TCPCHW Chapter 91

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 91          Not Far Away

The next day, the sky was gloomy, with a tinge of grayish blue, as if rain were coming.

A pitch-black carriage, escorted by two rows of disciplined guards, arrived at the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion.

Qin Yan alighted from the carriage, adjusting her thick, pure white fox fur cloak. She walked directly into the mansion and headed for the council hall.

Yesterday, Qin Yan had sent word to the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion, so today, Duke Shen Changshan, Shen Shiyan, Fang Su, and Shen Ci were all seated in the council hall, waiting.

They were aware that Qin Yan had traveled to Jiangnan with the Taizi, and after the Taizi was attacked and news of a plague in Jiangnan, they had been anxious for over a month without any news. Only when Ji Nanfeng returned to the Princess Mansion with news of Qin Yan did they feel a slight relief.

As soon as Qin Yan entered the hall, Fang Su stood up and went to her, taking her hands and examining her from head to toe with concern.

“Yan Yan, was the journey safe?”

Fang Su’s question was also on the minds of everyone present in the hall. They all looked at Qin Yan.

“I’m fine, Aunt.” Qin Yan gave Fang Su a reassuring smile, then greeted the others in the hall before taking a seat next to Shen Ci.

Shen Ci, half-jokingly, said to Qin Yan, “I thought you had eloped with the Taizi.”

Qin Yan glanced at Shen Ci and then turned her attention to Duke Shen Changshan at the head of the table.

“Grandfather, I saw Mother.”

As soon as Qin Yan spoke, Fang Su’s voice grew urgent, “How is Shiying? Did she suffer any hardship? Shiying must have endured much traveling alone…”

Fang Su’s voice trailed off as she began to cry, her nose reddening.

Beside her, Shen Shiyan reached out to hold Fang Su’s hand and gently comforted her.

Duke Shen Changshan, however, keenly noticed the seriousness in Qin Yan’s expression. It was clear that Qin Yan’s purpose in summoning them today was not merely for a social call.

“Yan Yan, please continue,” Duke Shen Changshan urged.

Qin Yan nodded and continued, “There’s something I need to inform Grandfather and Uncle Shiyan in advance so that you can be prepared.”

At these words, everyone in the hall became serious, even Fang Su’s sobs ceased as she looked intently at Qin Yan.

Qin Yan continued, “When I saw Mother, she was accompanied by a man who was very close to her.”

“What?” This time, it was Shen Shiyan who interrupted Qin Yan, frowning and looking at her with an unpleased expression.

The implication of Qin Yan’s words was clear to everyone present—Shen Shiyan had a lover!

The room fell silent as everyone absorbed the news. Shen Shiyan spoke first, “With the recent turmoil in the court and my busy schedule, I haven’t had a chance to deliver Shiying’s divorce papers to Prime Minister Qin Mansion yet…”

“Shen Shiyan!” Fang Su glared fiercely at her husband, ignoring the presence of Duke Shen Changshan, and shouted at Shen Shiyan.

Fang Su fumed, her voice rising in anger, “Why is it that Qin Wenzheng can have his concubine and children, even elevating one to the status of equal wife, while our Shiying is not allowed to find a man she likes and enjoy herself?”

“Only the officials are allowed to set fire to the house while the common people are not permitted to light a lamp?”

Shen Shiyan immediately moved to Fang Su’s side, trying to soothe her.

“Su Su, calm down. That’s not what I meant.”

Qin Yan understood her uncle’s concern. The world was still ruled by male dominance, and it was inherently unfair to women. Regardless of how many wives or concubines Qin Wenzheng took, it was considered merely gossip about the esteemed Prime Minister Qin and not a significant issue.

However, if her mother were found to be too close to another man while married, she would be harshly criticized.

Qin Yan adhered to the principle of avoiding unnecessary trouble. Her uncle’s concerns were valid and matched her own considerations. Her mother’s separation from Qin Wenzheng needed to be resolved swiftly.

Qin Yan turned to her uncle, Shen Shiyan, “Uncle, please give me the divorce papers prepared for my mother.”

Shen Shiyan looked both surprised and pained. Qin Yan wanted to personally handle her mother’s divorce from her father? The burdens she had borne were truly heavy. Yet, Qin Yan always had her own way of doing things, and Shen Shiyan nodded in agreement.

Duke Shen Changshan had remained silent throughout, but he felt intuitively that Qin Yan’s revelations were not yet complete.

Sure enough, Qin Yan addressed Duke Shen Changshan with a serious expression, “Grandfather, the man accompanying my mother could be none other than the current Emperor of Northern Liang, Xiao Qian.”

The revelation hit the hall like a thunderclap, causing the faces of everyone present to change dramatically.

The idea that Shiying’s lover might be the Emperor of Northern Liang was shocking. Shiying had evidently ventured into perilous territory.


As soon as Qin Yan returned to the Princess Mansion in Xishan, she saw another carriage parked outside the mansion.

At that moment, Qin Wenzheng stepped out of the carriage and walked towards Qin Yan with a grim face.

Qin Wenzheng was just over forty years old, with a few visible strands of white at his temples and some signs of aging around his forehead and eyes.

At this moment, Qin Yan’s mind involuntarily recalled the description of Miss Shen’s lover.

Qin Yan shook her head internally, thinking, The Prime Minister is about the same age as the Northern Liang Emperor, but compared to him, the Prime Minister is far from being in the same league.

Qin Wenzheng had been waiting outside in the cold wind for half an hour. The mansion’s steward, Shen Huai, had given him a cold reception and didn’t even invite him inside, merely stating that the princess was not at home.

Thus, Qin Wenzheng, with some audacity, waited outside until Qin Yan returned, feeling there were certain matters he needed to discuss with her face-to-face.

“Qin Yan, I need to talk to you,” Qin Wenzheng said, trying to control his anger.

Qin Yan flashed a smile and, knowing from last night’s report from Mr. Ji that Qin Wenzheng was already aware of the messages sent by Yu Qingfeng, she had some guesses about the situation.

“Prime Minister, please.”

With that, Qin Yan led the way into the mansion.

Qin Wenzheng, feeling exasperated, noted the formality in Qin Yan’s address and inwardly fumed, his daughter truly had no sense of propriety!


Princess Mansion Council Hall

Qin Yan instructed the servants to serve tea to Qin Wenzheng and then took her seat in the only chair at the head of the table.

Seeing Qin Yan’s demeanor, Qin Wenzheng’s forehead was throbbing with anger. Although Qin Yan held a title granted by the Emperor, she was still his daughter. Yet, she seemed to disregard him entirely, which infuriated him.

Qin Wenzheng was used to being coaxed by his younger children, Qin Nian and Qin Ming, in the mansion. Facing his aloof eldest daughter now, he found himself at a loss for words. After all, he had come here with a request, and bluntly speaking, he was the one who needed something from her.

Suppressing his frustration, Qin Wenzheng sat down, took a sip of the tea beside him, and noticed a faint, almost imperceptible glimmer of delight in his eyes, indicating a good tea.

His expression softened slightly. Since Qin Yan had offered him such good tea, it seemed she still acknowledged him as her father, though she was maintaining a form of distance due to previous discord.

What Qin Wenzheng didn’t realize was that the tea served to him was just ordinary tea from the Princess Mansion, but he mistook it for something special.

Qin Wenzheng was about to find out that his joy was misplaced.

Clearing his throat, Qin Wenzheng addressed Qin Yan, “Qin Yan, I need you to have Yu Qingfeng return my properties and estates.”

Hearing Qin Wenzheng’s assumption that it was only natural to demand such a return, Qin Yan raised an eyebrow slightly.

Qin Yan was well aware of Qin Wenzheng’s lack of shame, but the extent of his audacity truly opened her eyes.

With a calm and indifferent expression, Qin Yan responded bluntly, “Repaying debts with money—are you planning to return the five hundred thousand taels of silver that Fourth Master Qin borrowed from Yu Qingfeng?”

Qin Wenzheng was taken aback. Did Qin Yan really not understand the situation, or was she playing a game of riddles?

Qin Yan picked up the celadon teacup next to her, smiled, and continued, “I seem to recall that those properties originally belonged to my mother. Now that they are being returned to their rightful owner, what problem do you have with that, Prime Minister?”

Qin Wenzheng had no intention of willingly giving up either the money or the properties. He had hoped to leverage his status as her father to pressure Qin Yan into returning the properties, but it appeared she had no intention of yielding.

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Since resolute won’t work, then he would have to try the soft way.

Qin Wenzheng paused and softened his tone, “Qin Yan, your younger sister Qin Nian is about to marry into the Minister of War’s family, the He family. The properties we gave to Yu Qingfeng include your sister’s dowry. You…”

Qin Yan, seated at the head of the table, actually laughed out loud upon hearing this.

“Prime Minister wants to use the dowry my mother once left me for Qin Nian?”

Qin Wenzheng’s face alternated between green and white. Why did Qin Yan’s words come out so off-putting?

Qin Yan lazily said, “If Prime Minister wants me to add to Qin Nian’s dowry, as the eldest sister, it is indeed my responsibility.”

“I’m not familiar with Qin Nian. Isn’t Song Mei always claiming to be elegant, unlike my mother, who was from a martial family and rather uncouth? Well, if her daughter is anything like her, I suppose her elegance won’t be much different. I can send a few calligraphy pieces to cater to her tastes.”

“You…” Qin Wen Zheng was so angry that he almost choked. Qin Yan was deliberately leading him in circles.

Qin Yan casually picked up the teacup by her side and sipped it lightly.

Qin Wenzheng calmed himself and said, “Even if those properties were once under your mother’s name, as the stepmother, it was her duty to prepare dowries for the daughters of the house. You should understand this principle.”


It was Qin Yan who slammed her teacup down heavily. She looked coldly at Qin Wenzheng, “That’s not for Prime Minister to decide. You still need to consult my mother.”

Qin Wenzheng was confused. What did Qin Yan mean? What did she mean by consulting her mother?

Qin Yan laughed softly and said, “Oh, I forgot to tell you. Miss Shen will be returning soon.”

“What did you say?” Qin Wenzheng was startled and stood up abruptly. Given Qin Yan’s nature, he did not think she would lie to him.

Before Qin Wenzheng could recover from the shock of Shen Shiying’s imminent return, Qin Yan delivered another blow.

Qin Yan’s expression remained indifferent, her tone as cold as the weather outside, “When you leave, take my mother’s divorce papers with you.”

“I advise you not to make things difficult and create more trouble, as it will only make things worse for everyone.”

“As long as Prime Minister cooperates, I might consider the dowry for Qin Nian.”

“Uncle Huai, see off our guest.”

Qin Yan stood up and walked away with large strides.

When Qin Yan passed by Qin Wenzheng, he snapped out of his daze. Hurriedly turning around, he called after Qin Yan’s retreating figure, “Yan Yan…”

At this moment, Qin Wenzheng’s voice had lost the fatherly authority he had when he first arrived at the mansion and instead carried a tone of weary fatigue.

Meanwhile, the steward, Shen Huai, was inwardly delighted. Seeing the Prime Minister being so put in his place, he finally felt some relief.

“Prime Minister, please.”

Qin Wen Zheng remained rooted in place.

Shen Shiying was coming back?


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In the evening, after finishing dinner, Qin Yan wrapped herself in a thick white fox fur cloak and took a leisurely stroll in the garden to aid digestion.

Winter was approaching, and everything seemed particularly desolate and silent on this quiet night.

Qin Yan sighed inwardly. Back when Qin Wenzheng elevated Song Mei to the status of an equal wife, she sent Qin Wenzheng a green dress, symbolizing Song Mei.

Little did she expect that fate would turn things around so drastically. Now, even Miss Shen had given Qin Wenzheng such a significant green hat.

Qin Wenzheng had spent years painstakingly managing his career in the court to achieve his current success, but his own household was a mess. It was truly pitiable and sad…

If Qin Wenzheng were to learn about the identity of Miss Shen’s lover, one could only imagine his feelings.

At that moment, through the gnarled branches of an old plum tree that had yet to bud, Qin Yan saw a tall, imposing figure in dark attire approaching her.

Feng Zhan was dressed in a dark brocade robe embroidered with golden threads, his head adorned with a jade crown. He exuded the same commanding presence as always, showing none of the rumored decline of the disgraced prince.

When Qin Yan’s eyes met Feng Zhan’s deep black ones, she stopped in her tracks.

Feng Zhan continued forward, walking up to Qin Yan and naturally taking her hand, leading her back in the direction she had come from.

“It’s chilly at night. Shall we go back?” Feng Zhan’s voice was deep, yet sounded even richer.

Qin Yan’s hand was always cooler, but Feng Zhan’s warm and dry hand gave off a slight heat.

Qin Yan felt a bit exasperated. The Taizi was so familiar with her. Did he not remember that this was her mansion, not his mansion?


In the Princess Mansion, in the bathhouse, the tall and handsome man pinned the woman against the wall of the tub, holding her hands tightly to either side.

After a passionate kiss, the two slightly parted their lips, breathing heavily.

Qin Yan withdrew one of her hands, her fingers grazing Feng Zhan’s still water-drenched handsome profile. However, Feng Zhan immediately grasped her delicate hand.

A moment later, the angry voice of a woman was heard from outside the bathhouse.

“Feng Zhan!”

Followed by the deep, low laughter of a man.

Song Zhi…

Only the princess would dare call His Highness by his full name so directly.

However, it seemed that His Highness was not far from marrying the crown princess.

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