TCPCHW Chapter 85

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 85          Which Move

At Sanhe Town in Yangzhou City.

The entrances and exits of Sanhe Town were tightly guarded by soldiers. Outside the eastern gate, Minister of War, Chen Xun, and the Perfect of Yangzhou, Lin Hui, stood solemnly on either side of a map-covered table within the main tent. The atmosphere inside was particularly tense.

“Your Excellency, Princess Zhaoren has arrived outside the camp,” a subordinate’s voice sounded from outside the tent.

Chen Xun and Lin Hui both looked up, though their thoughts were vastly different.

From what Lin Hui knew, Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan, was the eldest daughter of the Right Prime Minister, but her relationship with the Prime Minister Mansion was strained. Moreover, the Princess had a close connection with the Taizi, who was now on the verge of losing power. Lin Hui, therefore, had little patience left for this princess.

Just as Lin Hui was about to dismiss the princess, Chen Xun spoke first, “Please, bring her in.”

Lin Hui swallowed the words he was about to say. His position was not yet secure, and he couldn’t afford to offend the minister from the capital.

Chen Xun, however, didn’t wait inside the tent for Princess Zhaoren. After a moment of thought, he stepped out to meet her.

Lin Hui frowned. This princess really knows how to stir things up. Isn’t she just making things more complicated? But she was, after all, a noble, so Lin Hui quickly followed Chen Xun outside.

A few months ago, Chen Xun had been sent by the Emperor to the northwest to take over affairs at Xiaoguan and also to take charge of Gu City from the former city lord.

That former city lord had left a deep impression on Chen Xun.

Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan—few knew of her identity as the lord of Gu City. Even Chen Xun had been extremely surprised when he first found out.

As the Minister of War, Chen Xun understood better than most the strategic importance of Gu City, as well as the complex environment and population within the city. For someone to have taken control of Gu City, cleared out the tangled web of factions within, and turned it into a crucial military outpost for the Great Xia army, the city lord’s capabilities and influence were evident.

And the arrangement for Gu City had come directly from the Emperor. Regardless of the relationship between the Princess and the Taizi, it was an undeniable fact that she was favored at court. Chen Xun dared not show any negligence.

Chen Xun arrived at the entrance of the camp and immediately recognized the stunning woman in a frost-white robe standing not far away—Princess Zhaoren.

This was the first time Chen Xun had formally interacted with the city lord since his time in the northwest.

“Princess Zhaoren,” Chen Xun said, carefully controlling his tone, aware that the Emperor had not authorized them to disclose her true identity.

Qin Yan turned around slowly.

“Minister Chen,” Qin Yan’s memory was exceptional, almost photographic. She didn’t have the habit of putting on airs.

Chen Xun was slightly flattered that such a distinguished person would remember him.

However, He Xiao, who had followed Chen Xun, was puzzled by the interaction between the two. These were two people who should have had nothing to do with each other, yet how did they know each other?


At that moment, a commotion broke out near the city gate.

“I won’t leave, I won’t leave, let go of me…”

The camp wasn’t large, and it was located close enough to the city gate that the situation there was clearly visible from where they stood.

Yangzhou Perfect Lin Hui quickly stepped forward, stopping about seven or eight zhang (around 20 meters) from the gate.

“Lord Qin…” Lin Hui addressed the man being dragged out by two soldiers, his arms held tightly.

“Don’t come any closer! If I catch the plague too, let me stay here and oversee the dam repairs. Let me go…”

Lin Hui, out of respect for the Right Prime Minister Qin Wenzheng, had intended to offer his brother, the Vice Minister Qin Wenxuan, special permission to leave Sanhe Town. He thought to gain favor with the Prime Minister Mansion, but he hadn’t expected this stubborn reaction from Lord Qin.

“Lord Qin…” Lin Hui tried to persuade him again, but was interrupted once more.

“Minister Chen, Minister Chen…” Qin Wenxuan recognized the Minister of War, Chen Xun.

As he spotted the woman behind Chen Xun, Qin Wenxuan’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Qin Yan? Are you Qin Yan?”

“Qin Yan, you’re a princess. Tell Lord Lin’s men to stop; I won’t leave.”

Qin Yan looked calmly at her second uncle, still struggling desperately, and spoke in a cold tone.

“Has anyone else come out from inside?”

“No, Your Highness,” Chen Xun immediately replied.

Qin Yan let out a light scoff.

“Then why was Lord Qin the only one brought out?”

Lin Hui, feeling displeased, turned to respond, “It’s because this is the Right Prime Minister Mansion…”

“So, who gets to live and who has to stay and face death—was that your decision?” Qin Yan’s voice was sharp, laced with a hint of mockery.

Lin Hui fell silent, unable to respond.

Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Qin Wenxuan broke free from the soldiers holding him and dashed back toward the city gate.

“Lord Qin…” Lin Hui called out loudly after him, but since Chen Xun didn’t give any orders to stop him, Qin Wenxuan quickly disappeared back into the city gate.


Qin Yan turned to Chen Xun and asked, “Minister Chen, what is the current situation in Sanhe Town?”

Lin Hui had just returned and overheard her question. He believed that the affairs of Sanhe Town were not matters a woman should be involved in. Before he could voice his objection, Chen Xun responded promptly, “Sanhe Town is severely affected by floods, and the plague has only begun to appear in a few neighboring villages. Thankfully, it hasn’t spread widely yet. There are only a few medical officers in the city, but most of them are unwilling to treat the plague victims. His Highness Taizi is still inside, searching, but there has been no sign of him so far.”

Lin Hui was growing increasingly frustrated with Chen Xun’s willingness to entertain Qin Yan’s questions, especially when they had so many pressing matters to attend to. However, Qin Yan’s next instructions pushed Lin Hui to the brink of anger.

With a calm voice, Qin Yan ordered, “Ensure that all exits of Sanhe Town are strictly guarded. Also, send people to investigate the nearby villages for any signs of illness similar to the plague in Sanhe Town. We must contain the disease and prevent it from spreading.”

“My people need to enter the town. Please cooperate with them, Minister Chen.”

Lin Hui immediately objected, raising his voice, “This is against the regulations!”

Chen Xun, however, ignored Lin Hui and bowed to Qin Yan. “I will fully cooperate with Princess Zhaoren.”

Lin Hui was incredulous. Over the past few days, Chen Xun had not seemed like someone who couldn’t discern priorities. Yet, here he was, deferring to Qin Yan, a mere woman.

“Minister Chen, this is—”

“Mr. Ji,” Qin Yan called, signaling Ji Nanfeng to step forward. She then introduced him to Chen Xun. “Minister Chen, this is Mr. Ji, one of my people. He will assist in managing the situation in Sanhe Town.”

Ji Nanfeng bowed to Chen Xun and said, “Minister Chen, my surname is Ji. I have some knowledge of medicine. Here are thirty physicians from various medical halls in Yangzhou City who will join me in entering Sanhe Town to treat the plague victims.”

“Yu Qingfeng will also deliver food, clean water, and medicinal supplies to Sanhe Town daily. We would appreciate your cooperation, Minister Chen.”

Chen Xun felt a sense of relief. Cooperation? He was more than eager to have such generous support. Bowing back to Ji Nanfeng, he replied, “Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Ji.”

Lin Hui was at a loss for words. With Qin Yan sending people, medicine, and food supplies, he had no grounds to object. This princess was clearly doing all this to save the Taizi.

Qin Yan added one more thing to Chen Xun, “If the plague cannot be contained, you must immediately report to the capital and request the Imperial Medical Academy to send reinforcements.”

“Understood, Princess,” Chen Xun replied without hesitation.

Lin Hui was astonished by Chen Xun’s compliant attitude, wondering why he was allowing a woman to take charge like this.

Ji Nanfeng then ordered his men to set up a camp for his master outside the main camp. He, along with the guards, physicians, and supplies, proceeded into Sanhe Town.


Chen Xun’s attitude towards Qin Yan left He Xiao deeply puzzled. Later that night, after reporting his duties in Chen Xun’s tent, He Xiao couldn’t help but ask, “Minister Chen, why are you so accommodating to Princess Zhaoren’s requests?”

Chen Xun paused at the question. He was aware that He Xiao was close to Shizi Xie of the Marquis of Yongding, Qin Yan’s former fiancé. The story of Shizi Xie publicly breaking off the engagement at the city gate had circulated widely among their colleagues. It seemed that the former couple did not part on good terms.

Chen Xun had a good relationship with He Xiao’s father, Minister of War He Yanming. He Xiao, however, had a tendency to act impulsively and displayed some of the habits typical of a young noble. Chen Xun didn’t want He Xiao to offend Qin Yan because of his friendship with Shizi Xie.

After a moment of consideration, Chen Xun decided to give He Xiao some advice. “Princess Zhaoren was once the Lord of Gu City.”

He Xiao was stunned. He had some suspicions related to Qin Yan’s family background, but he never imagined this. And Chen Xun’s words were certainly not a lie.

No wonder. No wonder a woman who was sent to the remote western border at the age of five would return to the capital with such strength and capability, earning the emperor’s favor and being granted the title of Princess Zhaoren. It wasn’t just because Qin Yan had presented the emperor with a mere horse farm.

A horse farm… Of course, if Qin Yan had the ability to manage Gu City in the northwest, having a horse farm was hardly surprising.

He Xiao was both impressed and regretful. He couldn’t help but think of Shizi Xie.

Shizi Xie, your former fiancée not only has unparalleled beauty and a prestigious family background, but she also possesses such extraordinary skills and capability…

Xie Shizi, do you even realize what you missed out on with that casual remark of breaking the engagement at the city gate?


At that moment, on a boat anchored by a tributary of the Qingjiang River, Feng Zhan sat with his eyes closed, shirtless, and with his left arm wrapped in bandages. He sat on the edge of a couch, legs spread apart, his posture tense.

Song Zhi entered the room, his voice respectful as he spoke, “Your Highness, Tang Wan has arrived from Lingnan. She requests permission to tend to the poison in your arrow wound before heading to Sanhe Town.”

Just as Song Zhi finished speaking, a voice from outside interrupted, “Please halt.”

Song Zhi immediately stepped outside, returning shortly with a slight urgency in his voice.

“Your Highness, it’s that young lady.”


A few evenings ago, in Sanhe Town, Taizi Feng Zhan took the opportunity to inspect a section of the riverbank during a break when the workers had left the dike for rest.

As the mist began to rise along the river, Feng Zhan sensed a probing gaze from behind. Instinctively, he turned and saw a man and a woman standing on the other end of the dike. The woman caught his attention instantly—she bore a striking resemblance to Qin Yan but appeared older, perhaps in her late twenties.

In that moment of distraction, a sharp arrow suddenly shot out from the mist, grazing Feng Zhan’s arm. Song Zhi including the Taizi Mansion’s guards and secret guards immediately rushed forward to shield him as assassins emerged from multiple directions.

Feng Zhan’s eyes remained fixed on the woman, who, along with the man beside her, was also protected by a group of black-clad guards now clashing with the assassins.

The mist thickened, and the scent of blood grew stronger on the riverbank. Feng Zhan scrutinized the woman’s features—though she resembled Qin Yan, she was indeed older, sparking a suspicion in his mind. Could this be the reason Qin Yan had so readily agreed to head to Jiangnan?

In a matter of moments, the assassins were defeated by the skilled secret guards of the Taizi Mansion and the equally formidable black-clad guards of the mysterious pair.

Surveying the scene, Song Zhi reported to the Taizi, “Your Highness, these are not our people.”

However, Feng Zhan’s gaze was already locked on the couple, and he gave a terse command, “Detain them.”

The black-clad guards surrounding the couple immediately closed ranks, creating a tense standoff with the Taizi’s men. The woman, however, smiled at the man beside her.

“Let’s go with them for once,” she said calmly.

The man frowned but eventually relented with a sigh, “As you wish.”

With that, the Taizi left some of his guards to secure the area, and both groups boarded a boat that had slowly approached the shore. Together, they sailed down the river, leaving Sanhe Town behind.


On the boat, Feng Zhan dressed himself as Song Zhi exited the room and invited the guests in.

“Please,” Song Zhi said, stepping aside as a man and a woman entered.

The man appeared to be in his mid-thirties, with sharp features and an imposing presence, clearly someone accustomed to authority. The woman, with her striking beauty and mature charm, carried herself with confidence.

Before Feng Zhan could speak, the two seated themselves at a round table in the room. The woman glanced at Feng Zhan, whose expression was stern, and then smiled meaningfully before speaking.

“How far have you and Yan Yan gone?” she asked, her tone laced with subtle amusement.

Feng Zhan narrowed his eyes slightly, choosing not to respond.

The woman chuckled softly. “I am Yan Yan’s mother, Shen Shiying.”

Her words confirmed the suspicions Feng Zhan had harbored earlier. He paused briefly before addressing her, “Young Lady Shen.”

Shen Shiying seemed pleased with the respectful address, glad that he hadn’t referred to her as “Madam Qin.”

Just then, a guard’s voice sounded from outside.

“Master Song, news from Sanhe Town.”

Song Zhi immediately stepped out to receive the message, returning with a more serious expression.

“Your Highness, Princess Zhaoren has gone to Sanhe Town.”

The atmosphere in the room grew noticeably colder.

Song Zhi, however, felt a twinge of relief. Could it be that the princess had finally acknowledged her true feelings and was going to find His Highness?

Feng Zhan’s eyes flashed with a sharp, icy determination. “Prepare my horse.”

Song Zhi’s brief moment of delight dissipated as he quickly understood the gravity of the situation.

“Your Highness, it would be better to send the secret guards or even myself. If your presence is discovered, all our efforts will be in vain. Besides, your injury—”

“Prepare my horse,” Feng Zhan interrupted coldly. “If you go, she won’t believe that I am safe.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Song Zhi replied, knowing better than to argue further. When His Highness made a decision, it was final.

Feng Zhan stood up and strode out of the room, but just as he reached the door, Shen Shiying’s voice floated over, slowly and deliberately.

“Yan Yan might not be going there to find you.”

Feng Zhan shot her a cold, piercing glance—just one—before leaving without a word.


“What a cold-hearted person,” Shen Shiying remarked, watching Feng Zhan’s departing figure. She then turned to the man beside her and said, “I need to leave for a while.”

The man took Shen Shiying’s hand and gently kneaded it, saying, “Let the young man handle it. It’s their business.”

Shen Shiying hesitated… Is this the right thing to do? Perhaps Yan Yan really went there to find her.

When the Taizi left Sanhe Town that day, it seemed like he was going along with the plan, but now he’s risking his life to return for Yan Yan?

She wondered whether the Taizi was merely putting on a show for her or if he truly cared for Yan Yan so deeply.


As Fei Zhan rode towards Sanhe Town, his mind rapidly sorted through the situation.

Shen Shiying was still alive, and it seemed she was in contact with Qin Yan. But why did Shen Shiying abandon her five-year-old daughter when she was attacked back then? What could have made her leave?

There could only be one reason that would make someone like Shen Shiying hesitant—something related to the imperial family.

Was the attack related to them? Among those who could have caused such concern, few were from the imperial family. Given the Emperor’s attitude toward Qin Yan, it didn’t seem to be him. So, the only one left was the Empress Dowager.


By the time it was the hour of the pig (around 9-11 PM), Qin Yan was still awake outside of Sanhe Town. She was reclining on her bed, holding an idle book in her hands, but she hadn’t read a single word.

Suddenly, Qin Yan sensed something was off. It was too quiet outside. She narrowed her eyes, looking toward the tent’s entrance.

Abruptly, a tall shadow entered. The figure was dressed in black nightwear, with a veil covering his face, but his imposing aura felt familiar to Qin Yan. The man took a few steps closer, pulled down the face cover, then quickly walked over to Qin Yan. He wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her forcefully into his embrace.

Qin Yan was momentarily startled, but soon, the man’s strong kiss descended upon her. Qin Yan closed her eyes, tilting her head back in response.

The kiss was intense and passionate. Feng Zhan pressed Qin Yan tightly against him, gripping her as if to vent all the emotions he had been suppressing during their time apart.

When the kiss finally ended, their lips slowly parted.

Qin Yan looked up, gasping for air, while Feng Zhan’s eyes were tinged with red, staring intently at the woman in his arms. It wasn’t nearly enough for him.

Outside, Song Zhi suddenly spoke in a low voice, “Your Highness, it’s time to leave.”

Feng Zhan’s chest heaved as he tried to calm his racing heart, “Come with me.”

Qin Yan’s expression instantly cleared, “I still have things to do.”

Feng Zhan understood what Qin Yan was concerned about, “I’ve arranged for people to go to Sanhe Town.”

“Your mother is no longer in the town.”

Qin Yan suddenly looked up. Feng Zhan knew?

Fei Zhan gently stroked Qin Yan’s head, coaxing her softly, “Be good, I’ll take you to see her.”

Without further hesitation, Qin Yan put on her cloak, left the tent with Feng Zhan, mounted a horse, and rode away swiftly.

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