TCPCHW Chapter 87

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 87          Falling into the Water

That night, Shen Shiying unapologetically took over the only bed in Qin Yan’s room. Of course, she generously invited Qin Yan to share the bed with her, claiming it was a chance for mother and daughter to have a heart-to-heart conversation.

Qin Yan, who had never been particularly demanding of herself, was uninterested in squeezing into the same bed with Shen Shiying and promptly declined.

“I’m not used to sharing a bed with someone else,” Qin Yan said, settling onto the nearby soft couch, preparing to make do for the night.

Though Shen Shiying felt a bit regretful that she couldn’t make up for the lost motherly love from the past decade, she realized her daughter was now grown up and no longer the five-year-old girl she once was. It was up to her.


Not used to sharing a bed?

“Have you never slept with the Taizi?” Shen Shiying suddenly asked.

Qin Yan’s eyelids twitched slightly but she chose not to respond to her mother, who was prone to saying whatever came to mind.

Throughout the night, Shen Shiying kept reminiscing about old acquaintances from the capital and kept chatting with Qin Yan, making it a restless night for both of them.

Similarly, two men, each cloaked in an aura of coldness, were also struggling to sleep soundly.

The two men were thinking the same thing: perhaps it wasn’t wise to have allowed the mother and daughter to meet.


The Next Day

The following morning, after Qin Yan and Shen Shiying had breakfast in the room, there were a few light knocks on the door. Shen Ying, who was waiting on them, went to open it, revealing a man with a dark expression standing outside.

Qin Yan glanced at Shen Shiying, then got up and went to the door. She looked back at Shen Shiying and said, with a hint of indifference:

“You two should move to another place.”

At this, both Shen Shiying and the cold-faced man at the door felt a bit awkward.

Yesterday’s situation was special; otherwise, they wouldn’t have behaved so recklessly in front of the younger generation. And how could they be in the daughter’s room today…

Qin Yan left and headed toward the ship’s bow, intending to inquire about the Taizi’s schedule. However, she found herself blocked at the Taizi’s door.

A strange woman was blocking her way.

As Qin Yan arrived at Feng Zhan’s door, Song Zhi and the woman carrying a tray with medicine bottles and bandages emerged.

Seeing Qin Yan, Song Zhi immediately bowed.


Qin Yan nodded, her gaze falling on the woman behind Song Zhi.

Tang Wan held the tray with one hand and closed the door with the other, then turned to look at Qin Yan coldly.

It was rare for the princess to come seeking the Taizi. Song Zhi felt somewhat relieved for the Crown Prince, thinking that the princess might be concerned about him.

“The Taizi…” Song Zhi began, but Tang Wan interrupted.

“The Taizi needs to rest in peace and quiet, and cannot be disturbed.”

Tang Wan’s tone was rather blunt, causing Song Zhi to feel a chill in her heart.

Song Zhi looked at the princess, noticing her slightly raised eyebrows, and then she turned and left. Song Zhi’s heart tightened even more.

Oh no, this is bad.

“Princess, Tang Wan’s personality is like this. She speaks too directly. The Taizi… Princess, Princess…” Song Zhi hurried after her but was stopped by Shen Ying’s sharp glare and couldn’t follow further.

Song Zhi’s brows furrowed in worry, hoping no more issues would arise…

However, the Taizi indeed needed rest, and it seemed he hadn’t slept well last night.

Turning back, Song Zhi saw Tang Wan still standing there calmly. Song Zhi spoke in a more serious tone.

“Tang Wan, the Taizi treats Princess Zhao Ren differently. This princess might one day become the mistress of the Taizi Mansion, so you must not offend her.”

Tang Wan, hearing this, coldly curled her lips. The mistress of the Taizi Mansion?

“The Taizi indeed needs rest. I added a sedative to the medicine I prepared for him. He should sleep very well now. As subordinates, shouldn’t we prioritize the Taizi’s health?” Tang Wan spoke with an air of justification, unaware of any wrongdoing in her actions.

Song Zhi’s face changed dramatically, and he spoke coldly, “Tang Wan, who gave you permission to change Taizi’s medicine? You’ve committed a serious offense.”

Tang Wan remained silent, showing no sign of regret for her actions.

Song Zhi felt disappointment and regret for her oversight, “The Taizi’s condition has been improving, and the poison is almost cleared. You need to go to Sanhe Town immediately. Otherwise, you’ll know the consequences of angering the Crown Prince.”

Tang Wan resisted, “When we were in Shuobei…”

Song Zhi interrupted sharply.

“Tang Wan, remember, we are mere subordinates and should not interfere in the Taizi’s private matters. Do not overstep.”

Song Zhi’s eyes narrowed. If Tang Wan had inappropriate feelings for the Taizi, should she take some action herself?

“Immediately arrange for Tang Wan to go to Sanhe Town,” Song Zhi instructed her guards, then said to Tang Wan, “Remember, do not reveal that you are from the Taizi Mansion, and do not disclose any information about the Taizi.”

Tang Wan’s expression darkened. Due to her background in the Medicine King Valley and her exceptional medical skills, Song Zhi had never spoken to her this way before. But today…

Because of that princess?

Tang Wan turned and left, her heart growing cold.

Just a subordinate, huh…


When Feng Zhan woke up, it seemed he had been asleep for a long time. He lightly pinched the bridge of his nose, his brow furrowed deeply.


Song Zhi responded and entered, “Your Highness.”

Feng Zhan instructed Song Zhi to help him change clothes, “What time is it now?”

Song Zhi hesitated slightly, “Your Highness, it is noon.”

Feng Zhan lifted his gaze to look at Song Zhi, his eyes cold and sharp.

Song Zhi’s heart sank. He could not conceal the matter.

“Your Highness, Tang Wan added a calming substance to your medicinal brew…”

Feng Zhan’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

Song Zhi continued, “Princess came by earlier, but seeing that you were resting, she left.”

The coldness in Feng Zhan’s eyes did not dissipate with Song Zhi’s report about Qin Yan.

“Tang Wan took the liberty to add a calming substance to my medicine, and you didn’t notice?”

Song Zhi had no excuse; it was his oversight.

Feng Zhan spoke coldly, “After Sanhe Town, Tang Wan will be punished with twenty sticks, and the same goes for you. Leave immediately.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Song Zhi accepted the command.


When Feng Zhan left his room, the mist over the river had dissipated. He strode towards Qin Yan’s room, and from the open door, he saw three people seated inside, drinking tea.

When Qin Yan looked up and saw him, she casually withdrew her gaze. Feng Zhan, keenly perceptive, sensed that something was amiss.

What displeasure does she have with him now?

Feng Zhan entered the room and sat next to Qin Yan. He looked at her, but she merely lowered her eyes and continued drinking her tea, not giving him another glance.

Confused, Feng Zhan addressed the matter directly, “We will depart for the capital today.”

Shen Shiying smiled slightly, “Your Highness, may we take a boat?”

Feng Zhan narrowed his eyes. His movements needed to remain undisclosed, and he hadn’t planned on allowing these people to board. Therefore, he didn’t avoid the topic with them.

The man beside Shen Shiying, who was taciturn, had an unsightly expression.

If this mother and daughter stayed together, would he still get to enjoy a warm bed?

Feng Zhan replied coolly, “Yes.”

Qin Yan was not curious about Feng Zhan’s actions. Instead, she was somewhat wary of the man next to her mother. This man was not simple.

What has her mother been through in these years?


As the boat began its journey downstream, passing Yangzhou and reaching the estuary, the group transferred to a larger sea vessel, accompanied by two other ships of similar size.

Qin Yan asked Feng Zhan, “Are we returning to the capital by sea?”

Feng Zhan nodded.

Noticing the large character “Ji” on the sail, Shen Shiying raised an eyebrow and asked, “Is this the Ji family’s ship?”

Feng Zhan did not respond. Shen Shiying pressed further, “What is your relationship with Madam Ji Qi?”

Song Zhi, feeling a jolt of alarm, immediately interjected to Qin Yan, “Your Highness, Madam Ji Qi is in her forties and has a son around the same age as His Highness.”

Song Zhi thought to himself that he was truly concerned for His Highness’s lifelong happiness.

Qin Yan was well aware of Madam Ji Qi, the foremost of the three major maritime merchants in the Great Xia. Her influence was so vast that it surpassed the combined influence of the second and third-largest families.

Madam Ji Qi was more famous not for her commercial talent but for her personal affairs.

In her youth, she had a child out of wedlock, and the identity of the child’s father remained a mystery. Some speculated it was a pirate, others guessed it was a foreigner, and some thought it might be a powerful figure from the capital. However, Madam Ji Qi had never disclosed any details, and her son was rarely seen in public.

She was indeed a remarkable woman.

Receiving a look of approval from His Highness, Song Zhi felt that the twenty lashes he had received were not so painful after all.


Qin Yan’s room continued to be arranged next to Feng Zhan’s, while Shen Shiying and the man accompanying her each had their own rooms.

Over the past few days, Shen Shiying had been almost inseparable from Qin Yan. The mother and daughter talked endlessly, spending their days reading books together, which was their way of making up for the lost years.

The two men, however, were less pleased. Their beds felt cold and unwelcoming.

On the sea, the weather could change abruptly. That evening, dark clouds began to loom low in the sky, and the situation grew increasingly dire. The sailors prepared for the worst, but with the surrounding conditions being what they were, they couldn’t deviate too far from their course to avoid the storm; they could only hope the situation wouldn’t become too severe.

Unfortunately, their hopes were dashed. Soon, a fierce gale and massive waves surged over the sea. Torrential rain pelted down in pea-sized droplets, and the ship was tossed violently, rising and falling rapidly. The vessel tilted sharply, but fortunately, the Ji family’s ship was well-constructed to withstand such harsh weather. Still, the crew and passengers were kept extremely busy managing the chaos.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

As the ship began to sway violently, Qin Yan and Shen Shiying exited their cabin. In such conditions, being thrown into the water was better than being trapped inside if the ship were to capsize. However, the wind and waves outside were so fierce that people were frequently thrown into the water. Fortunately, everyone on board was skilled in swimming and well-prepared, so the overboard individuals would soon be rescued.

Qin Yan was particularly sensitive to the cold and found it even more challenging to endure such weather. Shen Ying stood by her side, trying to shield her as best as possible. But a massive wave still managed to knock Qin Yan off the tilting ship.

“Yan Yan!”


The urgent cries made Feng Zhan, who had just finished listening to Song Zhi’s report on the crew’s assessment, spin around. He saw Qin Yan flying off the ship and immediately acted without hesitation. He took several quick strides, overtaking Shen Ying, and leapt overboard towards Qin Yan.

Qin Yan had mentally prepared herself for falling into the water and had managed to stay calm. When she saw the dark figure diving toward her, she was momentarily stunned.

At such speed, Feng Zhan must not have given it much thought, right? Given his esteemed position, he could have chosen not to risk jumping into the water to save her?

As she touched the water with her back, Qin Yan held her breath and allowed herself to sink into the churning sea. Shortly after, a tall figure was in front of her, also submerged.

The man’s arms wrapped around her waist, and his handsome face was pressed close to hers. Qin Yan felt a sense of reassurance and calm, losing the initial panic of falling into the water.

At this moment, Qin Yan’s mind flashes back to her childhood when she had fallen into Taiye pool and was rescued from the bottom by Xie Changyuan. Though the memory was somewhat hazy, she recalled his cool, narrow eyes at the pool’s bottom…

The memory had been long buried, and she had never recalled it before. Perhaps the current situation had triggered these old memories…

Wait a minute…

Xie Changyuan’s eye shape…

At that moment, the two of them surfaced, and a rope was thrown from the ship nearby.

Feng Zhan grasped one end of the rope with one hand while holding Qin Yan’s slender waist tightly with the other.

Meanwhile, on the ship, Shen Shiying and the silent man quickly pulled the rope, helping the two floating figures back onto the deck.

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Bottom of Form


At this point, the wind and rain had begun to lessen, and the ship stabilized. Everyone on board breathed a sigh of relief.

After Qin Yan was brought back onto the ship, Feng Zhan picked her up and carried her to her cabin.

Inside the room, Feng Zhan stripped Qin Yan of her wet clothes, leaving not a single piece of fabric behind. He then undressed himself and, holding Qin Yan, lay down on the bed. He wrapped them both in a thick, plush blanket.

Under the blanket, Feng Zhan held Qin Yan closely, his large hand continually stroking her cold, graceful body. His touch was devoid of any romantic intention; he was simply warming her.

After a moment, Qin Yan looked up and asked, “Does Your Highness know that I fell into Taiye Pool when I was young?”

Feng Zhan’s hand paused. Did Xie Changyuan not tell Qin Yan that he had rescued her?

Feng Zhan was about to respond when Song Zhi spoke from outside the door, “Your Highness, the ship has left the rain zone, and there is no damage to the vessel. We can continue our journey.”

Feng Zhan frowned and swallowed the words he was about to say.

Song Zhi outside the door…

Perhaps he had come at an inopportune time…

As Feng Zhan was preparing to speak again, Qin Yan had already buried her head in his chest, seeking warmth and comfort, rubbing against him.

“Your Highness, do you often enjoy rescuing people?”

Feng Zhan…

What does that mean?

Rescuing people often?

Feng Zhan immediately thought of the incident in the palace involving the Imperial Concubine Ning.

He sighed inwardly. This woman, she remembered the wrong things.

With no further interest in conversation, they merely held each other for warmth, skipping dinner. The night passed in this manner, and it was the first time they had slept together on the same bed for the entire night.

———–Top of Form

Bottom of Form

The next day, after Qin Yan and Feng Zhan each had a bowl of ginger soup, Qin Yan was summoned by Shen Shiying.

In Qin Yan’s room, Shen Shiying was far more serious than before.

“Yan Yan, I saw clearly last night when you fell into the water. The Taizi treated you well.”

“You might worry that people’s hearts can change, but who can predict the future?”

“If we disregard present joy due to possible future disappointments, isn’t life too dull?”

“Perhaps you are concerned about the complexities of the imperial family, but given your current situation, it wouldn’t be difficult to leave yourself an escape route.”

“I, too, had many concerns in the past. I chose your father in the end, but as you can see, even an ordinary family is not without its troubles. How much simpler could it be?”

Qin Yan did not respond to Shen Shiying’s words. Instead, she brought up another topic, “Mother, who is that man?”

Shen Shiying was caught off guard by Qin Yan’s shift in topic. Had her daughter become too calm and detached?

Forget it, it’s their young people’s concern.

Shen Shiying dipped her bright red-tinted fingertip into the tea and wrote two characters on the table in front of them.

Qin Yan frowned and spoke with a rather cold tone, “Don’t tell me it’s that person?”

Shen Shiying poured herself another cup of tea and took a small sip, not responding.

Qin Yan’s eyes narrowed. If her guess was correct, Miss Shen, have you been playing with fire?

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