry by the end of the first month at the latest.”

Ji Huan repeatedly offered his congratulations, even mentioning a rapid birth for a son and similar blessings. Wang Yanqing didn’t expect to hear her first wedding congratulations here, so she was both awkward and embarrassed. Lu Heng helped her sit down and, with thoughtful consideration, explained: “My cousin is a bit shy. Thank you for your good wishes, Brother Ji. We must certainly live up to your expectations.”

Wang Yanqing’s face flushed red when she recalled Ji Huan’s earlier words about “birthing a son” and “growing old together”. Lu Heng, however, was quite pleased. After this diversion, the atmosphere in the room became much more relaxed and Lu Heng took the opportunity to ask: “I heard that Han Wenyuan and his wife were also cousins. I noticed that today, Madam Jing was crying sorrowfully, their relationship must have been very strong, right?”

Ji Huan leaned back, clasped his hands, and indifferently said: “I suppose so.”

“That’s truly unfortunate.” Lu Heng sighed, “It’s a pity that they couldn’t grow old together. They are truly a pair of misfortuned lovebirds. I wonder, how Ji Brother and the Han family came to know each other?”

Upon hearing this, Ji Huan’s expression softened, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes. He said: “It’s a long story. I met Brother Han ten years ago. At that time, I was still in Qingzhou and was invited to a poetry gathering. I was only fifteen, full of vigor and pride, and I only wrote the first half of my poem, leaving the rest for a kindred spirit. To my surprise, I actually met someone who could complete the second half of my poem, and he signed his name as Zhulun Junzi. After inquiring, I learned that Zhulun Junzi was actually Brother Han’s pseudonym. We became friends through our literary exchanges and hit it off immediately. Unfortunately, not long after, my family moved to the Capital, and I lost touch with Brother Han. For many years, we could only correspond through letters. A few years ago, even the letters stopped. I thought our friendship was unlikely to be reunited like a high mountain and a flowing river. But this year, I unexpectedly came across some manuscripts for sale at my father-in-law’s stall that were written by Zhulun Junzi. I quickly asked around and when I found out it was my old friend, I was overjoyed. And since we had an extra house, I invited Brother Han to take up residence on Jian’an Lane.”

|| Zhulun Junji (竹林君子) translates to Gentleman of the Bamboo Grove.

Lu Heng nodded slowly: “So that’s how. It is really rare for young friends to meet again after being separated.”

Ji Huan deeply agreed and responded: “That’s usually how it is. I was ecstatic when I saw Zhulun Junzi in the Capital, but unfortunately, Brother Han didn’t do well in the imperial examinations and didn’t achieve any title. It’s really a pity. Brother Han’s talent is far superior to mine, and I thought that with his abilities, passing the imperial exams and becoming a scholar would be a cinch.”

Lu Heng took on the persona of a down-and-out scholar and lamented with Ji Huan for a while, sighing over having talent go unrecognized and the lack of a patron. Wang Yanqing silently watched him, finding it quite strange that this person felt no shame taking on such behaviors.

Chang Tinglan returned with a pot of hot tea and served it to Lu Heng and Wang Yanqing in turn. As she went to serve tea on the other side, she slipped slightly, and Ji Huan quickly reached out with his left hand to steady the teapot, saying: “Be careful.”

Chang Tinglan regained her balance and hurriedly apologized. Ji Huan, with a look of disapproval, reprimanded her: “Careless! What if you had offended our distinguished guests?”

Chang Tinglan’s face flushed red with embarrassment, and she quickly turned around and walked away. Lu Heng asked with concern: “Brother Ji, did you get burned?”

Ji Huan’s fingertips were slightly red, but he didn’t take it seriously. He shook his hand and said: “It’s nothing.”

Lu Heng remained worried and frowned slightly, “I’ve heard that you write books, Brother Ji. Your fingers are very important and shouldn’t be neglected. Should we call someone to take a look at them?”

Ji Huan waved his hand and replied: “There’s no need. I feel ashamed to say this, but I only write some narrative books. They’re not of high regard, so there’s no need to be so particular.”

“What are you saying, Brother Ji?” Lu Heng said, “It is said that your writing is divine, with remarkable literary talent. Even the Marquis of Wuding has praised it highly. How can it be considered not worthy of high regard?”

Ji Huan still waved his hand, but there was a touch of self-satisfaction in his smile: “It is the Marquis of Wuding who has given me the honor, merely to be associated with him. I feel extremely humbled. These days, I’ve been busy compiling a book and haven’t been able to take care of things at home. Fortunately, the neighbors have been helping me out.”

The book Ji Huan has been compiling was likely the reason of Lu Heng and Wang Yanqing’s visit. However, since the content of the book was sensitive and it was not publicly distributed, bringing it up recklessly might arouse Ji Huan’s suspicion. So, Lu Heng decided not to press further and instead returned to the case: “How long have you been busy, Brother Ji? Do you know about the events that happen in the alley?”

Upon hearing these words, Ji Huan’s air of nonchalance faded. He considered it for a moment before saying: “I’ve been quite busy this summer, often leaving home before dawn and not returning until after dark, so I haven’t had much time to take care of things at home. However, things have become much easier since autumn started.  As for what happens in the alley, I really don’t know much about it.”

“Really?” Lu Heng nodded thoughtfully and suddenly asked, “Then, what time did you go out today?”

Ji Huan answered almost without thinking: “Probably around Chen (7-9 am), just after dawn.”

“What time did you return?”

Ji Huan paused, thought for a moment, and then said: “I didn’t pay much attention, but likely around Wei (1-3 pm). I returned home, had a conversation with my wife, and not long after, the two of you knocked on the door. Then, shortly after, I heard that there was a murder next door.”

Wang Yanqing looked into Ji Huan’s eyes and suddenly asked: “Brother Ji, why did you come back so late today?”

Ji Huan was taken aback by Wang Yanqing’s question. He looked at Wang Yanqing, his eyes shifting up and down, and replied: “I’ve always done this. Sometimes, when I don’t come back for a meal, I will just eat at the shop.”

Wang Yanqing nodded and did not say anything further. Lu Heng took over and continued to ask: “Did Han Wenyan exhibit any unusual behavior during this time?”

Ji Huan frowned in surprise and replied: “Unusual behavior?”

“Yes. For instance, did he have any contact with unfamiliar people, exhibit suspicious behavior, say strange things, or show signs of illness? Any deviation from his normal behavior, anything you can recall, would be helpful.”

Ji Huan furrowed his brow and thought for a moment before hesitantly saying: “Now that you mention it, I do remember something. At the beginning of the month, Brother Han seemed to have eaten something bad. He was vomiting and had diarrhea all day long. The next day, he was finally able to get out of bed normally and I advised him to see a doctor, but he said it wasn’t necessary. However, in my opinion, his stomach and digestion didn’t fully heal. He was unsteady on his feet, held a bad temper, and often talked to himself. It could be possible that his stomach upset made him weak and he might have accidentally fallen into the water.”

Lu Heng responded with an acknowledgment, neither affirming nor denying, and asked: “Brother Ji, do you know of any hidden locations nearby?”

Ji Huan was taken aback and asked: “Why are you asking that?”

Please don’t misunderstand, Brother Ji.” Lu Heng replied gently, “When the officials were carrying the body away, an official I knew told me that they found a piece of tassel on Han Wenyan, but they’re unsure of where it came from. They suspect that the riverbank where the body was found might not be where Han Wenyan fell into the water. The body might have drifted from another location. If we can find the actual site where he fell in, we might find some evidence that could explain what really happened.”

Ji Huan’s pupils widened, and he quickly asked: “A tassel? What kind was it?”

Lu Heng shook his head with a look of helplessness: “I only heard about it. I didn’t get to see it myself.”

Ji Huan pressed his lips together and fell silent. Lu Heng watched him for a moment and softly called him: “Brother Ji?”

Ji Huan came to his senses, stammered, and said: “As for hidden places… I’m not sure. I’m afraid I won’t be of much help.”

Lu Heng looked at him and smiled gently: “It’s alright, you’ve already been very helpful.”

Ji Huan seemed somewhat absent-minded. So, when Lu Heng and Wang Yanqing took their leave, he didn’t ask them to stay. Once outside, Wang Yanqing, stepping into the orange-tinted sunlight, softly asked Lu Heng: “Was there really a tassel on Han Wenyan?”

Lu Heng chuckled softly: “How could I reveal actual evidence to them. I was just deceiving them.”

Lu Heng then narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled meaningfully: “However, we did actually find a handkerchief in his inner pocket.”

Wang Yanqing raised an eyebrow: “A handkerchief? Did it belong to a man or a woman?”

Lu Heng put his arm around Wang Yanqing’s shoulder and said with a smile: “Qing Qing, no man would keep a man’s handkerchief in such a personal place.”

Wang Yanqing looked up and glared at him: “You didn’t tell me about such an important clue?”

“I did exactly as you instructed today” Lu Heng said with a somewhat innocent expression, “You said to investigate Jian Yun first.”

Wang Yanqing gave him a resentful look, too impatient for idle chatter, and frowned as she asked: “So whose handkerchief is it?”

Lu Heng fell silent. Before he could answer, Wang Yanqing continued: “It definitely isn’t Jian Yun’s. I know that no man would keep his wife’s handkerchief in such a personal place.”

Lu Heng was momentarily caught off guard and quickly clarified: “That might not be the case. If you gave me a handkerchief, I would keep it on me at all times.”

Lu Heng’s cheeky remark earned him a secret eye roll from Wang Yanqing, who chose to ignore him. Seeing that she wasn’t responding, Lu Heng felt a bit regretful and tried to earn some praise: “Look at how well I cooperated today. I didn’t delay your questioning, did I?”

It was more appropriate for Wang Yanqing to lead when they were questioning a woman, but if it was a man, they might not be as cooperative. Therefore, Lu Heng was the one asking the questions when they were interrogating Ji Huan earlier. Having observed Wang Yanqing’s interrogation style several times, Lu Heng was well-acquainted with her methods. His questions were mostly on point, and before asking about when Ji Huan left, Lu Heng had deliberately added a question to give Wang Yanqing a benchmark for Ji Huan’s habits when he tried recalling his past agenda.

Ji Huan might have lied about the departure time, so Lu Heng asked him how long he had been busy, a question where there was no need to lie. By comparing his behavior from the two questions, it would be possible to determine whether he was telling the truth or lying.

Even if Lu Heng hadn’t asked that additional question, Wang Yanqing could have figured it out herself. However, the way he was seeking praise made it so Wang Yanqing was unable to suppress a smile. Just as she was about to say something, the door in front opened, and Jian Yun came out to see off a guest.

Without missing a beat, Wang Yanqing turned her face, pushed Lu Heng’s hand away, and said fuming: “Cousin, I’ve put in so much effort for you, all because I want to be with you. But when have you ever considered me?”

Lu Heng, who prided himself on having weathered many storms over the years, was momentarily dazed: “Hmm?”

Wang Yanqing blinked, her eyes welling up with tears. She said plaintively: “You’ve been getting more and more distant from me. Is there someone else?”

The commotion between the two drew many curious glances from those around them. Romantic entanglements always attracted the most attention, especially when it involved two attractive individuals, and the brief exchange between them seemed to hint at a lot of gossip.

Lu Heng glanced quickly ahead and saw Jian Yun seeing off a guest, who turned back to look at them while walking forward. Lu Heng realized what Wang Yanqing was trying to do, but the sudden turn of events was too unexpected.

Lu Heng smoothly adopted the deep affection of an unfaithful man and said to Wang Yanqing: “Cousin, what are you saying? Of course, I love you the most.”

As Lu Heng spoke, he sighed inwardly. Adding drama at the last moment was one thing, but why did it have to be a portrayal of a heartless scoundrel? Did he really come across as such a bad person?

|| Author’s Note:

Mastering the Art of Being a Lead Actor

They need to be able to become a scriptwriter on set, who can alter characters and add scenes at any time. Additionally, they must have strong control over the scene. Even without a script, they should be able to handle their co-actors’ lines and actions.

|| Translator’s Note: I wish you all the most amazing weekend! Thank you always for your continuous love and support for this novel. ^-^

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3 thoughts on “TIGR Chapter 90”

  1. Translator-nim you are spoiling us. Thank you ! Love this fake/true couple so much. 🤣🤣🤣
    Qing Qing acting skill is getting better and better.

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