TIGR Chapter 89

The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 89 Drowning

The voice from next door was quite loud and Ji Huan heard it clearly. The room fell into a dead silence, both Ji Huan and Chang Tinglan were stunned for a moment. Soon, a woman’s sorrowful crying came from next door, followed by chaos, with many shouts and footsteps mixed together, and Madam Jian ran out with the crowd.

Wang Yanqing stood behind Lu Heng and silently observed the expressions of the two people in the room. She suddenly spoke up: “Did they say that the person who drowned was Brother Han?”

Ji Huan and Chang Tinglan seemed to finally snap out of their daze. With his mouth half open in surprise, Ji Huan said: “How could such a thing happen to my brother’s family! Excuse me, I need to go to the riverbank and see if there’s anything I can do to help.”

Lu Heng also nodded sadly and said with grief: “Everything was fine just a moment ago and now such a tragic event has occurred. Madam Jian is alone, delicate and frail. How can she handle this situation by herself? Brother Ji, we must not delay. Let’s go and see what we can do.”

Wang Yanqing silently cast a glance at Lu Heng, thinking, since when did it become “we”? Ji Huan, however, didn’t notice the inconsistency in Lu Heng’s words and nodded, heading outside.

Lu Heng naturally followed behind. By the time they reached the riverbank, a large crowd had already gathered. Past the crowd of pointing fingers, through the jumbled shadows, they could see a woman kneeling on the ground with her hands covering her face, weeping in front of a corpse.

When the crowd saw Ji Huan arrive, the neighbors, aware of his close relationship with the Han family and that they were from the same hometown, consciously made way. Ji Huan squeezed through the crowd and saw the wet corpse under a willow tree. Overcome with grief, he cried out: “Brother Han, how could you have left us at such a young age!”

Ji Huan was deeply distressed, and Madam Jian was kneeling on the ground, weeping heartbrokenly. Seeing this scene, everyone shook their heads in sympathy, feeling solemn at the tragedy. A middle-aged woman advised: “Madam Jian, I’m sorry for your loss. Since a person has passed, we must report this to the local government. Let’s first go and call the constable.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the voice of a local official came from outside the shade of the tree: “Make way, the local government is investigating a case, please make some space.”

A burly man dressed as a local official impatiently pushed through the crowd. When the onlookers saw that the local authorities had arrived, they quickly moved aside. Wang Yanqing and Lu Heng stood at the back of the crowd and were pushed several steps back by the quick surge of the crowd. When Lu Heng bent down to support Wang Yanqing, she took the opportunity to lean in and angrily whispered in Lu Heng’s ear: “Did you do this?”

Lu Heng lowered his eyes and glanced at Wang Yanqing, then said faintly: “What kind of image do you have of me? You actually doubted me when you saw a dead person?”

Wang Yanqing silently observed the so-called “officials” pushing through the crowd and clearing the scene. In just a glance, she recognized several familiar faces. These were not local officials at all, they were clearly the Imperial Guards!

They had somehow acquired a set of the local official uniforms and were pretending to be from the Shuntian Prefecture. Seeing the “local officials” arrive, the townsfolk, unfamiliar with their faces, would not report the case to the authorities, effectively allowing these impostors to intercept the case unnoticed.

As a result, the Shuntian Prefecture took responsibility for the case without knowing it, and Lu Heng was spared from revealing his ploy.

Actually, Wang Yanqing also knew that Lu Heng wasn’t likely responsible, but he said before that he wanted to arrange an accident, and soon after Han Wenyan was found dead. Moreover, the Imperial Guards had disguised themselves as local officials from the Shuntian Prefecture and took over the scene, the series of coincidences naturally made Wang Yanqing suspicious. But relieved to learn it wasn’t Lu Heng, Wang Yanqing asked curiously: “How did they know there was a murder here?”

“I asked them to come.”

Wang Yanqing looked at Lu Heng in surprise. Lu Heng smiled and said: “Actually, I had arranged for a different kind of accident, but a murder occurred instead. This excuse will work better, so I changed my plans.”

The sudden change of plans and the swift arrival at the scene, along with the convincing impersonation of the local officials, explained why the officials in the capital were outmatched by Lu Heng, his opponents were clearly at a disadvantage.

Under the deliberate arrangements of the Imperial Guards, the crowd dispersed, and Lu Heng had a clear view of the crime scene from his corner. Though he appeared to be among the onlookers, he was actually scrutinizing the scene carefully.

This was not Wang Yanqing’s area of expertise, but she still observed attentively.  The riverbank was unobstructed, allowing easy access to the water whether for fishing or swimming. The riverbank was lined with willow trees, and the bleak autumn scenery paired with the overgrown shrubs made this area looked especially desolate and cold.

Han Wenyuan’s body lay not far from the water, dressed in a blue cloth shirt, soaked through and covered in green algae. His body was stiff and pale, and his eyes were partially open with small white bubbles around his mouth and nose. His fingers were half clenched and stiffly resting on the ground, and he had a slight bloating in his abdomen. The “local officials” had removed his shoes, revealing mud and sand in his shoes, socks, and under his nails. His feet were pale and wrinkled, much like the hands of a laundress.

The crowd of onlookers grew larger, their curiosity mixed with fear, and they whispered among themselves. Wang Yanqing, who didn’t understand the details of the body, noticed Lu Heng’s focused examination and decided not to disturb him. She instead quietly left to gather information from the crowd.

The murder had attracted everyone from the surrounding area, turning the scene into a bustling hub of gossip and speculation. With so many people gathered, it was an ideal place for hearing all kinds of rumors about Han Wenyuan’s grudges and relationships, or even what he had eaten the day before. Wang Yanqing mixed into the crowd, hoping to overhear some useful information.

In such situations, the advantage of being a woman became apparent. When people noticed Wang Yanqing mingling nearby, no one paid her much attention, and they continued their conversations as usual. If Lu Heng, a tall and imposing man, had been in her place, the locals would likely have become more guarded and less willing to share.

Wang Yanqing listened intently as a few women nearby sighed towards the riverbank, discussing: “The Han family daughter-in-law is only around twenty-three or twenty-four, and she has no children. Now she’s left a widow. What will she do in the future?”

“What about her family members?”

“Her family is from Qingzhou. If she were living well back home, she wouldn’t have come to the capital. Besides, she and Scholar Han are cousins. There are no other brothers in her family, so Scholar Han is both her husband and her closest male relative. Now that Scholar Han is dead, she will have no one to rely on.”

“Qingzhou? Wow, are they and Scholar Ji from the same hometown?”

“That’s right, otherwise why would Scholar Ji run around helping Scholar Han find a livelihood and even rent his own house to them at a low price.”

“Ah, so they are from the same hometown. I thought…”

Before the woman could finish her sentence, she was nudged by someone next to her and given a meaningful glance. Noticing the signal, she understood and stopped talking.

Wang Yanqing followed their gaze and saw Chang Tinglan standing at the edge of the crowd, looking somewhat dazed. Wang Yanqing observed that Chang Tinglan’s face was pale, and she kept rubbing her hands together. When someone nearby spoke to her, she was startled and took a moment to respond.

Judging by her distracted nodding, it was clear she probably hadn’t understood a word the other person said.

Wang Yanqing approached and softly called out: “Madam Chang.”

Upon hearing someone call out to her, Chang Tinglan turned around. When she saw it was Wang Yanqing, she tensed up and forced a smile: “Oh, it’s you. As you can see, our neighbor was murdered, so the rental might…”

Wang Yanqing responded with a gentle smile: “It’s no trouble. The incident didn’t happen in your house, so we’re not concerned about that. Don’t be in a rush to refuse us. My cousin and I really like this location and are sincerely interested in renting the place. Please take some time to think about it.”

Chang Tinglan nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact with Wang Yanqing: “I will discuss it with my husband.”

Wang Yanqing moved closer, gently taking Chang Tinglan’s hand and speaking softly: “Such a big event must have been terrifying for you, Madam Chang. After all, these are people you see every day. Just recently, you saw them, and now they’re gone, it is surely unsettling.”

It’s quite normal for women to share intimate gestures, so even though they had only recently met, no one found it odd when Wang Yanqing took Chang Tinglan’s hand. Though as Wang Yanqing held her hand, she noticed that Chang Tinglan’s fingers were cold and her palms sweaty. Furthermore, when Wang Yanqing mentioned “just recently, you saw them” she felt Chang Tinglan’s fingers unconsciously tighten.

This reaction seemed unusual for someone merely learning about her neighbor’s death. Even considering how close they were, such a level of concern was surprising.

Wang Yanqing held Chang Tinglan’s hand supportively and asked with genuine concern: “Madam Chang, do you know why Master Han fell into the water?”

Chang Tinglan kept her eyes lowered, her expression revealing nothing abnormal, but her arm was quite tense. She replied: “I don’t know either. The river is deep and often claims lives. Perhaps he was walking carelessly, slipped, and fell into the river.”

Wang Yanqing responded softly: “That’s truly a shame. Master Han has been well all this time. Why would he have an accident today of all days? Madam Chang, did you see Master Han today? Was he feeling unwell and that might have caused the accident?”

Chang Tinglan pursed her lips together slightly and said: “How should I know? Han Wenyuan is Madam Jian’s husband. She would know better.”

Wang Yanqing nodded and said: “That’s true. It’s a pity that Madam Jian, so young, is now left a widow. Han Wenyuan was not only her husband but also her closest male relative. With his death, she will be left all alone, how will she manage to make a living in the future?”

As Wang Yanqing spoke, her eyes shifted subtly, carefully observing Chang Tinglan’s reaction.  She noticed Chang Tinglan briefly grimace before quickly regaining her composure and saying: “When a boat reaches a wall, it will straighten itself out. There are so many widows in the world, Madam Jian will find a way.”

Wang Yanqing responded with a soft acknowledgment, preparing to continue her line of questioning when suddenly, a gentle voice called out from behind her: “Cousin.”

Upon hearing the address, Wang Yanqing’s expression momentarily paused. She turned around and as expected, saw Lu Heng approaching. With a smile, Lu Heng walked directly toward them and said: “Cousin, why are you standing all the way out here? It was hard for me to find you.”

Wang Yanqing glanced ahead and unsurprisingly saw that the “local officials” had finally finished their work and were now covering the body with a white cloth. Resigned, she turned to Lu Heng and said: “I was frightened by the sight of the body, so I came here to keep Madam Chang company and chat for a bit.”

Lu Heng said with a look of dawning realization: “That makes sense. I forgot you have a timid disposition and can’t even bear to look at a chicken being killed. You weren’t too frightened earlier, were you?”

Seeing Lu Heng approach, Chang Tinglan lowered her head and said: “Since Master Lu is back, I won’t keep you any longer.”

Lu Heng warmly directed Chang Tinglan: “I saw Brother Ji comforting Madam Jian up ahead. You might want to go over there and check on them.”

Chang Tinglan, instinctively fearful of Lu Heng, mumbled a meager thanks and quickly left. Once she was out of earshot, Wang Yanqing leaned in and quietly asked Lu Heng: “Did you find anything?”

Walking under the sunlight, Lu Heng held Wang Yanqing’s hand and spoke at a measured pace: “His skin was damp and cold, the color pale, and there was no obvious swelling. It was a very fresh body, likely not in the water for too long. His feet had started to wrinkle, and given the current water temperature, a rough estimate would be that he was submerged for two to three hours. There was mud and sand under his nails, his abdomen was swollen, and there was frothy mucus around his mouth and nose, which confirms he entered the water alive. However, his fingers were partially curled, and his eyes were slightly closed, suggesting he did not struggle or try to save himself. It seems he must have fallen into the water after losing the ability to move.”

Wang Yanqing listened, struggling to grasp most of the details. She could, however, sense just how keen Lu Heng’s observational skills were. After standing nearby for only a short time, he had already deduced so much information. She tentatively asked: “So…”

“So, Han Wenyuan was murdered. He likely fell into the water between the hours of 7 to 11 in the morning. He was alive when he entered the water, and it’s probable that he was in a state of unconsciousness when he was thrown in, leading to his drowning.”

|| More specifically within the ranges of Chen (辰时) 7-9 am and Si (巳时) which is 9-11 am.

Wang Yanqing finally understood and said: “Now I get it. Next time, you can just give me the final conclusion directly.”

“What if I’m wrong?”

Wang Yanqing raised her eyes to look at him: “Are you ever wrong?”

Lu Heng chuckled softly, holding Wang Yanqing’s hand more firmly, clearly pleased with her response. At the riverbank, the fragmented voices of the “local officials” and Madam Jian were heard intermittently. The “local officials” mentioned they would carry the body back for an autopsy by a coroner and that they would notify Madam Jian to claim the body if everything was in order.

All cases of death must be reported to the local government, and only until after the officials confirm it wasn’t a homicide can the body be buried. The crowd reacted with murmurs of surprise at the news that the officials would be performing an autopsy. One agitated man, yelled out: “Does this mean Master Han didn’t just slip and fall into the water?”

The “local officials” maintained a stern expression, refusing to elaborate further and brusquely dispersed the crowd. They carried the body away without casting a single glance in Lu Heng’s direction.

After the “local officials” had left, the onlookers’ enthusiasm remained unabated. Some were fearful, while others were excited, and discussions about the murder continued to circulate among the crowd. Wang Yanqing watched the Imperial Guard’s retreating figures and quietly asked Lu Heng: “Who discovered the body?”

“A group of elderly fishermen.” Lu Heng said, “There were about five or six of them, old and frail, making it unlikely that they were involved in the crime. The real murderer must be someone else.”

Wang Yanqing nodded. According to standard procedure, after eliminating the initial crime scene discoverers from suspicion, attention would shift to the victim’s close associates. She asked: “What about Madam Jian?”

Lu Heng looked down at Wang Yanqing with a smile and said: “After you spoke with Madam Chang for so long, I thought you might suspect her.”

Wang Yanqing shook her head silently, then said: “As you mentioned, it’s crucial not to jump to conclusions when investigating a case. Madam Chang does seem somewhat suspicious, but the person closest to the victim is often the one most likely to commit the crime.”

Lu Heng nodded with a serious expression: “Cousin, you have a point. As you suggested, let’s start by questioning Jian Yun.”

Wang Yanqing realized for the first time that Madam Jian’s full name was Jian Yun. She gave Lu Heng an exasperated look and said: “Come on. You’re here investigating a banned book, yet you even know the name of Brother Ji’s neighbor’s wife?”

“Are you feeling jealous?”

“I’m not jealous. But if you want to entertain those thoughts, can I really stop you?”

Lu Heng couldn’t help but laugh and embrace Wang Yanqing tightly: “Of course, I you can stop me. I only worry that you won’t.”

Wang Yanqing quickly glanced around, relieved to see that everyone was focused on the case, and no one was paying attention to them. She let out a quiet sigh of relief and firmly pinched Lu Heng’s hand: “Let go. There are so many people here. What are you doing?”

According to traditional etiquette, even married couples should avoid showing affection in public, let alone Wang Yanqing and Lu Heng, who were still under the guise of cousins. Lu Heng sighed inwardly, reluctantly releasing her and making an effort to return to his role as a cousin.

The news of Han Wenyuan’s drowning and subsequent removal by the authorities quickly caused a sensation in the neighborhood. Neighbors rushed to the Han residence to offer their condolences, and people from other areas came to see the commotion. Jian’an Lane was crowded with onlookers and the Han family courtyard was overflowing with people. Fortunately, with so many people around, Lu Heng and Wang Yanqing managed to slip in unnoticed.

A middle-aged woman stood by the door sighing deeply. Wang Yanqing recognized her as the woman they met earlier, Madam Sun. She approached discreetly and asked: “Sister Sun, have you heard about what happened to the Han family?”

Madam Sun looked up and, seeing someone as ethereal as Wang Yanqing standing in the sunlight, momentarily thought she might be hallucinating. Madam Sun was stunned for a moment, and only when she saw the man behind her did she remember that this was the young couple who had come to inquire about the house not long ago.

 She swept a glance at them and sighed: “You’re both still here?”

“Yes, we just happened to hear the bad news, so we stayed to take a look.” Wang Yanqing replied, putting on a hesitant look. She lowered her voice and asked, “Sister Sun, this is my first time encountering such a thing, it is quite terrifying. Tell me honestly, is this the first time something like this has happened in this house, or has there been something similar before?”

Madam Sun quickly responded: “Don’t worry, this isn’t a haunted house. I’ve lived here for over twenty years, and this is the first time I’ve encountered anything like this.”

“Really?” Wang Yanqing, still doubtful, said, “But the authorities have already taken the body away, and I heard they’re going to have an autopsy. It’s really frightening. Could there have been anything scandalous between the couple?”

“No.” Madam Sun shook her head vigorously, “Madam Jian is so delicate and weak, what could she possibly have done? Today, as soon as Han Wenyuan left, she called me over. We stayed together, doing needlework, and even had our meals together. She was absolutely not involved in anything suspicious.”

Lu Heng knew that Wang Yanqing was better at questioning, so he left the lead completely in her hands. Upon hearing Madam Sun’s words, he subtly shifted his gaze, and Wang Yanqing, as if reading his thoughts, immediately asked: “When did Han Wenyuan leave the house?”

Unlike government officials, common people didn’t pay attention to exact times. Madam Sun thought for a while and then said uncertainly: “I didn’t take note of the exact time, but it should have been around mid-morning.”

|| Towards the end of Chen (辰时) that ranges 7-9 AM.

Upon hearing the time, Wang Yanqing’s heart started to race. Han Wenyuan left not long from when he was found in the water, could it be that he was murdered shortly after he left?

Since Jian Jun stayed at home and had a witness for her whereabouts, it seemed she wasn’t the perpetrator. Wang Yanqing temporarily ruled out Jian Jun as a suspect and asked: “Could Han Wenyuan have any enemies or someone seeking revenge against him?”

Madam Sun scratched her head in confusion and said: “Although Han Wenyuan was a bit sour, I haven’t heard of him offending anyone. They are new to the capital and don’t have much of a social network. He mostly wrote books and copied letters for others. Who could he have possibly angered?”

Wrote books? Wang Yanqing’s instincts perked up, and she quickly asked: “Han Wenyuan can write books?”

“Indeed.” Madam Sun said, “I’ve heard he’s quite skilled at it and has received praise from important people. I don’t know much about it myself, but you can ask Scholar Ji’s family, they’re cultured and knowledgeable about these things.”

After questioning Madam Sun, Wang Yanqing fell into silence. Lu Heng, finding it amusing, gently poked her cheek and asked: “What are you thinking about?”

“Brother.” Wang Yanqing suddenly looked up, her eyes shining, “Who do you think wrote The Biography of Heroes?”

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4 thoughts on “TIGR Chapter 89”

  1. This book might have been written by more than 1 person. He was sour, she said; maybe a bit jealous of the Ji family and the ji’ family tension because of the Han’ family rent……. I smell a adultery
    Thank you for the chapter translator-nim.

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