TCPCHW Chapter 89

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 89          Negotiations

On a drizzly evening, two neighboring mansions in the western suburbs of the capital city welcomed their masters back.

Qin Yan and Feng Zhan returned to their respective estates and immediately began to handle the various matters that had accumulated over the past month.

Although the arrival of the Taizi and his entourage in the capital was not overtly conspicuous, it was not deliberately hidden either.

Moreover, outside the Taizi Mansion, several eyeliners had been placed to gather intelligence about the inner workings of the Taizi Mansion. Consequently, the news of the Taizi’s return spread rapidly throughout the capital.

At the Imperial City, outside the Fengtian Gate, ministers waiting for the grand court meeting gathered in small groups, whispering among themselves.

“In recent days, the Empress Dowager has repeatedly pressured His Majesty to delegate power to the Second Prince. It seems the Empress Dowager is using the same strategy she applied to the Taizi to pave the way for the Second Prince.”

“Now, many officials in the court, including those in the six ministries and five courts, have openly or covertly aligned themselves with the Second Prince. I’ve even heard that the Empress Dowager of Shou’an Palace intends to have His Majesty change the heir.”

“Change the heir! The Taizi has only proven himself in the court and has no faults over the years. What reason could the Empress Dowager have to justify changing the heir?”

“Whether it’s a matter of merit or fault, it ultimately depends on the upper authority’s decision. Empress Dowager Xiao still holds considerable influence in the court, and His Majesty has been yielding to her, owing to his respect for his stepmother. The situation is quite grim.”

“Back then, when the Empress Dowager was regent, she prioritized state affairs and was highly praised when she returned power to His Majesty. But now, her involvement in politics seems to be causing disappointment.”

“With the Taizi safely returned to the capital, we wonder how he will approach his duties. If the Empress Dowager insists on continuing her actions, the court may soon see another wave of turmoil.”

“It’s better to retire gracefully. The Empress Dowager was wise throughout her life, but if she loses her reputation in her later years, it will be unseemly.”

Despite the concerns about the Taizi potentially reclaiming power, nothing of the sort occurred.

As soon as the morning court session began, a palace servant led Song Zhi to the gate of the Fengtian Hall.

Song Zhi entered the hall, paid his respects to the Emperor on the throne, and then announced loudly, “Your Majesty, His Highness Taizi, due to illness, has specifically tasked me with requesting Your Majesty’s permission to relieve him of his official duties so he can focus on his recovery. Please grant Your Majesty’s benevolence.”

The officials present in the hall were taken aback. Was the Taizi intending to withdraw from his duties and abandon his responsibilities?

Emperor Hui pondered for a moment and then consented.

“Li Fuquan, go to the Imperial Hospital and select some top-quality supplements to send to the Taizi Mansion. Inform the Taizi to rest well.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Li Fuquan replied with a bow.

However, Li Fuquan did not manage to enter the Taizi Mansion. This would become apparent later.

Li Fuquan only delivered the Emperor’s instructions and the supplements to the gate of the Taizi Mansion before being stopped by the Taizi’s guards. He never even saw the Taizi in person.

Similarly, the Chief Eunuch, Xia Ying from Shou’an Palace was also blocked at the gate of the Taizi Mansion.

The Empress Dowager had sent Xia Ying to request the Taizi to enter the palace, but he too could only return in frustration.


Shou’an Palace in Imperial City at Forbidden Palace.

As Xia Ying entered the east wing of the main hall in Shou’an Palace, Empress Dowager Xiao was reclining on the couch, her eyes closed. She rested her head on one hand while the other gently petted a white cat on her lap.

“Empress Dowager, I was unable to enter the Taizi Mansion. According to the guards there, His Highness Taizi claimed to be ill and refused to see any visitors,” Xia Ying reported.

Suddenly, a shrill scream pierced the air from the direction of the Empress Dowager. Xia Ying immediately looked up, only to see the white cat leaping off the Empress Dowager’s lap and darting towards the door.

Xia Ying quickly sidestepped to avoid the cat, who swiftly fled the room.

Xia Ying turned back, hurrying to the Empress Dowager’s side.

“Empress Dowager, are you hurt?”

Empress Dowager Xiao lifted her gaze and slowly started to rise but remained silent. Her hand, which had been holding a teacup, hesitated midway before moving.

A flash of anger appeared in her eyes. The ornate Ruyi teacup was abruptly thrown against the floor, shattering into pieces. The sharp sound of the porcelain breaking echoed through the hall.

Xia Ying understood immediately that the Empress Dowager was enraged by the Taizi’s actions.

Xia Ying promptly instructed the servants to clean up the broken pieces. After they had left, Xia Ying approached the Empress Dowager, gently massaging her shoulders.

“Empress Dowager, should I request the Taizi’s presence again?” Xia Ying asked softly.

“No need.” Empress Dowager Xiao raised a hand to press her fingers against her temple, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

“I intended only to give the Taizi a warning, but he has grown too confident and dared to play tricks with me.”

“If he wishes to resign, I shall fulfill his wish.”

Taking a sip of the freshly brewed tea that Xia Ying had prepared, Empress Dowager Xiao looked at the portrait of the late Emperor on the opposite wall.

After a moment, she asked, “Where is Feng Xian?”

Xia Ying bowed and replied, “The Second Prince has passed through the Yu Province and should be returning to the capital in the next few days.”

“I am tired.” Empress Dowager Xiao waved Xia Ying away and reclined on the embroidered couch to rest.

But with so many thoughts swirling in her mind, sleep was elusive.

Was her most valued heir now turning against her?

After Xia Ying left the warm hall, he immediately sent people to search for the Empress Dowager’s white cat. After a while, he found it behind a peony bush in the Shou’an Palace garden.

The cat was twisting its head and attempting to lick its neck. When Xia Ying picked it up, he noticed a deep red mark on its otherwise pure white fur—likely from the Empress Dowager’s armored glove.

Xia Ying sighed inwardly. Having served the Empress Dowager for many years, he knew her well.

The Empress Dowager, who had been powerful and assertive throughout her life, would never tolerate anything beyond her control.

How could she bear to relinquish power? She had only avoided the reputation of a “hen crowing at dawn” before.

But things rarely go as planned.

The Empress Dowager had miscalculated twice—once with the late Emperor in his later years, and now, with the Taizi.

But the Taizi was not like the late Emperor…


During the court session, numerous officials voiced their concerns over the grain reserves.

This year’s harvest was already poor, and the floods in Jiangnan had clogged some of the transport canals, causing the autumn grain that should have been stored in the capital to be delayed in arriving.

Additionally, various provinces were in urgent need of relief grain. With these multiple pressures, the Minister of Revenue, Du Xian, was overwhelmed.

The Emperor decreed that the Ministry of Revenue should forcibly seize surplus grain hoarded by wealthy families. This approach was even stricter than the previous practice set by the Taizi, which involved purchasing grain at the price set at the beginning of the year.

The Emperor also ordered the Ministry of Justice to impose severe penalties on those who hoarded grain and to thoroughly investigate all related individuals. Any officials found to be engaging in favoritism or covering up would be held accountable as well.

After the court session, Left Prime Minister Wang Xian and Right Prime Minister Qin Wenzheng went to the Ministry of Revenue to discuss the details of addressing the grain storage issues. In the evening hour, as Wang Xian and Qin Wenzheng left the Ministry, they encountered the Ministry of Justice official, Peng Du, at the entrance.

Seeing Prime Minister Qin Wenzheng exiting, Peng Du quickened his pace and approached him.

Peng Du bowed and greeted, “Prime Minister Wang, Prime Minister Qin.”

Because Left Prime Minister Wang Xian was present, Peng Du was hesitant to speak freely.

“Prime Minister Qin, may I have a word with you in private?” Peng Du’s expression was troubled, but the matter was indeed urgent.

Left Prime Minister Wang Xian immediately caught on, his tone half-sarcastic, “If Master Peng wishes to discuss private matters with Prime Minister Qin, this place may not be appropriate.”

“And if Lord Peng’s business with Prime Minister Qin is official, then there is no need to discuss it away from my presence.”

“Or perhaps, Lord Peng and Prime Minister Qin are conspiring privately? What underhanded dealings are you involved in?”

Qin Wenzheng, irritated, knew that Wang Xian seized every opportunity to criticize him. He had always been cautious in his actions and could not see why Peng Du would need to discuss anything in secret.

Qin Wenzheng firmly replied, “Lord Peng, if there is something to discuss, please say it here.”

Peng Du hesitated, but this was indeed a matter of public business. He decided to address it directly, “Sir, I need to trouble you to visit the Ministry of Justice.”


Upon hearing this, Wang Xian was somewhat surprised. Qin Wenzheng was known for his conservative stance and had never made a mistake in his years on the court. What had happened?

Qin Wenzheng’s expression darkened, and his tone grew colder, “Lord Peng, explain clearly.”

Peng Du hadn’t intended to discuss the following details in front of the Left Prime Minister, but since Qin Wenzheng had asked, he decided to proceed.

“Prime Minister, Fourth Master Qin, who manages the shops for Madam Qin, has privately hoarded a large quantity of grain. Given that Fourth Master Qin has served your household for many years, this is quite serious…”

“Prime Minister, we only need to ask him a few questions at the Ministry of Justice.”

Qin Wenzheng was taken aback. His fourth uncle?

Wasn’t his fourth uncle supposed to be managing the shops? How did this relate to hoarding grain?

Seeing Qin Wenzheng’s genuine surprise, Peng Du felt somewhat relieved. If Qin Wenzheng was unaware, the matter would be easier to handle.

“Please, Prime Minister, come with me to the Ministry of Justice. We have also sent another official to your residence to invite Madam Qin.”

Peng Du thought of another troubling matter and decided it was better to give Qin Wenzheng a heads-up.

“Prime Minister, one more thing. According to the Emperor’s decree, we must strictly investigate grain hoarders and their associates. As per the regulations, Madam Qin’s shops and estates must be sealed off until the case is resolved.”

“There is, however, a complication with the sealing.”

Qin Wenzheng’s expression changed. Sealing off the properties? How dare Peng Du?

Peng Du continued, “Yu Qingfeng, the leading bank in the Great Xia, is likely known to you.”

“Yu Qingfeng’s representatives have brought the property deeds and land contracts of the shops and estates under Madam Qin’s name. They also have a mortgage contract signed by Fourth Master Qin, which shows that Madam Qin authorized him to pledge the properties to Yu Qingfeng in exchange for fifty thousand taels of silver.”

“Now that Fourth Master Qin is missing and the debt has not been repaid, according to the contract, the properties will belong to Yu Qingfeng. The bank’s representatives have objections to the sealing of these shops. This makes the situation very difficult for me to handle.”

Qin Wenzheng was deeply shocked, nearly spitting out blood in his anger.

His fourth uncle had mortgaged the shops and estates to Yu Qingfeng!

What on earth had his fourth uncle been doing behind his back?


Standing nearby, the Left Prime Minister Wang Xian suddenly smiled and spoke, “Prime Minister Qin, you might consider discussing this with your eldest daughter, Princess Zhaoren. There may still be room for negotiation.”

Qin Wenzheng’s chest heaved with anger as he looked at Wang Xian, confused by his words.

Seeing Qin Wenzheng’s reaction, Wang Xian realized that the Prime Minister Qin must not have received the news yet. Wang Xian patiently clarified for his old rival on the political stage.

“It seems Prime Minister Qin might not have heard the news yet?”

“The behind-the-scenes owner of Yu Qingfeng is your eldest daughter, Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan.”

Qin Wenzheng’s eyes widened in shock. He staggered backward, clutching his chest and steadying himself against a nearby pillar.

The shops… Yu Qingfeng… Qin Yan…

Wang Xian continued in a leisurely manner, “And here’s another piece of news for you: the person behind Wen Luo, who previously targeted Madam Qin’s businesses, is also your eldest daughter, Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan.”

Wang Xian took a few steps closer, placing a hand on Qin Wenzheng’s shoulder, and sighed, “Prime Minister Qin, you should have a good talk with Princess Zhaoren. Clear up any misunderstandings. There’s no need for enmity between father and daughter, don’t you think?”

“Go with Lord Peng to the Ministry of Justice. I’m off to the Ministry of War.”

Wang Xian walked away, seemingly in high spirits.

Qin Wenzheng, however, remained silent and grim-faced until he got into the carriage. His mind was racing as he tried to piece together the implications. Qin Yan…

Qin Yan… truly is his good daughter!

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